blood record

Chapter 44 Onlookers

In front of a huge mirror, there are more than a dozen transformation masters with imprints between their eyebrows sitting around. Most of these people are the person in charge of each area, but at this time, they all focus on the tenth area Yang Yi is on him.

At this moment, a surge of murderous intent filled the air, and one of the transformation masters smiled slightly: "That's Bai Zhantian of Baijia, tsk tsk, his family's body binding technique was taken away by Yang Yi, No wonder you are so angry, this body-binding technique makes us envious."

These are all high-ranking transformation masters, who have awakened the existence of the true source of the blood in the blood. It is terrifying, and nothing can be hidden from them.

One of the middle-aged men with a slight red mark on his brow snorted coldly from his nostrils and said, "Baizhantian? He's just an ordinary elder with nine levels of blood coagulation. It's nothing. He dared to have murderous intentions against my disciples in the chemical industry palace. I really don't know how to live or die."

This middle-aged man is the transformation master who is in charge of the tenth area. In fact, when these transformation masters preside over each area, they are secretly competing to see who has the most genius disciples in the area in charge. most powerful.Now it seems that Yang Yi is a genius disciple in the tenth area, there is no doubt about it.Bai Zhantian exudes a strong murderous intent towards Yang Yi, this opportunity is to slap him in the face, how can he bear it? [


I saw the man's brow pointing, and then a fiery red bird flew out from between his brows. As soon as the bird came out, the temperature in the entire air rose instantly.


This flaming bird is the true source of the man's blood, and it can already manifest in form, possessing more terrifying power.

The bird flew in front of Bai Zhantian in an instant, and made a steady voice from the bird's mouth: "Bai Zhantian, remember, Yang Yikuai has become my disciple of Hualong Palace, and no one should do him any harm, otherwise he will be punished." Do you understand the poor punishment of Hualong Palace?"

When Bai Zhantian saw this fire bird, he hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Please rest assured, my lord, Bai Zhantian dare not!"

"Hmph, just don't dare!" Huo Niao's figure flashed and returned to the middle-aged man's eyebrows.

Cold sweat broke out instantly on Bai Zhantian's forehead, his eyes kept flickering, and he didn't know what kind of thoughts he was thinking.

Bai Liefeng next to him looked at the fire bird just now in awe, and said in a low voice: "Old Ancestor, what just now is the true source of the adults' blood?"

Bai Zhantian nodded with a heavy face and said: "That's right, Lord Wantian who is in charge of the tenth area just now warned me through the true source of blood."

Bai Liefeng's face was pale, and even the master of transformation has already done this matter. No matter how powerful his ancestor Bai Zhantian is, he is only a master of the ninth level of blood coagulation. One step away, but the status and strength are so different that they cannot be compared at all.

"Hmph, it's all good things done by that bastard of yours, restrain yourself from now on, I'll let you off this time, get out!" Bai Zhantian shouted coldly.

Bai Liefeng turned pale, then bowed and left gradually.

Son, it’s your fate, hum, but the green mountains will not change and the green waters will flow forever. You will be in Hualong Palace in the future, hehe, let’s wait and see! "

Bai Zhantian's heart was brewing one after another conspiracy.

In front of that huge mirror, Wan Tian suddenly had a strange expression, his brows frowned, and his face gradually sank.

After seeing it, a transformation master next to him asked lightly: "Senior Brother Wantian? What happened, you now have two geniuses in the tenth area, tsk tsk, what's the matter? Still not satisfied?"

Many shapeshifting masters are quite envious of Wan Tian being in charge of the tenth area.

Wan Tian shouted coldly: "You two idiots, see for yourself!"

Wan Tian stretched out his hand to touch the huge mirror, and the huge mirror began to ripple like water ripples, and these ripples gradually dissipated, revealing a picture, which turned out to be the picture of Yang Yi and Bai Yi confronting each other .

What kind of eyesight these shape-changing masters have, they can see something strange at once.

"Huh? These two people actually met. Haha, although Bai Yi is a genius, he is also a crazy genius. This Yang Yi is not bad. When these two meet, I'm afraid they will fight to the death. Tsk tsk, it's rare for Senior Brother Wan There are two genius disciples in the responsible area, but now it seems that there is only one left."

Wan Tian said coldly: "These two idiots, don't they know that in this Dragon Transformation Competition, as long as they are in the top [-] at the beginning, what's the point of being higher?"

Beside him, there was a transformation master with a dark face, his eyes flickered, he shook his head slightly and said: "Junior Brother Wan, look at that Bai Yi, the blood in his body is strong, and it has already begun to condense, and he is only one step away from condensing the eighth." Drops of jng blood. Bai Yi has always been killing people to get jng blood for cultivation, tsk tsk, eight drops of jng blood, this is a level that only a genius can achieve, if he kills Yang Yi, gets the jng blood in his body and Refining, it is very likely that eight drops of blood can be condensed, and the top ten in this competition will be solid, and I am afraid that they can even hit the top three."

After the dark man said, everyone can see clearly that Bai Yi is indeed about to break through. Everyone knows that these two genius disciples will inevitably have a life-and-death struggle, but no matter which one dies, it is the same. The loss of Hualong Palace.

But the rules are the rules, and the rules are not perfect. Even if these two disciples are geniuses, these transformation masters can't break the rules to stop them.

"Alright, these two guys, especially this one called Yang Yi, suddenly popped up, and they were shocked. Let's see what kind of tricks he has."

These transformation masters are obviously interested in Yang Yi, what kind of means does such a dark horse have, and whether it can fight against the genius Bai Yi, all these make the transformation masters who have lived for several years very interested.

Inside the Square Mirror, Yang Yi and Bai Yi were facing each other fiercely, Yang Yi and the others naturally didn't know that outside, their every move was being watched by several experts.

Bai Yi's whole body was icy cold, exuding terrifying murderous intent, his pale face like a zombie also changed at this time, revealing a trace of doubt: "You killed Fu Lueying?"

Yang Yi was on guard all over, and quickly took the Yueluo Bow in his hands. Even though his strength had risen sharply just now and he had condensed six drops of blood, facing Bai Yi still made him feel the pressure of being poor.

"That's right, I killed Fu Lve Ying." Yang Yi replied coldly.

Gradually, Bai Yi walked forward step by step, as if he didn't care about Yang Yi at all.

"Originally, I came to kill Fu Lueying and plunder her blood, so that I could condense the eighth drop of blood, but I didn't expect that she would die too. But it doesn't matter, you also have six drops of blood, Just right."

I'm afraid Bai Yi didn't say as much after entering the square mirror. This shows that he also attaches great importance to Yang Yi. Although Bai Yi is proud, he is arrogant and not arrogant. He treats opponents more. The most important thing is to try our best to kill the other party, and there will never be the slightest contempt. ! ~!

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