blood record

Chapter 477: Heavy Chapter Martial Hall

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"Really? You want them all to kneel?"

Just as Jin Liusha laughed loudly, a cold voice came from the void.

"whoosh" [

A big white hand stretched out from the space in an instant, and grabbed Jin Liusha directly. It seemed relatively slow, but Jin Liusha's whole body seemed to be unable to move, his face was flushed, but he couldn't move a bit, even Can't even make a sound.


Jin Liusha's body was instantly crushed by this big hand, and his spirit flew out fiercely, finally grasping a chance, he shouted in horror: "Yang Yi, you are Yang Yi, and you dare to come to the Martial Palace! ?”

But this was also the last sentence he said. As soon as he finished speaking, his voice seemed to be stuck, and the soul disappeared like a light smoke.

Jin Liusha, an incomparably talented disciple, fell completely just like that.

Silence, incomparable silence, the entire martial field can almost hear the drop of a needle, and all the disciples can hardly believe their eyes. In the void, there is a statue that everyone knows, but everyone knows. An unbelievable figure.

"Yang Yi, he really came back. Now the Wudian is looking for him everywhere, and he dared to return to the Wudian in such a grand manner. Could it be that he is really looking for death?"

"Yang Yi won't be so stupid, he should rely on something, or have a way to eliminate Wu Dian's treatment of him."

"It's a pity that Jin Liusha just thought that he could feel proud after Yang Yi left, but he didn't expect to end up like this. He couldn't even resist Yang Yi's blow. This Yang Yi is becoming more and more terrifying now."

Many disciples looked at Yang Yi in the void, and they talked a lot. They were very surprised by Yang Yi's appearance. After all, the Martial Palace had ordered Yang Yi to be killed. Throw yourself into the trap.

You Fengxian and Shi Cuiyang also looked surprised, but You Fengxian said with some worry: "Yang Yi, it is very dangerous for you to come back now, although I don't know what kind of conflict happened between you and Wudian, but you shouldn't directly Come to the Martial Palace."

Yang Yi looked at You Fengxian with a calm expression on his face, "Wu Dian can't do anything about Yang now, besides, this time Yang came to do some business with Wu Dian, Wu Dian will not do anything to Yang."

After Yang Yi finished speaking, he saw a loud voice coming from the void: "Yang Yi, you dare to go back to the Martial Hall and throw yourself into a trap. Now this elder is going to capture you and bring you to the Hall Master for punishment." .”


As the sound fell, waves of ripples began to appear in the entire void, and the waves of ripples began to emit bursts of brilliance, and then the space broke open instantly, and several elders directly flew out of it.

These elders are not simple, unexpectedly the lowest ones are the masters of the sixth level of the sky, and the leaders are the masters of the seventh level of the creation, which is Elder Jin of the Elder Hall.

Elder Jin is the most powerful existence among the elders in the Seven Heavenly Layers of Creation Realm. He is almost limited to the Eight Heavenly Layers and has reached the peak of the Creation Realm. His gestures and gestures have comparable majesty, which makes people feel palpitating.

As soon as he appeared, all the disciples bowed down one after another. Knowing that this matter was not easy, Wu Dian also attached great importance to Yang Yi, and unexpectedly, as soon as he appeared, he attracted such powerful elders as Elder Jin.

Yang Yi didn't feel the slightest surprise, he still looked calm and calm, and said indifferently: "Elder Jin, Yang came today to make a deal with Wudian, I believe the palace master will be very interested. "[

"Arrogance, do you want to see the Palace Master whenever you want? Humph, Yang Yi, I know that your wings are getting stiffer now, and your cultivation has reached a high level, but you are so arrogant that you enter the Palace of Martial Arts alone, this is doomed for you!" There is a price to pay for it.”

Elder Jin yelled loudly, and the aura around him suddenly radiated, and his world was even more overwhelming, sweeping towards Yang Yi viciously.Masters of the seventh-level creation realm of Tongtian can create things in the void and create new life. This kind of magical method can only be possessed by masters of the seventh-level creation realm of Tongtian. What heavy masters can imagine, I don't know how many times stronger it is.

This billowing world swept towards Yang Yi overwhelmingly, like a billowing torrent, trying to crush Yang Yi to pieces.

But a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and the world around him also burst out.


Yang Yi's world has now reached a limit. He was constantly shattered by the power of the sky thunder, and then condensed again. In this process of shattering and rebirth, the world has almost been tempered to a limit. It is inferior to any world of masters of the seven layers of creation, and it is even worse.

