blood record

Chapter 763

Chapter 760

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Yang Yi looked at Venerable Lan Hui indifferently, and saw Venerable Yi Yuan standing up, his face looked very gloomy, and said coldly: "Verun Lan Hui, hum, I didn't expect to see you for thousands of years, I thought you had left After leaving the outer domain, I never expected to find the Linglong Pagoda and enter here."

Venerable Lan Hui said: "That's right, the old man has already found the Linglong Pagoda thousands of years ago and entered here, now that my strength has improved, you can no longer be my opponent, but even so, the old man still dare not Stepping into the second floor, the pressure, hehe, I believe you have experienced it just now."

After all, Venerable Lan Hui also looked at Yang Yi, seeming to be very afraid of Yang Yi, just now, he deeply knew that he was definitely not Yang Yi's opponent. [

Yang Yi turned around and asked Venerable Yiyuan: "What happened just now, why did Fellow Daoist Yiyuan get hurt?"

Venerable Yiyuan looked ashamed, and said in a low voice: "The second floor has a lot of pressure. I'm ashamed to say that I can't bear the pressure of the second floor, and I was directly blasted back by the second floor, just like Lan Huizun. According to what the author said, the old man can't step into the second floor now."

Yang Yi looked thoughtful, he looked at the second floor, he didn't expect that there was such a difference in the Linglong Pagoda, each floor has great pressure, let the monks who are waiting to take another step forward.

Venerable Lanhui said again: "Like when I first came to Linglong Pagoda, I was usually on the first floor. Those who were too ambitious were directly sent to the first floor. I advise you two to stay on the first floor. Wait until you have the strength in the future, and then plan to advance to a higher level. And each time you go up, the more benefits you will get."

"Oh? Has no one directly entered the 33rd floor?"

Yang Yi frowned and asked.

"The 33rd floor?" Venerable Lanhui showed a sneer on his face, and then continued: "There is, and there is only one so far, that is, the city lord of Taikoo City, the Venerable Five Elements. , went directly to the 33rd floor to learn, but do fellow Taoists think that they are comparable to the Five Elements Venerable?"

Although Yang Yi showed impressive strength just now, Venerable Lan Hui didn't believe at all that Yang Yi could be comparable to Venerable Five Elements, and it was even difficult for him to reach the second floor.

Yang Yi heard the name of the Five Elements Venerable once again. To Yang Yi, the words "Five Elements Venerable" were almost like a thunderbolt. Not many people in Taikoo City were praising them, but in Outer Domain, it was Even the Heavenly Demons from the Outer Territory were afraid of the Five Elements Venerable, and Yang Yi was even more motivated to meet this mysterious person.

"Since someone can go directly to the 33rd floor, there is nothing impossible. Fellow Daoist One Yuan, since you can't step into the second floor, then concentrate on practicing on the first floor. I believe you will be able to step into the second floor soon." level, Yang went to the 33rd floor first, and said goodbye.”

As soon as Yang finished speaking, he directly stepped up the stairs on the second floor.

There was a trace of disdain on Lan Hui's face, he looked at Venerable Yiyuan and said, "Hey, the person who came with you is Kuoaobi, just watch, he will definitely be bombarded to the first place just like you later. Come in one layer."

Venerable Yiyuan kept looking at Yang Yi, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "What Fellow Daoist Yang said, he can definitely do it, and what Venerable Five Elements can do, Fellow Daoist Yang will definitely not lose to Venerable Five Elements." , Venerable Lan Hui, you missed your point this time."

Venerable Lan Hui didn't expect Venerable Yiyuan to respect Yang Yi so much, he was about to mock him again, at this moment, Yang Yi stepped into the second floor.


Yang Yi's figure disappeared in an instant, but on the second floor, there was no response at all.

"Let's go, Fellow Daoist Yang is beyond your reach."

Venerable Yiyuan said lightly, even if Yang Yifa stepped into the 33rd floor, the small second floor would definitely not be able to stop him. Sure enough, Venerable Lanhui still didn't believe it, but after a long time, But no one has ever been blasted out of the second floor, which shows that at least Yang Yi really has the strength to be on the second floor.

Yang Yi naturally ignored Venerable Lan Hui. This Venerable Lan Hui has been here for thousands of years and still hasn't entered the second floor. His potential has been exhausted. Yang Yi will not pay attention to such a person . [

As soon as he stepped into the second floor, Yang Yi felt a faint pressure around him. This pressure seemed to push him out of the second floor, but when his power of primordial spirit circulated slightly, the pressure disappeared without a trace. .


Countless gazes focused on Yang Yi in an instant, and Yang Yi could feel that the masters of these gazes were all hidden and possessed a strong ratio of strength, and the strength of each master had almost reached the level of too much. The deputy city lord of the ancient city, the status of Venerable Jinchi.

"Another one has entered the second floor. The Paradise of Paradise is already full. Newcomers, please go to the first floor immediately, otherwise, you will die."

At this moment, a burst of icy voice came into Yang Yi's ears, as if it was like ice, making people shudder.

As soon as Yang Yi reached the second floor, he was threatened by someone. His eyes swept away, and he saw that in a void, there were one after another human figures, which almost filled the entire second floor.

