blood record

Chapter 511 The Body of Pure Yang

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The seal in Bi Luo's body is very powerful, it is the seal of the Heaven-reaching Seventh Layer of Creation Realm, such a seal was sealed by a powerful Seventh Layer of Creation Realm master, it is difficult to open it by Bi Luo himself.

But now it was Yang Yi who opened it for him, and Yang Yi's power hit the seal fiercely. Just once, the seal was completely broken, and the secrets of creation flowed out from the seal, gradually It flows on Bi Luo's body, helping Bi Luo comprehend a higher realm.

Although Yang Yi's cultivation is only at the sixth level of the sky, his strength is poor and powerful. Generally, the masters of the seventh level of the sky are not Yang Yi's opponents. Even Yang Yi's masters of the soul will not be afraid of a seven-level creation He is a cultivator in the realm, so he can easily break the seal in Bi Luo's body. [

Bi Luo calmed down, this time she had obtained the greatest benefit, her world began to change rapidly, and there was a faint aura of being from existence, which was a sign of being promoted to the sixth level of void realm.


Yang Yi directly grabbed several spiritual veins from the space, quickly shattered them, and turned them into bursts of rich spiritual energy, which quickly entered Bi Luo's body, providing her with a steady stream of vitality for promotion.


I don't know how long it has passed, Bi Luo's whole body looks more holy. Although she is not naked, she has a noble aura, which makes people dare not be profane or profane easily. Moreover, in her world at this time, there is also There is already a trace of emptiness, this is the real realm of emptiness, reaching the sixth level of the sky, and it is cultivated in this way.

Yang Yi knows best what level Bi Luo has advanced to now. Her cultivation base is constantly improving, starting from entering the sixth level and then continuing to improve, and finally reaching the peak of the sixth level.

In the end, Bi Luo still did not continue to improve. Although she understood some mysteries of creation, even if she received the empowerment from her master, it was not so easy to advance to the seventh level of creation. She had to rely on her own comprehension to be able to Promoted to the Seventh Level of Creation Realm.

Just like Yang Yi, he is also constantly comprehending the mysteries of creation. The gap between the seven-fold creation and the six-fold creation is simply a chasm, a gap, and it is even more difficult to cross it than climbing to the sky. The way of transformation is general.

Countless monks of the sixth level of Tongtian are stuck in this step, unable to be promoted for a long time.

Bi Luo opened his eyes and saw that he was completely naked and his face was flushed. Even Yang saw that his mind was swaying and he couldn't hold it back. He simply let go of his mind and immediately talked to Bi Luo again. Let's do the human relationship thing together, this time, he is purely without any cultivation thoughts, just to satisfy his own human relationship desires and desires.

While Yang Yi was with Bi Luochun and Sebian, in a secret cave of the Jiuding Sect, Taoist Taiyi was discussing carefully with Ditian and some powerful elders.

These elders looked serious at this time, and no one said a word for a long time, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

After a while, Di Tian said in a low voice: "Elder Taishang, in fact, our Jiuding Sect has no choice but to join Yang Yi's Tianhe Alliance. Just now, I got the news that the Zhu family's People actually went to the Jidao Sect and stayed there for several hours, I am afraid that they have reached some secret conditions with the Jidao Sect. If there is no Yang Yi, my Jiuding Sect will be destroyed in an instant."

Immediately after Ditian finished speaking, an elder shouted loudly: "Headmaster, elder Taishang, Ji Dao Sect is a threat, but Yang Yi is not ambitious? He, the Tianhe Alliance, wants to completely wipe out my Jiuding Sect. Annexation, in time, there will be another Extreme Dao Sect, even stronger than the Extreme Dao Sect, my Jiuding Sect has been passed on for several years, did it just be interrupted by our hands?"

These elders could see clearly that although the Jiuding Sect temporarily repelled the Jidao Sect, Yang Yi now seemed to be more dangerous than the Jidao Sect. He wanted to annex the Jiuding Sect without bloodshed.

All the elders were silent, but they all knew that there was probably no room for maneuver in this matter. The members of the Tianhe Alliance had now withdrawn from the periphery of the Jiuding Sect, and they moved many stars beside them. It is time to build a mountain gate on the stars.

In such a situation, everyone knows that this is Yang Yi putting pressure on the Jiuding Sect.

"Hmph, Yang Yi also has to cooperate with my Jiuding Sect, otherwise, does he think he can resist the Jidao Sect and the Zhu family by himself?" A sixth-level elder of the Jiuding Sect said angrily.

