blood record

Chapter 659 The Way of Assassination


Text] Chapter 650 IX The Way of Assassination

Chapter 650 The Ninth Way of Assassination

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An's headquarters is indeed like a huge m palace. If Jun Yilong hadn't prepared a map in advance, even Yang Yi would not be able to find where An's master is. [

These maps are extremely detailed. Obviously, someone from Juntianhui has indeed penetrated into the dark interior, and it is a relatively core one, otherwise such detailed maps would not have been produced.

According to the place marked on the map, Yang Yi took the masters of the Juntianhui to the place where the dark masters gathered. Here, Yang Yi really saw a group of monks in black robes. Like a poisonous snake, it stared at all the masters of the Juntian Society, making one feel a little cold.

"Jun Yilong? You are really good at it. You were able to send someone into my secret headquarters, and you also know many secrets of my secret. Very good, really good"

In the middle of this group of people, there was a tall man who was also shrouded in a layer of black robe and said strangely, his voice was very high-pitched, it sounded harsh, and made people very uncomfortable.

This should be the master of An, he probably didn't know about Jun Tianhui's changes, and thought it was Jun Yilong who launched an attack on An.

Jun Yilong looked at Yang Yi, but didn't speak, his expression was full of respect, with the eyesight of someone like the Dark Lord, he couldn't see the clue, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: " Oh? Jun Yilong, you also invited experts to help you?"

He couldn't see through Yang Yi's strengths, but he wouldn't be vigilant, he and Jun Yilong were too familiar, he didn't know how many times he had fought, someone who could make Jun Yilong so awed, then It must not be simple.

But Yang Yi didn't want to delay anymore, and whispered to Jun Yilong: "Do it, don't let anyone go!"

Jun Yilong flashed a soaring murderous intent all over his body, and then shouted loudly: "Kill, dogs will not be left behind!"

Immediately, the golden immortal masters of the Juntianhui were full of fighting spirit, and rushed towards the dark masters. Each of these golden immortals had some methods, but these dark masters were not simple, their assassination methods It also made Yang Yi feel very fresh, especially the dark lord, who missed a single blow, immediately fled away, and then came another elusive blow.

If Jun Yilong and the Dark Lord were not too familiar, he might not be able to resist these elusive assassinations.

These dark masters obviously haven't gathered yet, and the number is only half of Jun Tianhui's masters, but only this few people actually faintly resist Jun Tianhui, without flinching at all, and there is no trace of defeat It is no wonder that this master who secretly dared to decide to assassinate Shangxianjun did have some background.

At this time, Yang Yi glanced at Luo Jian next to him, and said calmly: "Go help Jun Yilong, and kill the Dark Lord together."

Luo Jian hadn't made a move all this time, and he didn't hesitate any longer after hearing Yang Yi's order. The long sword glowed brightly, and then a terrifying sword intent permeated the entire underground palace.

"One Sword Township"

Luo Jian's sword immediately increased the pressure on the dark master, and his figure was even more mysterious, and no one could find his trace.

"One Sword Breaks Heaven and Earth"

As soon as Luo Jian handed the long sword, the exhausted sword shadow filled the entire void. No matter where the Dark Lord appeared, he would be attacked by Luo Jian's sword energy, as if the whole world was about to collapse.

"The way of assassination, move forward"[

The dark master also knows his own danger, he and Jun Yilong are only brothers, even if he has a slight advantage by relying on the secret way of assassination, but coupled with Luo Jian, a great master, he suddenly looks a little precarious , so the trick broke out immediately, and the whole person seemed to melt into the darkness.


A sword suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, the angle of this sword is extremely tricky, and when it moves forward, the speed is unimaginable, the point of the sword is exactly Luo Jian.

This sword is like a poisonous snake, biting Luo Jian firmly, no matter how Luo Jian struggles or escapes, it will help. This sword has locked Luo Jian, and he will not give up until he kills Luo Jian .

Horror, venomous, fierce, there is no way to describe this sword, it seems to be a deadly instrumental strike hidden in the darkness, even though the dark master is determined to kill Luo Jian, he will also be fatally hit by Jun Yilong, But he seemed to be determined, not afraid of Jun Yilong's fatal blow.

Perhaps, he has a way to kill Luo Jian with only a little slack. Who can explain the mystery of the way of assassination?

Luo Jian's face turned pale. He had never felt such a dangerous situation before. Death seemed to come in an instant. The breath of death had enveloped his whole body. This feeling was like when he faced Same as Yang Yi.

The Dark Lord is also using swordsmanship, but this is the way of assassination, it is not visible, it is very secretive, it only pays attention to yin, ruthlessness, and poison. One sword assassination will succeed, and if you fail, you will be benevolent. This is the jng of the way of assassination marrow.

So facing this sword, Luo Jian had nothing to do.

There seemed to be a slight smile on the dark master's face hidden in the darkness. He seemed to see Luo Jian drinking hatred under his sword on the spot. As long as he killed Luo Jian, he would have enough confidence to deal with Jun Yilong. .

The way of assassination is all about secrecy. Although Jun Yilong knows many of his secrets, the most important thing about the way of assassination is its unpredictable, so all his secrets will not be exposed to people. There are also secrets that Jun Yilong doesn't know.

And if these secrets are exposed, one person is destined to become the soul of his sword.


But at this moment, his long sword seemed to be pierced by a huge iron hammer, and this iron hammer appeared in front of Luo Jian at some unknown time.

The dark master felt his arms go numb, and the aura of the sledgehammer made him feel terrified, so he suddenly exclaimed: "The ultimate fairy treasure? How can there be the ultimate fairy treasure? Who are you?"

The dark lord really had a mysterious method, his whole figure turned into a glint of light, which directly missed Jun Yilong's attack, but when he reappeared, his face looked a little pale, as if his vitality had been seriously injured , it seems that he will consume a huge amount of vitality to perform this trick, and this is also one of his secrets.

The dark master naturally knew at a glance that it was Yang Yi who cast the giant hammer, so his face looked extremely unnatural. He couldn't be more clear about the power of the top-grade fairy treasure. The ultimate fairy treasure.

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