blood record

Chapter 431 Sky Burial Guard

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The power of the Tianhe star chart, even the masters of the fourth level of the sky, can't resist it. Once it is imprisoned by the Tianhe star chart, it is almost in a desperate situation. Yang Yi can kill a few guards with a single thought. To obliterate.

These guards obviously knew their situation, and there was a hint of despair on their faces.

With a slight wave of Yang Da's hand, the imprisoning power around these monks disappeared in an instant, Yang Yi said coldly: "Of course Yang knows where this is, but you don't seem to know what this is. Yang's territory, as long as Yang's mind moves, you will all be turned into nothingness, and your souls will be scattered." [

The calm voice was like thunder in the ears of these guards.

"You... what do you want us to do?"

The leading guard of the master of the sky immediately understood what Yang Yi meant. It was easy for Yang Yi to kill them, but he hadn't killed them until now, so they were naturally needed.

Yang Yi smiled slightly and said, "That's right, you're smart enough, Yang came here for one thing only, where are the police guards?"

Yang Yi stared fixedly at these monks. The other monks and other transformed guards looked confused and bewildered. Only the head of the Tongtian guard changed slightly, but it was too short, and It was almost fleeting, but Yang Yi had been staring at these guards closely all the time, and naturally discovered the change of this Heavenly Guard.

"What **** guard? None of us have heard of it."

"That's right, we've never heard of the **** guards, but Mr. Shen's black magic guards are famous and frightening."

"Fellow Daoist, we really haven't heard of this **** guard."

These guards all hurriedly said that their expressions did not seem to be lying, but Yang Yi didn't even look at them. He stared fixedly at the leader of the Heavenly Guard, and said coldly: "They haven't heard of it. But you, the majestic guard of Tongtian, do you know the guard of ***?"

The leader of the Tongtian Guards pondered for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said, "I really haven't heard of **** Guards!"


As soon as the voice fell, a loud explosion appeared in everyone's ears, followed by a rain of blood continuously floating in the void in an instant, speckled and shocking, and there was a strong smell of blood in the void.

The hearts of the remaining guards shook violently, their faces turned pale and they were speechless.

Yang Yi still looked at the Heavenly Guardian coldly, and said coldly: "This is just a warning, and death is just a relief. I believe you will soon realize how luxurious it is to be able to die."

The cold murderous intent stimulated the Heavenly Guard, his face was pale, and he said in a low voice: "I do know the **** guard, I saw it by accident, Mr. Shen stays in the forbidden area every time. Among them, I saw with my own eyes that many masters of the fourth level of the sky were easily beheaded by a group of men with icy expressions, and even refined their primordial spirits, which was extremely ruthless. This secret has always been buried in my heart. In my heart, I dare not even mention it, those monks are called the **** guards by Mr. Shen!"

The corner of Yang Yi's mouth gradually revealed a smile. He entered the courtyard while Shen Wu was out this time, and he didn't have much hope in the first place, but he didn't expect that he would be able to find out the whereabouts of the police guards by randomly arresting a group of guards. , and even he still hopes to kill and refine all these body guards, plunder the power of the undead witch clan in their bodies, and even find part of the body remains of the real undead witch clan. After refining, his The power will soar rapidly, reaching a terrifying level.

"Okay, take Yang, as long as you see the police guards, you can leave."

Yang Yi said lightly.

"Oh? Can you really let us go?" [

The mind of the Heaven-reaching Guard immediately became active. As a master of the sky, he has gone through all kinds of hardships to cultivate to the current state, and he doesn't want to fall like this unless it is absolutely necessary.The more advanced the monk, the more afraid of death, this is also the conclusion Yang Yi came to after killing so many monks. Compared with those mortals who only have a short lifespan of tens of years, monks are more afraid of death.

Yang nodded and said, "That's right. As long as you find the police guards, Yang can let you go!"

The guard seemed to have made up his mind, and took Yang Yi to fly towards the place where he saw the guards. The whole mansion was very big, almost like a maze. Impossible to find exact location.

With the help of this guard, Yang Yi arrived at a pond without any effort. Yang Yi flew directly into the pond based on the guard's prompt.


Where is this a pond, this is clearly a huge hole, and that pond is just an illusion.

