blood record

Chapter 430 Shen Wu

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When Yang Yi came to the Rainbow Empire, his eyes narrowed slightly. He had heard about this on the way to the Rainbow Empire just now. The strength of the Rainbow Empire is now greatly expanded, and it is faintly about to unify the entire Rainbow Starfield. .If this is really the case, the strength of the Rainbow Empire will increase rapidly in the future.

However, this also gave Yang Yi a chance. Since the Tianhong Empire's prestige is in full swing, there are many powerful monks who have gone to seek refuge. This gave Yang Yi a chance to infiltrate the Tianhong Empire.

Yang Yi covered his own aura with the armor of protection. This half-immortal treasure doesn't have many abilities, it is a purely defensive half-immortal treasure. It has strong defensive power and the ability to cover up aura, so Yang Yi Keep your own breath on the triple shifting air realm. [

The Triple Shift Air Realm is already quite high, barely considered a master, but it will not be a true core master, and naturally it will not cause the high-level people of the Tianhong Empire to be petulant, and it will not be left out in the cold, so maintaining this cultivation base is very important to Yang Yi. is the most beneficial.

When Yang Yi came to the imperial city, he looked at the majestic Tianhong Emperor City, and felt a burst of amazement. It was the first time he had seen such a majestic imperial city, and there were still countless monks waiting here. into it.

These monks have the second level of the sky, the third level, etc., and there are not many of them are the first level of the sky. They all want to join the Tianhong Empire, but the first level of the sky is considered a master. If they want to seek refuge, there will be no force that will refuse , but it is a bit difficult to get the cultivation of key points.

And those doubles and triples are what the Rainbow Empire needs most.

As soon as Yang entered the imperial city, after a little inquiring, he arrived in front of the mansion of Minister of War Shen Wu.The Minister of War is extremely valued by Sikong Qi, so the style of his mansion is even more extraordinary, even the gatekeeper is arrogant, with his eyes above his head.

"Shen Wu, he must have the wreckage of the undead witch clan in his hands, he must find a way to get in."

Yang Yi's eyes were fixed on Shen Wu's mansion, with his cultivation base, he could sneak into Shen Wu's mansion right now, but he couldn't act rashly, otherwise, if Shen Wu found out, not only would he be defeated, even he himself would be killed. dangerous.

"Look at it for a few more days, not to mention, even if you break into Shen Wu's mansion, it's not clear whether there are sky burial guards inside."

Yang Yi murmured in a low voice, Yang Yi was still afraid of a master who reached the seventh level of creation. The seventh level of the sky has almost reached the highest level. He can create things in the void, so he can be regarded as a monk with great supernatural powers. It's no small matter, even if Yang Yi's strength has increased greatly now, if he meets a master of the seventh level of the sky, he will still be killed instantly.

In the entire imperial city, it was not easy to find a secluded courtyard. After wandering around for a long time, Yang Yi finally found an independent courtyard, where he lived quietly.

For several days in a row, Yang Yi went to Shen Wu's mansion early to observe, but he never saw Shen Wu, and he couldn't help but doubt in his heart whether this Shen Wu would leave the mansion.

"Huh? It's out. It's such a powerful breath. It's worthy of being a master of the realm of creation."

Suddenly Yang Yi's mind moved, he saw a man walking out of Shen Wu's mansion, he was full of majesty, and the guards around him bowed respectfully, showing his respected status.

Shen Wu's eyes suddenly swept around, Yang Yi immediately felt his mind twitch, secretly surprised in his heart, this Shen Wu is really extraordinary, he is so sharp at a casual glance.But fortunately, Yang Yi is determined, so he won't notice something strange at a glance.

Then Shen Wu strode forward, he seemed to be going to the palace, and disappeared after a while.Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, this is his chance.

"Opportunity, we must seize the opportunity. There may be masters in the Shenwu Mansion, but if I'm careful, I won't attract the attention of the masters in the Shenwu Mansion. Maybe... I can find the sky burial guards"

Yang Yi's mind quickly became active. He knew deeply that if he wanted to find the remains of the undead witch clan, the celestial burial guards were the key, and the celestial burial guards were trained by Shen Wu, so they must be in a mysterious place .

Although it is not certain that it is in Shen Wu's mansion, but there is such a possibility, even if there is only such a possibility, Yang Yi has to give it a try.

"whoosh" [

Yang Yi instantly tore open the space and traveled through the space.

In a remote place, bursts of spatial ripples appeared, and a figure stepped out of the space instantly like a ghost. It was Yang Yi, and this was also the safest place that Yang Yi could sense. found.

This is a corner of a garden, there are many rare birds and animals, and some rare flowers and plants that Yang Yi doesn't know about.

Yang Yi's eyes were like a torch, and he looked at the surrounding layout, and he jumped up and flew quietly towards the inner room.

The courtyard is also very huge, and people are often invisible at a glance, but it is extremely difficult to find it this way, and there is no clue at all, so Yang Yi is going to quietly grab a person to question.

Suddenly, a group of guards walked by, and Yang Yi immediately displayed the Tianhe star map, and the rolling star power imprisoned them all in an instant, and they were quickly sucked into the Tianhe star map. No matter what happened, Yang Yi immediately left here.

In the Tianhe star map, there are a total of five guards, and their cultivation bases are not low. Four of them are masters of the ninth level of transformation, and one of them seems to be the leader. First level of heaven and earth.

These cultivators had no resistance at all in front of Yang Yi's Tianhe star map, and they were caught in the Tianhe star map in an instant, and they all seemed a little at a loss.


Yang appeared in front of these guards in an instant, and the guard of the first level of the sky immediately shouted awe-inspiringly: "Bold, do you know where this is? This is the residence of Lord Shen, Minister of War. If you act recklessly, wait until Shen My lord is back, no matter how powerful you are, it won’t help.”

The guard still seemed very calm, and shouted loudly.

Yang Yi's eyes turned cold slightly, and he let out a cold snort, and immediately the five guards felt the pressure of poverty, as if coming from all directions, wanting to crush their bodies to pieces.

This is in the Tianhe Star Chart, Yang Yi can mobilize the power of the Tianhe Star Chart, here, even the masters of the [-]rd and [-]th level of the sky are waiting to die, let alone these little monks, who are instantly imprisoned by the power of the Tianhe Star Chart , enduring all the pain. . .

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