blood record

Chapter 434

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With the refinement of undead body power, Yang Yi's whole body has almost shown a layer of gold. This is not that kind of brilliance, but the real golden skin, which seems to give people a feeling of indestructibility.

"No, are actually using the power of the old man's world to refine the head"

Shen Gu's expression changed drastically. He watched Yang Zhou's aura become stronger and stronger. No matter how he bombarded him, he couldn't completely kill Yang Yi, but instead made Yang Yi stronger and stronger.At this time, he finally saw clearly that Yang Yi was using his world power to quickly refine the head of the undead witch tribe in his body.

"Haha, yes, without your help, it would have taken several years for Yang to refine this head, but now, with your help, Yang has completely refined it."

The skin of Yang Yi's whole body turned golden, like a god of war. The power of these worlds squeezed his body, but it couldn't hurt Yang Yi at all. This is the real indestructibility. Dacheng's unbreakable body.

Not breaking the body means not breaking the body. Yang Yi's not breaking the body is great, and this is the real characteristic of not breaking. Now, no matter where it is a half-immortal treasure, it can't break Yang Yi's physical body, even if the opponent is the fifth or sixth level of Tongtian. Can't hurt Yang Yi's physical body.Even in the Heaven-reaching Seventh Layer Creation Realm, Yang Yi has the confidence to rely on Dacheng's unbroken body to get away.

It can be said that Yang Yi's strength has been improved too much without breaking his body. Since then, he also has the capital to fight against powerful masters.

There was a gloomy look on Shen Gu's face, he still imprisoned Yang Yi with the power of the world, and said coldly: "The remnants of the Wu Clan, hmph, the Wu Clan has long since perished, your appearance is a sign of rebellion." As the sky goes, it can't last long, and when Master Shen Wu returns, it will be your death."

Yang Yi's eyes were cold, his whole body exuded a strong murderous intent, he sneered and said: "You can't see Shen Wu coming back, so die to me"

Yang Yi's whole body is like a big mountain, it seems that he is not bound by the world at all, he punched forward fiercely with his big hand.


Shattered, the whole world was shattered with a bang. Yang Yi just used the power of Unbreakable to shatter Shen Gu's world. The aura of the ancient Wu clan powerhouse.


Yang grabbed Shen Gu in his hand in an instant, under the golden light, Shen Gu's face was paler, as if he could feel the breath of death.


With a strong slap in Yang Yi's hand, Shen Gu's body was shattered, and Yuanshen couldn't be spared, he was directly caught and shattered, and completely disappeared into the void.

This is the power of the enemy god of war, the ancient witch clan, once it grows up, it will be very terrifying

"What a terrifying power, what a powerful power, this is the first time I have such a powerful power, Wu Clan, it's really extraordinary"

Yang Yi murmured to himself in a low voice, his Unbreakable Body has never had much power, this is because Yang Yi knew that only when Unbreakable Body has reached a great achievement can it be truly terrifying and possess the power of "Unbreakable".

This time he sneaked into Shen Wu's mansion at the risk of life and death, because he knew that if there really were the wreckage of the undead body witch clan, then he might make the unbroken body reach great success and become a powerful existence. The body has really reached a great achievement, and its strength has also surpassed Yang Yi's imagination, and it can easily kill a master of the fifth level of the sky.

If he cooperates with Jiugong Phantom and Tiandi Damopan, Yang Yi's own power will increase exponentially.


Yang Yi directly drilled out of the cave, but when he got out of the cave, he saw dense crowds of monks outside, some of these monks were transformed monks, and some powerful masters who reached the sky.Obviously, these people were arranged by Shen Gu, and they surrounded the place with water.And Yang Yi also knew that at this time, Shen Wu might have rushed back quickly, and Shen Gu would definitely send someone to notify him. [

"Go away or die"

Yang Yi glanced coldly, looking at the monks in front, there was obviously a trace of fear in their eyes, but they still refused to retreat.

"Hmph, you are looking for death"

Yang Yimeng took a step forward, and immediately covered a distance of several tens of feet. Then, with a big hand grabbing, he smashed a master of the first level of heaven. As soon as he was polite, he swallowed it with a big mouthful, and quickly became Yang Yiyuan's tonic.

Now that the body is not broken, almost every part of Yang Zhou's body is the most terrifying place, and every shot can burst out with incomparable power. Yang Yi touched it slightly, and his physical body collapsed instantly, turning into a blood mist, and the strong smell of blood floated in the void, which was shocking.

Yang Da opened the killing ring and beheaded all these monks. As long as they were not of the blood of the dragon, their primordial spirits would be destroyed instantly, and the primordial spirits of the blood of the divine dragon would become the tonic of Yang Yi's primordial spirit and be swallowed up.

These cultivators of the first, second, and third heavens could not resist Yang Yi's unrivaled power. Not one of them was Yang Yi's all-in-one enemy, and they were all killed by Yang Yi. They suffered heavy losses. .

This is also Shen Wu's mansion, there are so many masters who reach the sky, otherwise the other places would have already completely collapsed, and there would be almost a steady stream of masters who reach the sky rushing forward one after another.

But with so many masters falling in a pool of blood and directly beheaded by Yang Yi, I'm afraid Shen Wu will run away even if he comes back.

"Bold thief, Hugh is rampant"

Suddenly, a burst of loud shouts resounded in the ears of everyone, and then four monks of the fourth-level domain realm flew over from the crowd, and their domains were directly deployed, shining with a powerful aura.

"It's the four young masters. The four young masters have finally returned. With the four young masters here, they should be able to contain the ferocious flames of this ferocious monk."

"The butler has already gone down just now, and he hasn't come out until now. I'm afraid it's too bad. Aren't the four young masters coming here to die?"

"Hmph, what do you know, the chief steward is not as powerful as the four young masters working together, do you know that our entire mansion is actually a large formation, which is said to be able to suppress the existence of the sixth level of death, and even the chief steward cannot control the entire formation. Only the four young masters have been taught by Master Shen Wu to control the formation."

"That's right, there are four young masters here, this devil will definitely die in the place where he will be buried."

These monks were discussing in a low voice, and then four domain masters with gloomy faces descended in front of Yang Yi and confronted Yang Yi. . .

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