blood record

Chapter 740 Taikoo City

Chapter 740 Taikoo City

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Yang Yi didn't seem very disappointed, he looked at Venerable Yin Yang quietly, and said with a slight smile: "The first wheel of the Hongmeng is the innate treasure, isn't there another innate treasure?"

Venerable Yinyang pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I don't know if there are other innate treasures. After all, they are all the secrets of the immortal emperors, and no one can know."

Yang Yi continued: "I believe Venerable Yin Yang knows the current situation in the fairy world. The Master of Destruction is holding the Hongmeng Shilun, and people can resist it. The last part of the supporting pillar is in the hands of the Master of Destruction. There is no one at all." It can deal with the Lord of Destruction, so Yang moved the city of strength into the world of the Venerable, and I hope the Venerable will forgive me." [

Venerable Yin Yang smiled wryly: "What if you disagree? You have far surpassed this deity, and the Three Laws have evolved into a domain. Among the ancient venerables, you are still the first."

Yang Yi thought, Venerable Yin Yang is very clear, but in fact the destruction of the ruler is too ambitious, he wants to sweep the entire fairy world, after sweeping the fairy world, no one will know whether he will treat them who are in the interlayer of space The ancient venerable who survived in the world.

Therefore, he didn't want to destroy the ruler too tyrannically, but he could do anything.

After a while, Venerable Yin Yang said to Yang Yi: "Okay, now Daoist Yang has also become Venerable Primordial, I will take you to meet those old friends."

Yang Yi's eyes lit up, he knew that the ancient venerable was definitely not the only one, he had wanted to get to know other ancient venerables a long time ago, but the mezzanine of the space outside the fairy world is too vast, it is not easy to find of.

But now with the leadership of Venerable Yin Yang, it will naturally be different, Yang nodded and said: "Yang is exactly what he wants."

Venerable Yin Yang rolled Yang Yi into the space with a big hand, shuttled through layers of space, and reached a remote place. Fortunately, Yang Yi had left a mark in the world where Venerable Yin Yang lived , no matter how far he goes, he can return to this world by virtue of this silk mark, especially the city of strength, which has been re-sacrificed by Yang Yi, so Yang Yi can also sense it.

It was with these preparations that Yang Yi left with Venerable Yin Yang at ease.

Both of them are ancient venerables, and they travel through space very fast, passing through several layers of space almost in the blink of an eye.


When Venerable Yin Yang passed through a layer of space, he stopped, shuttled through this layer of space, and what Yang Yi saw was a completely dark and vast space.

It's very peaceful here, but for some reason, here, Yang Yi felt an oppressive aura, as if there was an indescribably tyrannical force, and then ruthlessly suppressed Yang Yi.

There was a look of surprise on Yang Yi's face. With his current strength, only a congenital treasure or an immortal emperor can have such a suppressive power on him, but here, Yang Yi feels very Clearly, there seems to be such a depressing atmosphere in all directions.

“Ahead is Taikoo Shing”

Following the guidance of Venerable Yin Yang, Yang Yi saw a vast city suspended in the void. The most frightening thing about this city is the dense array around it, which almost surrounded the entire city. Inside, according to Yang Yi's induction, even if it is a strong ruler, if he forcibly breaks into this city, he will be directly smashed to pieces.

"Taigucheng? What kind of city is this? Where is this?"

Yang Yi had never heard of such a city, and this place was very strange, in addition to the oppressive atmosphere around it, there seemed to be a trace of strong chaos.

The aura of chaos is unique to the Immortal Realm, and it can only be found close to the Immortal Realm. Even the world of Venerable Yin Yang is attached to the huge world of the Immortal Realm, and is not too far apart.

Could it be that this city is adjacent to the fairy world? [

Yang Yi had several questions in his mind, but Venerable Yin Yang didn't give a detailed explanation, instead he took Yang Yi and flew towards the huge ancient city.

As soon as he entered Taikoo City, Yang Yi was shocked by the scene in front of him. He saw people coming and going on the street. Jinxian is the lowest existence here. Most of them are immortal kings, even immortal kings. there are many.

This is really shocking, these people have a trace of antiquity, as if years have accumulated on them for a long time.Immortal monarchs are fine, but there are absolutely no more than fifty immortal kings in the entire immortal world, but now on this street, there are definitely more than one hundred immortal kings that Yang Yi saw.

This ancient city is like a dreamlike place, completely different from the fairy world.

"What exactly is this place?"

Following behind Venerable Yin Yang, Yang Yi became more frightened the more he looked at it. This small Taikoo city is really too shocking. Not only the Immortal King, but also the ruler, many Yang Yi never The masters that I have never seen before are all coming in and out here, looking very busy.

