blood record

Chapter 739 Preaching

Chapter 730 Nine Sermons

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The Sky Swallowing Beast, an existence that even the ruler would be afraid of, now feels an unprecedented threat from Yang Yi's avatar, the huge flood dragon primordial body, so although it is very violent, it dare not The rash attack was just a constant roar.


Yang Yi's avatar began to shrink slowly. In this mountain forest, the city of power was completely located here, and the fragments of the supporting pillars also took root in this world, and they began to flow in and out continuously. With the air of chaos. [

Yang Yi's avatar became smaller and smaller, until finally, it turned into a figure, which was Yang Yi.

"Swallowing Beast, remember Yang?"

At this time, Yang Yi was like a poor little ant under the huge body of the swallowing beast, but after seeing Yang Yi, the huge body of the swallowing beast actually flinched a little, and his eyes were full of anger. is fear.

It clearly remembered that this person was able to collide with his master at the beginning, and the strength in this weak body now made it have a very dangerous aura, which was enough to prove that Yang Yi was not simple.

Yang Yi directly flew into the void, ignoring the swallowing beast at all, but flew towards the tall temple, he was going to find Venerable Yin Yang.


In front of the huge temple, Yang Yi's figure appeared, and behind the temple, there was that huge head, which was the Sky Swallowing Beast.The huge body of Swallowing Beast occupied the entire temple, and it kept roaring at Yang Yi, as if warning Yang Yi.

"Honor Yin Yang, Yang has come here uninvited."

Yang Yi's voice echoed in the entire space, especially in this temple, the people inside must have heard it clearly.

After a while, a ray of light radiated from the temple, and then the big mn opened, and a familiar voice came from inside: "Young Daoist Yang, please come in and talk."

The big mn opened automatically, and Yang Yi didn't have any fear. With his strength, he was outstanding among the ancient venerables, and he was even close to the immortal emperor. Even the venerable Yin Yang was no match for him, so the world In the meantime, he is afraid of even dangerous places, let alone a temple in this area.

Yang Yifei entered the temple, and the Tiantian Beast outside also died down, gradually calming down.

The temple is very large, but there are formations everywhere, as well as a trace of yin yang, the whole temple is actually shrouded in the yin yang domain of Venerable Yin Yang.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and then a field with a radius of one zhang suddenly rose up around him. In the field, thunder flickered, flames shone everywhere, and there was a dark artistic conception. These three laws were all fused together. Together.

How powerful is the Yinyang domain of Venerable Yinyang?It was almost indestructible, but after Yang Yi's domain was displayed, the yin and yang domain next to Yang Yi gradually collapsed and disintegrated, completely crushed by Yang Yi's domain.

A domain fused with the three laws is naturally far from being able to resist the domain evolved from only two laws. Even if Yang Yi wants to, he can directly display the domain and completely wipe out the domain of Venerable Yin Yang. rout.


Yang Yi walked up the temple layer by layer, until he reached the ninth floor, he saw the magnificent hall, just like a dojo, there were many people inside, most of them were sitting on futons, Listening carefully to the aloof Venerable Yin Yang, who is paying attention to the truth.

This is called opening the altar to preach, and it was very popular in ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times. At that time, monks were still very open, and they could use what they learned to share with each other, which is far from the current view of mn households. [

Moreover, a great power like Venerable Yin Yang often opened the altar to preach and spread the glory of the Tao.

These people also noticed Yang Yi's arrival, but they were not distracted at all. They were all listening carefully to comprehend the truth of Venerable Yin Yang's Dao. Yang Yi also sat down and listened to Venerable Yin Yang's preaching .

There are many profound ways among them, Yang Yi is very clear, he is also the realm of the ancient venerable, even stronger than the venerable Yin Yang, he already knows many ways, but he has some knowledge about the heaven, earth and Yin Yang The understanding is a bit unique, and this must be the unique way of Venerable Yin Yang himself, so Yang Yi has a bit of interest.

For about a few hours, Venerable Yin Yang opened his eyes, and said to the more than 20 people below: "Okay, today's sermon ends here, you all go back and understand it."

After all, Venerable Yin Yang waved his hand slightly, and these people stood up, all of them looked drunk and woke up, and left the temple one after another, but when they came to Yang Yi's side, they all shook slightly. Bye, showing respect to Yang Yi.

Seeing Yang Yi, Venerable Yin Yang still had the same unfathomable look, and said indifferently: "You are making mnnng ax in front of Fellow Daoist, making Fellow Daoist Yang laugh at you."

Yang Yi also said with a smile: "Friend Yin Yang's Yin Yang way is very unique, which made Yang understand a lot. Are these people the creatures in this space world just now?"

Just now Yang Yi felt that these people are somewhat different from those in the fairy world, they all have the deep imprint of this world, they are creatures that belong to this world alone.

Venerable Yin Yang did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes, they are creatures in this world, and all creatures have the heart of Taoism. They are outstanding figures among them, and most of them have cultivated to the level of immortal kings Realm, but it is still too difficult to break through to the Immortal King."

Yang Yi also saw just now that among these people, the lowest ones are all immortals, and the highest ones have even reached the peak of immortals. This kind of cultivation is dominant even in the immortal world.

"Young Daoist yinyang is very virtuous, and Yang admires him"

Preaching is no small matter, it is to express one's own unique understanding, that is, to share one's own way, even the Lord of Light and others have not preached in public.

"Yang Daoyou evolved the domain with the three principles, and his understanding of the Dao should be deeper. Daoyou's preaching will definitely inspire people and get Dao fate. I wonder if Yang Daoyou is interested in preaching for the creatures here?"

There was a hint of a smile in the eyes of Venerable Yinyang.

"Fellow Daoist Yinyang is joking, how dare Yang explain the Dao clearly? Well, this time Yang came to find Fellow Daoist Yinyang just for Nahong mng Shilun."

When mentioning Hongmng Shilun, Venerable Yin Yang's smile also disappeared, he kept shaking his head and said: "If you want to find a way to deal with Hongmng Shilun from me, you will definitely get something, Hongmng Shilun is a congenital treasure, at first only the immortal emperors could control it, once the congenital treasure is born, no one can resist it."

Venerable Yin Yang shook his head directly, even as a Primordial Venerable, he could do nothing about Hongmng Shilun.

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