blood record

Chapter 539

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In front of the Zhu family's gate, when those masters of the [-]th and [-]th layers of heaven saw Yang Yi, there was a trace of murderous intent in their eyes.But after a while, they felt a cold killing intent, penetrating to the bone marrow, and that cold chill came from the strange monk in front of them.

"Say, what the hell is in here?"

Yang Da grabbed it with his hand, and one of the masters of the sixth level of the sky was caught by Yang Yi without the slightest resistance, with a look of horror on his face. [

"Senior, what's inside is what my ancestor of the Zhu family personally ordered to get it. It is rumored that it was obtained from an extremely ancient and secret place in the Zenith Starfield. It is a broken body. How ancient."

This master of the sixth level of the sky immediately knew that the person in front of him was definitely not something they could deal with, so he immediately told everything he knew in detail.

"Oh? Broken body?"

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, his Unbroken Manifestation became even more excited, and his whole body was trembling.

He can be sure that it must be the golden body of the witch clan, the golden body of the undead body of the witch clan that he has dreamed of. As long as he gets it, he may quickly cultivate into a real undead body.

"Tianlei Disk, take it!"

With a wave of Yang Da's hand, a huge Heavenly Thunder Disk appeared instantly, suppressing all the masters of the Zhu family in the Heavenly Thunder Disk.


Yang Yi didn't have any scruples, and flew directly into the tightly guarded room.

But when he saw the room clearly, a strong crisis appeared in an instant, and he saw rays of light began to flicker continuously, and the whole room immediately changed, unexpectedly countless mysterious formations wrapped around him.

"Huh? Big formation? Trap?"

Yang Qian was very surprised, he instantly understood that this was just a trap, the purpose was to lure Yang Yi to find this place and throw himself into the trap.

The big formations around here are indeed extremely powerful, but just these big formations, Yang Yi still has the confidence to break them all one by one, but now Yang Yi is not in a hurry to break them, he wants to take a look, this What kind of tricks did the Zhu family use to even attract him.

"Haha, Yang Yi, you have today too?"

At this moment, a loud voice appeared instantly, and there were two people standing outside the room, the ancestor of the Zhu family and Yu Bachen, their faces showed a hint of joy, it was obvious that this was indeed a trap.

These large formations are some powerful formations from ancient times, they are indeed miraculous pairs, but it is not enough to trap Yang Yi.Of course, this is not what Yang Yi thinks about now, he also wants to know who is behind the ancestor of the Zhu family, because the ancestor of the Zhu family will definitely not lead Yang Yi to come after a big defeat. The key point, Yang had already doubted it a long time ago.

"Tell me, who else is plotting against Yang, otherwise, you, Zhu Patriarch, would not take such a risk to lure Yang here."

Yang Yi said confidently.

The ancestor of the Zhu family sneered loudly and said: "Yang Yi, yes, there is indeed a fellow Taoist who designed this trap to kill you completely, but this person, I believe you will be familiar with it, fellow god, please come out, everything is in order." It is within the expectation of fellow Shinto friends.”[

As the voice of the ancestor of the Zhu family fell, a figure more familiar to Yang Yi appeared directly from the void. This figure was once a high mountain pressing on Yang Yi's head, but he had already ruthlessly crushed him I stepped on it, but I didn't expect that after many years, this person would appear again.

"God Bless, it turned out to be you. No wonder someone knows Yang so well that he was able to let Yang voluntarily fall into the trap."

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly. He thought of many people, but he didn't think of Shen Tianyou. At the beginning, Shen Tianyou was defeated by Yang Yi, and later he was rescued by Taoist Qingtian's power. He should have gone to Taoist Qingtian's secret cave. During the painstaking training, he did not expect to be able to cultivate to the Ninth Level Breaking Mortal Realm, and now he reappeared in front of Yang Yi.

"Are you still thinking that you can break free? But it's useless. Your golden body of the Wu clan is useless today. Of course, if you still know this treasure."

A smug smile gradually appeared on the corner of Shen Tianyou's mouth, and then a long shuttle appeared in his hand, with a strong "immortal" aura shining on it.

Yang Yi is naturally very familiar with this long shuttle. When he got Wu Yuan, he had seen countless broken pictures. From these broken pictures, Yang Yi knew this long shuttle. .This long shuttle is obviously a treasure cast by the powerful being named Yulong Immortal in the tomb of the god.

As for Chi Ming, a strong man of the Wu clan, he was shot by the long shuttle, so although he killed Immortal Yulong in the end, he also did not escape the fate of falling, and finally died under the long shuttle.

