blood record

Chapter 69 Green Bee Needle

Liu Qingyun praised in a low voice: "It's no wonder Brother Yang is young and promising, he can kill Bai Yi, Brother Yang's ability is beyond the reach of others!"

In the dangerous situation just now, the two of them will never be as crazy as Yang Yi.

Yang Yi's internal organs were damaged, and he was seriously injured. If the collision of that magic weapon had been stronger, Yang Yi might have died. It was indeed extremely dangerous.

After fetching the mysterious man's interspatial ring, the three of them were immediately shocked by the wealth inside.

Wu Tiangang was stunned and said: "Three... more than 600 million blood crystals, and the pill is the vitality pill. My God, there are more than 600 bottles. Who the hell is this? He has so much wealth? Developed!" [

Yang Yi couldn't help but lick his lips. Although killing the mysterious man was extremely thrilling and he almost lost his life, the rewards were extremely rich.

Liu Qingyun said indifferently: "Brother Yang took the first place this time, this green bee needle belongs to Brother Yang, and Brother Yang will each take half of the wealth in this ring, how about it?"

This time the killing of the mysterious man was indeed facilitated by Yang Yi, and Wu Tiangang had no objection to Yang Yi taking so much.

Yang Yi stretched out his hand to take the green bee needle, he naturally wanted to get this strange magic weapon, after all, it was a magic weapon, it could kill people, he put his life into it, so the magic weapon naturally belonged to Yang Yi.

However, Yang took one-third of the wealth in the ring. He still wanted to win over Wu Tiangang and Liu Qingyun.

Liu Qingyun blushed slightly and said: "Since Brother Yang is so polite, then we have benefited from Brother Yang this time."

1000, two hundred blood crystals plus two hundred bottles of pills are indeed an unimaginable wealth. For Yang Yi who took the initiative to take less, both of them felt happy.

Of course, compared to these wealth, the magic weapon Qingbee Needle is the most dangerous treasure for the three of them, but killing the mysterious man depends entirely on Yang Yi, Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang have never thought of taking the Qingbee Needle as their own have.

Yang Yi carefully observed the Green Bee Needle, there was a trace of light shining on it, it looked extremely sharp, and only the two-inch long and short Green Bee Needle came out once it was used, it was indeed difficult to detect, if there was no magic weapon to protect it , it is difficult to resist.

"Brother Yang, hurry up and recognize the master with a drop of blood, so we can see the power of this magic weapon."

Liu Qingyun urged that he also wanted to see the power of the green bee needle.

But Yang Yi had a weird face, and asked in a low voice: "Blood to recognize the master? Does the magic weapon need blood to recognize the master?"

Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang looked at each other, and then smiled wryly: "Brother Yang, you don't even know that a magic weapon needs a drop of blood to recognize its owner, do you?"

Yang Yi shook his head in embarrassment and said, "I would like to hear the details!"

Liu Qingyun smiled wryly and said: "Brother Yang, the reason why the mysterious man was able to drive the magic weapon just now is because he recognized the master with a drop of blood. The magic weapon can communicate with the master's mind, and it can drive people to kill people."

Yang Yi was moved in his heart and said: "Oh? So Bi Yunjia is also going to bleed to recognize the master?"

Liu Qingyun had no choice but to smile wryly: "That's right, Bi Yunjia also needs a drop of blood to recognize the master. To be honest, we never thought that Brother Yang has obtained the Biyun Armor for so long, and he hasn't recognized the master with a drop of blood, otherwise Brother Yang would not recognize the master with blood." It won't be so dangerous."

Afterwards, Yang Yi listened carefully to Liu Qingyun's common sense about magic tools, which Yang Yi had never heard before.

Magical artifacts need a drop of blood to recognize their master, and only by dripping blood to recognize their master can they exert their maximum power, just like Bi Yunjia, if this time Yang had recognized his master with a drop of blood early on, then he and Bi With the same mind, Yunjia displayed Biyunjia's true power, and he was determined not to be nearly shattered by the green bee needle. [

After all, although there is a difference between a middle-rank and a low-rank, it is a gap that cannot be bridged. There is a huge difference. Yang Yi was able to get the Biyun Armor because he did not know how lucky he was. You are not afraid of the fifth and sixth levels of blood coagulation.

Fortunately, Yang Yi finally knew now, he quickly dripped blood on both the Biyun Armor and the Green Bee Needle, and gradually, the two artifacts began to emit a faint light, appearing extremely sacred.

Yang Yi felt the change of the Biyun Armor, as if he had come alive suddenly, and he was even able to gather all the protective abilities of the Biyun Armor in a certain place with a move of his mind. There was absolutely nothing before.

Thinking that he had only worn the Biyun Armor as protective armor for a few months, Yang Yi himself shook his head slightly. If he hadn't met a mysterious man today and obtained the Green Bee Needle, he probably wouldn't know these common senses now.

The monks have a long lifespan, not only to practice hard in the deep mountain mansion, but also to communicate with the monks more. The long life span makes almost every monk a well-informed man who has learned both ancient and modern times.

Seeing the radiance of the green cloud armor on Yang Yi's body, and the faint radiance of the green bee needle, Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang were very envious. One person owns two magic weapons. I am afraid that many super masters who have cultivated golden elixir I can't even imagine it.

But envy is nothing but envy, the two of them knew very well that each of Yang Yi's magic weapons was not picked up by luck, each of them was almost a life-and-death journey. It is only obtained, and others will not be envious of it.

The two of them are very familiar with Biyunjia, after all, Bai Yi was not famous back then, so both of them are very interested in the green bee needle, and they kept urging: "Brother Yang, show us the function of the green bee needle." Great!"

Yang Yi was also looking forward to it, eager to try, his heart moved, he saw that thick stone wall, at least one foot thick, even if Liu Qingyun slapped down, he couldn't do anything to get this thick stone wall.


An undetectable ray of light flashed in an instant, and the three of them stared at this ray of light.


The stone wall more than ten feet thick was pierced by the green bee needle in an instant, just like tofu, and it couldn't stop the edge of the green bee needle at all.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, it's so elusive, if it wasn't for Brother Yang wearing the Biyun Armor, we would have died here no matter how many lives we had."

Seeing the strength of the Green Bee Needle, Liu Qingyun felt scared for a while, the Green Bee Needle is indeed powerful, even if he is a master of Shidan who has eight levels of blood coagulation, if he is not careful, he may be tricked.Of course, if it is on the front, the power erupted by the Shidan master is really terrifying. The frontal jersey is naturally not afraid of the Green Bee Needle, but the Green Bee Needle is so finely refined and so unobtrusive, I am afraid that the purpose is to Sneak attack.

"Okay, since we have tried the magic weapon, let's quickly find a place to refine the jng alchemy, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Wu Tiangang said softly, now he urgently needs Jing alchemy to help him break through the realm, and he can't wait any longer.

Yang nodded, and kept searching on the third floor of Abyss Valley, looking for a suitable place to refine alchemy. ! ~!

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