blood record

Chapter 562 Star Field Destruction

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Feeling that Samba's aura suddenly became stronger, Yang Yi's heart sank slightly. As an ancient witch clan, this Samba has many means, and his power must be very terrifying. It is far from Yang Yi. that can be dealt with.

But it is obvious that Samba is not at his prime at this time, and he can't even display half of his strength, so Yang Yi was able to fight Samba just now.

But now, this Samba didn't know what he did, his aura unexpectedly became so terrifying, the bursts of terrifying pressure, even at a distance of tens of feet, still made Yang Yi feel a little suffocated. [

"Yang Yi, it's very good. Originally, I didn't want to use [-]% of my power, but I didn't expect that [-]% of my power would not be able to completely take you down, so now I have increased my power to [-]%. This is also my current undead body. The limit of what I can bear. Only when my body fully recovers can I exert the power of my prime. So, pray now, pray that you can escape!"

Samba seemed very confident, he didn't seem to worry about Yang Yi knowing his real situation at all, he completely told his situation, even that he could only exert [-]% of his strength, without reservation.

But this is not stupid, Samba is not stupid, he is just self-confident, under his [-]% strength, Yang Yi can't resist no matter what, for those who are already swallowed by him, Samba is naturally not Mind telling the truth about him.

"Okay, now, your body can be used as a tonic for my Samba body, helping me recover my strength, and the Wuyuan is not something you can control, your luck, treasures, everything , will become the past, and all will become the power of my Samba to revive the Wu Clan!"

Samba's voice was extremely high-pitched. At the same time, he punched directly. The horror of that kind of power can no longer be described in words. All the power is compressed and compressed. The space is not broken, but it is directly annihilation.

Yes, direct annihilation, what kind of terrifying power is needed to do this?At least now, even if Yang Yi cultivates into an undead body, it is impossible for him to annihilate the space with one punch. This punch obviously intends to completely smash Yang Yi into powder. Even if he does not die, he will definitely be caught by him. Then devour it directly.

Although Yang Yi has a strong willpower, it is aimed at ordinary monks. As for Samba from ancient times, Yang Yi is not conceited enough to be stronger than his will, so once his body is swallowed by Samba, then Yang Yi His will will definitely not be able to resist the devouring of Samba's will.

Therefore, he must resist this punch!

"Hmph, Samba, do you really think you can devour Yang? That's your dream, let you see Yang's true power, Nine Palace Phantom, broken!"

At this moment, Yang Yi directly used the Nine Palace Phantom, which is currently Yang Yi's most powerful power, and he would not use it unless it was absolutely necessary.


36 phantoms appeared in an instant, and then slowly overlapped in the void, 36 times the power suddenly descended, directly blasting at Samba's punch.

Forty percent of Samba's power is enough to smash Yang Yi into pieces. Even the Thunder Disk and Yang Yi's undead body can't resist it. Samba can't think of any other means for Yang Yi to escape from the sky. .

But following Yang Yi's Nine Palace Phantom, that 36 times the power suddenly appeared, and at this moment, a character he couldn't even imagine appeared in Samba's memory.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces? How do you know this martial skill? Who are you from the Immortal Emperor Nine Palaces?"

There was also a look of extreme shock on Samba's face, but Yang Yi looked a little dazed, he had no impression of the Immortal Emperor Jiugong in his mind at all, what he had to do now was to get rid of Samba's entanglement , to escape here quickly, and the most powerful force, Jiugong Phantom, can help Yang Yi temporarily resist the terrifying power of Samba.

The power of 36 times is indeed earth-shattering, so powerful that it is unparalleled, and the two forces collided fiercely in the void.


Huge forces spread in all directions, and the aftermath of these forces was too terrifying. In the Milky Way Starfield, stars exploded one after another, and the space was annihilated one after another, and even turned into a turbulent flow of space. swept across the entire star field. [


Suddenly, the huge Milky Way star chart that shrouded the entire Milky Way Alliance was actually smashed to pieces by the aftermath of the powerful force, and the huge original power directly radiated from the Milky Way star chart and quickly dissipated in the void. Among them, this semi-immortal treasure was completely destroyed like this.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Samba's eyes were fixed on the smoke and dust, but there was no sign or breath of Yang Yi.

"What's going on? Did he escape?"

