blood record

Chapter 664

Chapter 660 Four


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If the consciousness sinks, it will be difficult to wake up again. The owner of the dark building and others have experienced the dark artistic conception, so they can't be more clear. Now, in their eyes, Yang Yi is a lamb to be slaughtered. There is no trace of it. threaten.

"Very well, Yang Yi has already fallen into a sinking consciousness, so kill him quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams." [

The owner of the dark building is a very cautious person, and he immediately ordered the three deputy owners around him to do it. Only when Yang Yi is truly eradicated, will he be at ease. After all, the feeling Yang Yi gave the owner of the dark building was too deep that day. , as if facing death, that kind of feeling that the owner of the dark building has experienced it once, and he doesn't want to experience it again.

"Hey, this Yang Yi's consciousness has sunk now, even if his body is blown into flying ash, he won't feel anything, hey"

The three sub-hosts sneered at Yang Yifei, they wanted to kill Yang Yi in the shortest possible time.


These three masters violently displayed earth-shattering martial arts, and blasted towards Yang Yi from all directions. Once the blast was real, Yang Yi's body would explode instantly, and his soul would be seriously injured.

But at this moment, Yang Yi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his eyes, and a divine light flashed in his eyes, making the hearts of the three deputy landlords tremble.

"how is this possible?"

However, the astonishment in their hearts was only fleeting, but the movements of their hands did not stop at all, and they slashed at Yang Yi with a huge force carrying a destructive aura.

Yang's expression was indifferent, he just moved towards San o'clock lightly, and said in his mouth: "Ji"


Everyone can't imagine, especially the three sub-hosts, they feel the world spinning in an instant. At this moment, they can't feel their bodies, they can't feel their souls, and they don't even have consciousness. Everything is just a blur. Blank and void.

This is the supernatural power, the supernatural power that Yang Yi comprehended from the dark artistic conception, under this supernatural power, the monk will be deprived of all kinds of feelings, everything will become "empty", even consciousness will not exist.

"bang bang bang"

With Yang Da's hand grabbing again, the bodies of the three sub-hosts were easily crushed by Yang Yi, and even the Yuanshen did not escape. , It will take some time, and you need to use the swing hammer, but now, under his silent supernatural power, he is simply a clay dog, without a trace of resistance.

The owner of the dark building turned pale instantly, he couldn't believe his eyes were normal, his body was trembling slightly, and he said in a low voice: "Supernatural power, how can you comprehend supernatural power, this is real supernatural power!"

The owner of the dark building is the limit of Jinxian, and he is only close to Xianjun. Naturally, he knows the horror of supernatural powers. Once he uses supernatural powers, it is simply not something that Jinxian can resist. Even if he is a master of Xianjun, not everyone They can all comprehend supernatural powers.

But there is one thing, all immortals who have comprehended supernatural powers are the most powerful ones.

The owner of the dark building never thought that Yang Yi could comprehend supernatural powers.

"Lord of the dark building, are you here to take back the statue of the Lord of Darkness? It's a pity that you came a step too late. If you had come a few days earlier, Mr. Yang hadn't comprehended the supernatural powers, and hadn't gotten rid of this dark artistic conception. Maybe, you You can successfully kill Yang. But this is God's will, you are destined to fall in Yang's hands. But Yang doesn't want to kill you now, so I will give you two choices, surrender to me, you can live, or, you resisted, and was beheaded by Yang"[

With his hands behind his back, Yang Yi said indifferently with an indifferent expression on his face.

These two choices, he had already given the owner of the dark building a chance, but the owner of the dark building didn't take it to heart at all, he ran away, this time, he had no way to escape, in front of Yang Yi, he didn't A slight possibility of escape.

Yang Yi has not only made great progress in his cultivation, but more importantly, he has already comprehended supernatural powers. The owner of the dark building who knows the horror of supernatural powers is very clear about his current situation. Just look at the miserable appearance of the three deputy owners. How terrifying is supernatural power.

"Haha, it's your wishful thinking if you want the host to surrender, the way of assassination is limited to one hit, kill"

I saw the master of the dark building suddenly burst out with terrifying power, his whole body seemed to be transformed into a black light, shuttled between the gaps in the space, and came to kill Yang Yi.

This is the most powerful assassination condensed by the master of the dark building, and it is also the strongest assassination method he has comprehended from the dark artistic conception. It's his trump card.

He is even confident that with this limited blow, even Shang Xianjun will temporarily avoid the edge. He never thought that he could kill Yang Yi. He only needs to force Yang Yi back, and then escape at the fastest speed. day of birth.

However, he was disappointed, the immortals wanted to back away from Sanshe's blow, but Yang Yi didn't pay attention at all.

