blood record

Chapter 538 Tracking Breath

Chapter 530 Eight

track breath

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Yang Yi did think of a place, the Tianhe Starfield has always been under his control, it is impossible to hide anything from him, let alone the golden body of the Wu clan, so only this place is the most likely.

"Zenith Starfield"[

Yang Yi's eyes shone with bursts of golden light. Only the Zenith Starfield is the closest to the Tianhe Starfield. In this case, it is possible for Yang Yi to detect the aura of the golden body of the Witch Clan.

"It seems that Yang in the Zenith Starfield must go and lie down. If I can get this part of the undead body, then it is possible that I can cultivate a real undead body. "Above the masters of the field"

Yang Yi was in a good mood. As for the undead body, he had long wanted to find the undead body Wu Clan, because this was the fastest way to improve his strength.

Moreover, the youth of the undead body is even greater than the youth of Yang Yi's immortality, because once the immortal body is achieved, it will be difficult for anyone who wants to kill Yang Yi.

If only relying on the witch energy provided by Wu Yuan, it will take tens of thousands of years to become an undead body, and a lot of semi-immortal treasures must be swallowed by Wu Yuan to generate exhausted witch energy for cultivation.

But once you have the golden body of the witch clan's undead body, then all these problems will be solved. The undead body is comparable to the immortal, and even to a certain extent, much stronger than the immortal.

So now there is the aura of the undead witch clan, which can't help but make Yang Yi's heart move.


Yang Yi quickly flew into the void, he slightly sensed the entire Tianhe Alliance, and then moved his big hand down, and a huge picture appeared in the void.

This huge picture scroll is the Tianhe Star Map. Yang Yi broke the Tianhe Star Map into the Tianhe Alliance. Once I feel more at ease.

In other star fields, the Tianhe Star Field is useless, and with Wu Yuan, Yang Yi does not need other half-immortal treasures or fairy treasures at all. The power of Wu Yuan will be revealed one by one in the future. show up.

After entering the Tianhe Star Map into the surroundings of the Tianhe Alliance, Yang Yi's figure flashed, and then he shuttled into the starry sky. Here, he could even feel the faint aura of the golden body of the Wu Clan, and it was definitely genuine. The breath of the undead witch clan.

Following the aura, Yang Yi arrived in front of a huge star field, and the aura of the golden body of the witch clan did indeed come from this star field.As soon as Yang saw this huge star field, people came and went, it was much more lively than the Tianhe star field, this is the Zenith star field.

"Sure enough, it is in the Zenith Starfield, the undead witch clan golden body, Yang must get it"

A flash of light flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, and then his figure turned into a strong man under a flash of light, with a ferocious look on his face, which was intimidating, and his whole body exuded fearful The breath of the six-fold void.

Heaven-reaching six-layer Void Realm, this is already a very powerful realm, at least in the Zenith Starfield, all powerful monks must be respected, so it will be much easier for Yang Yi to find the golden body of the Wu Clan.


Yang Yi directly shuttled into the Zenith Starfield, just arrived here, Yang Yi felt a more intense Wu clan aura, this aura is definitely several times stronger than the aura outside.

"What the hell is going on? Don't these people know the preciousness of the golden body of the Wu clan?" [

Yang Yi really couldn't figure it out, how could this golden body of the Wu clan exude such a strong aura, any master would be cautious after obtaining such an ancient body, for fear of being discovered by others, but the current situation doesn't seem to be the same. It's not like this.

"It's weird, there's even a hint of uneasiness in my mind."

Yang Yigang was about to chase after him, but a faint anxiety in his heart made him hesitate, but after a while, his expectation for the undead body finally made him overcome his caution, and immediately followed the breath away.

"Huh? A lot of masters? What's going on?"

Yang Yi suddenly saw that in front of a huge courtyard, there were many cultivators of the [-]th and [-]th level of the sky, waiting in full force, heavily guarded, as if they had encountered some major event, and in this courtyard, the spirit of the Wu clan The breath became more intense, and Yang Yi could even imagine that the undead body of the Wu clan must be in this courtyard.

But Yang Yi didn't rush forward, he looked around, and then he set his sights on a sky-reaching quadruple master.


Yang Yi directly shuttled over, his eyes were sharp, and his aura was like a surging ocean, which immediately overwhelmed the fourth-level cultivator in shock, and even showed a look of fear on his face.

"Ex...Senior, I don't know what you can do for me?"

The fourth-level monk asked cautiously. In his opinion, the master in front of him had at least the fifth level of heaven, or even the sixth level of the sky. Otherwise, he would not be able to suppress him into to such an extent.

Yang Yi felt very satisfied, and then asked lightly: "Who actually owns this courtyard in front, and why is it so heavily guarded?"

The fourth-layer monk looked at the huge courtyard that Yang Yi pointed to, and then replied cautiously: "Senior, I don't know, this is the Zhu family's compound, and the Zhu family is one of the four major forces in the Zenith Starfield." , The number of masters, it is nothing to have these masters. Maybe there are some important people in this yard, this is beyond the knowledge of the juniors."

"The Zhu family?"

Yang Yi felt a sudden rush in his heart, he never thought that he would be able to get involved with Zhu's family as soon as he arrived at the Zenith Starfield.

Although the Zhu family was killed by Yang Yi, as a big family that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses. Except for the top nine-fold masters of the Zhu family, there are no other seven-fold masters. , eighth, so that there are still many masters of the sixth and fifth levels below, and their background is far beyond what the Tianhe Alliance can match.

Yang Yi immediately let the monk go, his eyes fixed on the courtyard of the Zhu family. In the current Zhu family, only the ancestor of the Zhu family can compete with Yang Yi. Originally, Yang Yi had planned to come here soon. The Zhu family did not expect to come to the Zhu family after tracking down the undead witch clan this time.

"No matter what tricks you play, as long as it is a real undead witch clan, you must get it"

Yang Yi faintly made up his mind, and then his figure, like a ray of light, descended in front of Zhu's courtyard in an instant, with a cold expression on his face.

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