"The Taikoo City existed a long, long time ago. If we really want to talk about the specific time, it should be in the time of Taikoo. , it is not inferior to a peak acquired treasure."

Venerable Yin Yang said lightly, Yang Yi was quite shocked in his heart, this huge city is actually a treasure, it is really unbelievable, and it was built in ancient times, but he didn't know it, and Even the ancient existences such as the Lord of Light did not mention it.

"The ancient city was originally a place established by the ancient venerables to communicate with each other, but with the rise of the fairy witch war, many fairy kings, masters, and even the ancient venerables who did not want to be involved in the fairy witch war, all Arriving in Taikoo City. These people hardly go to the fairy world, they practice in various small worlds, and Taikoo City is a centralized station for their mutual transactions."

Venerable Yin Yang's explanation made Yang Yi gradually understand the origin of Taikoo City. No wonder he saw the immortals here, regardless of their cultivation level, they all carried an ancient will. It turned out that these people originally came from Taikoo Or the existence of ancient times.

Such a huge city, such a force, has never been known to the immortals in the fairy world. It is indeed a bit magical. I am afraid that it is still due to the means of these ancient venerables, or maybe it is because of the geography here. The reason is too remote.

In short, Venerable Yin Yang brought Yang Yi to see an existence different from the fairy world. In this ancient city, it was as if he had returned to the ancient or ancient times. Many immortals even wore some furry costumes. It looked extremely shocking.

Venerable Yin Yang brought Yang Yi to a beautiful building. At the gate, the two guards were actually majestic Immortal Kings, so Yang Yi couldn't believe it if they asked the Immortal Kings to guard them.

"In the ancient city, it seems to be in the ancient times. Don't look at it with the mentality of your fairy world. In the ancient times, the strong are like clouds, and the chaotic energy is as abundant as liquid. Generally, newborn babies are at least If you are a Xuanxian, you will be a golden immortal when you become an adult. Anyone with a little talent can become a fairy king. In such a huge group of fairy kings, it is not too difficult to be promoted to the fairy king. In the ancient times, the fairy king only had a little status. Only the masters may be able to dominate one side, of course, the ones who really dominate the ancient times are those ancient venerables and immortal emperors."

Venerable Yin Yang's explanation made several thoughts flash in Yang Yi's mind. Seeing the appearance of the ancient city, he seemed to have seen the glory of the ancient times, what kind of a strong man Ruyun was in its heyday up.

Yang Yi knew the Five Emperors of the Immortal Realm, they were the most powerful immortal emperors since the ancient times, but in fact, in the ancient times, far more than these five immortal emperors were born, like Yang Yi knew that the Jiugong Immortal Emperor was not one of the five emperors.

In the ancient times, there were many wild monsters at the level of immortal emperors. If there were not many monks with immortal emperors, how could they be the masters of the entire world?Of course, only those real powerful people from the ancient times knew about this.

These two immortal kings obviously knew Venerable Yin Yang, and they both looked very polite, saying respectfully: "Greetings, Venerable Yin Yang"

The ancient venerable, no matter what era it is, is definitely a strong man who dominates one side. He is admired by hundreds of millions of people, and his status is far above the ruler.

But facing Yang Yi, the two immortal kings didn't have any good looks, they looked vigilant.

Venerable Yin Yang didn't speak, but looked at Yang Yi indifferently, and walked straight into the building without any intention of taking Yang Yi with him.

Yang Yi raised his eyebrows and wanted to go in, but was stopped by the two fairy king guards and said: "Stop, no one is allowed to enter here, only the ancient venerable adults can enter." [

"The ancient venerable? Oh, is it possible that Yang is not qualified to come in?"

A violent aura erupted from Yang Yi's body. This aura was like a god on high. He stared at the two guards with indifferent eyes. The terrifying aura oppressed them even more, making them sweat profusely.

This is Yang Yi's aura, Yang Yi is also the fusion of the three laws, and evolved into a domain existence, stronger than any ancient venerable, releasing a little bit of aura, which is beyond the tolerance of an immortal king.

So he released this breath, and the two guards hurriedly said respectfully: "It turns out to be His Excellency, please."


Yang Yi took his breath away. If it was in the Immortal Realm, even though the Immortal King was invincible, he would still have the pride of an Immortal King. He would never kneel down like a slave and beg for mercy from the Primordial Venerable, but in the Immortal City, it seemed like it had always been like this .

This may be the biggest difference in the ancient times. In the fairy world, it is extremely difficult to become a fairy king. Every fairy king has his own pride, but in the ancient times, fairy kings abound. It is the same status as the golden fairy in the fairy world.

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