blood record

Chapter 442

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Yang Yi folded his hands behind his back, his indifferent eyes flickered with brilliance, he glanced at the monks around him, and suddenly sneered, "Mr. Yang came here to take away Fellow Daoist Shi. Since you want to stop it, then no wonder Mr. Yang Start the killing ring, turning the entire palace into a river of blood."

"Haha, how arrogant, who do you think you are? Do you think you are the enemy of the world just after killing those three guards? Those three guards have just been promoted to the fifth level of Tongtian, and they haven't mastered their strength yet. You killed them It’s not good for them, but you and us are like those three, then today is your day of death.”


These five heaven-reaching fifth-level masters stood up abruptly, and at the same time, there were densely packed fourth-level domain monks staring at them. Worlds and domains were displayed one by one in an instant, and the momentum was really terrifying. [

Today, the masters in the second prince's palace accounted for almost [-]% to [-]% of the masters in the entire imperial city. It can be seen that he is bound to win, and the second prince will not let anyone take Shi Cuiyang away no matter what.

"Okay, okay, okay, since that's the case, then let Yang kill you so obediently invite Fellow Daoist Shi out"

Yang Yi yelled, and then grabbed Xia Jing into the Tianhe Star Map with his big hand. Now that he has no worries about the future, he will kill here today.

And there is a crazy plan in his heart. There are so many masters here, even if they only respect the blood of the dragon, once they refine their primordial spirits, then he will transform his own domain into the world and be promoted to Tongtian The main realm of the five layers of realms is no longer so far away.

"The Great Mill of Heaven and Earth"

Yang Yi punched directly, the air wave flipped in the void, and a huge millstone fell from the sky, crushing fiercely towards the five-layer masters in front of Yang Yi, the momentum was astonishing.

"Brilliant Formation"

Suddenly, these cultivators who reached the fifth level roared loudly, and then rays of light appeared in the entire palace. Countless cultivators occupied favorable positions one after another, forming a strange formation.

"Haha, once you enter our glorious formation, no matter how powerful you are, it won't help, you will be completely strangled by the formation"

These monks seemed to be very confident in this formation, and they all laughed out loud.

Yang Yi has encountered quite a few large formations, and each time he finds it very difficult. This large formation is no exception. There are almost exhausted rays of light shining, and each ray of light can easily pierce through a three-layered celestial being. If thousands of masters come together, the masters who connect to the fifth level of the sky will also die in this glorious formation.

"Brilliant Blade, Kill"

A burst of ice-cold voice appeared in the formation, and then a huge golden-yellow strange knife came to kill Yang Yi. This was the magical means transformed by the power of the formation.


The Brilliant Blade was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Yang Yi, and slashed at Yang Yi's body fiercely. However, Yang Yi had a protective armor on him. Although the Brilliant Blade was powerful, it was still broken Do not open the armor of protection.

"Small tricks, let's see how Yang can break your big formation"

Yang Yi is not good at formations, but he knows how to break through all phenomena with one force. No matter how profound the formation is, if the power reaches a certain level, no matter how profound the formation is, it will collapse.

Yang Yi wanted to display the most powerful force, even the strongest to forcefully break through the formation.

"Phantom of Nine Palaces, Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth, Broken" [

Following Yang Yi's loud shouts, his body seemed to grow taller. In the golden light on his body, there seemed to be a call from ancient times, and there were bursts of howling ghosts and wolves, which made people feel unusual. .

This is exactly the vision that occurred when Yang Yi aroused the strongest power that could not break his body. His figure instantly overlapped and became one, and 25 times the power burst out, as if he was going to overwhelm the river. This force is simply irresistible. Any monk seeing this overwhelming force would change his face drastically.

The entire void was shattered one after another, and the power of a punch was transmitted to the distant depths. Some monks hidden in the big formation even screamed again and again. Even after such a distance, such terrifying power still caused some monks to suffer heavy losses. .

"Not good, the power is too strong, the formation is about to break, hurry up"

This is almost the limit power, which has already surpassed the power of any Heaven-reaching Fifth Layer, or even Heaven-reaching Sixth Layer. The entire formation is like a blank sheet of paper, instantly torn to pieces by the berserk force.


With the shattering of the formation, everyone appeared, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes. The power that Yang Yi erupted just now was really incredible, and they couldn't resist it at all.

"Hmph, when Yang comes out, it's your time of death."

Yang grabbed the Bow of Moment in an instant, pulled the string like a full moon, and fired arrows in bursts. In an instant, several monks who reached the fourth level of the sky were wiped out. In front of the Bow of Moment, their domains had no effect at all.


At the same time, Yang Yi's eyes turned to the five heaven-reaching five-level masters, this was Yang Yi's goal.


Like an invincible demon god, Yang Yi flew directly towards these five masters, punching hard with his big hand, as if to smash the void, these five monks looked at each other, and they all displayed their world frantically, Shrouded Yang Yi inside.

Compared with Yang Yi's own cultivation base, his domain is really useless at this time, even if he uses it, he will be firmly suppressed by the other party's world, but Yang Yi is not only a domain of the fourth level of the sky In addition to being a master of the realm, he is still a strong Wu clan who does not break his body.

Even though these worlds bless Yang Yi, even though he has been weakened, Yang Yi still walks towards these five masters with his unbreakable body, the world can't stop Yang Yi at all.

Especially the savage and ancient aura on Yang Yi made the five monks feel inexplicably startled.


Yang Yi's mountain-like body stalwart directly shattered the world of these five masters, and then a trace of coldness appeared on his face, and he slapped hard with his big hand.

The body of one of the monks was instantly shattered, that fragile body was not Yang Yi's all-in-one enemy at all, their world could not help but Yang Yangyi was as fragile as a lamb in front of Yang Yangyi.

"You are so cowardly, you dare to stop Yang, it is simply extremely stupid. If you had promised to release Shi Cuiyang before, maybe there would be no such thing today."

There was a sneer at the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and with a big hand grabbing, Yang Yi caught a primordial spirit of a heaven-reaching fifth-layer master. . .

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