blood record

Chapter 660 The Dark Lord

Chapter 660

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"who are you?"

The owner of the dark building asked again, he finally understood why Jun Yilong obeyed this man who didn't seem to have a high level of cultivation. [Search for the latest updates in bsp; Yang Yi stretched out his hand to grab it, and the ng sky hammer went straight back to his hand, his eyes looked sharper, and suddenly he smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is your current situation , now you have two choices, either submit to me and let me put a restriction in your body, just like Jun Yilong and others, or die, two choices, you choose yourself, but your time is not enough It would be too much."

With his hands behind his back, Yang Yi looked coldly at the owner of the dark building. [

As soon as Yang Yi finished speaking, the figure of the owner of the dark building flashed inside. He actually wanted to escape quickly. He didn't pay any attention to Yang Yi's two choices.


Yang Yi stared fixedly at the owner of Anlou, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said: "Very good, it seems that you have made a choice, very good, in front of Yang, no one can escape of."

Murderous intent flickered on Yang Zhouzhou's body, he had already laid down his murderous intentions on the master of the dark building.

"ng sky hammer, heaven and earth collapse"

Yang Yi immediately unleashed the ng Sky Hammer, only to see that the ng Sky Hammer turned into a ray of light, and directly shook towards the surrounding dark building masters, no matter who it was, it was immediately shocked.

"Bang bang bang bang"

Any master in the dark building can easily resist Yang Yi's blow, the might of Tianhammer, the best immortal treasure, is almost blocked by Haohao ngng, and it is almost impossible for any golden immortal master to resist.

Jun Yilong came to Yang Yi's side, waved his big hand, the masters of Juntianhui recovered from the shock, and then captured these masters in the dark building, Yang Yi was very measured, and did not directly kill them kill.

"Two roads, one is death, the other is life, you choose yourself"

Yang Yi's voice was full of coldness, his eyes swept slightly, and he saw many masters of Phoenix blood, but none of the masters of Shenlong blood.

But he didn't give up, because the masters of the dark building are far more than that, and the owner of the dark building has already escaped, which means that there is still a place to escape inside. There are more dark floor masters appearing.

These black-clothed masters pondered for a long while, they were very straightforward, they immediately tore off the black masks on their faces, knelt down on the ground, and surrendered to Yang Yi.Rapid update

"very good."

Yang Yi flexed his fingers, and the power of several curses quickly flew into the primordial spirit of these masters. After controlling these masters, Yang Yi asked: "Where did the dark building escape?"

On the map, the inside is blank. Obviously, the inside is the most core place, and the Naming Lurker arranged by Jun Yilong has no chance to enter it.

One of the masters in black immediately stepped forward and said: "Inside is the core of my dark building, only the host and a few sub-hosts can enter."

"Oh? The core? Yang wants to see, what is in the core?"

Yang Yi waved his hand, and the ng sky hammer slammed into the thick wall with terrifying power. Even if the wall was as hard as it was, it would be smashed by the ng sky hammer. Bi was actually able to resist Yi Er, which made Yang Yi even more determined. [

"boom boom"

Yang Yi bombarded several times in a row, and finally blasted away the wall, exposing a wide opening inside, Yang Yi took Jun Yilong and Luo Jian to walk inside, there was a day The hammer opened the way inside, Yang Yi would not have any fear.


When Yang Yi entered the inside, he immediately felt a dark artistic conception covering his mind, even if Yang Yi was determined, he was actually enveloped.

"What a tyrannical dark artistic conception, this is definitely not only the artistic conception of the fairy king, I am afraid it is even more tyrannical, go, there is something weird in it"

Yang Yi continued to walk forward, and after a while, what appeared in front of Yang Yi was a high altar, and on the altar was a huge statue tens of feet in size.

This statue is carved of a man, his face can't be seen clearly, but the terrifying dark artistic conception burst out violently, making people feel like they are in the surrounding darkness.

In this darkness, there will never be light, no sunshine, only darkness and evil, this is the aura emanating from this statue, even Yang Yi can't resist it.

Yang Yi took a deep breath, his expression looked a little serious, he stared at the statue firmly, the statue was like a god high above, watching Yang Yi and the others, Yang Yi's mind was shocked, he came in such a short while Kung fu, he was already injured.

Yes, his mind was wounded, and he couldn't fight against the terrifying dark mood.

"Who is this? It's just a statue, but it has such a tyrannical artistic conception?"

Yang looked at the statue with a face full of astonishment.

At this moment, the expressions of Jun Yilong and Luo Jian behind Yang Yi changed at the same time, looking at the statue with some horror, they almost exclaimed in unison: "Master of Darkness!"

It seems that they all know the person carved on this statue, who is actually the master of darkness. Just hearing this name can make people feel extraordinary.

"What is the Lord of Darkness? Is this person the Lord of Darkness? Who is he?"

Yang Yi asked a series of questions.

The emotions of Jun Yilong and Luo Jian calmed down slightly, they looked at each other, their eyes were full of horror.

