blood record

Chapter 545 Reversal of Ten Thousand Years

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In the treasury, in fact, Yang had already discovered that there were many traps, and there were countless large formations.

However, he didn't have the heart to question the primordial spirit of the ancestor of the Zhu family. Instead, he rushed in directly, and he also had to take the initiative to trigger all the power of the big formation in the treasure house to destroy all the traps here.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces, break it for me!"

Yang Yi immediately displayed his martial skills, and the surging power radiated directly to all directions of the treasure house, directly breaking those large formations or restrictions.

Many of the large formations here were arranged by experts of the ninth level, and more of them were arranged by the ancestor of the Zhu family, a master with a pure yang body. The power can be described as terrifying, but now even the ancestor of the Zhu family has become Yang Yi's. Prisoners under the rank, what are these big formations?

Under Yang Yi's terrifying power, all the large formations were being destroyed rapidly, all of them were destroyed, and there were even some powerful large formations that would kill Yang Yi, but when they met Yang Yi... Almost reaching the body of an undead body, there is no other way.

Now even if Yang Yi is crushed to pieces, Yang Yi can recover slowly, this is the horror of undead bodies!Of course, now Yang Yi has not yet reached the point of being a real undead body, but less than a quarter of his body has not turned into an undead body.

Not long after, all the big formations in the treasury were completely destroyed by Yang Yi, and the elder of the seventh-level creation realm who had been following Yang Yi was even more impressed by Yang Yi. From his point of view He also knew that Yang Yi's physical body had reached an unimaginable level, so it was no wonder that even the ancestors wanted to become Yang Yi's prisoner.

Yang Yi glanced slightly, and found that there are countless wealth and treasures here, and the spiritual veins here are almost exhausted after a rough induction, even if all the disciples of the Tianhe Alliance have reversed the spiritual veins of 10 years. .

Not to mention that there are countless pills that are as tall as a hill, and there are all kinds of magic weapons. In short, the treasure house of the Zhu family is so rich that even Yang Yi can't imagine it, it is completely beyond his expectation.

"Okay, okay, okay! As expected of a big family that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, a master who has been in the Zenith Starfield for tens of thousands of years, and has a body of pure yang, the wealth is naturally inexhaustible, However, this can achieve the prestige of my United Alliance!"

Yang Yi muttered to himself, and then he unleashed the Heavenly Thunder Disk, without any fear at all, and collected all the wealth in this treasure house, the real wealth is only in his own hands .

This is the wealth of a whole star, but the disk of Tianlei is exhausted, and the space inside is so large that there is no problem even if it hits ten star fields, so these wealth can naturally be put into Tianlei smoothly. on the plate.

"Okay, don't release any news now. When I personally lead the monks from the Tianhe Alliance in the future, I will smash the entire Zenith Starfield in one fell swoop!"

Yang Yi no longer has the slightest scruples now, and the Zenith Starfield is not far from the Tianhe Starfield. If the Zenith Starfield can be completely integrated into the Tianhe Starfield, then the Tianhe Starfield is bound to be extremely powerful .

However, this premise still needs to enhance the strength of the Tianhe Alliance.

"Leader, please don't worry, the subordinates will kill Zhu's house immediately, and no children of Zhu's house will be allowed to enter or leave. In this way, no one will know what's going on with Zhu's house."

The master of the seventh level of creation said flatteringly, now the entire Zhu family, the masters of the eighth level of thunder have been beheaded by Yang Yi, and the master of the seventh level of creation is also the most powerful among them, so with his words , the Zhu family naturally has no objection.

"Very good, at that time, I will naturally not forget your benefits. Now this Phoenix Primordial Spirit, who is a master of the eighth-level sky thunder realm, will give you a good understanding. In the future, there will be more rewards, which are endless! "

Yang Yi directly grabbed a suppressed soul of an eighth-level Heavenly Thunder Realm master from the Heavenly Thunder Plate, and rewarded this seventh-level Creation Realm master, which immediately made this master ecstatic. He can't refine it directly, but he can do it bit by bit. The so-called drop of water penetrates stone. With such an eighth-level master's soul, he must be able to cultivate with twice the result with half the effort. How could he get such a thing in the previous Zhu family? big benefit?

"My subordinates thank the lord for the reward!"

Yang Yi nodded slightly, he was not afraid of any changes in the Zhu family in the Zenith Starfield, at worst, he would bring the people of the Tianhe Alliance with him, and then he would settle down in one fell swoop. [

This is Yang Yi's self-confidence now, even if he is a master with a pure yang body, he will all be flattened by one sentence.

Yang Yi soon returned to the Tianhe Starfield. Since there was Taoist Taiyi in charge of the Tianhe Starfield and the protection of the Tianhe Star Map, nothing major happened.

