blood record

Chapter 441

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Yang Yi's figure appeared in everyone's sight again, his whole body was shining with bursts of golden light, and even his clothes were not damaged at all. The strength of these two majestic fifth-level masters just now is really nothing. In front of his impeccable physique, he is simply vulnerable and can't hurt him at all.

"Too weak, really too weak!"

Yang Yi's eyes looked a little cold, his body was like a god, and the whole figure came in front of the two monks in an instant, and the ancient aura of the witch clan swept towards the two monks crazily. It was as if they had reached the end of the terrifying coercion, as if standing in front of them was not a small field cultivator who reached the heavens, but a powerful ancient master. [

Just when their minds were in a trance, a smile appeared on Yang Yi's face, and he grabbed it with his big hand, and the surging power swept the two masters of the fifth level.


In front of Yang Yi, these two five-level masters were like paper, vulnerable. Their world was easily torn apart by Yang Yi, and their physical bodies were also crushed by Yang Yi, leaving only Two panicked primordial spirits.

Now that Yang Yi hadn't broken his body, it would be a breeze to defeat these cultivators who reached the fifth level of the sky, but it's a pity that these two primordial spirits are of Phoenix blood, otherwise Yang Yi would be able to swallow them to strengthen his own primordial spirit.


With Yang Yi's gentle pinch, the primordial spirits of these two heaven-reaching five-fold masters were instantly crushed, and the two masters of the world master realm fell completely like this.

Shocked, more shocking, seeing that Yang Yi actually beheaded all the three masters who reached the sky and the fifth level, the fourth and fifth princes were a little panicked, their faces were pale, and they looked at Yang Yi in horror. .


Yang Yi flew directly in front of the fourth and fifth princes, grabbed them with his big hand, and their bodies were shattered, leaving only the primordial spirit.

"Tell me, where is Shi Cuiyang locked up?"

The fourth prince's eyes kept flickering, and he hurriedly said: "We don't know very well, Shi Cuiyang was imprisoned by the second elder brother himself, and it is in an absolutely secret place, so it is impossible for us to know."


Yang Yi directly punched the soul of the fourth prince and wanted it to be smashed to pieces. The fifth prince next to him was terrified, and his soul was trembling constantly. Seeing Yang Yi's eyes turned to him again, the fifth prince immediately shouted loudly. Said: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I know where Shi Cuiyang is, I will take you there now."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth and said: "Very well, this is the attitude of cooperation, let's go, after you find Shi Cuiyang, you don't have to die!"

How dare the fifth prince disagree, he already understood that the master in front of him was decisive and would not have the slightest scruples at all, it was very difficult to deal with, even a small cultivator of the third level of the sky could do nothing.

"Shi Cuiyang was captured by Shi Fu's design, and he has been locked up in his mansion. Now he is also plotting to ascend the throne. His mansion has many masters, and there are also top five masters who reach the top of the sky."

The fifth prince told Yang Yi everything he knew. Yang Yi had a keen mind, so he could tell the truth. it is true.

Xia Jing was already a little sluggish at this time. Although she knew that Yang Yi had become famous in the martial arts field, she didn't expect him to be so powerful. The elders in those martial arts couldn't do it either.

"No wonder Senior Sister Shi sent me a voice transmission and asked me to find Senior Brother Yang Yi. Indeed, only a man as strong and powerful as Senior Brother Yang Yi can save her."

Shocked in her heart, Xia Jing followed behind Yang Yi and shuttled continuously in the palace.

Suddenly, Yang Yi stopped and came to a tall palace. There were figures flickering inside this tall palace, and Yang Yi felt a burst of powerful aura outside.

"Hmph, this is it!"

Yang Yi swept his eyes and saw a few transformed monks guarding the gate of the palace. He continued to walk forward and stretched out his hand to lightly space the space. Not seen, but if you look carefully, their primordial spirits have been shaken to pieces.


As soon as Yang Yi walked into the palace gate, several cultivators of the third level of the sky appeared, but they didn't do anything, but respectfully said to Yang Yi: "Friend Yang, Your Highness welcomes you!"

Yang Yi followed these monks and quickly entered the palace.

Right in front of the palace, there is a man sitting upright. He wears a yellow robe, showing a majesty. This is the majesty that a person who has held great power for a long time can have such a majesty.

Under this man, there are some monks who are sitting still, exuding a powerful aura all over their bodies. Each of them is a monk who reaches the fifth level of the sky. Yang one by one dismounted.

At this moment, a burst of loud shouts came into Yang Yi's ears: "Bold, what crime should I have if I saw His Highness and didn't worship?"

