blood record

Chapter 760 Scarlet Blood Sky Demon

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The Linglong Pagoda has been moving, and its whereabouts are erratic. This sentence made Yang Yi's expression change, and Venerable Yiyuan was quite naive. In fact, the old man also wanted to find the Linglong Pagoda, but it has been so many years. To be honest, the old man has always been I have heard its name, but I have never been able to sense the existence of Linglong Pagoda, so I have always seen it by chance. "

Yang Yi's expression became silent. Venerable Yiyuan has existed in the entire void for thousands of years. In the thousands of years, he has never sensed the Linglong Pagoda. Then Yang Yi What are the chances?

"Honorable One Yuan, is it really the only way to wait aimlessly to get lucky enough to sense the location of the Linglong Pagoda? There must be other ways to find the Linglong Pagoda, right?" [

Yang Yi's eyes were piercing, staring firmly at Venerable Yi Yuan and said.

After a long while, Venerable Yiyuan showed a smile on his face, and said in a low voice that he really couldn't hide it from fellow Taoists, no, there is indeed a way to clearly sense the Linglong Pagoda, but it is very dangerous, the old man has always wanted to use this There are many ways, but due to lack of strength, it has always been impossible to achieve what you want. "

"Oh? It's a solution, my lord, please tell me."

Yang Yi was shocked. In fact, he had already learned from the clues that Venerable Yiyuan had a plan in his mind, the Linglong Pagoda, Venerable Yiyuan actually wanted to go in, but he couldn't help it all the time. He must have a way to find the Linglong Pagoda. But there must be danger in it, with his strength, maybe he can't succeed, so seeing Yang Yi's powerful strength, he was tempted, and carefully told about the Linglong Pagoda.

Yang Yi didn't care about Venerable Yiyuan's thoughts, if the other party really had a way to find the Linglong Pagoda, then he would be happy to take him to the Linglong Pagoda, after all, it was no loss for Yang Yi.

Venerable Yiyuan looked at Yang Yi, his face became a little serious, and he said in a low voice that the Linglong Pagoda was originally born in the outer domain, which is equivalent to guarding the entire outer domain. The demon born in the outer domain is actually, to some extent, Can sense the Linglong Pagoda.Of course, idle celestial demons can't sense it. Even the mirror demon that Daoist Yang beheaded just now, he can't sense the Linglong Pagoda. Can sense the Linglong Pagoda. "

Yang Yi had gradually understood, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, so long as he finds this Heavenly Demon, where is the Linglong Pagoda?Very good, your lord need not worry, just say, which Heavenly Demon Linglong Pagoda? "

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Yang is indeed full of arrogance. In fact, people in the entire outer domain, the ten demons in the outer domain, all have the existence of the Linglong Pagoda, and these ten demons have all been to the Linglong Pagoda. The old man just happens to be the red one of the ten demons. As for the whereabouts of the Blood Demon, as long as fellow Taoists can suppress the Scarlet Blood Demon, they will definitely be able to find the Linglong Pagoda."

Venerable Yiyuan finally came up with a solution. The top ten demons in the outer domain, just hearing this name, is not easy for this red-blooded demon. Even Venerable Yiyuan dared not make the slightest move.

"How does the mirror demon compare with the ten demons?"

Yang Yi is not reckless, although he has strong confidence in his strength, he still wants to know how powerful these ten demons are.

Venerable Yiyuan pondered for a moment. Dao Jingmo is a very special existence. His own innate supernatural powers are very powerful, but his attack power is not high, but it is difficult for others to defeat him, or even kill him.The ten demons are much stronger than the mirror demons, but the mirror demons are not under the jurisdiction of the ten demons, they belong to the demons without restraint. "

Yang Yi has gradually understood the general strength of these ten demons, and their strength must be much stronger than that of the Mirror Demon, but they are still so fragile in front of his Nine Palaces formation, not to mention, Yang Yi also has the nine-headed bird to help , once he wants to suppress someone, as long as the other party is not the Immortal Emperor, Yang Yi has the confidence to fight against him.

"The Scarlet Blood Demon? Very good, my lord, please lead the way. Yang will go meet the Scarlet Blood Demon now."

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and he said coldly.

"Very well, since that's the case, let's set off now."

Yang Yi looked at Venerable Yiyuan's expression, suddenly his heart moved, and he said again that if the Venerable also wanted to go to the Linglong Pagoda, then when Yang suppressed the Scarlet Blood Sky Demon, the Venerable could go to the Linglong Pagoda with Yang . "

Hearing Yang Yi's promise, Venerable Yiyuan was overjoyed, and hurriedly said that the old man thanked the fellow Taoist here, but the Scarlet Blood Demon is also a big deal, being able to become one of the top ten demons in the Outland, that is the level of a giant in the entire Outland, except Except for the Five Elements Venerables, none of the Primordial Venerables dared to say that they could suppress the Ten Great Heavenly Demons. "

Yang Yi already had a general understanding of the strength of the Scarlet Blood Sky Demon, but he was still afraid. He nodded and said that Yang knew it well and would be cautious. "[

Venerable Yiyuan nodded, then flew out of the cave, and came directly to the outer domain. With a big hand, he broke the space of the outer domain. Although the space of the outer domain is much stronger than the ancient city or the fairy world, it is still difficult A strong man who lives at the level of the ancient venerable.

