blood record

Chapter 762 Delicate Pagoda

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Yang Yi shuttled through layers of space, and according to the information passed by the Scarlet Blood Demon in his mind, he flew towards the specific location of the Linglong Pagoda. As for whether there is a Linglong Pagoda, Yang Yi didn't know, but at least, the current Scarlet Blood Demon was there. Under Yang Yi's control, he should not dare to lie to Yang Yi.


When Yang Yi passed through the space and came to a strange space, there was a huge jade pagoda towering here. [

Yes, the whole body of the pagoda is shining with light of jade, and there is a holy aura. It is impossible to imagine how huge it is. Even if Yang Yi's soul is really deep, in front of this jade pagoda, It's just the size of an ant.

Great, mysterious, and powerful, these are all the words of praise that Yang Yi could think of when he saw this jade pagoda. Not only Yang Yi, but also the Venerable One Yuan behind Yang Yi, he also looked at this jade pagoda obsessively. The taller jade pagoda is more shocking in my heart.

This is the place that countless people dream of and want to reach. This is the legendary 33rd floor of Outland, Linglong Pagoda

"Linglong Pagoda, this is the real Linglong Pagoda. No other pagoda can shock people like this. Haha, it's been 6000 years. I've been in Outland for 6000 years, and I'm finally able to enter the Linglong Pagoda."

Venerable Yiyuan seemed very excited, as if he had been waiting for too long.

In fact, from the very beginning, Yang Yi thought that Venerable Yiyuan's desire for the Linglong Pagoda was too strong, otherwise, according to his attitude, he would never have ventured deep into the lair of such a tyrannical demon as Scarlet Blood Demon.

Now that he saw the Linglong Pagoda, Venerable Yiyuan's excited expression further proved that his desire for the Linglong Pagoda was not so strong. Perhaps he came to Outland to be able to enter the pagoda.

Yang Yi also stared blankly at this tall jade pagoda, it exudes holy light all over, and it is indeed moving forward slowly.

To say it is slow is only relatively speaking, because compared to its huge tower body, its speed can only be described as slow, but in the eyes of Yang Yi and the others, this speed is quite fast.

This is not the first time for Yang Yi to see a congenital treasure. He had seen the primordial primordial wheel before, and he was deeply shocked. The same is true for the Linglong Pagoda at this time. This Linglong Pagoda is moving forward slowly. , It's not breaking the space, but it seems to be completely integrated into the space, moving forward rapidly.

The power of the congenital treasure, the tyrannical side, not to mention the mere space, even if it destroys the continent or the fairyland, it doesn't count.

However, the fact is that the space here is not broken. Wherever the Linglong Pagoda passes, everything is intact, as if it is between space and void at all. It can penetrate layers of space and is not broken. will crush the space.

The entire Linglong Pagoda revealed mystery, solemnity, and magic. Yang Yi and Venerable Yiyuan looked at it for a long time, but they frowned slightly, because there was no door to the Linglong Pagoda, and they couldn't find a way to get in.

"Enter the Linglong Pagoda?"

Yang Yi asked the Red Blood Venerable in the small world, this Red Blood Heavenly Demon had entered the Linglong Pagoda, he knew it best.

At this time, although the Scarlet Blood Demon was unwilling, he could do nothing, after all, he had now become Yang Yi's prisoner, and with Yang Yi's means and strength, it would be a piece of cake to kill him.

So the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon said in a low voice that the Linglong Pagoda is the holy land of our Heavenly Demons. To us Heavenly Demons, it is like the closest and most sacred person. When we reach the Linglong Pagoda, the gate will open and we can enter .But for you human monks, the Linglong Pagoda will not open the door easily. You need to use tyrannical strength to open the door and break through the pagoda guards to enter the Linglong Pagoda. "

Hearing the words of the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon, Yang Yi frowned slightly. The Linglong Pagoda was indeed born in the outer domain, and seemed to be inextricably linked with these Heavenly Demons, but he did not expect that the pagoda would be very lenient to the Heavenly Demons, but For human monks, it is actually so strict.

"Forcibly open the door and defeat the guards? That doesn't count."[

A flash of light flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, and he quickly came to the bottom of the pagoda, where there really was a huge gate shining with golden brilliance.

But at this time, the door is tightly closed, and it needs to be blasted open with a strong force.

Venerable Yiyuan stepped forward and said in a low voice, Fellow Daoist Yang, can I let the old man have a try? "

Seeing the sincerity in Venerable Yiyuan's expression, Yang Yi nodded and said, Fellow Daoist, you can give it a try, why not?

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of Venerable Yiyuan. He stared at the huge gate, his heart was turbulent, and he was more excited. He had waited for too long, and the purpose was to enter the Linglong Pagoda. On this day, he Finally, the pagoda is in front of the gate of the Linglong Pagoda. He only needs to open the gate, and he can really enter the Linglong Pagoda to follow the footsteps of those powerful masters.

