blood record

Chapter 513

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In the main hall of Jiuding Sect, Yang Yiduan was sitting on a big chair, now he is above tens of thousands of people, a super master standing at the pinnacle of monks, the leader of Tianhe Alliance, even Taoist Taiyi has to respect him salute.

"Meet the lord!"

Yang Yi nodded slightly and said: "Everyone, I have received news that the Zhu family has teamed up with the Jidao Sect to fight against our Tianhe Alliance. Suppress the situation and completely destroy the Ji Dao Sect!" [

Yang Yi has his self-confidence, he doesn't take the Zhu family in his eyes at all.

Moreover, he had mentioned this matter to Taoist Taiyi of Jiuding Sect in advance, so they were not very surprised, but those elders with slightly lower cultivation bases were shocked. Although the Ji Dao Sect was temporarily repelled, but in fact its vitality was not injured. How terrifying is it that these two forces are combined?

But now Yang Yi actually wants to go to attack these two forces, it's simply unbelievable.

However, these elders saw that even Taoist Taiyi did not object. Although they were very suspicious in their hearts, they still didn't say anything, but their expressions were a little strange.Yang Yi ignored these monks. For him, now is the best time to destroy the Ji Dao Sect. He is not afraid of only the masters of the Zhu family.

But recently, there was a hint of danger in his heart, this breath is very weak, but it is real, as if something is about to happen, but Yang Yi can't figure out what it is There is a dangerous atmosphere in the direction, so he has to calm down Ji Dao Sect as soon as possible.

"Okay, this seat will open up the space channel for all disciples!"

Now there are tens of thousands of disciples in the Tianhe Alliance. It is naturally impossible to fly all of them there. Only the shuttle space, Yang Yi is powerful, and it is not a big deal to open up a huge space channel.


Immediately, Yang Yi flew out of the hall, came to the square outside, punched out, and the whole space was shattered suddenly, turned into a huge black hole, and a huge space passage appeared.

Cultivators have flown one after another from all around. They lined up neatly here and flew into the space in an orderly manner. That's how the original Ji Dao Sect suddenly appeared in the outer void of Jiuding Sect.

This passage is relatively huge, and it has been completely guarded by Yang Yi with his strength, so even if he reaches the other end of the space passage, there will be no accidents, and there is Taoist Taiyi protecting him in front of him. , even if there are some masters outside the space channel, Taoist Taiyi can't help it.

In just a moment, all the monks of the Tianhe Alliance entered the space channel, and Yang Yi also quickly traveled through the space.


When Yang Yi walked out of the space passage, he saw a dense crowd of monks outside. Of course, these were not monks from the Tianhe Alliance, but disciples from the Extreme Dao Sect, and those monks in strange clothes were monks from the Zhu family in the Zenith Starfield. , they were already waiting here.

Taoist Taiyi's face was a bit gloomy, and he said to Yang Yi in a low voice: "Leader, Ji Dao Sect and the Zhu family have already made preparations, and they seem to know that I will come later."

Yang Yi smiled slightly and said: "This is nothing, as long as I expected, the Zhu family is indeed one of the biggest forces in the Zenith Starfield, and its existence is older than my Tianhe Starfield, They have some means to know that it is normal for me to wait for this day to come."

Regarding this point, Yang Yi had already expected it. The Zhu family is a very old family in the Zenith Starfield. The Zhu family was already powerful when the Tianhe Xingjun did not establish the Tianhe Starfield. Strong, no small matter, some secret methods are really nothing if used for calculation.

Taoist Taiyi also nodded slightly, he also knew that the Zhu family was very difficult to deal with.

"Leader, what shall we do now? Our Tianhe Alliance has only been established for a short time, and our morale is low. Looking at the disciples of the Zhu family and the Ji Dao Sect, it seems that everyone is full of fighting spirit and full of confidence." [

Taoist Taiyi observed the subtleties, and soon discovered the difference between the disciples of the Tianhe Alliance and the Ji Dao Sect and the Zhu family.

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he said lightly, "What's so difficult about this? It just so happens that Yang also wants to see what kind of masters the Zhu family has."


Yang Yi pointed directly, and a golden light flew out of his body in an instant, it was the Kingdom of Glory, this golden light was Yang Yi's display of the Kingdom of Glory, and its terrifying light fell directly on the surroundings for several days. Within a thousand miles, no matter whether it is the monks of the Tianhe Alliance or the monks of the Jidao Sect and the Zhu family, they are all enveloped in it.

The Brilliant Kingdom has now been mastered by Yang Yi with perfect proficiency, and the monks in the Tianhe Alliance immediately felt a sense of comfort all over their bodies, as if their minds and minds had suddenly become enlightened, and there was faintly a strong spiritual energy shrouding them, even Some monks also seized the opportunity to greedily absorb and refine the aura here.