This burst of sound came from a guard in front of the tall man, the tall man and the people below were all moved, they just looked at Yang Yi indifferently.

Yang Yi looked at the guard, but it was just a cultivator in the fourth level of the sky, his eyes flashed with sharp light, staring straight at the cultivator's heart.

But the guard looked at the monks below, seemed to have made up his mind, and shouted again: "Did you hear that, quickly kneel down and salute His Highness!"


Yang Yi's eyes became fierce again, his figure emitted bursts of golden light, he grabbed the guard directly, and said in a cold voice: "A dog-like thing dares to show off its power in front of Yang, you know what? ? A dog that shows off its power is the fastest to die!"

Yang Yi's movement immediately caused a chain reaction, as if the fuse had been detonated, and many fifth-layer masters below shouted loudly: "Bold!"

Immediately, bursts of world power enveloped Yang Yi.

This scene can be described as spectacular, with the power of the world of five high-level masters sweeping over, suppressing Yang Yi, but Yang Yi laughed, and the golden body around him was as grand as the scorching sun.

"Haha, can a group of wastes stop Yang? No one can stop the person I, Yang Yi, want to kill. I will break the millstone of the world!"

Yang Yi let out a roar, and the bursts of sound made the whole palace vibrate. At the same time, a gigantic millstone appeared in the void, and all the ferocious worlds were smashed by Yang Yi's big millstone. gotta smash.


With one grasp of Yang Da's hand, he shattered the bodyguard of the quadruple domain, and then he grabbed his primordial spirit, and retreated suddenly, like a ghost, directly retreating to the back, and the whole hall went back to the ground again. calmed down. [

Those cultivators at the fifth level of the sky all had ugly faces. Just now they wanted to give Yang Yi a blow. Who would have thought that they could restrain Yang Yi by law together, and let him capture a guard instead? .

Seeing the murderous intent in Yang's eyes, the guard trembled in his heart and said, "Your Highness, help me, Your Highness help me!"

The aloof Second Prince Shi Fu also finally looked at Yang Yi, and said indifferently: "Brother Yang is really good at tricks, since this trash doesn't know the rules, let Brother Yang dispose of him!"

The monk in Yang Yi's hand turned pale with fright, and shouted loudly: "His Highness, help, Your Highness, help..."

But Yang Yi didn't give this cultivator any chance, his primordial spirit flew out directly, and swallowed this quadruple realm cultivator in his stomach with one big mouthful.

Shocking, more shocking, Yang Yi directly swallowed this monk, because he is of the blood of the dragon, and can be swallowed by Yang Yi, but in the eyes of other fifth-layer masters, this is a provocation.

But they seemed to be convinced of the second prince, seeing that he didn't move, they could only hold back temporarily.

The second prince smiled slightly and said, "Alright, fellow Daoist Yang is here today for the eldest princess's business?"

Yang Yi knew that this second prince was not simple, and now that the entire imperial palace was under his control, the matter of Yang Yi beheading the fourth and fifth princes could not escape his eyes and ears.

"That's right, Yang received the sound transmission talisman from Fellow Daoist Shi, so he rushed over immediately, and asked the second prince to release Fellow Daoist Shi."

Yang Yi said lightly, with a calm tone, showing a calm demeanor of everyone.

But the second prince shook his head slightly and said: "Yang Daoyou's words are wrong. This king did not imprison the eldest princess. She colluded with outsiders and tried to sit on the throne of God. This matter has already won the attention of many elders in my royal family." Otherwise, this king has the right to imprison the eldest princess?"

"Collude with outsiders? It's ridiculous. As far as Yang knows, Shi Daoyou is the eldest princess of the Brilliant Empire. Once the emperor dies, the eldest princess will take over the throne. Why? Now how come Shi Daoyou has become a colluder with outsiders?"

Yang Yi said with a sneer.

"Hmph, how can outsiders be allowed to interfere in the family affairs of the royal family of my glorious empire? This is the ruling of our royal elders, and no one has the right to change it. As for the eldest princess, she is an unforgivable crime for conspiring against others. She was abolished on the same day, and she was allowed to live and die, but the elders also thought that she was a child of the royal family, so they forgave her and just imprisoned her. Unexpectedly, she even colluded with the people in the Wudian to come here The plot is wrong, Yang Yi, you are simply ruining the eldest princess by coming here!"

Next to him, a master of the master realm of the five layers of heaven stood up immediately, with a gloomy face, and said coldly, aggressive, powerful momentum even oppressed Yang Yi faintly.

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