blood record

Chapter 484 Antiquity

Chapter 480 Four Ancient Gods

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"whoosh whoosh"

The monks of Batian Pavilion flew over one after another, and the aura of the whole body immediately rose, and they kept echoing in the void. The addition of dozens of statues is also extraordinary and shocking.

But Yang Yi was unmoved, his body flew forward directly, as if he didn't pay attention to these monks. [

Damn, since you don't listen to the advice, then shoot and kill."

The monks of Batian Pavilion immediately shouted, and then displayed their own domains or worlds one after another, enveloping Yang Yi like water.But these domains or worlds are simply too weak, Yang Yi slightly sneered, and then his world was also displayed violently.


Yang Yi's world is bigger than it is, even with the power of billowing thunder. The domains or worlds of these monks collided with Yang Yi's world, and they were like paper paste, shattered one after another. Both the body and soul collapsed one after another, these dozens of monks were totally vulnerable in front of Yang Yi.

"What? Such a powerful world, my God, even the hall master can't resist such a terrifying world, this is a great master, let's go quickly."

At this moment, the monks of Batian Pavilion knew that the horror of the people in front of them was beyond their ability to resist. Not only was it not them, even their Hall Master was here.

But at this time, it would be too late for them to escape. Yang Yi's world was like rolling water, which directly enveloped the monks of Batian Pavilion in the world, and their bodies collapsed. Those of the dragon blood were directly imprisoned in the world.

In just a moment, dozens of monks from Batian Pavilion died, imprisoned and imprisoned, and none of them could escape. Countless monks looked at Yang Yi in shock, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"This... what kind of master is this? The monks of the Batian Pavilion have no resistance at all under his hands. Could it be that he is a super master of the seven-fold creation realm?"

"The realm of creation is somewhat improbable, and there is no such atmosphere of the realm of creation in his world, but he must be a cultivator at the peak of the sixth level of the sky. He can easily kill so many monks just by relying on the world. His strength Unfathomable."

"This time, Batian Pavilion also encountered an iron plate. I am afraid that this master came for the ancient god. The news about the ancient god this time has spread, and many masters have come to track down the ancient god. things."

"Batian Pavilion is famous for its fierceness, but this time it also encountered even more ferocious monks. Killing these dozens of monks is like killing a j butcher of dogs. Obviously, they are usually unrivaled figures who kill the sky."

Seeing that Yang Yi was so ferocious, these monks immediately beheaded all of these monks. They were all shocked, and some even retreated a lot, for fear of being implicated.

But the more shocking thing is yet to come. In Yang Yi's world, there are eight primordial spirits of the Heaven-reaching [-]th and [-]th-level divine dragon bloodline cultivators imprisoned. Yang Yi is not willing to let these primordial spirits go.His primordial spirit came out in an instant, it was a more majestic flood dragon, with a big mouth, it swallowed the eight primordial spirits directly.

Swallowing the primordial spirit, such a scene is really shocking. Although devouring the primordial spirit of the same bloodline is helpful for cultivation, most monks do not do this, because directly swallowing the primordial spirit, its tyrannical power will even explode your own primordial spirit. God, it is safer to practice step by step.

But Yang Yi has no such concerns at all. His soul is so huge, let alone the souls of these monks who have swallowed up these mere [-]th and [-]th layers of the sky, even the souls of the monks of the [-]th layer of the sky, Yang Yi's Yuanshen can also swallow it, and it is still far from reaching the limit.

The shock of Devouring Yuanshen to these monks was far from over, but Yang Yi ignored it. After beheading the monks of Batian Pavilion, he flew directly into the star field in one step, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

The monks around were staring at the vague figure in the star field in dumbfounded, and no one said a word for a long time.

As soon as Yang Yi flew into the star field, he immediately felt a rush of pressure, and then he moved his big hand forward, and blasted out with surging force. [


A meteorite with a size of hundreds of feet was shattered in an instant and turned into powder. Only then did Yang Yi see the scene in front of him clearly. This place is really different from other star fields. Space storms, and meteorites that must be paid attention to at all times. These meteorites are as small as a finger, and as large as a star. When they hit directly, their power is no less than that of a full-strength strike of a sixth-level master. It's no wonder that so many monks entered the star field and never went out again.In a situation like this, if you don't have strong strength, it is indeed difficult to worry about it safely.

Yang Yi glanced slightly. He wanted to find the three people who came in from Batian Pavilion. They were looking for some ancient artifact. Now that Yang Yi met him, he naturally wanted to take a look. What kind of treasure is the god object.

"Well, there is a violent surge of vitality ahead, it should be in front."

Yang Yi suddenly sensed the faintly visible vibration of vitality in front of him, which almost pointed out the direction for Yang Yi, and his whole body quickly turned into a ray of light, flying towards the front.

At this time, on a huge meteorite, said to be a meteorite, in fact it is almost equivalent to a small star. The three people in Batian Pavilion are really safe and sound, and they also found the second-level Tongtian they were looking for. Monk Teng Lie.

This Teng Lie seemed to be seriously injured, he looked at the three people in Batian Pavilion with a gloomy face, and was vaguely confronting them.

In Teng Lie's hand, there is a huge red blood-like thing, which was pinched by Teng Lie. It exudes a strong ancient atmosphere. Fetish.

"Teng Lie, you are already escaping now. If you get out of the ancient gods, maybe you can die a little more happily, otherwise, hmph, bring you back to the Batian Pavilion, what kind of torture will you know? It’s a more terrifying feeling than falling.”

The hall master expert headed by Batian Pavilion said in a low voice.

These three masters have already formed an encirclement circle. If there is no accident, then this Teng Lie mere cultivation base of the second level of Tongtian will not be able to escape no matter what. f

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