blood record

Chapter 662 Dark Artistic Conception

Text Chapter 660 Chapter [-] Dark Artistic Conception

Chapter 660 Dark Artistic Conception

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The dark artistic conception, the marginal dark artistic conception enveloped Yang Yi. At this moment, Yang Yi seemed to have fallen into a deep abyss. Here, there was no light, and everything was dark.

And this darkness is not just as simple as being invisible, even the induction is completely blocked, and the senses of the five sense organs have all disappeared, as if in this darkness, you are just a consciousness. There is no feeling of the body. [

This was the first time Yang Yi felt such a feeling. Although he was also shrouded in this dark mood before, he didn't have such a terrifying mood at that time.

Now Yang Yi also gradually understood the reason. At that time, he was tens of feet away from the statue. The longer the distance, the dark artistic conception he faced would naturally not be so strong.

But now, Yang Yi is actually only ten feet away from the statue. The tyranny of the dark artistic conception that erupted all of a sudden is simply unimaginable. Even Yang Yi believes that in such a terrifying dark artistic conception, even an immortal All masters will be lost in this darkness.

Time, I can't feel it, here, it seems that it will always be at that moment, I can't feel the passage of time, and even my own sense of existence will gradually disappear. who.

Darkness, unbearable darkness, in this darkness, people can slowly forget themselves, at least forget their own existence, forget their identity, forget everything about themselves, forget their past glory, and at worst Consciousness dissipated, soul collapsed.

This is the dark artistic conception, and this is the situation where the dark artistic conception has not launched an attack. If the original darkness ruler came in person and the whole world was dark, how terrible would it be?

Yang Yi didn't expect the statue to be so powerful, and he was caught off guard by such a terrifying dark artistic conception, which almost made Yang Yi feel a little bit at a loss.

"The dark artistic conception is so terrifying, and it is emitted by the statue of the master of darkness. What does this mean?"

Such a terrifying dark artistic conception can be said to be harmful to people, but why the owner of the dark building put it in such a secret place, there must be something strange about it.

Yang Yi was enveloped by the dark mood, he didn't appear panicked, on the contrary he appeared very quiet, wanting to understand the mystery.

"The statue of the Lord of Darkness, the inheritance of the Master of Darkness from the master of the dark building, could it be said that the master of the dark building obtained the inheritance from this statue? Or, he is the inheritance he comprehended in this exhausting dark artistic conception?"

The thoughts in Yang Yi's mind were constantly turning. He felt the dark artistic conception carefully, but he didn't feel any inheritance.

"How terrifying is the artistic conception of the ruler of darkness? This dark artistic conception is completely non-aggressive. It should be the artistic conception carried by the statue itself. A small statue actually carries such a terrifying dark artistic conception. Carving this statue The person who made the statue is not simple, at least he is also a master of the Immortal King, what is his purpose of carving this statue?"

Yang began to explore the mystery of this statue like a cocoon. He seemed to have never felt much worry about his own situation. Here, he could not feel his own body. Feeling the body, unable to feel the primordial spirit, he can't do anything, just like a consciousness.

There is only consciousness, and everything around is completely dark and empty.

The darkness has reached the extreme, that is, everything is empty, and the master of darkness has cultivated the dark artistic conception to the point of the original source of the avenue, and has penetrated the essence of darkness.

The essence of darkness is that everything is empty.

"If my predictions are not bad, my body should still be where it is. This is the secret room of Juntianhui. No one will come to disturb me in a short time. If I want to get rid of this feeling of darkness, I must Feel the dark artistic conception, otherwise, I will slowly sink, and even the primordial spirit will dissipate."

Yang Yi is very aware of his situation, he knows that he has not moved at all, it is only because the dark artistic conception is very magical, completely depriving Yang Yi of his sense of the primordial spirit and body, now Yang Yi is completely unable to direct his body or The primordial spirit can only comprehend a trace of the mystery of darkness, so as to get rid of the shadow of this dark artistic conception. [

"Perhaps the original owner of the dark building was accidentally shrouded in this dark artistic conception. As a result, he realized a little dark artistic conception instead, and only then was he able to create the assassination method of the dark building."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Yang Yi's heart. It is very likely that the owner of the dark building was trapped in the dark mood like Yang Yi, but realized a trace of the true meaning of darkness, and finally created his unique assassination method.

Perhaps everyone will realize different truths when facing this dark artistic conception.

After Yang Yi was enveloped by the dark artistic conception, what he explored was the essence of this darkness. He discovered that the essence of this darkness is nothingness, everything is.