"The Way of Perfection, Open it to me"

Venerable Yiyuan punched out fiercely. In his punch, there was a circle, but the circle was divided into two poles, somewhat similar to Venerable Yin Yang, but his aura was even more rounded, as if it was a whole, very harmonious .

The power of this punch was also quite extraordinary, the surrounding space was even shattered one after another, and the strength of the fist turned into a huge mountain peak, which slammed into the gate fiercely.


There was a roaring sound from the gate, and then, the color of the gate changed abruptly, from the jade color before to the golden color, becoming an out-and-out golden gate.

However, after facing such a fierce bombardment by Venerable Yiyuan, this huge golden gate was not buckled open. Instead, it sent out waves of golden ripples, which actually went towards Venerable Yiyuan, which was very powerful. , so that Venerable Yiyuan's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly backed away.

However, the reversed force was like a stormy sea, chasing after Venerable Yiyuan, and his speed could not be completely avoided. At this moment, a field suddenly enveloped this surging counterforce, Then this power gradually dissipated and disappeared without a trace. It was Yang Yi who saw that Venerable Yiyuan was in danger, and immediately took action to eliminate the danger.


Venerable Yiyuan was afraid in his heart, he breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes shone with bursts of brilliance and said, "It's a scary and mysterious golden gate. The old man's strength can't open it. No wonder there are rumors that the Linglong Pagoda can't be opened easily." Those who entered, all those who entered the Linglong Pagoda were the best among the Venerables, or had special abilities.In the past, the old man thought it was a rumor, but he didn't expect it to be true. Could it be that the old man can't enter if he has already reached the door? "

Venerable Yiyuan looked a little excited.

This is like having already arrived at Baoshan, but unable to enter Baoshan. No one can calm down with such a mood.

Yang Yi patted Venerable Yiyuan on the back with one hand, and said in a low voice, fellow Taoists, please rest assured, this golden gate does not count. "

Yang Yi's words stunned Venerable Yiyuan, and then he calmed down. He thought of Yang Yi's terrifying strength. If he couldn't even blast the gate of Linglong Pagoda, who else would be qualified to enter Linglong Pagoda?

Once Yang Yi knocked through the gate, he could follow in. One, Venerable One Yuan was a little fortunate to have met Yang Yi, otherwise, even if he really found the Linglong Pagoda, he would not be able to enter because of the treasure mountain.

Venerable Yiyuan stepped back, staring at Yang Yi intently, and he was also very nervous.

On the other hand, Yang Yi seemed very relaxed. He quietly came to the golden gate, his eyes swept slightly, and he looked at the golden gate from bottom to top, then he just waved his hand lightly and slapped Passed through the golden gate, and shouted "Open"


This shot, the power ratio, is at least several times stronger than the previous Yiyuan Venerable, this kind of power is enough


As this tide-like force hit the golden gate, immediately after, a strong light erupted from the golden gate, covering Yang Yi inside.


The wind was blowing, and the entire Linglong Pagoda seemed to be trembling slightly. Immediately, the tall golden gate began to slowly open, and the Venerable Yiyuan behind him looked more excited, and his eyes were fixed on him. He walked towards the golden gate, and he wanted to see what it looked like behind the golden gate, in the exquisite pagoda.

The same is true for Yang Yi, he also stared at the golden gate closely, but when the golden gate gradually opened, what appeared before his eyes was an exhausting dazzling light, the light was so dazzling that even Yang Yi couldn't see what was inside. The specific situation just feels like a vast expanse of whiteness, and it is impossible to see clearly at all.

"Bold, trespassing on the Linglong Pagoda without authorization, capital punishment"

At this moment, the golden gate had been completely opened, but there was a rough shout from the white light, and then two figures flew out of the white light instantly, appearing in front of Yang Yi.

This is a giant taller than two, more than ten feet tall, condescending, eyes as big as copper bells, very oppressive, when seeing these two giants, Yang Yi felt that these two people at least They all have the powerful power of the ancient venerables, but they seem to be a little different from the immortals. They don't have souls.

Although it is at the level of the ancient venerable, it is at most a little bit stronger than the one-yuan venerable. If this is the guard of the Linglong Pagoda, that is not counted.

"Are you the guards of the Linglong Pagoda?"

Yang Yi asked indifferently with a look of fear.

"Hmph, no, we are the guardians of the pagoda. If you want to enter the pagoda, you have to go through us."

As soon as the two guards finished speaking, they felt a suffocating pressure. It turned out that Yang Yi had already slapped out a huge palm, covering the world, terrifying the side, and carrying a strong wind, fiercely towards the two guards. A guard shoots away.


This palm of Yang Yi directly used the phantom of the Nine Palaces, and the 81 figures of Nine Nine were transformed into one palm. This kind of power, not to mention only two guards, even if there are twenty guards, it is difficult to escape being caught. A slap to death fate.


Yang Yi didn't pay attention to the two guards at all, and directly walked inside with Venerable Yiyuan.