There are actually more people in the second floor than the venerables in the first floor.

"Didn't you hear what the deity said? The cave on the second floor is already full, get out of the second floor, or die"

The sound came again.


Yang Yi saw the speaker at a glance. It was a hale and hearty old man with a gloomy look all over his body. What he said just now was what he said.

"Really? No one who spoke to Yang like that is alive, get out of here for Yang"

Who is Yang Yi?He has experienced a lot of killing step by step before he cultivated to where he is now. Now that his cultivation base has reached a high level, he has swept away the enemy. Except for the Five Elements Venerable, he does not take anyone into his eyes, and now there is a person who dares to speak to him like that , He immediately sneered, and made a bold move, still clapping with his big hand, carrying raging flames and thunder in his big hand, it was very terrifying, and the momentum was huge.

This grasp directly broke some space restrictions on the second floor. Although the old man sacrificed an acquired treasure, like a wine gourd, it was still useless. Yang Yi grabbed it directly Smash, he used the Nine Palace Phantom for this grab, although it is not as simple as [-] times, but it is dozens of times.

In the face of such terrifying power, any power is futile.


Yang Yi caught the old man in front of him, threw him directly on the ground, and said coldly: "I give you two choices, enter Yang's small world and be a slave for ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, you can be free again. Second, die"

Yang Yi's big hand still firmly suppressed the old man, making him unable to move at all.

In public, indeed in public, because there are countless eyes here, all focused on Yang Yi and the old man. This old man obviously has quite a status and status on the second floor, but Yang Yi is so arrogant. Humiliated, he was pressed to the ground in public, and his face was filled with grief and indignation.

But the situation is stronger than others, the more tyrannical a person is, the less he wants to die. This old man has already deeply understood the power of Yang Yi. He is not a person on the second level, he can clearly enter the third level. Layer, even the characters of the fourth layer.

He regretted it now, but it was too late, so he could only surrender, and said in a low voice, "This old man is willing to be a slave for ten thousand years."

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth. For such a tyrannical ancient venerable, Yang Yi didn't want to behead him unless he had to. His small world lacks the support of masters, so this old man is just right. [

"Very good, you are very knowledgeable about current affairs, and your benefits will be indispensable in the future"

Yang Yi said indifferently, and then his eyes swept towards the surrounding void, and those peeping eyes all turned back one after another.

"It's amazing. Mr. Fei is so powerful, but he was suppressed all at once. Is this person really from the first floor just now?"

"Old Fei is said to have the strength to hit the third floor. I didn't expect to stumble this time. This person may have just arrived at the Linglong Pagoda, but his own strength is overwhelming. I'm afraid it is no less than the level of the top ten demons in the outer domain. gone."

"Exactly, if he can rush to the fourth floor, the fifth floor is naturally the best. Hmph, from the fifth floor to the tenth floor, it is actually occupied by those heavenly demons. It is really abominable. Killing, it made me dare not rush to a higher level."

"That's right, but our powerful masters have all reached the tenth floor and above, and there is no way to get rid of those heavenly demons."

These people are talking a lot, some of them are very powerful, at least able to hit the third floor, or even the fourth floor, but they have been slow to enter the higher layer, it turns out that it is because of the brutal force on it. Omen.

The demons from the outer domain will also come to the Linglong Pagoda. At least, the top ten demons from the outer domain that Yang Yi knows have the strength of the fourth and tenth layers. They occupy the Linglong Pagoda. For human monks, once someone enters, They will kill and devour it, so the people on the second floor are overcrowded, and no one wants to enter the third floor.

Yang Yi roughly understood the cause and effect, and a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It just so happens that my domain still needs to be continuously strengthened. If these heavenly demons dare to make a move, then let them sacrifice the domain."

Yang Yi was not a good man or a believer, a secret smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he stepped directly into the third floor.


As soon as he stepped into the third floor, Yang Yi felt a stronger pressure, but it still couldn't pose any threat to him. On the third floor, it seemed very deserted, with a faint demonic energy floating around.

"Hey, someone is here. I haven't tasted the delicacy of human monks for hundreds of years. Those cowardly human monks have only dared to hide in the second floor. The kid is here, look at his thin skin and tender meat, it must be delicious."

A shrill, heart-throbbing voice entered Yang Yi's ears.

Yang Yi looked up, and saw a demon with a ferocious appearance and a violent wind all over his body, pounced on Yang Yi.

"court death"

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and he immediately grabbed it with his big hand. Along with his domain, he blasted fiercely towards the demon as if Mount Tai was falling.

"Huh? There are still some methods, Yinstorm, break"

This heavenly demon seemed to have seen Yang Yi's difficulty, and quickly displayed his innate supernatural powers, only to see the gust of wind around him blowing towards Yang Yi's big hand fiercely, the terrifying power made one's heart palpitate.


Yang Yi's domain was originally extremely tyrannical, but under the blowing of this gust of wind, it couldn't resist it, and it looked fragmented, as if it would be broken at any time.

