blood record

Chapter 512

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Elder Feng Yi naturally knew the reason for Yu Bachen's anger. Martial Palace has always stood on the top of many surrounding star fields, even the Tianhong Star Field, which has always been the most opposite to Martial Palace, would never dare to suppress the Supreme Elder of Wudian , not to mention that no one in the Tianhong Empire has this ability, unless it is dispatched by a number of masters who have broken the mortal realm.

But now Elder Li Shang has indeed been suppressed, and there is still nothing he can do.

"Elder Yu, it is precisely because of this incident that this old man invites all the elders out to capture Yang Yi together and rescue Elder Li Shang."

Feng Yichang then briefly explained Yang Yi's matter.

"Yang Yi is indeed a talent of the sky, but if he wants to be an enemy of Wudian, he is doomed to fall, Elder Fengyi, this time the old man just happened to have a perfect body of pure yang, and he is about to try the magic of the body of pure yang , this Yang Yi, of course, is going to meet for a while."

Yu Bachen's eyes flashed bursts of vigor, and when he heard Elder Fengyi's tone of disapproval towards Yang Yi, he naturally felt eager to win, and he also wanted to see if Yang Yi could win. Got his body of pure yang.

Elder Fengyi nodded slightly and said: "Wait a minute for the other elders, there are still two elders who have not left the customs."

Yu Bachen shook his head slightly and said: "Elder Fengyi doesn't have to wait any longer, those two elders have already sealed off their six senses, and it is impossible for them to know anything that happened outside, so Elder Fengyi's message, they Can't get it either."

Elder Fengyi frowned slightly, even with Yu Bachen included, there are only six masters of the ninth level in total now, according to Elder Fengyi's calculations, if you want to firmly suppress Yang Yi, you need at least seven Respect the Jiuzhong master is.

Yu Bachen waved his hand slightly and said: "Elder Fengyi, the old man's body of pure yang is so perfect that the idle ninth-level masters are no longer the old man's opponent. A mere Yang Yi, in front of so many masters, how can he find anything? lnghu can't do it? Hmph, even if it's a disk of thunder, this old man will blow it away with one punch."

Yu Bachen is not blindly confident, the power of the pure yang body is far beyond the comparison of ordinary nine-fold monks, those low-level masters can even feel a trace of pure yang in the pure yang body. Resist with all your might.

The Lord of Wudian also stepped forward and said: "That's right, Elder Fengyi, now that you have Elder Yubachen, you can already suppress Yang Yi, and even Elder Yubachen alone can take care of Yang Yi. According to the news, even in the Tianhe Star Region, Yang Yi has enemies all over the place. Among them, the Jidao Sect, the biggest force in the Tianhe Star Region, is Yang Yi's deadly enemy. Respect the Jiuzhong masters, we can unite with them first, and then deal with Yang Yi together, to ensure that we don't miss it."

Elder Feng Yi also felt reasonable, nodded slightly and said: "Okay, I didn't expect Yang Yi to be full of enemies, this is exactly what the heavens want him to perish, this time, we must take back the Heavenly Thunder Disk and save Elder Li Shang Come back, and Yang Yi's secret of the golden body of the witch clan must also be obtained."

Elder Feng Yi's whole body was also flashing with murderous intent, making one's heart palpitate.


Many elders of Wudian immediately shuttled through the space, heading towards the Tianhe Starfield.

In the Tianhe star field, many major events have occurred in the past few days, one of which is the formation of the Tianhe Alliance. This Tianhe Alliance is composed of the Hualong Palace, the Yaochi Palace, and the Jiuding Sect. It was a monk named Yang Yi.

Taiyi Daoist's majestic nine-level master is actually just a deputy leader.

The name Yang Yi is no stranger to monks in the Tianhe Starfield. When the Jidao Sect issued the order to kill Yang Yi, it caused a sensation in the entire Tianhe Starfield. It's just a monk of the shape and environment.

But it's different now. Although some monks still don't know what Yang Yi's current cultivation level is, the news that he knocked back the three elders of the extreme way with one punch has gradually spread throughout the entire Tianhe Starfield, and those casual cultivators also seem to be Surprised than.

"Yang Yi's rise is too fast. In just a few short decades, he has grown to such a level. I don't know what kind of adventure he got."

"Who is Yang Yi? He was able to overwhelm Taoist Taiyi and become the leader of the Tianhe Alliance?" [

"Hmph, you don't even know Yang Yi? This is the biggest thing in the Tianhe Star Region right now. Yang Yi knocked back the three elders of the extreme way with one punch. Even Taoist Taiyi can't do such a cultivation level. Why not?"

"That's right, Yang Yi also united with Hualong Palace, Yaochi Palace and even Jiuding Sect to form the Tianhe Alliance. Now the strength of this Tianhe Alliance has surpassed that of the Jidao Sect. When the matter of the Tianhe Alliance is over, I'm afraid Yang Yi will If you directly kill the Ji Dao Sect, then the Ji Dao Sect might be wiped out."

"The Ji Dao Sect is domineering in the Milky Way Starfield. Who would have thought that a small transformation monk would grow to the point where he could decide the life and death of the Ji Dao Sect in a short period of time."

These casual cultivators are a little sighing, they are all low-level casual cultivators, and in the Milky Way star field where men factions are fighting for hegemony, they will not pay attention to them, so these low-level casual cultivators are actually Live the most freely.

Of course, the Tianhe Starfield is far more than just these things. In addition to the Tianhe Alliance, the Zhu family, one of the most powerful forces in the Zenith Starfield, has sent a large number of masters into the Jidao Sect.

But these are extremely secret things, except for those monks who have reached the highest level who know a little bit, even those disciples don't know, let alone these casual cultivators.

In the Jiuding Sect, perhaps it should be called the Tianhe Alliance now. After several months of rest, all the Jiuding Sect disciples have accepted the fact of joining the Tianhe Alliance. Of course, Yang Yi did not take any drastic measures Actions, he has the means to make the Jiudingjiao truly become a member of the Tianhe Alliance, but now he is more concerned about the Zhu family's affairs.

The masters of the Zhu family continuously entered the Jidao Sect, Yang Yi knew it all too clearly, and this was already within Yang Yi's expectation. This is what Yang Yi is most concerned about. The other monks are no threat to Yang Yi now, no matter how many masters there are, they are of no use.

In fact, masters whose cultivation has reached the ninth level can no longer be dealt with by numbers. Even if there are several eighth-level masters, they can't deal with a single ninth-level master. Yang Yi's strength is even stronger than ordinary ninth-level masters. If you want to be powerful, you will not be afraid.

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