blood record

Chapter 433

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This cave was very deep, and Yang Qian quickly came to an empty place according to the induction in his mind. There seemed to be nothing special here, and he didn't see any wreckage of the undead body of the Wu clan at a glance.

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, his sense was absolutely correct, the only possibility was that there was something wrong here, he thought of the pond he saw outside, it was just an illusion.

"Illusion? Hmph, the world is a big millstone, break it for me!" [

Yang Yi immediately unleashed the Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth, a huge millstone appeared in the void, and pressed down fiercely.


The huge power raged directly in the entire cave, and suddenly, a golden light appeared in front of the eyes, and then the whole scene changed, and the surrounding empty place seemed to be filled with a lot of things, and it became a completely different place.

In front of Yang Yi, it was a circular high platform, and on the high platform, there was a huge head.

When seeing this head, Yang Yi seemed to have an inexplicable sadness in his heart, this kind of sadness appeared completely involuntarily, just like the closest person.

"Is this the remains of the undead witch clan?"

Yang Yi stared blankly at the head on the high platform. This head was as big as Yang Yi or two. Even if there was a formation blocking it, Yang Yi could not sense its aura, but he could sense its vicissitudes, ancient a feeling of.

Sure enough, this place was used illusion, from the pond illusion outside to now, it was all illusion, Yang Yi already had a little understanding of Shen Wu's methods in his heart, he was probably a master of illusion.

Illusions are also very terrifying. Once Shen Wu casts them, I am afraid that they will be able to confuse the real with the fake ones, and it is almost impossible to break out of the illusions. However, here are just some illusions and formations he arranged, and it is still difficult for Yang Yi. .

"The Bow of Instant, Break!"

Yang took out the Bow of Moment in an instant, pulled the string like a full moon, and released it fiercely.

"call out"

The long arrow shot out, directly piercing through the formation restriction, the light flashed slightly, and then completely shattered.After the formation was shattered, the pure witch aura emanating from the huge head could no longer be blocked. This aura almost made Yang Yi feel a little subdued. This is the kind of master who is the peak of the undead body.But even such a master would inevitably end up decapitated.


Yang Yi grabbed the head in an instant, he could see that the neck was relatively smooth, obviously it was cut off instantly by a sharp tool, like a knife or a sword, and it could instantly cut off an undead master, such a magic weapon is truly fear.

"What a ferocious and surging power of the witch clan. Once this head is completely refined, my unbroken body will be able to achieve great success in no time!"

Such a powerful force has far exceeded Yang Yi's imagination. Once it is refined, Yang Yi will reach an unbelievable level, and even be able to smash a master of the fifth-layer realm master with one punch.

"Bold, you dare to kill the army guards and steal the heads of the Wu clan, you are a capital crime, and your crime is forgiven!"

Just when Yang Yi was in a turbulent mood, suddenly an old man flew over from outside. There was a faint light shining all over this old man, but if you look carefully, you can know that this faint light contains terrifying power , that is completely different from the power of the domain, this is the real power of the world. [

This old man is obviously a master of the five-layer realm master.

"who are you?"

Yang Yi said coldly, he is not afraid of a master of the fifth level world master.

"Hmph, the old man is always Shen Gu, the chief steward of Lord Shen Wu, you, a thief, are so bold that you dare to sneak in here secretly, and kill all the guards. Do you know what kind of explosion will happen when Lord Shen Wu comes back?" angry?"

Shen Gu's eyes were cold, staring at Yang Yi firmly, and there was a hint of murderous intent on his face.

"The butler?"

Holding the head of the undead witch clan, Yang Yi suddenly laughed loudly and said: "Haha, the master of the fifth realm, just right, Yang has killed countless masters, but he has never beheaded the master of the fifth realm. , I will take you under the knife today, and you will become the first master of the master realm to die in the hands of Yang!"

At this moment, Yang Yi didn't pay attention to Shen Gu at all, he directly moved forward, and the great millstone of heaven and earth was displayed instantly, crushing Shen Gu fiercely.

"World, Ning!"

A bright light flashed in Shen Gu's eyes, he laughed and said: "Haha, you arrogant junior, you are already dying and you dare to be so rampant, die!"

The power of the world quickly spread out from Shen Gu's body, and the rolling world immediately wrapped Yang Yi inside. Yang Yi's domain had no resistance at all, and was completely suppressed by the power of the world.

