blood record

Chapter 43

"Look, look, that Yang Yi's ranking has risen again."

"No. 30, Fu Lve Ying's name disappeared, that is to say, he died, and Yang Yi's name rose again. It's so powerful, even Fu Lve Ying can be killed. I'm afraid the tenth district can win the victory. This suddenly popped up. Of Yang Yi's people, there is only Bai Yi."

"Look, Yang Yi's ranking has risen to 29th. That's amazing. Can't all the top [-] monks become official disciples of Hualong Palace? Why is this Yang Yi still killing people?"

"Hmph, what's so strange, haven't you seen that Bai Yi, who is ranked first in the world, is also killing all the time? It is rumored that Bai Yi has always killed ou and obtained jng blood for cultivation. I am afraid this Yang Yi is also like this. Tsk tsk, it will be difficult for them to cultivate to a higher level in the future, and stealing by stealth is not the right way after all."

Many people are discussing, and almost everyone's eyes are focused on the name of Yang Yi in the tenth area. It is because Yang Yi is almost like an invisible person, and almost all the monks have never heard of it. However, it popped up so abruptly.And it was even more ferocious. In the last two days, it went directly from tens of thousands to 97th, and then went all the way up to 29th. [

People are always very interested in unknown things, and Yang Yi's mystery makes them all talk about it.

Brother and sister Liu Yun were also staring at the ranking above. Seeing that Yang Yi's ranking had risen again, even Liu Yun was moved.

However, Liu Yun frowned slightly, shook his head, and said in a low voice: "Brother Yang is too popular, and it is not a good thing. It is rumored that in the tenth area, Bai Yi, who is currently ranked first, is the master. The only son of Mo Tianzhu, the top master in the game. And this Bai Yi is a terrifyingly powerful person, and the general blood coagulation five layers can't control him, if we meet Bai Yi, I'm afraid Brother Yang will be in danger!"

However, Liu Jing curled her lips, her eyes sparkled with excitement and said, "Brother, don't you trust Yang Yi anymore? I'm afraid he has more abilities than that. If Bai Yi meets Yang Yi, who will live and who will die?" Not sure yet."

Liu Yun shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "What do you know? If Brother Yang really has the means to kill Bai Yi, then it will be really troublesome."

"Oh? What's the trouble? Could it be that Lord Namo dared to kill Yang Yi? Bro, Yang Yi is going to enter Hualong Palace and become an official disciple of Hualong Palace. Even the Lord is determined not to kill the disciples of Hualong Palace." Liu Jing is very clear about these basic common sense.

"Hmph, what do you know? Of course ordinary masters dare not kill the disciples of Hualong Palace, but Namo Tianzhu is not an ordinary master. It has long been rumored that he has reached the ninth level of blood coagulation 50 years ago, and he has reached the peak of the golden core. Waiting for the golden core to transform into form, the blood to manifest, the true source of the blood to appear, and achieve the state of transformation. No matter how talented Yang Yi is, he has become a disciple of the Dragon Palace, how can he provoke a master of transformation?"

After Liu Yun's analysis, Liu Jing also pondered, and muttered: "How can it be so easy? If the transformation is so easy to break through, then there are not only dozens of transformation masters in Hualong Palace, and Yang Yi is not I will definitely be able to meet that Bai Yi. Brother, there is still more than a day, Yang Yi will be fine."

"I hope so." Liu Yun sighed slightly.

Yang Yi's changes are really astonishing. This little-known character has reached the sky in one step and has become famous all over the world.

Bai Liefeng, the master of Qingyang Mansion, could no longer hold his breath. His face was livid, he stood up abruptly, and quickly walked to the high place where the masters of Hualong Palace were sitting.

Bai Liefeng walked up to a majestic old man, knelt down and said, "The tenth generation grandson of the Bai family, Bai Liefeng, pays his respects to the ancestor."

This majestic old man, wearing a purple crown on his head, with a childlike face and white hair, looked extremely energetic, and he turned out to be Bai Zhantian, the ancestor of Bai Liefeng, probably hundreds of thousands of years old at least.

However, if you look carefully at this old man, you will know that he has reached the ninth level of blood coagulation, and his blood is condensed. Years are no problem.

You know, from the sixth level of blood coagulation to open up the blood vessels of the whole body, the subsequent seventh level of blood coagulation is to condense all the blood in the whole body, and slowly condense it into a pill. From virtuality to reality, this is the eightfold real pill.

From the real elixir of the eighth level of blood coagulation to the golden elixir of the ninth level of blood clotting, this step is extremely difficult. The true source of blood has become the existence of transformation.

Such a character, at the blood coagulation nine-layer golden core state, even in Hualong Palace, is a terrifying existence with real power.

With a majestic face, Bai Zhantian said indifferently: "Bai Liefeng, get up, what's the matter?"

But Bai Liefeng refused to get up, knocked his head fiercely, and said sadly: "The unworthy descendants are ashamed of their ancestors!"

Bai Zhantian also sensed an unusual meaning, and said coldly: "Quickly tell me, what's going on? Does anyone dare to deceive me?"

A terrifying coercion permeated the air in an instant, and the expressions of the monks around Bai Zhantian changed, as if their hearts were being pressed against a boulder, they all looked at Bai Zhantian in horror.

Bai Liefeng naturally also felt the coercion. After thinking about it, he seemed to have made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's all my beast. If he is not strong enough, he will be killed if he is killed. The body binding technique, the family heirloom of my hundred families, has been lost."

Bai Zhantian's expression changed in an instant, and the terrifying pressure suddenly doubled. He stood up abruptly and said, "What? I lost it! Say, did you find out, who is so bold as to steal my Baijia's body binding technique?"

Bai Liefeng gritted his teeth and pointed to the ranking on the tenth area: "Old Ancestor, I had already arranged manpower to hunt down that thief, but this thief didn't know what kind of luck he got, and his cultivation base has been rising all the way. And he also got the Dragon Transformation Token, and now he is in the Dragon Transformation Competition."

Bai Zhantian's face sank slightly, his eyes flickered with radiance, he looked at Bai Liefeng coldly, he has lived for thousands of years, the so-called mature man, how can Bai Liefeng's tricks be hidden hold him.

So Bai Zhantian sneered and said: "Bai Liefeng, if you don't do it at all, I'm afraid you won't ask the ancestor to come here. Hmph, you must be unable to deal with it, tell me, is he on the list? "

Bai Liefeng cautiously looked at the ancestor's face and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He had indeed reached the point of last resort. Yang Yi had already risen to No. 20, and becoming an official disciple of Hualong Palace was almost a certainty. No matter how he dared to kill the official disciple of Hualong Palace, he could only beg on the head of this ancestor who had no influence in Hualong Palace.

"Back to Patriarch, the thief who killed Chen'er and stole the body binding technique, the family heirloom of my family, is Yang Yi who has just emerged and is now ranked No. 20 and [-] in the tenth district. Bai Liefeng said in a low voice.

"Huh? What did you say? Yang Yi is the one who stole my Baijia's Body Binding Technique?" Bai Zhantian's eyes instantly became sharp.

Bai Zhantian's eyes instantly turned to Yang Yi in the tenth district, his whole body was gleaming with Senhan's murderous intent. ! ~!

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