blood record

Chapter 561 Fighting Samba

Chapter 560 Fighting Samba

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Who is Sembana?That is a terrifying witch clan that existed in ancient times, and it is also a master of undead bodies.The undead body is also divided into three, six, and nine classes, and Samba is the most advanced, and he is the number one master under the command of Houtu Ancestral Witch, one of the original twelve Ancestral Witches.

Although Samba has gone through tens of thousands of years, the undead body is not complete, and the power has not been fully exerted, but even so, it is terrifying, which is beyond what Yang Yi can imagine, so Yang Yi can be killed with one punch. Boom to pieces.

"Huh? Didn't fall?" [

Suddenly, Samba's eyes narrowed slightly, because he could see clearly just now that Yang Yi's flesh and blood, which had been smashed to pieces, was wriggling rapidly, and after only a few breaths, they gradually overlapped again. At the same time, they turned into Yang Yi, and Yang Yi was revived again.

No, or Yang Yi didn't die at all, and Samba, who was very familiar with this situation, said in a low tone: "Undead body, this is the breath of undead body, Yang Yi, you can actually cultivate into an undead body? "

Samba devoured Shen Tianyou, so he also successfully accepted Shen Tianyou's memory, so he clearly knew that Yang Yi hadn't cultivated into an undead body at the beginning, and before he got another Wu clan undead body, Yang Yi It is simply impossible to cultivate an undead body.

But now the facts are in front of his eyes, Yang Yi has indeed cultivated into an undead body, and only an undead body can recover quickly when his body has been blasted into countless pieces. This is the only way to be immortal.

This shows that Yang Yi must have had a great adventure, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate a terrifying undead body.

In fact, the horror of the undead body is beyond the imagination of ordinary monks, because even immortals cannot kill the undead witch clan, so the undead witch clan claims to be immortal, and they are the backbone of the entire witch clan strength.

However, in the battle between the Wu Clan, they are not afraid of the immortality of the undead body, because the powerful Wu Clan can directly devour the opponent's body to enhance the strength of their physical body. Of course, this premise must be stronger than the opponent's will, and It is also necessary to have an overwhelming advantage, otherwise, in the end, the body may be taken away by the opponent.

Yang Yi's figure reappeared, he looked at Samba coldly, he was almost certain now that this Samba was a powerful Wu Clan from ancient times, and he was a real leftover member of the Wu Clan.

Moreover, Samba's power is almost exhausted. He also knows more about the Wu Clan than Yang Yi, but Yang Yi can also see that Samba's power has not fully recovered.

"Samba, you swallowed Shen Tianyou, so you also inherited his dying will, but you didn't expect, and neither did Shen Tianyou, that Yang would cultivate into an undead body so quickly, right?"

Yang Yi's voice was colder than ice, his whole body was vigilant, and he was fully prepared, once this Samba made a move, he would react immediately.It's not that Yang Yi is too careful, but it's that this samba is too terrifying, far beyond what ordinary monks can compare.

Samba stared at Yang Yi, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha, the undead body, you can cultivate the undead body, it is indeed beyond my expectation, but it is not a good thing for you to cultivate the undead body ? As long as I can devour your undead body, my undead body will be able to fully recover, and even reach the original peak state. At that time, I will sweep the enemy and rebuild the glory of my witch clan."

Samba has already made up his mind, and even wants to devour Yang Yi. After all, he is an undead master. If two undead witches meet, if they want to fight, they will be immortal."


Fighting intent, crazy fighting intent erupted, and Yang Yi's whole body was shining with terrifying and angry fighting intent. At the same time, the same was true for Na Samba. On both of them, there seemed to be a terrifying roar from ancient times. .

Samba stepped forward fiercely, the space was shattered, and his whole body seemed to be extremely heavy. Every step seemed to be stepping on the monk's mind.

Yang Yi did not show weakness at all, his body was walking like a dragon and a tiger, and he rushed in front of Samba in an instant. The two undead masters, both of the Wu Clan with the reputation of God of War, have now collided head-on, just like two Like giant mountains, they are constantly colliding.

"bang bang bang"

The collision between the two was very terrifying, exploding continuously in the void, and the aftermath spread in all directions. Fortunately, there were no disciples in the Tianhe Alliance below, and Yang Yizao took all of them into the Tianlei Disk one step at a time. Otherwise, they will be completely annihilated by the terrifying aftermath of the two of them now. [

The Tianhe Alliance has been completely destroyed. The two undead masters are almost comparable to the supreme immortals. When the battle broke out, the aftermath completely destroyed the Tianhe Alliance.

"The Great Mill of Heaven and Earth"

Yang Yi broke out with all his strength this time, pushing the undead body almost to the extreme. Although he also wanted to keep the Tianhe Alliance, but under the strong pressure of Samba, he couldn't take care of himself, so he could only go all out. There is no way to protect the Tianhe Alliance.


All of a sudden, the stars where the entire Tianhe Alliance was located were vibrating violently, and then, an earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the incomparable impact instantly soared into the sky.

It exploded, and a star was exploded by the aftermath of the two people, which shows how powerful their power is. Generally, a master of undead body can destroy a star field with power, not to mention that there are still two people. Respect the undead.


Yang Yi's body was instantly bombarded by Samba, and turned into blood and mud, but in the flying flesh and blood, Yang Yi was immediately transformed into Yang Yi. He appeared behind Samba, and he punched directly. A big hole also appeared in Samba's body, which was shocking.

But no matter whether they were smashed into powder or had shocking scars, they had no effect on the undead body. Both of them recovered quickly, and neither could do anything to the other.

"Haha, okay, okay, I never thought that Yang Yi could force me to such a degree, okay, very good, I am Samba, I am invincible, under the command of Houtu ancestor witch, I have never been defeated, so even though the undead body has not recovered now , but it is enough to deal with you."

Samba laughed loudly, and at the same time, his body shook violently, and then exuded a stronger aura, which seemed to be more than twice as strong as before.And Samba's eyes are also sharper, and there is a surging fighting spirit rippling all over his body. . .

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