blood record

Chapter 568

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The gaze of Lord Lin Chenxing made Yang Yi alert immediately, but there was no murderous intent in this gaze, and even Yang Yi seemed to see the imperceptible smile under the corner of Master Lin Chenxing's mouth.

"Have you been discovered? This Lin Chenxing seems to have discovered that I just wanted to break into the place with pure yang energy."

Just now, Yang Yi sensed the place full of pure yang energy, and was overwhelmed by Lin Chenxing's residence, so he retreated. With Lin Chenxing's ability to detect Yang Yi, it was nothing at all. [

The star master Lin Chen in the void smiled slightly, and then said loudly: "My fellow Taoists are very happy to be here today. You can participate in any year or month of practice! And once a suitable candidate is selected, even if the little girl doesn't like it, the deity will give you a Heavenly Star Sword!"

As soon as the words fell, bursts of immortal aura flashed in Lin Chenxing's big hand, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. A sharp aura emanated from the long sword, and all the monks felt a wave of Inexplicably cold.

This is indeed a fairy treasure, and its quality is not low. Most of these monks came here for the Heavenly Star Sword. As for whether they can become a Taoist partner with the daughter of Star Lord Lin Chen, they don't really care.

Yang Yi's eyes also flashed bursts of strange light, he had already seen very clearly just now, this Heavenly Star Sword is definitely of extraordinary quality, and it is also a purely offensive fairy treasure, it is formidable.Of course, the most important thing to Yang Yi is Wu Yuan. Once Wu Yuan devours him, then Wu Yuan can definitely return to the appearance that he was not attacked by Samba before, and even go one step further.

Therefore, Yang Yi is determined to win the Heavenly Star Sword!

"My lord, the power of the Heavenly Star Sword is so powerful. If you get it, your strength will definitely increase again. I'm afraid even those masters with pure yang bodies will no longer be your opponent."

This is what the handsome monk's subordinate said in a low voice.

The handsome monk also smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "That's right, don't underestimate this Celestial Sword. This is the magic weapon used by Star Lord Lin Chen when he was still weak. Star Lord Lin Chen obtained a more powerful fairy treasure, but the Heavenly Star Sword is definitely not to be underestimated, at least, it can be comparable to Father's Wuxu Spear, and it is naturally best to get it!"

This handsome monk has even begun to imagine how much his strength will increase once he gets the Heavenly Star Sword.

In fact, not only Yang Yi and this handsome monk, but also countless monks, they all stared at the Tianxing Sword, a real fairy treasure, which can definitely shock all monks. If it was taken out, I am afraid that some monks would have taken the risk to snatch it.

Looking at the reactions of the many monks below, Star Master Lin Chen also seemed very satisfied, he nodded slightly and said: "Okay, this time the little girl chooses only one Taoist partner, and that is the strongest. Besides, don't ask him!"

Speaking of this, Star Lord Lin Chen's whole body shone with a terrifying aura, soaring into the sky, shrouded in the void, and seemed to faintly touch the fairy formation, all the monks here felt an inexplicable pressure .

Upon hearing that this was the selection method, those monks with low cultivation below shook their heads slightly, with regret on their faces. It is no wonder that the other party is the daughter of Star Lord Lin Chen, and she is also a Taoist, choosing a Taoist companion, Naturally, a strong monk is needed.

The nine-layer monks sitting in the void, they are calm and composed. In terms of strength, there is no doubt that among all the monks, only the nine-layer monks above are the most powerful.

The next step is to sign up. I saw Star Master Lin Chen made a big move, and a huge light curtain appeared in the void. All the monks left their names on it.

Yang Yi scanned it slightly, and there were not too many names on it, but there were quite a few. There were more than 100 monks here, and there were not so many monks of the ninth level here. Perhaps it was a fluke, or there was some reliance, but in short, there were only so many monks who signed up in the end.

Here, there are several arenas, and the arenas are surrounded by large formations, even the full-strength attack of a master with a body of pure yang will not damage them in the slightest.

"Okay, let's start the match now, Huang Sheng vs Li Yuan!"

Thus, monks appeared on the ring and began to fight. These monks were all monks of the Seventh Layer of Creation Realm at least, and the methods they used were also different, and some of them were quite magical. [

But this kind of fight didn't attract Yang Yi's interest at all. After waiting for half an hour, it was finally Yang Yi's turn. His opponent was a cultivator at the eighth level of Heavenly Thunder.


Yang Yi straddled his body and rushed to the top of the ring. As soon as he appeared, he immediately caused a stir among the monks below. Yang Yi was also the first monk of the Ninth Layer to appear in this battle.