Taoist Taiyi glanced at the elder lightly, his eyes were colder, and he said coldly: "Whether Yang Yi can deal with the alliance between the Ji Dao Sect and the Zhu family, I don't know, but I know that Yang Yi can rely on That powerful half-immortal treasure directly took away the monks of the Tianhe Alliance, but I, the Jiuding Sect, cannot leave, this is the foundation of my Jiuding Sect's inheritance!" [

Taoist Taiyi is right, Yang Yi can leave at any time, because now both Hualong Palace and Yaochi Palace are actually destroyed, and there are not many people, Yang Yi can take them away at any time. With these people fleeing to other star fields, they randomly find a star field to settle down.

But the Nine Cauldrons Sect is different, no matter what they can't leave.

"Joining the Tianhe Alliance is only possible to be annexed by Yang Yi, but if you don't join, my Jiuding Sect will definitely be wiped out by the Jidao Sect and the Zhu family."

Taoist Taiyi's words have already made a decision, and all the elders know that the Jiuding Sect may cease to exist, and there will only be the Tianhe Alliance after that.

"Okay, since all the elders have agreed, Master, you should go there yourself, find Yang Yi, and show my attitude towards the Jiuding Sect!"

Ditian also looked a little disappointed, but he had no choice but to nod his head, and then flew to where Yang Yi was.


In the distant Wudi star field, as time passed, the rumors about Yang Yi became less and less, and everything seemed to be quiet.However, at this time in the upper echelons of the Temple of Martial Arts, many elders seemed to be cheered up. This was two days ago, a message came from the Temple of Martial Arts. Finally saw Yang Yi appear.

This is undoubtedly very exciting for Wu Dian, they have never given up looking for Yang Yi, knowing that Yang Yi will definitely return to the Tianhe Starfield, now it seems that Wu Dian did not predict wrongly.

"whoosh whoosh"

In the mysterious Wukong, there are several elders sitting. These elders are full of pure yang aura, and those who have this kind of pure yang aura must be great masters who reach the heavens and break through the mortal realm.

Elder Feng Yi glanced at the elders around him. He is now a master of the five elders. In the past few days, some elders have left the customs one after another, but it is still not enough. The five elders alone cannot deal with Yang Yi. He must To deal with Yang Yi with absolute certainty.

"Why are the three elders still not leaving the customs?"

Elder Fengyi frowned, his tone seemed a little displeased, he was also an extremely ancient existence among these elders, even these elders who broke the mortal realm would faintly respect Elder Fengyi.

Although there is no so-called Great Elder among these Supreme Elders, Elder Fengyi's prestige among these Supreme Elders is faintly like that of a Great Elder, and only he would speak to other elders in such a tone. The Supreme Elder spoke.

"Haha, Elder Fengyi, isn't the old man out of customs?"

At this moment, a burst of heroic laughter came in, and then a big man with a thick beard appeared, and the aura around him exuded a strong pure yang aura. Suddenly, there was a burst of movement, like a storm, instantly sweeping away the pure yang aura of many elders.There is no pure yang aura of an elder here that is as strong as the pure yang aura of this big man who suddenly appeared.

"What? Such a strong pure yang energy is even stronger than Elder Li Shang. It seems that he has truly cultivated into a pure yang body!"

Many elders were shocked. It was the first time they felt such a huge pure yang aura. Even Elder Feng Yi showed a hint of surprise on his face. Although the original Elder Li Shang was powerful, his body It's just a trace of pure yang breath, which is already very powerful, but that's not the real body of pure yang.

"Elder Yu Bachen, you... what realm have you cultivated to?"

This question is not only what Elder Fengyi wants to ask, but also all the elders here at Jiuzhong want to ask.

Elder Yu Bachen laughed loudly: "Haha, it's still the Ninth Layer Breaking Mortal Realm, but the old man finally re-condensed his body yesterday, and condensed his whole body into a body of pure yang."

This is the real body of pure yang. With a slight movement of Yu Bachen's body, a more blazing pure yang aura erupted, just like a round of hot sun, making people dare not look directly at it. Compared with Yu Bachen, he was Elder Li Shang, who was sealed by Yang Yipeng, was nothing short of insignificant. Elder Li Shang did not really cultivate into a pure Yang body at the beginning, at best, his body was only contaminated with some pure Yang breath.

"Okay, okay, the body of pure yang, the real body of pure yang. It has been a long time since there is an elder in my martial arts hall who can cultivate a real body of pure yang. I originally thought that elder Li Shang had hope to cultivate a body of pure yang, but It's a pity that Elder Li Shang was suppressed, completely cutting off the way to cultivate a pure Yang body."

Seeing Yu Bachen's terrifying pure yang aura, Elder Fengyi felt a little emotional.

Yu Bachen frowned and said: "What? Elder Li Shang was suppressed? There are still people who dare to suppress the elders of my Martial Palace, who is it, so bold?"

Yu Bachen has been in seclusion all the time, and he doesn't know how long he has been in seclusion, so he doesn't know many things.

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