blood record

Chapter 68 Be cruel to yourself


The face of the mysterious man changed slightly. The storm technique performed by Yang Yi and the three together was really terrifying, especially now that Liu Qingyun had broken through to the fifth level of blood coagulation, and the storm technique was even more powerful. It would take a layer of skin off, not to mention that the physical fitness of the monks is far inferior to these strange beasts.

"Hmph, do you think you can deal with me with just this bit of magic? Haha, what a joke, let you see my Tianyan's Fiery Palm, haha!"

A terrifying storm enveloped the mysterious man all of a sudden, but all of a sudden, one after another handprints were slapped out frantically like raging flames.

"Bang bang bang"[

Handprints with flames hit the fierce storm directly. The more the wind blew, the more fierce the fire became. In the end, even the storm technique couldn't resist, and was smashed to pieces by the terrifying flame palms.

This is obviously a peculiar martial skill, it seems to be a combination of technique and martial skill.

Liu Qingyun charged forward fiercely and shouted: "Kill!"

Yang Yi and the others did not show any weakness, and Floating Light was extremely fast. Although he was the last to make a move, he was the first to reach the mysterious man's side. With a slight shake of his hands, thousands of palms moved towards him with a mighty sound of wind. The mysterious man patted it, and it was a thousand heavy hands.

There was a gleam in the mysterious man's eyes, and a mysterious glow appeared on his face, and he said coldly: "You are looking for death, you are looking for death! No one can save you, green bee needle, kill!"

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, he seemed to feel a great threat, but he couldn't see where the threat was?

"What the hell is it? This sense of danger is getting stronger and stronger."

All this happened in an instant, Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly saw a light spot, this light spot was extremely inconspicuous, but it contained an aura of death.

"No, it's a magic weapon. He actually has an attack magic weapon. Let's go!"

Yang Yi's Glittering Shadow was displayed in an instant, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't beat the magic weapon.


Yang Yi could even hear the sound of the magic weapon flying, getting closer and closer.

"Haha, you are all going to die. I won't take out this magic weapon unless it is absolutely necessary, but the three of you really angered me, so you have to bear my anger, haha!"

The mysterious man smiled crazily. It's no wonder that he is so confident. He possesses an attack weapon, which is enough to deal with most experts, especially with this kind of shadow-shaped magic weapon. Those who have condensed the real elixir may not be able to resist it, and only those masters who have really condensed the golden elixir and the blood coagulation nine layers can resist one or two.

In the eyes of the mysterious man, monks like Killing Yang Yi, who have not even reached the fifth level of blood coagulation, are already killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

"No, I will definitely die if this continues, I have to find a way!"

Yang Yi kept turning various thoughts in his mind.

"Surprise, only by surprise, it depends on whether his magic weapon can penetrate my green cloud armor!"

Yang turned around in an instant and ran towards the mysterious man head-on. [

"Hmph, idiot, Man said that you haven't even reached the fifth level of blood coagulation. Even if you are at the seventh or eighth level of blood coagulation, you can't resist this magic weapon of mine with your blood body. You really want to die!"

The mysterious man didn't care about Yang Yi's intentions at all. He had great confidence in his magic weapon. With this magic weapon, he didn't know how many difficulties he had overcome and how many monks stronger than him had been killed.


Yang Yi's figure accelerated in an instant, and then a light spot hit him in an instant. The powerful force almost made him feel so painful that he couldn't stand up straight, but he endured it bitterly, and the speed of the light was almost one. In an instant, he arrived at the side of the mysterious man.

"Ah? How could this be?"

The mysterious man didn't seem to have reacted yet, he already knew the power of the green bee needle, let alone a bloody body, even a jng iron steel plate would have to be pierced.

However, he would never have imagined that a mere cultivator at the fourth level of blood coagulation would be able to possess a medium-grade magic weapon. Even many Jindan masters might not be able to own a magic weapon, let alone a middle-grade magic weapon. Magical artifact.

"Thousand heavy hands!"

Yang Yiqian's palm slapped the mysterious man instantly with terrifying power.

Although the mysterious man was very surprised and surprised, and his reaction was half a beat slow, he is still a master of the sixth level of blood coagulation. This kind of attack is not in his eyes. All attacks are resolved.

Yang Yi showed a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, and shouted: "Jiugong Phantom, kill!"


Yang Yi's figure instantly turned into four figures, and at such a close distance, any distraction or hesitation by the mysterious man would lead to immeasurable consequences.


The mysterious man slapped forward fiercely, he was indeed powerful, he shattered the two phantoms with one slap, but the real Yang Yi had already slapped him hard on the chest.


A monk is a monk after all, no matter how powerful his strength is, his body is no match for those strange beasts. What's more, the mysterious man has a magic weapon for attacking. Naturally, he doesn't have a magic weapon for defense. The other hand grabbed his chest fiercely and penetrated into the chest cavity of the mysterious man in an instant, grabbing out the living heart.

The heart was still beating a few times in Yang Yi's hand, the mysterious man's eyes were full of disbelief, no one knew what he was surprised about, whether he was surprised by the magic of Yang Yi's Nine Palace Phantom, or was surprised that he passed away so quickly. dying.


The body of the mysterious man fell down in an instant, blood was flowing, and he was dead.

Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang stared at Yang Yi from a distance, with an inconceivable expression in their eyes.

The mysterious man has six levels of blood coagulation and possesses a magic weapon, so Yang Yi killed him. This is really unbelievable, but both of them could clearly see the whole process of Yang Yi killing the mysterious man Clear. [

"Brother Yang, how are you?" Wu Tiangang asked, Yang Yi's face was very pale at this time, making people have to worry about his situation.

Yang Yi just smiled wryly, couldn't even utter a word, spat out a mouthful of bruised blood, then felt a little better, and said in a low voice: "It's such a powerful magic weapon, even with Biyunjia's resistance, but just now At that moment, it almost killed me."

Both Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang glanced at each other, with fear in their eyes, only then did they realize that Yang Yi used the Biyun Armor and the opponent's magic weapon to resist.

This is indeed a life gamble, no one knows how powerful the opponent's magical weapon is, if it penetrates the Biyun Armor in one go, then Yang Yi will have no chance of surviving.

But in the end, Yang Yi won. Yang Yi was not only ruthless to others, but also ruthless to himself! ! ~!

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