The world was originally, and from then on, this process is earth-shattering, just like going from darkness to light.

Yang Yi also gradually abandoned all distracting thoughts, and now he is fully comprehending the dark artistic conception, comprehending the realm of "" he has explored, and he faintly feels that once comprehended, for himself, It will be a radical change.

Just as Yang Yi expected, this is the secret room of Juntianhui. Both Luo Jian and Jun Yilong knew the news of his retreat. Even though a year had passed and Yang Yi hadn't appeared, they He didn't bother Yang Yi either. After all, even if it takes a hundred years or a thousand years for an immortal to retreat and attack the realm, it's really normal for a year or so.

Jun Yilong is still looking for the whereabouts of the owner of the dark building, but he has not found any clues. The owner of the dark building is good at assassination. Naturally, he is also very good at concealment, and will not leave any obvious clues.

But Juntian will not move, but it does not mean that the dark building will not move.

The dark building is well-organized, they have many secrets, which are not known to everyone, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, not to mention the shrewd people living in the dark building, in the city of power, the dark building still has many secret places, only the owner of the dark building and the owner of the dark building The three deputy landlords know.

The dark building was not destroyed, but they also lost most of their power, this is a fact.

At this time, the owner of the dark building hid in a secret place, his face was extremely gloomy, and beside him, there were three masters of the Golden Immortal limit, and they were the deputy owners who had no news.

One of the sub-hosts said in a low voice: "Lord, I didn't expect the statue of the Lord of Darkness to be taken away by Yang Yi. Without the dark artistic conception of the statue of the Lord of Darkness, it is difficult for us to continue to practice, especially the impacting fairy In the realm of the king, the statue of the ruler of darkness is even more needed."

"That's right, the dharmas taught to us by the host are all based on the dark artistic conception in the statue of the Lord of Darkness. Without this dark artistic conception, we can't continue to perfect it. The host, with our strength, Could it be that they really can't deal with that Yang Yi?"

These sub-hosts all seemed a little irritable. They had hardly made any progress in this year. After losing the statue of the Lord of Darkness, they could hardly cultivate normally.

The owner of the dark building got the statue of the Lord of Darkness, and learned the way of assassination from the dark artistic conception in it, so he taught it to the three deputy owners, let them practice together, and they made rapid progress.

However, their progress depends on the dark mood in the statue of the Lord of Darkness. Now that they have lost the statue of the Lord of Darkness and the mood of darkness, it will be very difficult for them to practice.

After a while, the owner of the dark building said coldly: "This Yang Yi is not a small thing. I fought against him at the beginning. If I hadn't relied on the secret passage, I would have become the soul of his subordinates. He took away the master of darkness. The statue will be hidden in the most secret place. Fortunately, Jun Yilong knows that his people have infiltrated into my dark building, but he doesn't know that the people from my dark building have also infiltrated into his Juntianhui. Now I We have already received definite news that Yang Yi has been cultivating in the secret room for a whole year without any movement."

"There has been no movement for a whole year. Is the landlord trying to force his way in? Forcibly taking back the statue of the Lord of Darkness?"

One of the sub-hosts seemed to have guessed the purpose of the host of the dark building, and asked in surprise.

"That's right, I want to take this opportunity to enter Yang Yi's secret room. No matter how powerful he is, if the three of us attack suddenly, we just need to snatch the dark statue, and you don't have deep cultivation, so you can't feel it. But I can feel it very clearly. There is a hint of darkness in the Juntianhui. It is very likely that Yang Yi took out the statue of the master of darkness without authorization. Hehe, I believe you have already seen the dark mood in the statue of the master of darkness. After that, if an ordinary immortal is impacted by the dark mood, he may be lost in the dark mood immediately, this is our best chance."

Speaking of this, the faces of the three sub-hosts showed a hint of excitement, and they were shocked by the dark artistic conception. At the beginning, they had clearly felt it. If the host of the dark building did not teach the way of assassination, they would not be able to get over the horror. I am afraid that consciousness will always be trapped in the dark artistic conception and suffer endless sinking. [

"Haha, what the host said is that if Yang Yi is really stupid and took out the statue of the Lord of Darkness, then there is nothing to be afraid of. He must be trapped in the dark mood, and even his consciousness has begun to sink. Otherwise, how could there be no movement for a year?"

The more the other sub-hosts thought about it, the more they felt that this was the case. They wished they could rush to Juntianhui's secret room and take back the statue of the Lord of Darkness. They could even kill Yang Yi, and in turn devour Juntianhui , to reproduce the prestige of the dark building.

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