blood record

Chapter 483 Chaos Star Field

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In the vast starry sky, ripples began to appear in the space, and then a figure walked out directly from it, standing quietly in the void.

With a slight grasp of the man's hand, a huge light began to flicker continuously, and two figures flew out of the light in an instant, turning into two women. They all looked at the void with some confusion, and then looked at the man.

"Yang Yi, you left Wudian? Don't you just rest assured that Wudian won't send anyone again?" [

It was You Fengxian who spoke, she naturally knew everything that happened outside in the glorious kingdom, and she was also shocked by Yang Yi's current strength, she never thought that Yang Yi actually had the golden body of the witch clan.

For the Wu Clan, You Fengxian also knows that this kind of ancient race can compete with the immortals, it is definitely not easy.

Shi Cuiyang also took a step forward, frowned and said: "Yang Yi, I don't think Wu Dian will let you go so easily, especially the Supreme Elder, he seems to have planned it long ago."

Yang Yi had an expected expression on his face, and smiled slightly: "Your worries are unreasonable, Wu Dian will not let Yang off so easily, he should have some means to know about Yang The specifics, so I'm not worried. Moreover, Yang's display of strength this time also made Feng Yi feel a bit scruples. He won't let go of a certain witch clan's golden body."

Both You Fengxian and Shi Cuiyang were slightly startled and said: "Yang Yi, you can predict everything, so what should we do now? Don't let them accumulate strength, and finally come to capture you when they are sure?"

Yang Yi looked at the void and said indifferently: "They have their plan, and Yang also has Yang's plan. It's too late to say anything now. The only way is to quickly increase my strength. This day, I have to be in the shortest possible time for the Heavenly Thunder Disk." Time to grasp it, once I grasp it, my strength will increase exponentially, even if they come at that time, they can't do anything to me."

This is Yang Yi's plan, no matter what conspiracy they have, as long as their own strength reaches a certain level, they will not be afraid of these people at all, and the Thunder Disk is an opportunity for Yang Yi to become even stronger.

"But now we have to find a safer place. If they want to kill Yang, they must at least give them some obstacles. Let's go now and go to the most dangerous chaotic star field."

"What? The chaotic star field? It's a restricted area for monks, and ordinary five-level masters who reach the sky will have to go back and forth when they enter."

You Fengxian said in surprise.

The chaotic star field is a peculiar star field on the outskirts of the Emperor Wu's star field. There is chaos on the side, and it is full of endless space storms. Even the monks of the fifth and sixth layers of Tongtian have to go back and forth when they go in. Such a dangerous place has naturally become a forbidden place in the hearts of many monks.

Yang Yi said indifferently: "That's right, it's the chaotic star field. It's in such a chaotic place that I can devote myself to cultivating the Heavenly Thunder Disk. Even if Wudian knows that Yang has entered the chaotic star field, I will still have a headache for a while." , at least they have to spend some effort to find Yang."

You Fengxian and the others also nodded slightly, they are now only Yang Yi.


With a wave of Yang Da's hand, he brought You Fengxian and the others into the Glorious Nation. The Chaos Star Field was still a very dangerous place for You Fengxian and the others, and they could only stay quietly in the Brilliant Nation.

The space was instantly shattered, and Yang Yi directly shuttled into the space and flew directly to the chaotic star field.

Although the chaotic star field is chaotic, there are also monks gathering at this time. There are actually countless monks here outside the chaotic star field, staring at the chaotic star field, and each of them has a look of regret in their eyes.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a strange thing handed down from ancient times. With it, the cultivator can gain strength continuously. The speed of cultivation is unimaginable. Moreover, if it is refined into the body a little bit, the physical body will be very strong. Abnormal, amazing resilience. It's a pity that this fetish was brought into the chaotic star field by Teng Lie risking his life, and he probably died long ago. "

"An ancient fetish, the virtuous live in it, how can Teng Lie be able to do it? He is just a cultivator at the second level of the sky, and he can get this fetish. He is doomed to enter the chaotic star field and die." .”[

"Every man's crime is his own crime. Teng Lie was doomed to this end when he obtained this ancient fetish, but it's still a pity that no one could get this fetish."

"The biggest loss this time is the Batian Pavilion. It dominates the Batian Starfield, but they didn't expect such a fetish to appear in their Batian Starfield. Brought into the chaotic star field by Teng Lie, I lost all face."