With Venerable Yiyuan's big hand grabbing, a huge space portal appeared in the void, and Yang Yi and Venerable Yiyuan got into the space one by one, and disappeared without a trace.

Shuttle in the space, almost for a moment, Yang Yi and Venerable Yiyuan broke the space and appeared in a very strange place, Yang Yi's expression moved slightly, because he felt several huge heavenly demon breaths.

With a slight touch of his senses, he actually sensed the aura of thousands of heavenly demons, ranging from the golden fairy level to the master level, and even the heavenly demons at the level of the ancient venerable.

Yang Yi and Venerable Yiyuan have almost arrived at the lair of the demons in the outer domain, and they are indeed bold enough to be in such a place.

"Where is this place?"

Yang Yi frowned and asked.

Venerable Yiyuan said in a low voice, Fellow Daoist, this is where the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon is located, but he is one of the top ten Heavenly Demons, and he has many masters under his command. Very scary.The old man has only recently found out that the Scarlet Blood Demon has arrived in this weakest lair. This is a place where the Scarlet Blood Demon does not come often, and the strength of his subordinates here is already the weakest. "

Yang Yi's eyes were sharp, there are at least tens of thousands of Heavenly Demons here, and they are actually only one of the weakest forces of the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demons. It is no wonder that although the countless ancient venerables wanted to go to the Linglong Pagoda, none of them dared to provoke the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon. Blood Demon.

Venerable Yiyuan also looked very embarrassed, and said in a low voice that it is actually not so serious. The old man has already checked into the hall of the Scarlet Blood Demon. As long as we enter the hall directly, there will be at most one Heavenly Demon at the level of the Primordial Venerable. It's not as good as the mirror demon, the old man can restrain it, and Yang Daoyou can directly deal with the red blood demon, success or failure depends on it. "

This one-yuan venerable said it firmly, but Yang Yi said that this kind of venerable can exist in the entire outer domain for thousands of years, and he has also established a huge sect. He will never put all his eggs in one basket. Even if Yang Yi fails, the one-yuan Venerable also must have a backhand who can escape.

But this is the secret of every monk, and it doesn't matter if you have a second hand, Yang Yi is sure of victory, and he will be able to suppress the Scarlet Blood Demon.

"Okay, let's go to the main hall right away. When Yang's domain is displayed, it can suppress almost everyone below the level of the ancient venerable. Even the less powerful celestial demon at the level of the ancient venerable will be affected, enough to block all Information."

Venerable Yiyuan said with joy on his face that this is naturally the best."

After all, no one wants to be besieged by tens of thousands of demons.


Yang Yi and Venerable Yiyuan quickly flew forward. Venerable Yiyuan had indeed been preparing for a long time. He seemed to be very familiar with this place. Unknowingly, he came to a huge and magnificent hall, which contained many powerful auras, and this was where the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon was.


Yang Yi stopped hesitating immediately, a tyrannical aura suddenly erupted from his body, and then a huge layer of domain was displayed instantly, like a big net, covering the huge hall.

In an instant, Yang Yi had a clear understanding of the situation in the hall. In the domain, Yang Yi was a god-like existence, and no one or anything could be hidden from his eyes.

"Bold, who dares to break into Lord Chixue's mansion?"

There was a loud shout from the main hall, and this loud shout turned into bursts of sound waves, trying to break Yang Yi's domain in vain, but Yang Yi's domain is so tyrannical, Yang Yi snorted coldly , With a thought, the flames of the number raged in the field. [

Many heavenly demons were even directly burned to ashes, and because they were covered by the domain, everything that happened in the hall could not attract the attention of the heavenly demons outside.


Yang Yi and Venerable Yiyuan quickly entered the main hall, and at this time, there were screams everywhere in the main hall. Those demons with lower cultivation bases could not resist the fire of Zhu Rong and the flames of Zhu Rong in Yang Yi's domain. The burning of the pure fire in the heavens was burned into ashes one after another.

Occasionally, there are some master-level demons who can resist a little bit, but thunderbolts fly out of the field, blasting these demons to pieces in an instant.

Everything in the domain is controlled by Yang Yi, and the only ones that are not affected are the two demons, one of which is high above the sky, with two horns on its head, shining with silver light, majestic all over, this is the Scarlet Blood Demon.

And under the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon, there is another Heavenly Demon whose whole body is pitch-black, and the aura on his body is also at the level of the Venerable. Only these two Heavenly Demons at the level of the Primordial Venerable are not affected by Yang Yi's domain.

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