"Ninth level monk who breaks the mortal realm! Tsk tsk, such a powerful monk, there is no hope for this eighth level monk."

"That's right, the strength of the Ninth Layer cultivator cannot be dealt with by Yae, but this is a strange Ninth Layer cultivator, and it seems that it is not a cultivator from the surrounding stars."

"No matter where he came from, he is standing on the ring now. As a nine-fold monk, he naturally has the hope of getting the Heavenly Star Sword. What's more, it's rare for a nine-fold monk to make a move. Look at this nine-fold monk What is the means."

Many monks began to discuss in a low voice. Of course, these monks are low-level, and they just want to watch the excitement, but for the other nine-fold monks, Yang Yi's shot is very important, and they also want to see Yang Yi After all, Yang Yi is also their competitor.

At this time, the handsome young man's long and narrow eyes were also narrowed, and there were flashes of brilliance in his eyes. For Yang Yi, he had always felt a slight threat, so now that Yang Yi made a move, he was most concerned.

There is another person who is also very concerned, and that is the aloof Star Lord Lin Chen. He already knows that Yang Yi is the monk who acted recklessly just now and wanted to break into his Chunyang Hall. He also has a little interest in Yang Yi's boldness. , so also pay attention to it.

In short, since the appearance of Yang Yiyi, he has stirred up all parties and attracted the attention of all parties. This is the impact of his nine-layer breaking the mortal realm. Now Yang Yi is no longer like before. Contempt and ridicule, now, wherever he talks, he will receive a lot of attention.

Yang Yi also naturally felt several gazes, and he also knew that the plan of those ninth-level masters was to find out his details, but how could Yang Yi let a small eighth-level monk find out the details?


The cultivator who was fighting with Yang Yi also flew up. He also felt uneasy and full of regrets. After all, he was going to face a cultivator who was in the realm of breaking the mortal realm.


Following the sound of the word "please", Yang Yi made a move, and every time he made a move, he punched lightly.


Just this punch, this cultivator at the eighth level of Heavenly Thunder Realm couldn't resist at all, even before he used his magic weapon, he was already killed in Huangquan. This is Yang Yi's method, killing him with one punch, and the opponent is still An eightfold monk.

Cleanly and neatly, after beheading the eighth-level monk, Yang Yi flew back to his seat, leaving only a silent ring.

"Dead? A cultivator of the eighth level of thunder died so cleanly? He didn't even have a chance to use the magic weapon. Is this the strength of the ninth level master?"

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. It's just one move, and it's still so simple and straightforward. This eighth-layer monk fell like this. This time, he met a powerful master."

"That's right, the idle Ninth Layer masters are definitely not so terrifying. This Yang Yi is a very powerful existence even among the Ninth Layer masters."

Some monks with discerning eyes saw how extraordinary Yang Yi was. [

That handsome young master's eyes flashed bursts of brilliance. At this time, his face was extremely serious, and he said in a low voice: "Strong, really strong, this person is not simple, he will definitely be my strong enemy! That one Even though the eightfold master is weak, if I match up with him, he will definitely not be able to achieve such a one-hit kill, let alone such a clean and neat one, it is only possible if he uses the Wuxu Spear!"

This handsome young man had already clearly realized Yang Yi's fearfulness, and he became vigilant towards Yang Yi, and the threat in his heart became even stronger.

The cultivator behind this handsome young master also seemed to be a little disbelieving, and asked in a low voice: "Young master, is this person really so powerful? Can't even compare to the young master?"

"That's right, this man named Yang Yi is just so terrifying. He hasn't revealed any details about him. I even have a feeling that maybe he can be compared to a master who has cultivated a body of pure yang."

The handsome young man said with a more serious face.

"What? A master who is comparable to the body of pure yang? This... How is this possible? The young master used the [-] spear, how sure is he to defeat him?"

"Hmph, although this person is very powerful, so what if he can rival a master with a pure yang body? Once the [-] gun is released, even a master with a pure yang body will not be my match!"

Although Mr. Handsome is afraid of Yang Yi, he is obviously more confident in the [-] spear he owns.

Star Lord Lin Chen is also paying close attention to Yang Yi. He had only a slight interest in Yang Yi at first, but now, with Yang Yi's actions being so clean and neat, even he feels a strong interest.

"It's interesting, it seems that you are not simple, you are not an idle nine-fold monk!"

The corner of Lin Chenxing's mouth gradually showed a smile. The more powerful Yang Yi can be, the happier he is. After all, this is to recruit a companion for his daughter, and the stronger the strength, the better.

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