"Taoist Taiyi, this time Yang has gained a lot in the Zenith Starfield. He sealed the Zhu family's ancestor and Yu Bachen, the two fish that slipped through the net, and also subdued the Zhu family, and got exhausted treasures. And wealth, with this wealth, Yang can reverse time for thousands of years, so that my disciples of the Tianhe Alliance can continue to practice, and their strength can be raised to a limit in a short period of time."

Yang Yi is rich and powerful now, so he immediately mentioned the matter of beheading the ancestors of the Zhu family and Yu Bachen, and revealed the wealth and treasures of the Zhu family a little bit, and immediately made Xiu become the master of pure yang. Daoist Taiyi was shocked.

Taoist Taiyi originally had a hint of arrogance in his heart, he has cultivated into a body of pure yang, his cultivation base is not what it used to be, and he even faintly wanted to compete with Yang Yi, but after seeing the ancestors of the Zhu family and Yu Yu After Ba Chen's end, he was completely convinced by Yang Yi, knowing that Yang Yi was definitely not someone in the pool.

However, he still felt inexplicable heartache for Yang Yi to burn exhausted spiritual veins to reverse the time of ten thousand years. After all, burning so many spiritual veins was just to reverse the time of ten thousand years, but within these ten thousand years, Tianhe Alliance disciples still need resources to practice.

This is equivalent to wasting the spiritual veins consumed by reversing ten thousand years of time. Such a huge wealth was unimaginable in the past, whether it was the Jiuding Sect or the Jidao Sect.

It is even more impossible to think that one day, there will be someone who is so extravagantly used to reverse time for thousands of years.

But Yang Yi didn't care. What he needed most now was time, not resources. As long as he leveled up the Zenith Starfield and then searched for the treasure houses of those major forces, wouldn't he be afraid that there would be no resources?


Following Yang Yi's order, all the disciples and elders of the Tianhe Alliance who had just walked out of the Heavenly Thunder Disk walked in one after another, this time for a longer time, ten thousand years.

However, none of the disciples were unwilling. How could they miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?If you want to practice resources, you have resources, if you want magic weapons, you have magic weapons, and if you want magic doors, you have magic doors. However, there is only one task for a disciple, which is to improve the cultivation level as soon as possible. Where can I find such a sect?

This is why Yang Qian is doing this when he is rapidly improving the power of the sect. In the future, when he becomes bigger and stronger, he will naturally not waste it like this again.

Reversing the time of ten thousand years is not completely useless for Yang Yi. Although his invulnerability has reached the limit, and if he cultivates slowly with witchcraft, otherwise, he will definitely not make any progress. .

Although the golden body of the Wu clan has reached its limit, Yang Yi's primordial spirit has not reached the limit. He has only reached the seventh level of creation. He finally comprehended the realm of Tianlei, and then directly accepted the baptism of Tianlei. With the strength of his Wu Clan golden body and the strength of Yuanshen, Tongtian Bazhong is basically a cutscene, nothing more.

Therefore, cultivating to the Ninth Level Breaking the Mortal Realm is Yang's goal for 1 years. As for cultivating to the body of pure Yang, it cannot be achieved by hard work alone. Those elders of the Martial Palace, which one? It's not that they have practiced hard for tens of thousands of years, but how many people have cultivated into the body of pure yang?It is very rare to even cultivate to the pure Yang Yuanshen.

Yang Yi crushed several spiritual veins, all of them were spiritual energy in the entire cave, and Yang Yi's primordial spirit kept devouring them like a long whale sucking water.

Of course, just by absorbing spiritual energy, one cannot easily comprehend the mystery of the eighth layer. Yang Yi's heart moved, and in front of him instantly appeared a cultivator soul of the eighth layer.

This cultivator was the primordial spirit that Yang Yi suppressed when he suppressed Zhu's family. Yang Yi didn't kill all of these masters of seven or eight levels, especially those with the blood of the dragon. Its primordial spirit is suppressed in the disk of Tianlei, and it will naturally be used in the future.


Yang Yi's primordial spirit flew out directly, and then he opened his mouth wide, swallowing the primordial spirit of this eighth-level master.

The power transformed by the primordial spirit is not too much, but Yang Yi needs the mystery of the eight layers of heaven. In ten thousand years, Yang Yi has time to slowly improve his cultivation, but his own realm must achieve. [

At the same time, Yang Yi was still studying the spirit-killing shuttle, which was only rooted around the corpse of Immortal Yulong, so Yang Yi also moved the corpse of Immortal Yulong in front of him.

Feeling this strong "immortal" aura, Yang Yi also felt the strength of an immortal, this burst of "immortal" aura alone can suppress ordinary monks.

Moreover, it is rumored that once the immortal way is achieved, it will almost change from the inside out, and there is an essential difference, so that "immortal" and "human" are completely distinguished.

Therefore, in the aura of immortals, there is inherent nobility. That is because he has cultivated for several years and has achieved immortality, reaching a realm that ordinary monks cannot understand.

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