In this world, Yang Yi felt the power of rules. Although it is only a very simple rule, it must be a rule. Only rules can support the world.

So if you want to comprehend the Realm Master Realm, the most important thing is the rules!

The power of the rules shocked Yang Yi. He had already felt the power of the world at this time. He only needed the other party's thoughts to move. Yang Yi was almost unable to survive now. Once he was shrouded in the world, he would be like those heaven The masters of the first and second levels are usually shrouded in the domain, and their strength is so weakened that they can hardly defeat the masters of the domain.

But this World Master Realm is even more terrifying, with the rules added, there is no resistance at all.

"Junior, let you taste the power of the world, hum, you will never have a chance to go out here again, you will die today."

With Shen Gu yelling, the entire space immediately imprisoned Yang Yi, but Yang Yi's 25 times the power burst out instantly, almost destroying the power of the world, and then he opened his mouth, and directly The head of the huge Wu Clan undead body was swallowed up.

Shen Gu was shocked in his heart, and immediately shouted loudly: "Bastard, you... how dare you swallow your head, no one can save you anymore, you are doomed, you will be thundered by Lord Shen Wu anger."

Seeing that even the head was swallowed, Shen Gu was astonished, and his face was ashen. He knew that if he didn't even have this treasure, the **** guards would really have another chance to train. The reason why Shen Wu was furious.


After Yang Yi devoured the huge head in an instant, he felt like a raging fire in his body, melting him continuously, spreading rapidly from all the limbs and bones.

This feeling is extremely painful, but after the pain, Yang Yi felt that the unbroken body became more tenacious, and even a slight movement has the power to tear the field, and this is just a little head of the undead body power only.This head is really too powerful, far beyond Yang Yi's imagination, and he does not know how much time it will take to refine it like this. [

"Hmph, it's just the world, let's see how Yang will tear your world apart!"

Yang Yi felt the incomparable power in his whole body, and immediately waved his arms without vomit. His arms were originally the arms of the undead witch clan. Use most of the strength in your arms.

Immediately, Yang Yi's arms seemed to be able to tear everything apart, ruthlessly grasping the world in the void, and directly tore it to both sides.


With ferocious strength, bursts of dazzling golden light kept flashing, Yang Yi's body was raised several feet, and he became even taller. His arms were as thick as pillars, and he could easily tear the world apart just by tearing it apart. gotta smash.

"What? The world is broken?"

Shen Gu can hardly believe his eyes, he is a majestic master of the fifth-layer realm, the power of the world is sweeping down, almost no monks below the fifth-layer can resist, but now, his world is It was directly torn to pieces by Yang Yi.

Although he has only exerted [-]-[-]% of his power, this cannot be ignored. His world is a world after all, and not just any monk can tear it apart.

"Bastard, bastard, you will definitely die in the place of burial today, there is no need for Master Shen Wu to come, now this old man will kill you completely, you have already angered this old man!"

Shen Gu's face turned ashen. At this moment, the aura around him burst out suddenly, like a huge mountain peak, and the ferocious aura pressed down on Yang Yi's body fiercely.

The power of this aura is simply unimaginable. This is a real master of the fifth-layer realm, and his cultivation level is the same as Bi Luo. Once shrouded, a star can be destroyed alive.

Yang Yi's whole body was shrouded in the huge world. At this moment, Yang Yi finally felt the horror of the world. His whole body seemed to be squeezed by exhausted power, and he didn't even have the slightest resistance to resist.

Yang Yi's domain is as fragile as tofu, and there is no resistance against Shen Gu's world power.

"Not enough, these are far from enough, break them all!"

Yang Yi seemed to have exhausted power in his body. Being imprisoned by the world and under tremendous pressure, the speed at which he could refine the head of the undead body of the witch clan became faster, almost reaching several times the speed before. The ferocious power It rushed towards Yang Yi's arms like a tide.


A huge millstone appeared in the void, slammed into the world over there, and gradually disappeared, still unable to break through this terrifying world.

But this is just the beginning, Yang Yi's power seems to be exhausted, as long as Shen Gu's world power is imprisoned stronger, his power will become stronger, Yang Yi is taking advantage of this poor pressure to speed up refining The head of the undead witch tribe.

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