That Chi Ming is no small matter, he was in the powerful realm of undead bodies at the beginning, this long shuttle can destroy even undead bodies, even kill Chi Ming, this is enough to show the horror of this long shuttle .

This is the strange power of the ancient immortals, a powerful treasure that can kill the undead witch clan.Yang Yi never imagined that this treasure of the ancient fairy king could flow out of the tomb of the God of War, and it ended up in the hands of Shen Tianyou instead.

Seeing the change in Yang Yi's expression, Shen Tianyou became even more proud. There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a low voice: "It seems that you really know this long shuttle. Believe that You have already obtained the inheritance of the Wu Clan in the Tomb of the God of War, and you should be very clear about the fact that this long shuttle really killed an undead master Wu Clan."

Seeing the long shuttle in Shen Tianyou's hand, Yang Yi really felt jealous, after all, it was a powerful treasure that could completely destroy his immortality.

"Yang Yi, when you defeated Shenmou and made Shenmou humiliated under the crowd, Shenmou swore to take back everything you got, haha, now Everything is about to come true, the golden body of the witch clan should be able to devour each other, haha, your body is not broken, just to be swallowed by a god!"

Shen Tianyou's understanding of Yang Yi's Wu Clan's golden body ratio, and now he has revealed an even more shocking fact. This Shen Tianyou actually wants to swallow his body, which means that he is also a Wu Clan, at least he is a cultivator. The existence of the golden body of the witch clan.


Yang Yi's guess was right, Shen Tianyou's body flickered with terrifying radiance, his body was actually the golden body of the witch clan, but it was the weakest diamond body.

The weakest of the Wu Clan is the Vajra Body. The Vajra Body can only be compared to the Transformation Form. It is really useless, but this is an identity of the Wu Clan. This god Tianyou actually has the Vajra Body. This is what shocked Yang Yi. compare things.

Not only Yang Yi, but even Yu Bachen and the ancestors of the Zhu family were quite shocked. They felt the ancient violent aura from Shen Tianyou, and their expressions immediately changed. They knew that Shen Tianyou used them. Counted everyone.

"Haha, Yang Yi, don't think that you are the only one who has obtained the inheritance of the Wu Clan, and the god has also obtained the inheritance of the Wu Clan, and even got a golden body of the Wu Clan's undead body, but the undead body is too powerful Now, with the power of a diamond body, Shenmou can't devour an undead body at all, so he must find an unbreakable body of the Wu clan, and Yang Yi, you are the best candidate, everything about you, all your luck, You will all belong to God, everything about you will be controlled by me, God You, and only I, God You, will be the heir to the luck of the Wu Clan, haha!"

Shen Tianyou laughed loudly, obviously, he had been planning for too long, and even Shen Tianyou knew better than Yang Yi about the Wu Clan.

It is true that the witch clan can increase the strength of the golden body by devouring each other, but the strength must not be too far apart. It is possible to devour the undead body bit by bit without breaking the body, but the diamond body can only be bit by bit. Swallowing does not break the body, but for the undead body, the witch clan with diamond body has nothing to do.

So even if Shen Tianyou got the body of an undead witch clan, it would have no effect, because he couldn't swallow it at all, nor could he become a master of undead bodies.

And the only way is to devour an unbreakable golden body of the witch clan, so that he can be promoted to an unbreakable master, so that he can slowly swallow the body of that undead master, thus becoming a powerful Undead master. [

And the key to all of this is Yang Yi, so Shen Tianyou spared no effort to use the ancestors of the Zhu family and Yu Bachen to lure Yang Yi here. In this way, he can have enough ability to control Yang Yi. , thus devouring Yang Yi's unbroken body.

"God Bless, you are really presumptuous, and the old man only promised you to use your means to kill Yang Yi, but I must know the secret of the Wu Clan's golden body!"

The ancestor of the Zhu family also had a strong aura flashing around him, looking at Shen Tianyou covetously, now he also understands that he was used by Shen Tianyou, but Yang Yi's golden body of the witch clan, he must get it!

Yu Bachen's eyes were also shining brightly, and he said coldly: "This elder only needs to take back the Heavenly Thunder Disk and the golden body of the Wu clan from my martial arts hall. This elder will not take it. Friends of the Divine Dao, as long as you How about giving the Elder the Disk of Heavenly Thunder to this elder, and that elder will immediately withdraw from the Zenith Starfield and return to the Palace of Martial Arts?"

Yu Bachen also clarified his purpose when he saw that the swords were on the verge of breaking out. What he wanted was the disk of thunder.Regarding Shen Tianyou, he was still a little shy. If he dared to do this and set up a situation like this, he must have thought everything through. Fighting with Shen Tianyou now would not do any good.

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