"It's such a powerful illusion, I'm afraid it was arranged by Shen Wu himself, even I can't see it, it is so lifelike, it has unpredictable power, even the masters of the seventh level of the sky may not be able to see through this illusion!"

As soon as Yang got the reminder from the guard, he realized that this was not a pond at all, but just an illusion to cover it up, but if a monk didn't know the details, he would not be able to find the real entrance even when he got to the pond.

The Heaven-reaching Seventh Layer of Creation Realm possesses almost miraculous power, which is beyond the comprehension of ordinary monks.

Yang Yi kept descending at the entrance of the cave, and he felt as if he had entered a separate space. This method can already create the power of a space, which Yang Yi could not imagine, and he couldn't help but deepened some worries in his heart. .

"You must be quick. After you find the bodyguards and get the remains of the undead witch clan, leave immediately. Otherwise, when Shen Wu comes back, you may not be able to leave even if you want to."

Although Yang Yi had already been bombarded by experts at the seventh level of creation, he had hardly dealt with it head-on at that time. When he saw the monks at the seventh level of creation, he immediately left, and it took a lot of luck to escape. Martial arts calculations are profound, as the Minister of War, he conquered other monks in the entire Tianhong Starfield, and he was invincible.

But no matter how dangerous it is, Yang Yi will come. The so-called wealth and wealth are in danger. Once he obtains the wreckage of the undead body, his power will be raised to a terrifying level, and he can even directly tear the world of the realm master to pieces.


When Yang Yi passed through the long cave, he finally landed at the bottom of the cave. At the bottom of the cave is a huge underground square. There are many caves here. It can be compared to the strength of the aura in the Wuyu.

"Huh? That's the **** guard?"

Suddenly, Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, because at this time there were nine powerful monks at the fourth level of the domain in this cave. Their expressions were indifferent. It seems that there is no difference from the sword edge that Yang Yi killed back then.

Yang Yi could even clearly feel the strong aura of the witch clan on these bodyguards, these bodyguards were indeed using the undead body power of the witch clan to cultivate.

Just when Yang Yi was looking at these police guards, suddenly one of the police guards turned his head sharply, his eyes were piercing, flashing bursts of brilliance, and he actually spotted Yang Yi.

"There are intruders, kill them!"

These **** guards have terrifying power, far surpassing the general masters of the four-level realm, and even once they break their own seals and obtain the power of the witch clan, they can even reach the level of the sky in an instant. Quintuple level.

Of course, Yang Yi, as a real Wu Clan, is naturally very aware of the waste of these monks when using the power of the Wu Clan, which is not a way to really use the power of the Wu Clan. It can't subdue the power of these undead witches, and can only slightly increase the strength of the body guards.But if this is the case, the body guard has thus become a terrible killer, how terrible it is for a person who can unexpectedly kill a five-level master of Tongtian. [

When Shen Wu was sweeping the entire Tianhong Starfield, the guards of the *** made many achievements, but each of them was trained by Shen Wu since childhood, almost all of them were walking dead, and it was almost the limit to reach such a four-level realm. , If you think about it further, it will be extremely difficult.

"whoosh whoosh"

All the cultivators immediately flew towards Yang Yi, and the huge force directly squeezed towards Yang Yi. These are all masters at the level of Jianfeng, they are very powerful, and Yang Yi must deal with them carefully.

"Guardian Armor, Guardian Light, Seal!"

Yang Yi activated the protective armor directly, bursts of golden light immediately appeared on his body, completely enveloping his body inside.


The Bow of Moment appeared in Yang Yi's hand in an instant, his soul moved slightly, and the surging and majestic power was poured into the bow of Moment, and suddenly, a sharp breath appeared instantly.

The nine **** guards here are all powerful, but their colleagues are also the most vigilant. They are the best assassins, and they will leave as soon as they miss a hit. Seeing that Yang had already prepared early, they almost It was instantly hidden into the space.

If such a magical method is an ordinary monk, there is really no way. It takes a certain amount of time for a triple master to travel through the space. How can he be like these **** guards, who can even hide himself in the space anytime, anywhere, Make it impossible to notice.

Ordinary monks can't feel it, but Yang Yi showed a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. The power of the witch clan of these bodyguards endowed them with unparalleled strength, but at the same time, in Yang Yi's eyes, this was fatal. Because he can clearly feel the breath of the Wu clan, they are hiding everywhere.

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