Samba's perception is extremely sharp, there is indeed no breath of Yang Yi here, and there is not even the breath of an undead body. The 36 times power that Yang Yi used just now is also abnormally terrifying, and he can actually slightly resist Samba four times. With the power of success, that's why Yang Yi went through the space smoothly.


Samba stared at the distant void, roared fiercely, and shouted: "Yang Yi, no matter where you escape, I will find you, and take back the glory that belongs to me, Samba, and the luck that belongs to my Wu clan! "

Samba looked violent now, he looked at this huge starry sky, this is the Tianhe star field.

"Hmph, Tianhe Starfield, Yang Yi, this is the place you want to stand among many starfields, but now, I, Samba, want to completely destroy this starfield, destroy everything!"

Samba's body seemed to become even bigger, his eyes were full of tyranny, he directly stretched out his hands, and slammed forward fiercely.

"boom boom"

One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches... until counting punches, how terrifying is Samba's power?Even if there is no complete recovery, only [-]% of the power can be exerted, that is no small matter. With a burst of fists, the terrifying power directly turned into a destructive power, sweeping and wreaking havoc in the Tianhe Star Field, all The stars were completely annihilated, and all the monks fell.

Under the bombardment of Samba, the Tianhe Starfield finally collapsed, all the stars were destroyed, and the starfield collapsed. The Tianhe Starfield, which was created by Tianhe Xingjun himself, has completely disappeared since then.

Looking at the already fragmented and completely collapsed and destroyed Tianhe Starfield, Samba's face was full of coldness, and then he tore open the space. He wanted to find Yang Yi's breath, and kept tracking him away. I don't know, but the starry sky is vast, even the ancient and powerful Samba, a master of the Wu clan, can hardly find Yang Yi's aura.

In the distant void, the entire space suddenly sent out bursts of ripples, and then a figure flew out from the space, and this figure was Yang Yi.

His eyes were full of murderous intent, and he murmured in a low voice: "The Tianhe star map has been destroyed, and my connection with the Tianhe star field has also completely disappeared. I am afraid that Samba, under the rage, has already Completely destroy the Tianhe Star Map and the Tianhe Star Field!"

Yang Yi is very aware of how terrifying a master of the Wu clan from ancient times is. It is nothing to destroy a star field with a single gesture. Samba has such power.

Moreover, Yang Yi has already arranged some special formations in the Tianhe Starfield after he has grasped the Tianhe Starfield. No matter how far he is away from the Tianhe Starfield, he can feel the Tianhe Starfield, so he can rush back quickly. , but now, all of this has become an extravagant hope, he has completely lost contact with the Tianhe Starfield, and it is very likely that the Tianhe Starfield will also collapse and annihilate.

Although Yang Yi felt grief and indignation in his heart, he also knew that this Samba was not something he could compete with. As the number one master of the ancient witch clan, and also under the command of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, he could not die for so many thousands of years, the strength of this Samba , can be called terrifying, if the strength is fully restored, I am afraid that it will be the peak of the undead body.

"Damn it, Samba, hum, today's revenge, Yang will remember it in his heart, and he will repay it twice in the future!"

Yang Yi's eyes flickered with murderous intent, but after a long while, he regained his composure. He looked into the void, and now he has arrived at a strange starry sky, but Yang Yi also knew that he traveled not far away. That Samba will definitely catch up again, so we can't stop here.

"whoosh whoosh"[

Yang Yi directly tore through the space, and once again shuttled into the poor void.

Just after Yang Yi walked through the space for a while, slight ripples appeared in the entire void again, and then the space was directly shattered, and a powerful existence exuding an ancient aura walked out of it.

His eyes slightly looked at the void, stretched out his hand to grab it, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Hmph, Yang Yi, you didn't expect that I, Samba, possessed the secret technique of the ancestor witch of Houtu. It can be sensed that there is still a trace of Wu Clan's aura here just now, you must have been here just now, hum, as long as you have the Wu Clan's golden body for a day, then you will never be able to escape my induction, haha!"

This powerful existence looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and then its eyes were like the blade's edge, and it aimed at a certain space, and then went through the space again, coming in a hurry, and leaving in a hurry.

Yang Yi didn't know how long he had been traveling. In short, he felt that his body was a little tired, so he got out of the space. This space was full of darkness, and there was no breath of a monk. , and it is also a place that Yang Yi has never been to.Yang Yi was very satisfied with this place, and a smile could not help showing on the corner of his mouth.

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