"President, the Lord of Darkness is a tyrannical master tens of thousands of years ago. He dominates the darkness. Once he appears, the world will be dim, and the sun and the moon will shine. The entire world will be shrouded in darkness. In the darkness, he is the strongest. Otherwise, any master will be weakened."

Luo Jian went on to say: "Master, it is rumored that it is a title among fairy kings. Once you have cultivated to a certain extreme in the realm of fairy kings, you can be called a master. Like the bright fairy king, the reason why he is so powerful is that several fairy kings Even the siege can't catch him, because he has already cultivated to the state of master, and he is also known as the master of light."

Hearing such an explanation, Yang Yi gradually understood that this ruler should be one of the more powerful immortal kings, and those who can be called masters are terrifying figures, much more tyrannical than ordinary fairy kings .

"The Lord of Darkness has cultivated the way of darkness to the extreme. He fought many immortal kings in the fairy world. Even some tyrannical masters who are also Lords can't subdue this Lord of Darkness. Only the Immortal King of Light, that is, Light Only then can the Master of Darkness be able to contend with it a little bit. Later, it was Emperor Shidi who took action to completely kill the Lord of Darkness."

Jun Yilong spoke eloquently, as if he was very familiar with these secrets. [

"The first emperor? The first emperor of the fairy world?"

Yang Yi was surprised, he didn't expect the first emperor who was provoked by the master of darkness to make a move. The first emperor was one of the five emperors of the fairy world back then, and these five emperors existed on the ground that could compete against the twelve ancestor witches and ruled the entire fairy world.

The original fairyland was ruled by five emperors, namely Shidi, Yangdi, Taidi, Jiedi, and Baodi. These five emperors all possessed supernatural powers and ruled the fairyland, but they disappeared after the fairy witch war.

These are said to be secrets, but in fact they are just common sense. At the beginning, there were many talents in the fairy world, and there were many masters. There were many fairy kings or masters under the command of the Five Emperors, but they all lost their lives in the battle with the Wu Clan.

The master of darkness was able to induce the first emperor to kill him, which shows how terrifying he is, and he is afraid that he surpassed many immortal kings and masters.

Unexpectedly, there is a statue of the Lord of Darkness here, and this statue exudes such a strong aura, it must be extraordinary, the sculptor is not an ordinary master, even the fairy king or the Lord himself carved it.

No matter what it is, but being able to let the Immortal King or even the Master to carve it himself is enough to prove that this statue is no small matter.

Luo Jian frowned, he suddenly seemed to have remembered something, looked at Yang Yi, and seemed a bit hesitant to speak.Yang Yi saw Luo Jian's appearance, and said calmly: "Luo Jian, just say what comes to your mind, don't hesitate."

Luo Jian nodded, and said solemnly: "There is a statue of the master of darkness here, and the masters of the dark building are all cultivating a menyn poison or a dark method, especially the master, whose figure is elusive, which makes people unimaginable , and that piece of black mist was cast out, making people feel the fear around them, as if it was the end of the world. This is quite similar to the original master of darkness, and now this statue is enshrined. I guess, the master of the dark building may It is to get some inheritance from the Lord of Darkness."

"Inheritance of the Lord of Darkness?"

Yang Yi sank into yin slightly, and immediately knew that this was really no small matter, what kind of terrifying existence was the Dark Lord back then?Even many fairy kings or masters can't deal with the dark masters,

It took the First Emperor to take action to clean up the Dark Lord, which shows how powerful this Dark Lord is.Now many immortal monarchs don't even have the inheritance of immortal kings, let alone masters.

Moreover, it is still the inheritance of the dignified master of darkness.

Yang Yi's heart also skipped a beat, but he always felt that this statue was a bit weird, and then with a big move, he took this statue of the Lord of Darkness into the Thunder Disk, and prepared to study it carefully in the future.

"Go, call the people from the dark building, I have something to ask."

Not long after, a master of the dark building came, and Yang Yi really felt a dark aura from him.

Yang Yi's eyes were like knives, and he said coldly: "Say, do you know about the Lord of Darkness?"

Hearing that Yang Yi mentioned the Lord of Darkness, the master of the dark building no longer dared to hide it, and hurriedly said: "President, please calm down, in fact, we all know about the Lord of Darkness, and the host has always claimed that he has obtained the inheritance of the Lord of Darkness. Some of our assassination methods are actually born out of the inheritance of the master of darkness he obtained."

Hearing that the master of the dark building actually admitted that the owner of the dark building has obtained the inheritance of the master of darkness, even Luo Jian and Jun Yilong became agitated.

"It's no wonder that the dark building has grown rapidly, and the way of assassination is mysterious and unpredictable. It turns out that Shui has obtained the inheritance of the master of darkness."

Jun Yilong knew about the rapid rise of the dark building, and he was quite skeptical about the mysterious and unpredictable assassination methods used by the masters in it. Now it is finally clear that these are all inheritances from the master of darkness. If so, then It is reasonable, the inheritance of the master of darkness is naturally not something that golden immortals like them can break.

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