A flash of light flashed in Yang's eyes, and then the field suddenly expanded, and he shouted: "Mirror of all phenomena"

In Yang Yi's shattered domain, a huge bright mirror quickly appeared. This is the mirror of everything. It is the innate supernatural power of the mirror demon. Now it has completely merged into Yang Yi's domain. up.


The terrifying gust of the opponent swept across Yang Yi's domain. Although there was a mirror of everything, Yang Yi's mirror of everything could no longer pose a big threat this time. The terrifying wind of the opponent directly swept the mirror of everything Shattered to pieces.

This Heavenly Demon seems to be somewhat more powerful than that Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon.

"Haha, the kid still has some tricks, but it's useless, let's treat it as a delicacy for this devil, haha"

The cruel demon was laughing loudly.

"Oh, is that so? The Nine Palaces Formation"

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes. He didn't display the real body of the soul, but he directly displayed the Nine Palaces Formation. His figure instantly transformed into 81 figures, flying all over the sky, fiercely towards the opponent Rolled away.

"Ah? What? this?"

This Heavenly Demon couldn't believe his eyes. As soon as Yang Yi's Nine Palaces array was used, the Heavenly Demon seemed to see something unbelievable, and his whole body trembled.

He was indeed trembling. He couldn't imagine how such a terrifying force would erupt. This force had completely surpassed his imagination. Even the entire third-floor space was annihilated one after another. His body was like a balloon. Generally, it explodes directly.

Waves of screams rippling in the void, but Yang Yi didn't show any mercy, the berserk power was still raging, blasting this heavenly demon into powder, now Yang Yi's power has improved again, so the Jiugong Dao The power of the formation is even more tyrannical.

It would be even more terrifying if the real body of the primordial spirit was displayed.

After beheading this demon, Yang Yi suddenly felt that the domain was constantly strengthening, and it seemed that a complete change had taken place. His domain was constantly reorganizing, and finally turned into a domain again, but it was stronger than before. many.

Moreover, Yang Yi's primordial spirit has also received many benefits. Originally, there was exhausted mysterious energy in the third floor, but Yang Yi used terrifying power to break the space of the third floor. Entered into Yang Yi's primordial spirit, and Yang Yi's primordial spirit is also open to all rivers, so he didn't have any scruples at all, and started to absorb it directly.

His primordial spirit was constantly expanding, and his strength continued to increase. This time, Yang Yi didn't feel the comprehension of the Tao, but his own strength was actually improved.

Every time you kill a demon in the outer domain, you will get some benefits, but these benefits are not fixed. After most of the demons of the venerable level are killed, people will feel a little bit of insight, but this one did not let Yang Yi. There is an understanding of the Tao, but even so, one's own soul has gained enough benefits, which can be regarded as one of the benefits.

"My understanding of the way of the Immortal Emperor is still very shallow, but with the help of Heavenly Demon, I believe I will have a deeper understanding of the way of the Immortal Emperor."

Yang Yi knew that there were still many heavenly demons in front of him, and he only needed to kill these heavenly demons one by one, and his strength would become stronger and stronger.Such good treatment cannot be obtained in Outer Domain. In Outer Domain, each of the ten demons hides deeply and will not be easily discovered. Unlike now, any demon is at the level of ten demons, and there are even more strong.

For other monks, this may be a disaster, but for Yang Yi, it is a rare opportunity. In Yang Yi's eyes, these heavenly demons have become a tonic for his domain.

"Fourth layer, maybe, there will be new discoveries"

Yang Yi was not in a hurry, he could go up to the 33rd floor layer by layer until the final 33rd floor, and the closer to the 33rd floor, Yang Yi had a feeling that the current him might not be The opponent of the Five Elements Venerable.

The five-element venerable is extremely mysterious, and Yang Yiyi's understanding of him is limited to hearsay. A person who can fuse with the five-path law and evolve into a domain is very terrifying.

At least, now Yang Yi is getting more and more unsure that he can win against the Five Elements Venerable. This Five Elements Venerable is the one who is truly close to the Immortal Emperor, so Yang Yi is not in a hurry now. Advance to the next level, kill all the demons inside, and strengthen your own strength.

The celestial demons on the third floor are so tyrannical, but the celestial demons on the fourth, fifth, and so on, aren't they even more tyrannical?The more tyrannical the Heavenly Demon, the more benefits it will gain once it is killed.

Now Yang Yi's domain has been integrated with several heavenly demons at the venerable level. Once the domain is displayed, it really feels like the world has changed color. Now his domain is at least twice as strong as before. Facing this heavenly demon, his innate supernatural powers will not easily shatter Yang Yi's domain.

However, the domain also has a limit. When the domain reaches a certain level, it will not be strengthened no matter what, but Yang Yi is different. His domain itself is very special, enough to support a stronger force, so even if it is again Even with the fusion of ten heavenly demons, his domain will not reach the limit, which is the same as Yang Yi's uniqueness of primordial spirit.


Yang Yi directly stepped into the fourth floor, a layer of faint domain emerged on his body, no matter how strong the pressure was, there would be a domain that would temporarily resist it, and would not hurt Yang Yi's primordial spirit.

This Linglong Pagoda is so mysterious that Yang Yi has to be careful when reaching the fourth floor or above.

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