But for those monks of the Ji Dao Sect and the Zhu family, this ray of light is like a terrifying storm. The exhausting pressure fell instantly, and countless monks felt their own fragility, as if the soul and the body were about to be shattered in an instant .


One after another low-level monks actually collapsed directly, and blood flowed on the ground, which was really shocking. It was Yang Yi who had mastered the glorious kingdom, and the powerful pressure made these monks unable to bear it.

This is the strength of Yang Yi now, even if the number of these disciples is doubled, it will be helpful. As long as Yang Yi urges the glorious country with all his strength, there may be very few disciples of the Ji Dao Sect and the Zhu family's monks who can escape. After being suppressed by the glorious country, it will be instantly reduced to powder.

But at this moment, a stern shout came: "Yang Yi, Hugh is going crazy, break the Fatian wheel, break!"


A golden light flashed, and an incomparably terrifying aura burst out, and a huge dharma wheel appeared instantly. This dharma wheel was so huge that it shone with brilliance, and it directly tore Yang Yihuang's body into pieces. The light of the kingdom.

This golden light contains a strong "immortal" aura. Obviously, this is a powerful half-immortal treasure. As one of the most powerful forces in the Zenith Starfield, the Zhu family is impossible without the half-immortal treasure. This is obviously the semi-immortal treasure of the Zhu family.

"Broken Fatian Wheel? That's right, it's a half-celestial treasure."

Yang Yi's expression remained unchanged, and with a slight move of his big hand, he immediately took the Brilliant Kingdom back. It was just a slight collision between the Brilliant Nation and the Fa-breaking Heavenly Wheel. , although it is only a half fairy treasure for the time being, it will not be damaged by a bump.On the other hand, that piece of Heavenly Wheel, which can collide with the Glorious Kingdom, is also a rare half-celestial treasure.

Yang Yi doesn't have too many half-immortal treasures now, he gave Bi Luo the Ten Thousand Heart Silk Armor, with this half-immortal treasure, and relying on Bi Luo's sixth-level cultivation base, even ordinary monks can't hurt her.

"whoosh whoosh"

As Yang Yizhao returned to the glorious kingdom, several old men were immediately thrown out from the Jidao Sect. Their costumes were somewhat different from those of the Jidao Sect. Yang breath, their identities are ready to be revealed, they are the four elders of the Zhu family who have broken through the mortal realm at the ninth level.

Next to the elders of Zhu's family, the three elders of the extreme way also appeared. They held the picture of the extreme way and looked at Yang Yi coldly.

"Yang Yi, the elders of the Zhu family have expected that you will come today, hmph, today I, Ji Dao Sect, will be your burial place!"

Ji Xing, one of the three elders of the Ji Dao, said coldly.

"Oh? Just relying on the masters of the Zhu family? You underestimate Yang too much. How could Yang have not expected the alliance between the Zhu family and your Ji Dao Sect? But it has no effect, Yang If you are not sure, how can you come?" [

Yang Yi looked at the four elders of the Zhu family and the three extreme elders, without a trace of fear, he said coldly.

"Arrogance, Yang Yi, you are so arrogant, you don't need the three fellow Taoists of Ji Dao Sect, I, the Zhu family, will kill you, an arrogant junior!"

The four masters of the Zhu family immediately glanced at each other. They didn't underestimate Yang Yi too much. In fact, when they knew that Yang Yi could knock back the elders of the extreme way with one punch, they were faintly afraid. It was also the four of them joining forces, and they actually jointly urged the broken Fatian wheel to crush it towards Yang Yi.

The rolling sky wheel seemed to contain infinite power. It was driven by the four masters of the Nine Great Masters, and the power had almost been brought to the extreme. Wheels generally bring it to the extreme, so its power is greatly reduced. This is the benefit of focusing on cultivating a half-immortal treasure.

"Hmph, you want to suppress Yang with just this half-immortal treasure? What a joke, the Bow of Moment!"

Yang Yi sneered, the light flashed in his hand, and a huge longbow appeared in an instant. This longbow was engraved with ancient and gorgeous fine lines, and it even exuded the aura of "immortal". fairy treasure.

Yang Yi hadn't used the Bow of Moment for a long time, and now that he used it again, he felt different. At least with the improvement of Yang Yi's cultivation level, Yang Yi knew more about the Bow of Moment.

"call out"

A bright light flashed, and Yang Yi directly shot an arrow, which was the full force of the Bow of the Moment, and it hit the broken law sky wheel fiercely, bursting into a ball of light, even the surrounding void They were all blown to pieces by the aftermath.

But when the radiance faded away, the Fa-breaking sky wheel still hadn't been broken, it was still rolling down, trying to suppress Yang Yi, the four masters of the Zhu family urged a half-immortal treasure with all their strength, the power was really extraordinary.

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