"Since you have made your choice, then Yang will fulfill you, Ji"

Yang Yi didn't move in the slightest, and still pointed forward lightly. Immediately, a mysterious force penetrated into the layers of space, and directly landed on the body of the master of the dark building. Suddenly, the figure of the master of the dark building suddenly After a short pause, his whole body seemed rather shocked. He felt that his body was free from terror, and his mind, thoughts, and consciousness even stopped at this moment, blank, and he couldn't even feel it. to one's own existence.

This is the essence of darkness, a emptiness, under Yang Yi's terrifying supernatural power, no golden immortal can resist it, even Shangxian Lord will be affected.


The body of the master of the dark building exploded violently, the primordial spirit was pierced through, and gradually dissipated, and even died, the master of the dark building did not understand the horror of this type of silent supernatural power.


Yang Yi shook his head slightly, and then he put the statue of the Lord of Darkness back into the Tianlei Disk. He still needs to use the dark artistic conception to continue to perfect his magical powers.

Supernatural powers are superior to all spells and martial arts, but the Nine Palace Phantom is too magical, Yang Yi is now a little skeptical, this Nine Palace Phantom is definitely not as simple as martial arts, and the Nine Palace Immortal King who is above the realm of the Immortal King, can it be impossible? Magical powers?

Immediately, a terrifying thought rose in Yang Yi's heart, perhaps, this Nine Palace Phantom is a magical power

Perhaps, to cultivate Jiugong Phantom to perfection, and to be able to display Jiujiu 81 phantoms can truly display the power of Jiugong Phantom.

If it is really a supernatural power, then Yang Yi can't imagine how terrifying this kind of supernatural power must be.


Not long after, Yang Yi notified Jun Yilong and others of their arrival. When Jun Yilong saw that the master of the dark building and the three deputy masters had died in the secret room, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly pleaded guilty to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, he didn't blame Jun Yilong, he knew that the owner of the dark building was proficient in the way of assassination, and his concealment technique was comprehended from the dark artistic conception, which was not something Jun Yilong could discover at all. [

"Jun Yilong, it seems that there are still some strongholds in the dark building that have not been found. You have to hurry up and pull out the dark building in one fell swoop, and announce to the outside that you have killed the owner of the dark building and the three deputy owners. Those small forces have set a deadline, and those who do not submit to our Juntianhui will wait for the day of destruction."

Yang Yi has his own momentum now, ordering in an orderly manner, as long as he follows the method formulated by Yang Yi, the power of Juntianhui will expand rapidly.

Sure enough, when the news that the owner of the dark building and the three deputy owners had been killed by Jun Tianhui spread, there was a wave of waves in the entire city of power, and many people were shocked.

After all, the master of the dark building is a master of the limit of Jinxian, and he is already close to the limit of Xianjun. It seems difficult even for the master of the fairy king to kill the master of the dark building, let alone other people.

Moreover, I haven't heard that Juntian will appear as a master of immortals, which makes people even more puzzled. However, the news that Juntian will destroy the dark building is like a heavy bomb, and it quickly stirs up a layer. Layers of ripples.

In particular, Juntianhui also set a time limit for those small forces to surrender. Once the time limit is exceeded, those who do not surrender will suffer a thunderous blow from Juntianhui.

"What exactly does Jun Tianhui want to do? A small and medium-sized force that dominates the entire City of Power? Isn't he afraid of causing public anger? Many small forces unite, and this is not a small force."

"Hmph, alliance? These small forces are intricate and intertwined, and their interests are intertwined. If you want to truly unite, it is undoubtedly a dream. Besides, even if it is a union, so what? Can it be stronger than the dark building? Think about the fate of the dark building." , the current Juntianhui is no small matter."

"It is rumored that Jun Tianhui trusted a president named Yang Yi. He is extremely mysterious, but his strength is unbelievable. The owner of the dark building and the three deputy owners are good at assassination. They were originally going to assassinate Yang Yi. But he was beheaded by this Yang Yi instead, tsk tsk, even if such a master is not an immortal now, what is the difference between his means and strength? "

People in the whole power city are discussing in secret, but none of them belong to any power, at best they just watch the fun, but for those people from small powers, this is a moment of life and death, life and death , they will not take Jun Tianhui's words as a joke.

"What should we do? The Juntian Society is very powerful now, or we can surrender. If the Juntian Society can develop into a big force, then we are not too bad."

"Yes, the president of Juntianhui is extremely mysterious. Even Jun Yilong surrendered willingly, which shows his strength. Looking at Juntianhui's actions now, his ambition is not small. There are still countless people who surrender now. Endless benefits."

"If you don't return, you will die. We have no choice."

As time gradually passed, the deadline for those small forces was gradually approaching. Finally, these small forces could no longer hold back and came to surrender one after another. For a while, the power of Juntianhui rapidly expanded. Compared with those big forces with Xianjun sitting in charge, they are not inferior.

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