These cultivators were discussing in low voices, and they roughly explained the reasons. It seemed that a cultivator entered the chaotic star field with a divine object handed down from ancient times, and they all felt it was a pity and a pity.

Among the many monks, there are dozens of monks, all of them are the existence of the fourth level of the sky, and the leader has the cultivation base of the sixth level of the sky. Among the monks here, they can be said to stand out from the crowd, and they are extremely conspicuous .

"Damn, hate, this Teng Lie is really hateful, actually entered the chaotic star field, what should we do now?"

The young man's face was rather gloomy. For this fetish, Batian Pavilion is a master, but now they have lost the fetish. Once they go back, the punishment they will receive is unknowingly cruel.Batian Pavilion is not a sect, but an organization, organization, an organization, organization known for its cruelty, this time they were ordered to come out to seize the ancient gods, but they didn't get it, so they went back like this, waiting for their fate. will be severely punished.

"My lord, although this chaotic star field is dangerous, it is only aimed at the fifth level of the sky, and some monks entered it and escaped by luck. No matter how far we go in the domain, if the Hall Master and other masters go in, there is still hope to get the fetish. Otherwise, once we go back, the punishment we will suffer is so heavy that even the Hall Master cannot bear."

A cultivator of the fifth level of the sky said in a low voice.

After a while, the hall master of Batian Pavilion also seemed to have thought about it for a long time, gritted his teeth fiercely, and said in a low voice: "Yes, the chaotic star field, this hall master is still confident to support it for a while, but that kid will definitely not last long , if we go in now, the chances of getting the fetish will be greatly increased, and taking a risk is better than going back and receiving inhuman punishment."

Thinking of this, the hall master glanced at him, and said sharply: "You stay here, no one is allowed in, otherwise you will be questioned!"

These cultivators of the [-]th and [-]th level of the sky immediately agreed loudly, and then the head hall master flew into the chaotic star field with the only two masters of the [-]th level of the sky.

Seeing the people from Batian Pavilion flying into the chaotic star field, these monks became a little agitated.

At this moment, a man suddenly appeared in an inconspicuous position, and none of the many monks here noticed the sound of this man's appearance.

"Interesting, ancient fetish? They have all entered the chaotic star field. Yang wants to see what ancient fetish it is?"

This man was Yang Yi who traveled through the space. Normally, monks were rarely seen in the chaotic star field, but this time there were suddenly so many monks. It was really shocking.


Yang Yi flew directly towards the chaotic star field, but at this moment, the cultivator of Batian Pavilion immediately found out, and shouted: "Stop, chaotic star field, no one is allowed to enter now, otherwise it will be with me, Batian Pavilion. Enemy, shoot to kill!"

Now the periphery of the entire chaotic star field is blocked by the monks of Batian Pavilion, no one is allowed to enter, Yang Yi has attracted attention as soon as he moved, and these monks surrounded Yang Yi, staring at him, As long as Yang Yi made any move, they would immediately launch a thunderous blow, and they would definitely not be polite.

Yang Yi's eyes glanced slightly, like sharp blades, unexpectedly this look made these Batian Pavilion cultivators of the [-]th and [-]th level of the sky feel palpitations.

"Go away!"

Yang Yi's voice was not loud, but it spread over dozens of miles away, and echoed clearly in the ears of many monks, it lasted for a long time and shocked people's hearts.

"Who is this person? He dares to speak to the people of Batian Pavilion like this. The Batian Pavilion is so powerful, I'm afraid this person will be in danger." [

"I haven't seen this person before, and he can't see through his cultivation. However, he dared to be so tough on Batiange. He probably saw that the three masters of Batian Pavilion had left. And the chaotic star field is not just anyone. If he can get in, I'm afraid he is also willing to go for that ancient fetish."

"The three masters of the sixth level in Batian Pavilion have left, but there are still many experts of the fourth and fifth levels here. Their strength is unquestionable, and they are extremely powerful. It is extremely difficult for ordinary monks to enter the chaotic star field."

"Since this person has the courage to break into the chaotic star field, he must have some means, but I don't know if he can pass through the strict surveillance of the Batian Pavilion. After all, once the Batian Pavilion is alarmed, he will have to face dozens of masters." , is no small matter."

These monks all know the fierce power of Batian Pavilion, and know that even though the three masters of Batian Pavilion have left, the monks of Batian Pavilion who are arranged on the periphery are not something that ordinary monks can provoke.

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