blood record

Chapter 66


There was a mournful sound from the mouth of Qiwu Beast, and its huge body swung around violently.


An unimaginable force instantly crashed into Yang Yi and the other three, and the huge storm was instantly destroyed, and Yang Yi and the other three were all knocked away one after another.

Liu Qingyun got up all at once, looking at the cutting scars on the Qiwu beast, and there was still blood flowing out continuously. The storm technique only injured the huge Qiwu beast, and did not cause fatal damage to it. scars. [

"Good guy, it's really powerful. The skin is thick. The three of us cast the storm technique together. Even the beast with blood coagulation level [-] has to shed a layer of skin, but it is completely useless to this Qi Wu beast." Liu Qingyun murmured in a low voice.

Yang Yi also stood up in an instant, and there was already a stack of yellow e talismans in his hand, which was the only talisman left in Bai Yi's ring. Although these talismans were not very powerful, dozens of them together Using it, it can still have a little influence on the Chiwu Beast, at least it can confuse the audience and draw the Chiwu Beast's attention.

"Brother Wu, Brother Liu, I will use the body binding technique with all my strength for a while, maybe only for a moment, you must use all your strength, success or failure depends on it!"

Yang Yi's expression was dignified, it was worth it no matter what for Jing's alchemy.

"Body binding, go!"

Yang Yi shook his hands slightly, and blood flowed down one drop after another, gradually forming a ball of blood in his palm, maybe there were fifty drops.

Yang Yi couldn't bear the concept of fifty drops, and his face turned pale.

However, he gritted his teeth and recovered in an instant. His heart was beating continuously, and fresh blood began to be produced again during the blood flow. The blood can be recovered if it is lost, but once the blood is lost, it is extremely difficult to recover, so even if it is Facing the Qiwu beast, Yang Yi didn't want to use his blood to cast the body binding technique.


Circle after circle of terrifying restraint force quickly rippled around Chiwu Beast, like an invisible rope, trapping Chiwu Beast.


Yang Yi stretched out his hand and waved, a large piece of yellow talisman flew out quickly, exploded, and flames scattered everywhere.

"It's now, Brother Wu and Brother Liu, do it!"

Yang Yi yelled, and then two figures flew out in an instant. Wu Tiangang, whose long clothes fluttered and his face was indifferent, waved his long sword, and the whole sky seemed to be filled with sharp and sharp sword energy.

"Myriad Sword Demon, kill!"

Wu Tiangang is good at using swords. With one swing of the sword, there are thousands of sword auras. The terrifying and sharp sword aura is enough to cut any expert at the fifth level of blood coagulation into pieces. Can't help cutting with such a terrifying sword energy.

With one strike of the sword, several blood powders flew, and a strong smell of blood rushed to the face. The tough leather armor was cut by the sword energy.

However, Yang Yi's body binding technique can only last for a short time, almost for an instant, and the Chiwu Beast, which can be compared to the seventh level of blood coagulation, finally resumed its action, and its long tail slammed fiercely at Wu Tiangang.


It was like a black whip, so fast that it was impossible to dodge, Wu Tiangang quickly raised his long sword horizontally to block it.


The long sword was broken every inch, which is enough to show how powerful this force is, and Wu Tiangang's body was blown away by the powerful force, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Liu Qingyun's expression changed, but he also rushed to the side of Qiwu Beast, the five blood coagulation levels, a total of fourteen drops of terrifying blood power instantly condensed on the palm of his hand, and he could faintly see his palm growing rapidly .


This palm of Liu Qingyun slapped Qiwu Beast's forehead fiercely, and the huge force instantly blinded Qiwu Beast's eyes. an arch.


The sharp long horn passed through Liu Qingyun's shoulder without hindrance, and then swung to the side, Liu Qingyun's body fell to the ground as if falling from a cloud.

Yang Yi looked at Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang, both of them were injured, so they couldn't do anything for the time being.Qiwu Beast's eyes were already blind, and its whole body was wounded even more. At this time, it was already at the end of its force, and it kept making heaven-shattering and mournful cries, like a living mountain, constantly rioting, and the earth All trembling.


After a long while, the Chiwu Beast became weaker and weaker, and finally couldn't hold on, and fell heavily on the ground. It had already taken in more air and given out less.

The eyes of Yang Yi and the other three lit up, and Yang Yi even rushed to the front of Qi Wu Beast quickly.

"Send you a ride, so as not to suffer!"

Yang gathered strength in his palm and slapped down fiercely, the head of Qiwu Beast was slapped in two, and this terrifying beast was completely dead.

Wu Tiangang and Liu Qingyun also struggled to come to the Qiwu Beast, their eyes fixed on the long sharp horn, which is the most important rare material that can be used to refine jng alchemy, if it is such a long If the horns are exchanged, some people will even be willing to offer a medium-grade magic weapon in exchange.

Yang Yi smiled slightly, naturally he bleed out the Qiwu beast's blood first.

Qi Wu Beast is the existence of the sixth level of blood coagulation, and its jng blood has a full sixteen drops, because once it reaches the sixth level, its jng blood will also be doubled, and the sixteen drops of jng blood are all jng pure Than.Moreover, it is rumored that the Qiwu beast is a rare beast in the ancient capital, and its bloodline is more pure and pure.

Carefully put the blood into the yu bottle, Yang Yi and the others all looked at the long sharp horn.

"Brother Yang, hurry up and cut off the Chiwu horn!"

Liu Qingyun seemed to be impatient, and Yang Yi showed a dagger in his hand, and gently cut off the Qiwu horn without any damage. Looking at the shining Qiwu horn, the three of them showed a smile on their faces .

Yang Yi's expression moved, and he said lightly: "This long horn is enough to refine three jng alchemy. Brother Wu and Liu, it is this long horn that together refines jng alchemy. The long horn is divided into three parts, and we each take it to refine it ourselves?"

Liu Qingyun shook his head slightly and said: "If the Qiwu horn is divided into three parts, its effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and all of them must be refined together. Well, jng alchemy only needs a little bit of auxiliary materials, and we should all have them." , Liu believes that he is still good at alchemy, if you can trust Liu, then find a place to start refining alchemy immediately, so as not to have long nights and dreams, how about it?" [

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, looked at Liu Qingyun in surprise and said, "Brother Liu? You can actually make alchemy?"

Wu Tiangang was not surprised, and said indifferently: "Brother Liu's father is a great master of alchemy among the masters. Many masters have to find materials for Uncle Liu to refine. Brother Liu can inherit Uncle Liu's skills, so naturally it is not a big deal. question."

Yang Yi didn't have any doubts, he gave Liu Qingyun the horned jerk and said: "Okay, since that's the case, let Brother Liu refine jng and alchemy!"

Liu Qingyun looked at the corner of Qiwu in amazement, flipping through it repeatedly, as if he couldn't put it down. ! ~!

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