blood record

Chapter 544 Prisoner under the order

Many disciples have even secretly notified the ancestors of the Zhu family, but they have not received a response for a long time. Faintly, more and more people are a little worried, but the image of the ancestors of the Zhu family in their hearts is almost It is deeply ingrained, and they are still unwilling to believe that something will happen to the ancestors of the Zhu family (the latest chapter of the ancestors of the Shushan side door.

"It must be that the ancestors are still studying the Dao, so they didn't get our letter."

Many disciples thought this way, Yang Yi saw all of this, his face was calm, and he said in a low voice: "Are you still waiting for your ancestors? What a joke, Your ancestors have become Yang's prisoner!"

Yang Yi's words were even more shocking, they made Zhu's children's ears ringing, they would never believe that the enemy's ancestor was Yang Yi's prisoner.

"Nonsense, the old ancestor is a majestic master of pure yang, how could he become someone else's prisoner?" [

"That's right, Yang Yi, you are really talking nonsense. When the old ancestor wakes up from cultivation, he will definitely crush you and make you fall into a place of eternal doom."

"You still don't know how powerful your ancestor's pure yang body is. Hmph, I'll let you know after a while how ridiculous and knowledgeable your cultivation is."

Many of the Zhu family's children almost said in unison, they didn't believe what Yang Yi said.

Yang Yi's eyes turned cold, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. His golden body of the witch clan violently mobilized, and he grabbed it with his big hand, accompanied by a roar that seemed to come from ancient times.

"bang bang bang"

The masters of the sixth level and seventh level of the ten gods died tragically in Yang Yi's hands, and they still didn't have any resistance, they couldn't even withstand Yang Yi's punch.

You must know that Yang Yi's unbreakable body has reached almost the peak state, and he is only less than a quarter away from being able to cultivate into an undead body. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to kill Yang Yi now, so Compared with before, his strength has also been greatly improved, reaching an unbelievable level. Even a master of the ninth level of breaking the mortal realm, he will definitely not be able to withstand the punch that Yang Yi uses without breaking his body.

Seeing Yang Yi's fierce power, the Zhu family's children also became frightened, their eyes were full of fear.

"Hmph, take a closer look, is this your ancestor?"

Yang Yi captured the primordial spirit of the ancestor of the Zhu family in the Tianlei plate, and exposed it to the eyes of the public. The ancestor of the Zhu family saw so many disciples of the Zhu family, his face turned purple for a while, and he shouted: : "Yang Yi, hate it, hate it, you have insulted the old man very much, blow me up!"

The ancestor of the Zhu family actually chose to blew himself up at this moment, but immediately, the Heavenly Thunder Disk suppressed him. Under the control of the Heavenly Thunder Disk, only the ancestor of the Zhu family was left, even if he wanted to die. Disaster.

Seeing that the ancestors of the Zhu family have really become Yang Yi's prisoners, these Zhu family's children all feel like the world is falling apart. Will the Zhu family, which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, be completely destroyed?

"I... the inheritance of my Zhu family, is it going to be cut off?"

"That's the ancestor, really the ancestor, the dignified master of pure yang body, the number one master in the Zenith Starfield, how could he be suppressed by life and death, unable to survive or die?"

"Yang Yi, Yang Yi of the Tianhe Alliance, I'm afraid not only my Zhu family, but even the Zenith Starfield will cease to exist in the future."

The children of the Zhu family who already had some foresight immediately thought of the meaning behind the destruction of the Zhu family. Even a master of pure yang body like the ancestor of the Zhu family became Yang Yi's prisoner, so the other three in the Zenith Starfield How could such a powerful force be able to resist Yang Yi's ferocity?

Therefore, sooner or later even the entire Zenith Starfield will surrender at Yang Yi's feet.

"I am willing to become a disciple of the Tianhe Alliance, and meet the leader!"

Many disciples bowed down one after another. Yang Yi's ruthlessness has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people just now. In addition, Yang Yi just showed the soul of the ancestor of the Zhu family, and he has indeed become Yang Yi's prisoner. , in the hearts of these Zhu family disciples, Yang Yi's strength has reached an unattainable level, and they dare not have the slightest resistance. [

Seeing the submission of the Zhu family, Yang Yi also showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. Such a result is what he needs. With the background of the Zhu family, it is not easy for the Tianhe Alliance to quickly prosper.

Yang Yi casually took a fancy to an elder of the seventh level of creation, and said lightly: "Where is the treasure house of the Zhu family? Hurry up and take me there!"

What Yang Yi valued most was the Zhu family's treasury. After all, the huge aristocratic family has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. There are many powerful treasures. These are the important guarantees that can make the strength of Tianhe Alliance disciples grow by leaps and bounds.

The elder of the seventh level of creation did not dare to disobey, and immediately brought Yang Yi to the treasure house of the Zhu family, but the entire treasure house almost occupied a full star, and there was still a large formation protecting it, so it was just waiting for him. Nine layers of masters don't want to easily break into the treasure house.

The seventh-level elder said in a low voice: "Leader, this is the treasure house of the Zhu family, but only the patriarch and the ancestors know how to open this treasure house. It will be attacked by the powerful array power in the treasure house, which is very dangerous."

Yang Yi looked at it slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Oh? Is it dangerous? How dangerous is this small treasure house? The world is a big mill, break it for me!"

Yang Yi pressed down fiercely with both hands, a huge millstone appeared in the void, and directly blasted on the gate of this treasure house. With Yang Yi's current strength, this small gate is like a piece of paper. It was so mushy that it was knocked open immediately.

Seeing that Yang Yi was so terrifying, he directly forcibly broke down the gate of the treasure house. This master of the seventh-level creation realm showed a horrified look on his face. When he came to the treasure house, even the patriarch was cautious. I'm afraid that if the mechanism of the treasure house is touched, even the ninth level master may fall by then.


Yang Yi didn't care about it at all, as if he didn't realize the danger, he flew into the treasure house directly, but at this moment, a terrifying thunder appeared from the void, and ruthlessly blasted on Yang Yi's body.

But an even more shocking thing happened, Yang Yi didn't suffer any damage, as if the thunder didn't hurt him at all.

"It turns out that this means is still not enough, far from enough!"

Yang Yi burst out laughing, the huge voice echoed continuously in the entire treasure house, it was deafening, and it made the master of the seventh level of creation stunned.

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