blood record

Chapter 476

Chapter 470

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"Jin Liusha, with your vicious methods, aren't you afraid of the law enforcement elders of Wudian?" You Fengxian shouted sharply.

Jin Liusha sneered and said, "Elder Law Enforcement? Hmph, these two wastes are not dead, and their primordial spirits are still alive. This is something allowed by the rules of Wuyu. No one has the right to interfere. It's only because they are not as skilled as others. Or, you are all the remnants of Yang Yi, you have a deep relationship with Yang Yi, and you are still unrepentant, hmph, such people should be completely eliminated by the Martial Palace, the Martial Palace has not abolished your cultivation, no It is already a great gift to drive you out of the Martial Palace, and it is a big joke that you dare to mention the rules."

This golden quicksand came prepared, and he also vaguely knew that the elder would not intervene in this matter. Even if he made the matter a little bigger, it would be only a small punishment at best, but for the sake of the spirit veins, these Punishment would hurt too. [

Shi Cuiyang stepped forward, fixed his eyes on Jin Liusha, and said coldly: "Jin Liusha, if you want a spiritual vein, let's see if you have the ability to do it after Yang Yi. You're like a tortoise, you don't even dare to face yourself, do you really think you're a genius?"


Jin Liusha's face changed abruptly, this incident was the biggest thorn in his heart, and it faintly pierced into the depths of his heart. When Yang Yi appeared and defeated Xiang Wentian and the other three, he had guessed for a while. Not Yang Yi's opponent, so he hid it, which has been criticized by many disciples.But it was the first time that Shi Cuiyang raised it openly.

"Shi Cuiyang, you are looking for death. Today you will not only draw out your spiritual veins, but you will also kneel down in front of many disciples. This is what that bastard Yang Yi did back then. Today, I will also let you His people have a good taste of this."

Jin Liusha's face was flushed red, almost turning purple

"The Break of the Eighteen Fists of Heaven's Moat"

Shi Cuiyang directly displayed her strongest martial skill, which is the martial skill left by Emperor Wu that she found in the ruins of Emperor Wu. Her dedication to cultivation made her strength improve by leaps and bounds, faintly reaching the level of Xiang Wentian the point.

Exercising this style is like cutting through the water, with an unimaginably fierce aura.

"Small tricks, three thousand double images"

Jin Liusha was not afraid at all, just smiled coldly, and his body instantly transformed into countless figures, all over the sky, dazzling

Shi Cuiyang felt that there were dangers in all directions, but her move immediately changed, her hands were cut, and she shouted: "Crack the mountain!"

This fist is like a long knife, with a fierce slash, it seems that no matter how tall the mountain is, it will be cut apart by it. What kind of momentum and grandeur is this?If it was performed by Emperor Wu, it would be truly earth-shattering and shocking.

But Shi Cuiyang is not Emperor Wu, and she doesn't have the aura of destroying everything and swallowing mountains and rivers with anger. This punch is powerful enough, but it still can't blow away the phantom of Jin Liusha.

"Eighteen Punches of Heaven's Moat: Breaking the Sky"

Shi Cuiyang's eyes changed abruptly, bursts of resolute breath flashed, and her primordial spirit became much weaker at this moment, obviously she forced the punch.

Breaking the sky means the shattered space, but this is not an ordinary shattered space, but the direct collapse of a large area, all of which will be turned into nothingness, and any existence in the space will be turned into nothingness with this fist.

Even if this punch could hit one ten-thousandth of the power of Emperor Wudi, it would be unparalleled. It was so terrifying that even Jin Liusha's face changed slightly, and his phantoms were also annihilated one after another at this moment. imaginary.

But his face immediately turned red, his body inflated violently like a balloon, and his aura climbed step by step to a terrifying situation.

"Three Thousand Ghosts, Transformation" [

With Jin Liusha's loud shout, his figure quickly changed into several figures, and each of them punched one after another. This is similar to Yang Yi's Jiugong Phantom, but it is not as powerful as Yang Yi's dozens of times. It's terrifying, but its strength has also increased several times at once, which is also a terrifying ratio.

The marginal power directly pierced through Shi Cuiyang's domain. After all, she had only just comprehended the styles of the Eighteen Fists of Tianzhu, and she was far from comprehending its essence. Therefore, she was pierced through the domain by quicksand for several years. Gotta grab it.


In the next moment, a slender hand collided violently with the power of the golden quicksand, it was You Fengxian.

The figure of You Fengxian took a few steps back quickly, his face was a little pale, and he staggered a little when he fell to the ground, looking a little embarrassed, but he finally saved Shi Cuiyang.

"Jin Liusha was indeed a stronger existence than Xiang Wentian back then, except for Yang Yi, who really couldn't compare to him, no one else was Jin Liusha's opponent, not even You Fengxian and Shi Cuiyang teamed up. "

"Shi Cuiyang's martial arts are also amazing, and it seems that she hasn't grasped the essence of it, otherwise, Jin Liusha may still have some troubles trying to defeat her."

"How can the cultivation of martial arts be accomplished overnight? Shi Cuiyang's progress is indeed fast, but after all, she is still no match for a powerful existence like Jin Liusha. This time she and You Fengxian are both very dangerous."

"They were too close to Yang Yi at the beginning, and now they will be humiliated like this. Jin Liusha will not let them go. I am afraid that they will all kneel down. It will be more embarrassing than death."

Many disciples could see that Shi Cuiyang and You Fengxian were no opponents of Jin Liusha, so it was conceivable how they would be insulted.

"You Daoist, don't let Jin Liusha be caught, even if you blew yourself up, you must not be insulted by this."

Shi Cuiyang's face was resolute, she seemed to have made up her mind, if You Fengxian couldn't resist, she would immediately explode her primordial spirit, even if she died, she would not be humiliated by kneeling down.

You Fengxian's eyes were also flickering with jing light, no one could guess her thoughts.

Jin Liusha stood high in the void, looking down at You Fengxian coldly, the aura around him pressed down on her fiercely, and his aura that was close to the Realm Lord Realm was indeed powerful, making You Fengxian even Feel the heavy pressure.

"You Fengxian, no matter how much you struggle today, it's useless. You are destined to kneel down and suffer all kinds of humiliation. Haha, this is the method that bastard Yang Yi used back then. Today, I will use all his methods. upon you."

Jin Liusha's whole body was like a rainbow, and he burst out laughing. f

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