But just when Yang Yi walked into the golden gate, the two guards who had already been turned into powder by Yang Yi gradually condensed in the light, but at this moment they all looked scared.

"Perverts, there are so many perverts. Do you still remember the pervert called the Five Elements Venerable 8000 years ago? It seems that he just killed us with one palm."

"No, the pervert of the Five Elements Venerable defeated us with a single palm. If we hadn't possessed the characteristic of immortality in the Linglong Pagoda, I'm afraid we would have died a long time ago."

"Now there is such a pervert again, forget it, forget it, maybe the five-element venerable who is on the 33rd floor will fight with this new pervert. At that time, I'm afraid even Linglong Adults can't suppress it."

"The five-element venerable and this pervert are out of the category of the general ancient venerables, and are almost as close to the immortal emperor as they are. Lord Linglong can't completely suppress such a character."

These two guards were able to be reborn again, and they seemed to be all right, and then disappeared into the light. Gradually, the huge golden gate was slowly closed again.

At this time, Yang Yi and Venerable Yiyuan were walking in the exhausted light, gradually, the light became thinner and thinner, and the resplendent palace began to be revealed, and what Yang Yi saw was a resplendent and majestic palace.

In this hall, there are several gates, as if each gate represents a different path, and at the top, there is a golden staircase that leads to the second floor.

The Linglong Pagoda has a total of 33 floors, and the first to enter is the bottom floor. If you want to think of the 33rd floor, this is not something ordinary people can do, because every time you enter a floor, you will be under unparalleled pressure.

These are the common sense that Yang Yi learned from asking the Scarlet Blood Demon just now.

The Scarlet Blood Demon was ambitious at the beginning, and he also thought about the third floor of No. 30, but he only reached the No. 18 floor, so he couldn't move forward.

And it is rumored that there is only one person on the 33rd floor, and that is the rumored Taikoo City Lord Five Elements Venerable.

"Honor of the Five Elements, 33rd floor?"

Yang Yi muttered in a low voice, he had heard too much about the Venerable Five Elements, and the other party was on the 33rd floor, so Yang Yi was also interested in him.

"Linglong Pagoda, each floor is actually a treasure land for cultivation. There are countless blessed places in each floor, and everyone's blessed places are different. There are also many magical spaces. In these spaces, it is even possible to simulate enlightenment. Many strong men have cultivated diligently here."

The Scarlet Blood Demon told Yang Yi everything.

"Very good, Scarlet Blood Demon, if Yang can reach the 33rd floor, you can leave on your own."

This is Yang Yi's promise. He is not a person who kills indiscriminately. If the Scarlet Blood Demon has always wanted to do some small tricks, or if Yang Yi doesn't mind beheading him and blending into his domain, but the other party is now But it was an attitude of complete cooperation, and it was not easy for Yang Yi to kill him directly.

"On the first floor, there is no pressure. I want to go to the third floor of No. 30. Can Fellow Daoist One Yuan still be with Yang?"

Yang Yi looked at Venerable One Yuan next to him.

Venerable Yiyuan also nodded and said that the old man also wants to take a look at the legendary 33rd floor, please fellow daoists. "

Both of them quickly flew to the golden staircase in the void, and then Venerable Yiyuan took the lead and entered the second floor. The man flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground, his face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were even more frightened.


Venerable Yiyuan couldn't help it even more, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

With a flash of light in Yang's eyes, he said, Fellow Daoist One Yuan, what's going on?Did you meet on the second floor? "

It is indeed a bit appalling that Venerable Yiyuan stepped into the second floor and became like this with almost only one breath.Venerable Yiyuan was about to say something, but a faint voice came from the side. It was that he did not know the heights of the sky and the earth, and wanted to step into the second floor.Every floor of the Linglong Pagoda, the pressure is multiplied. With his strength, stepping into the second floor is simply courting death. "

At some point, a man shrouded in blue light appeared beside him, and his face could not be seen clearly.

Yang Yi frowned, grabbed him with a big hand, and said in a low voice, you hide your head and show your tail, open it for me."


How tyrannical is Yang Yi's strength?With a grasp, there was still thunder flashing, and accompanied by terrifying pale flames, this man who was shrouded in blue mist seemed to be shocked, and hurriedly backed away, but it was too late, Yang Yi's The big hand looked at everything, swept across, and landed fiercely on the man's body, dispelling the blue mist instantly.

After the blue mist was dispelled by Yang Yi, a man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes was revealed. His face was a little gloomy at this time, and there was a strange light in his eyes, which seemed a little annoyed.

"Venerable Lanhui? It's you!"

Venerable Yiyuan looked very surprised when he saw this man, and shouted loudly.

"Hmph, Venerable One Yuan, I didn't expect you to find the Linglong Pagoda and be able to enter it, and the fellow Taoist next to you is really domineering."

This Venerable Lan Hui obviously knew Venerable One Yuan, and he seemed very dissatisfied with Yang Yi, but perhaps due to Yang Yi's tyrannical strength, he had already suffered a loss just now, so he didn't dare to do so.

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