The two worlds collided fiercely, without any earth-shattering noise, but it was even more shocking than earth-shattering. This is a collision of worlds, which is extremely dangerous. Once the world is broken, the monks will also be severely injured. Hit hard.

"Yang Yi is really too arrogant. He probably doesn't know the horror of the seventh level of the sky. To think that he can defeat the master of the seventh level of the sky is simply wishful thinking."

"That's right, the horror of the masters of creation in the void is unimaginable. Even dozens of sixth-level masters can't defeat the masters of the creation realm. From the sixth level of the sky to the seventh level of the sky is not only a difference in realm, but also a qualitative difference." leap."

"Yang Yi's aura is also very strong. It turns out that he has reached the sixth level of the sky, no wonder he is full of confidence. His cultivation speed is indeed terrifying. He can no longer be called a genius, but a monster. This kind of cultivation The speed is astounding, if given time, maybe he can really cultivate to reach the seventh level and dominate one side, but now it is really a pity, he is so arrogant that he dared to challenge the Martial Palace, he will definitely die in the place of death."

"Elder Jin is an extremely powerful existence among the elders. He is a master second only to Babel. Elder Jin has existed in the Martial Palace for several years. Generally, he will not make a move, but once he makes a move, he will definitely be able to defeat his opponent. Yang Once you challenge Elder Jin, you are indeed courting death."

These disciples all know the horror of this Elder Jin, and their knowledge is relatively extensive. They know the difference between the sixth level of Tongtian and the seventh level of Tongtian. This difference can almost be described as a chasm beyond.

The two huge worlds collided with each other without any accidents. Although Yang Yi's world was also very powerful, it was only a moment of struggle. After a while, Yang Yi's world began to collapse, and it seemed that it would not be able to hold on anymore. generally.

Yang Yi's face is still very calm. His world is indeed comparable to the world of the seventh level of the sky, but there is still a gap compared to Elder Jin, a master of the seventh level of the sky. However, his world has not been brought into full play. The power of terror.

"Yang Yi, die!"

Elder Jin shouted loudly, and his world power suddenly increased several times, and he rushed towards Yang Yi like a mountain and a sea.

This momentary change immediately made it difficult for Yang Yi's world to be maintained, and it began to collapse one after another in an instant, but at this moment, Yang Yi, who had been calm all the time, stretched out his fair fingers and gently pointed towards the world.


In an instant, Yang Yi was already in the collapsing world, suddenly bursts of thunderous power flashed out. This thunderous power was contained in Yang Yi's world and had never been revealed. Now with Yang Yi The urging of these thunders also appeared.

These thunderbolts are not ordinary thunderbolts, but the powerful power of heavenly thunder, which is the power of heavenly thunder that all masters of the eighth level of the sky dream of. In the world, once it is displayed now, it really has the power to destroy everything, and it directly smashes Elder Jin's world to pieces like a crushing one.

"What? This... is this the power of thunder? How can there be power of thunder in your world?"

A look of shock and fear appeared on Elder Jin's face. The power of this kind of thunder was far beyond what he could resist. [

Although the power of these sky thunders is not much, but the power of sky thunder is the power of sky thunder, even if it is not much, it can easily crush Elder Jin's world to pieces.

The thunder raged, and Elder Jin's world collapsed one after another. Yang Yi's world drove straight in like a broken bamboo, enveloping Elder Jin's body. weaken and influence.

This change was so fast that many disciples couldn't react. Elder Jin, who had already gained the upper hand, was defeated so quickly, and the world collapsed in an instant. Such a change was really too dramatic.

At this moment, Yang Yi was not idle, his body also moved instantly, the golden light on his body was like the light in the dark night, it was more dazzling than that, and his unbreakable strength was exerted to the extreme, this is not counted, his Yuanshen also concentrated all his strength into his hands.

This power is stronger than any master of the sixth level of heaven. The original gap between the sixth level and the seventh level was easily bridged at this moment. Yang Yi's strength has reached the level that can tear apart The extremely strong state of the seventh layer of the sky.


Without the protection of the world, Elder Jin also seemed relatively thin. Yang Yi's big millstone of heaven and earth was crushed directly and hit him fiercely. It was also vividly displayed, but in front of the current Yang Yi, these forces were far from being able to resist, his body was directly blown away by Yang Yi, and the surface of his body was already cracked with bloodstains, which was shocking.

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