blood record

569 1 punch only

Chapter 560 IX Just One Punch

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Although Yang Yi kept his eyes closed all the time, he knew the reactions of the people around him. His methods were far more than that. He was naturally determined to win the Star Sword. Anyone who wanted to compete with him would only have one word ,die

Then, after a few more rounds, there were only eight monks left, and these eight monks were undoubtedly experts at the ninth level. Those monks at the eighth level of thunder might still have some hidden means, but these eighth level monks It's not that he was unprepared, once the nine-fold monks were prepared, those eight-fold monks would naturally be no match.Unless there is one of these monks who is as terrifying as Yang Yi.

"Yang Yi, deal with Taoist Shanmei" [

At this moment, it was Yang Yi's turn again, but this time he was dealing with a relatively powerful monk, this is Taoist Shanmei.

"It's Taoist Shanmei, he is the most popular candidate for the Heavenly Star Sword this time. It is rumored that Taoist Shanmei once escaped from the hands of a master who has cultivated a body of pure yang by virtue of a half-immortal treasure and powerful martial arts. "

"Shanmei Daoist should not be underestimated. He is a powerful monk on Feizi Star, known far and wide. This time he knows that Mr. Dong will participate and he will participate. I'm afraid he has some confidence."

"That's right, Taoist Shanmei must have some special means, otherwise he wouldn't participate. After all, the Dong family's young master probably owns the real treasure of the Dong family's [-] gun."

Many monks are talking about it. This Taoist Mountain Eyebrow is a powerful monk in the surrounding stars. These monks are very familiar with Taoist Mountain Eyebrow.Yang Yi took a closer look, and found that Taoist Shanmei was a middle-aged man. He didn't have any sharp aura around him, but he had a sense of mystery, as if people couldn't see his real situation.

Yang Yi's figure also appeared on the ring in an instant, his eyes flashed bursts of brilliance, staring at the mountain eyebrow Taoist, and gradually, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This Shanmei Taoist is an existence who has cultivated into a pure yang primordial spirit. I believe many monks don't know this, but Yang Qian is extremely sensitive to the pure yang aura, so Shanmei Taoist can't hide it from Yang Yi at all.

Just relying on him to become a pure Yang Yuanshen is obviously not enough for him to compete with that young master of the Dong family. Yang Yi knew that this Shanmei Taoist must have other special means.

"Daoist, please"

Taoist Shanmei just stood on the ring with such perseverance and demeanor. From the looks of it, it seemed that he wanted Yang Yi to make the first move.

Yang Yi didn't hesitate either, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then the whole figure changed instantly, he slammed his hands down, and shouted: "The Great Mill of Heaven and Earth!"

Following Yang Yi's loud shout, a huge millstone instantly appeared in the void, rolling down, as if about to crush the sky, suppressing it with a resistible momentum.

The Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth is a martial skill that Yang Yi obtained at the beginning. Now he has completely comprehended it by relying on the martial arts runes in his mind, and he can even exert more powerful power. It is also earth-shattering, especially now that Yang Yi's primordial spirit power is simply not comparable to these ordinary Ninth Layer cultivators, it is almost comparable to those monks who have reached the Nine Great Consummation, even masters with a pure Yang body can't match Yang Yi's primordial spirit is comparable.


Shock, shocking, the entire monks under the arena were shocked by Yang Yi's attack this time. How could such a power be displayed by an ordinary ninth-layer monk? The master of the body.

The body of pure yang, this is a hurdle for the monks of the ninth level, and countless monks of the ninth level cannot cross this hurdle, but Yang Yi was able to play a strength comparable to that of a master with a pure yang body when he was in the ninth level. It's incredible.

Not only the ordinary monks below, but even the high-ranking star master Lin Chen showed shock in his eyes, but then a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured in a low voice: "Okay, okay, I thought this time it's that Dong My boy and Taoist Shanmei fought each other, but I didn't expect such a wonderful person to appear on the way, very good."

For this majestic living immortal, he can naturally see that the terrifying power of Yang Yi's punch is indeed the power of a pure yang body, and all the hidden methods of Taoist Shanmei are no match for him.

Taoist Shanmei also sensed the danger, and he reacted very quickly, urging his own primordial spirit violently, and then bursts of golden light shone like bursts of light all over his body. [


Suddenly, several long swords appeared beside Taoist Shanmei. These long swords were constantly flashing with sword lights, and a sharp and fierce aura radiated out.

"Hmm, a flying sword with nine handles and a half fairy treasure? Is this a sword formation?"

Yang Qian's eyes narrowed slightly, he finally saw these white lights, they were all flying swords of the half fairy treasure, and they were connected together, it was obviously a sword array.

The power of the sword array is naturally extraordinary. With this sword array, Taoist Shanmei immediately had the strength to be extremely close to a master with a pure yang body, but he was only close. Facing Yang Yi's terrifying punch, he Can't resist it at all.


Yang Yi's world grinding disc was directly pressed down, and a flying sword with a half-immortal treasure couldn't bear the pressure, and was directly smashed to pieces by the huge force. If it was said that Yang Yi still valued the half-immortal treasure before, then now, He no longer has any interest in the Half Immortal Treasure.

Maybe, it can be swallowed by Wu Yuan, but even the flying sword with nine half-immortal treasures can't make Wu Yuan recover much.

Therefore, Yang Yi was directly destroyed, without any hesitation at all.With the shattering of the sword array, Taoist Shanmei's eyes flashed a look of horror, as if he was facing death, once Yang Yi's big millstone was crushed down, he would be sure to die.


Yang Yi's world millstone crushed down, without any accidents, instantly crushed Taoist Shanmei to pieces, even his soul was turned into powder, and Taoist Shanmei fell completely.

Looking at Taoist Shanmei who had already been turned into a puddle of flesh, all the monks felt a little unbelievable. They opened their mouths wide and their eyes were full of shock. With just one punch, Taoist Shanmei even used A set of flying swords with nine handles and half fairy treasures is also helpful.


After Yang Yi beheaded Shanmei Taoist, it seemed that it was no big deal, and he flew back to his seat quietly, closing his eyes and meditating. . .

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