blood record

Chapter 663 Magical Powers

Chapter 660 Three Supernatural Powers

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At night, it was noisy, as if there was a loneliness between heaven and earth.

"whoosh whoosh"

In an inaccessible corner, a few black shadows suddenly appeared. These black shadows didn't emit a trace of smell, they were like ghosts, and people couldn't detect them. [

"Lord, this is the secret room in front of Yang Yi, and those idiots of Juntianhui didn't notice us at all."

These four people are the master of the dark building and the other three deputy masters. After all, they couldn't bear it, and they came in person to seize the statue controlled by the darkness, which was very important to them.

The owner of the dark building had a serious look on his face. When he arrived here, his expression changed quietly, and he said in a low voice: "Don't you guys feel something special?"

"What's special?"

The three sub-hosts were stunned for a moment. They didn't understand what the host was referring to, but they still sensed their surroundings quietly. Suddenly, their expressions changed quietly, and there was even a hint of joy in their eyes.

"Haha, landlord, as expected, this Yang Yi really stupidly took out the statue mastered by darkness. With such a strong artistic conception of darkness, he is dead. We can get the statue mastered by darkness without any effort."

The three sub-hosts obviously also felt a faint dark artistic conception, and they immediately thought that, just as they had expected, Yang Yi really took out the statue controlled by darkness, and now they are all in the dark. In the dark artistic conception, Zheng is completely sinking.

"Be careful. This Yang Yi is not simple. No one can tell what's going on below. If there is any trouble, leave immediately without hesitation."

The owner of the dark building is deeply aware of Yang Yi's horror, so he reminded him cautiously.

Immediately, the four of them walked towards the hidden underground secret room, and only in this underground secret room can the terrifying dark artistic conception be released only a little bit, otherwise, if it is on the ground, when Yang Yi controls the statue in darkness The moment it was taken out, the entire Juntian Society would be shrouded in darkness.

There is a vast expanse in the darkness, Yang Yi has forgotten the time and his own existence, but he has not sunk, as if he has merged into this darkness, trying to comprehend the essence of this darkness.

The essence of darkness is, but this is the origin of darkness, which can only be comprehended by the mastery of darkness. However, relying on the endless artistic conception of darkness, Yang Yi has already faintly comprehended the most original artistic conception of mastery of darkness—— .

How inconceivable this is, once Yang Yi comprehends it, his understanding of the dark artistic conception has reached an unimaginably profound level, even if he swims freely in this dark artistic conception, it is nothing, and he can even take advantage of this dark artistic conception. Terrifying dark mood.


I don't know when, the whole dark artistic conception was frantically agitated. At this moment, Yang Yi was blessed to the soul. He finally grasped that bit of light in his heart, and finally grasped the essence of "".

This dark artistic conception is very clear and familiar to the present Yang Yi, and he finally feels the body and soul again.

"Dark artistic conception, so that's the case. I comprehended the essence of the dark artistic conception from the dark artistic conception, and mastered it, and cultivated a dark supernatural power."

Yang Yi used the essence of the dark artistic conception he had comprehended to cultivate a supernatural power, which is no small matter, because the supernatural power is above the magic and martial arts, and it is created by his own comprehension of the way of heaven and earth. Each type of supernatural power has the power to destroy the world.

However, supernatural powers are generally only created by Shangxianjun, because the understanding of Taoism by Xianjun masters has reached a new world, which is relatively thorough, and Jinxian has just begun to slowly come into contact with the upper Dao realm. That's all, so if Jinxian wants to create supernatural powers, it's basically impossible. [

However, the world is so big, it is rare that there are golden immortals who have created supernatural powers, but every one who has created supernatural powers in the realm of golden immortals will have great achievements in the future, and they are peerless geniuses that are rare in thousands of years .

"I comprehended supernatural powers from the darkness, and realized the artistic conception, then this kind of supernatural power is called Ji"

Yang Yi's voice quietly echoed in the darkness, as if reaching the distant depths.

Although he has comprehended his own supernatural powers, he did not break through the darkness immediately. He is already familiar with the darkness, and he still wants to slowly sharpen his artistic conception in this dark artistic conception. How broad and profound is that artistic conception?Even if it is the artistic conception that I have comprehended now, it is just the tip of the iceberg of this dark artistic conception, it is nothing.

At this time, there were four dark shadows, and they had already arrived outside Yang Yi's secret room. They felt a more intense dark artistic conception here, which made them more convinced that Yang Yi had already taken out the statue controlled by darkness, and now his consciousness had sunk.

Even the owner of the dark building had a rare smile on his face.

"Very good, this is Yang Yi cocooning himself. Hmph, can he collect the statues mastered by darkness at will? I'm afraid he would never have dreamed that I would lurk again, break through this secret room, and experience the artistic conception mastered by darkness." This is the best opportunity to kill Yang Yi, we must seize the opportunity."

The owner of the dark building ordered in a low voice, he knows how terrifying this dark artistic conception is. Once an idle person is shrouded in the dark artistic conception, he cannot manipulate his body and soul at all except for his consciousness. Butchered.

Of course, there must be someone who can withstand this dark mood at the same time. The owner of the dark building and others have long practiced the way of assassination. This is exactly what they learned from the dark mood, so it is really nothing. The influence of the artistic conception can be unblocked in the dark artistic conception.


The door of this secret room is very strong, but it can't resist the full blow of the owner of the dark building and others. When he came out, the owner of the dark building and others were instantly shrouded in it.

Fortunately, they have all practiced the way of assassination, and they have already been familiar with this dark artistic conception, so they were not affected, and they entered the secret room indirectly.

This secret room is not big. As soon as the owner of the dark building entered the secret room, he glanced quietly and saw Yang Yi who was sitting cross-legged on the ground almost instantly. There seems to be no reaction to their arrival.

This is exactly the appearance of a sinking consciousness, which makes the owner of the dark building and others secretly happy.

Chapter 660 Three Supernatural Powers

Chapter 660 Three Supernatural Powers

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