blood record

Chapter 67

Just when Yang Yi and the others were about to leave, a man with a serious face suddenly walked out of the mist. The man looked at the Chiwu beast that had fallen on the ground, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he was staring at it firmly. The Qiwu horn in Liu Qingyun's hand.

Yang Yi and the other three immediately stood on guard, with serious expressions on their faces, and said in a low voice, "Who are you?"

There are only two kinds of people who appear in the valley of the abyss, one is monks who come to experience, the second is terrifying, it is a terrifying existence whose blood turns into a demon, and encountering the second will only lead to death.

However, although the aura of this person is strong, it is not so strong as to transform into form, so the three of them relax a little.

The expression on the mysterious man's face suddenly became sad and angry, and he said in a low voice: "I have been chasing and killing Chiwu Beast from the fifth floor, and I have chased him to the third floor. jng alchemy, cultivated to the seventh level of blood coagulation, condensed into a virtual pill, but I didn't expect to be taken advantage of by you. Do you know how difficult it is for me? On the fifth floor, all of them are terrifying strange beasts, each of which can almost make you I was in such a state of embarrassment that it even killed me completely. I insisted on hiding without moving for 68 days. This is 68 days. I almost waited like a cold stone, just to wait for this Qiwu beast. I didn't dare to do anything on the fifth floor. I finally waited for an excellent opportunity to lure the Chiwu beast to the fourth floor. How could I expect it to escape to the third floor and let you take advantage of it? If it wasn't for me It was injured in advance, and you can kill it with just a few of you? Pull out the Chiwu horn, otherwise, die!" [

The face of this mysterious man is gradually distorted, and it can be seen that what he said just now may be true.

A monk who has stayed on the sixth level of blood coagulation for an unknown amount of time is so eager to make a breakthrough, that he even goes to the fifth level to wait for an opportunity regardless of the danger of his life. Finally, he waits for the opportunity, but the result is obtained by others. Such pain , The resentment can be imagined.

Liu Qingyun's face was heavy, and he said in a low voice: "This person should not be underestimated. He is already at the peak of the sixth level of blood coagulation. He has opened up most of the blood vessels in his body. The blood flow is smooth and blocked. It is amazing! And he still has the perseverance to hide in the fifth level. He must be very determined, he can beat Chiwu seriously by himself, and he has been chasing him to the third floor, he must have something special, and he is not an ordinary person, you can see the corner of his clothes."

Yang Yi followed Liu Qingyun's gaze to look at the corner of the man's clothes, and there was a fiery red flame on the corner of his clothes.

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered the introduction in the brochure he saw when he was in Hualong Palace. The monks with such a mark were Tianyan's disciples who were as powerful as Hualong Palace.

Tianyan is the only faction in the entire star that can compete with Hualong Palace. These two factions share the resources of the entire star alone, and both have headquarters deep in the universe. They are also like enemies to each other, if the disciples of the two sects meet in such a place, it will be inevitable to fight.

"What should we do? He is a disciple of the Tianyan Sect, and he has also cultivated to the sixth level of blood coagulation. There must be no means, and we are not sure that we can kill him." Wu Tiangang said hesitantly.

Yang's eyes were full of light, he turned to look at the man, and walked towards him step by step.

The mysterious man didn't care either, he really didn't care about Yang Yi's cultivation, the only person he cared about was Liu Qingyun.

Both Wu Tiangang and Liu Qingyun looked at Yang Yi worriedly. They didn't know what Yang You's plan was, but they were all on alert. If there was any change, they would launch a thunder attack.

Yang Yi stopped when he was about ten feet away from the mysterious man. He cupped his hands slightly and said, "Since your Excellency is the one who chased the Chiwu Beast to the third floor, it is equivalent to contributing. Your Excellency wants to get some benefits. You have worked so hard just to refine jng alchemy. In this way, we will immediately use it to refine jng alchemy. If four jng alchemy are produced, then we will each have one , it happens to be distributed, even if there are not four, Yang is willing to give one of his own to Your Excellency, how about it?"

The mysterious man glanced at Yang Yi coldly, with a ferocious look on his face. I have worked so hard to attract the Chiwu Beast. How many of you just want to share a piece of the pie?Haha, what a joke, what a joke, you are all going to die today! "

Yang Yi's expression changed, and he took a step forward and said, "What do you mean by your words? Could it be that we are afraid of you?"

"Haha, what are you guys? I can put you to death with the flip of my palm, I..." Before the mysterious man finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows fiercely, his face was even more terribly dark, and he said in a low voice: "Spells? Haha, you actually used magic tricks without anyone noticing. I almost fell victim to it. Die!"

It turned out that Yang Yi had never intended to reconcile. He said so much just to get close to the mysterious man, and then quietly performed the "Body Binding Technique" when the mysterious man was unprepared.

It's just that Yang Yi didn't expect that this man is so powerful that his body binding technique is useless.

The mysterious man stretched out his hand and slapped it forward. Countless palms appeared in the void, and the air made a "buzzing" sound. The powerful force was enough to smash the boulder into powder.

This is the power of the sixth blood coagulation layer, it is too powerful, unbelievably powerful.

"Floating!" [

Fortunately, Yang had made preparations early in the morning. After the body binding technique was useless, he immediately cast the floating light, and the whole person immediately turned into a beam of light, and disappeared into the void at a speed almost invisible to the eyes.

This set of martial arts, which is only close to the semi-immortal grade, is so superficial that even the attack of the mysterious man missed, and the powerful force blasted into the air.

"Damn it, you're all going to die!" The mysterious man didn't know he was being dumped, and watched Yang Yi and the others retreat quickly.

Liu Qingyun's face was heavy, and he looked at the mysterious man behind him who kept roaring, and said in a low voice: "No, his speed is too fast, and only brother Yang and you are a little faster than him, the two of us can't escape no matter what .”

The mysterious man behind him was getting closer and closer, and Yang Yi's mind was constantly turning with the idea of ​​counting.

"We can only fight, let's use the storm technique together!"

Yang Yi and the other three stopped immediately, and dozens of drops of blood quickly dripped from their hands, burning quickly.

"Storm! Kill!"


In the void, three terrifying gusts of wind formed instantly, and the three gusts of wind gathered faintly together, their power greatly increased, and they swept straight towards the mysterious man. ! ~!

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