blood record

Chapter 764

Chapter 760 The Great Sun Demon

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The fourth floor is a piece of darkness, Yang Yi can't see it clearly, it seems like a deep and closed space.

Moreover, the walls on the fourth floor are actually full of painted murals, with some hideous and terrifying devils painted on them. The wind is blowing, and it seems that some ghosts are crying and howling. They want to jump out of the wall immediately and kill people Swallowed alive.

This is the fourth floor, what Yang Yi saw just after stepping inside. [

"No, this is an illusion"

Yang Yi's eyes froze fiercely, his heart was shocked, and he slapped forward fiercely with his big hand.


The entire fourth floor was shaking violently, and the surrounding pitch-black space collapsed one after another at this time, revealing a glimmer of light. Those horrible murals just now seemed like demons hiding in the walls. It's an illusion, this illusion is much, much stronger than the Master of Illusion, even Yang Yi was almost taken aback.

"Eh? Someone actually managed to break through this demon's Dark Demon Domain. Okay, okay, I guess the cultivation level is not too bad. Hehe, it's been a long time since I tasted the flesh and blood of a master human monk."

When Yang Yi destroyed this illusion, a heavenly demon between illusion and reality appeared from the void. Yang Yi felt very strange about him, as if appearing and disappearing from time to time, which was extremely weird. .

Yang Yi knew that these outland celestial demons all had their own innate supernatural powers, and some innate supernatural powers were really unbelievable, such as the mirror demon's Myriad Mirror, maybe now we need to add the innate supernatural powers of this celestial demon.

"What demon are you?"

Yang Yi asked coldly.

"Hey, this demon is one of the top ten demons in the outer domain. I believe you have heard of it. Why, are you surprised to meet this demon? But you can break into the fourth floor. It seems that your strength is not low. , your flesh and blood must be delicious, and if you swallow you, the strength of this demon will definitely go up to a higher level, hehe, maybe you can even reach the fifth floor."

The more the phantom looked at Yang Yi, the more satisfied he felt. He even stuck out his scarlet tongue, looking very ferocious and terrifying.

Yang Yi sank his consciousness into the small world, and instantly transformed into a figure in front of the Scarlet Blood Demon.

The Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon was a little surprised when he saw Yang Yi, but immediately said respectfully, "What is the master's order?"

Now the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon has placed himself in a very correct position, he knows that he can't go out in the small world no matter what, so it's better to lower his posture so that Yang Yi won't have the intention to kill him.

"Do you know phantoms?"

Yang Yi asked straight to the point. He extended his consciousness into the small world just to ask the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon about the phantom.

"What, Phantom? Master, have you met Phantom?"

The Scarlet Blood Demon seemed surprised.

"That's right, I'm on the fourth floor of the Linglong Pagoda, and I encountered a phantom here, but according to Yang's induction, the phantom seems to appear and disappear. What's going on?" [

Indeed, in Yang Yi's perception, the phantom does not seem to be an entity, sometimes it can be locked and sensed, but it may disappear in an instant. It is obvious that the phantom is right in front of it, but it cannot be sensed.

Yang Yi has never encountered such a situation, so he came to ask the Scarlet Blood Demon.

"No, master, get out of the illusion quickly. The illusion is very insidious and cunning. Wherever he is, it must be an illusion. Master has fallen into the illusion now."

The Scarlet Blood Demon hurriedly said that he seemed to be very clear about the phantom, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Yang nodded and said, "I have broken his illusion just now."

"No, no master, please don't be careless. The illusion is extremely insidious and cunning. The illusion you broke just now is simply the layout of the illusion. What he casts is illusion within illusion, and the illusion is one after another. I once ate The phantom demon. To be honest, I can only be regarded as the last category among the ten demons, and phantoms are relatively powerful existences among the ten demons. They are very terrifying, and the master must not take it lightly."

Hearing what the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon said, Yang Yi frowned, illusion within illusion, just like a game in the middle of a game, several thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, generally speaking, now can make Yang Yi's sense There are almost no people who can't do anything, or heavenly demons, unless it is the emperor of the gods.

Therefore, it is impossible for the phantom's body to appear and disappear at all, and the only reason is that the phantom that Yang Yi saw just now is actually an illusion arranged by the phantom.

Such an illusion technique is so clever that it is hard to guard against. If it weren't for the words of the Scarlet Blood Demon, Yang Yi might really know something, but now?Now that he knew that he was in an illusion, he felt at ease.


The huge and ugly mouth of the phantom was devouring directly towards Yang Yi. Yang Yi could even feel the indescribably huge stench of the phantom. This illusion is really realistic.

But Yang Yi remained motionless, with his eyes closed, like an old monk in meditation, unmoved at all.


The phantom's mouth widened, and it disappeared in an instant. Immediately afterwards, the figure of the phantom also began to disappear, because at this time, Yang Yi had already opened his eyes, and his gaze was fixed on a corner. In this corner, Yang Yi As soon as he clearly sensed, a heavenly demon who is full of breath and quietly hiding in the corner, this is the true face of phantom.

"Illusion in illusion, very good, very clever illusion, but unfortunately, it is useless to Yang"

Yang Yi suddenly said, at this time, the illusions around him are also rapidly dissipating, revealing the real appearance of the fourth floor, which is no different from the third floor, with countless passages, and full of demonic energy.

This time Yang Yi was sure that he wasn't in the illusion anymore, and the phantom demon's face was full of fear. He still couldn't believe that Yang Yi easily broke his illusion.

"Who the hell are you? How could you easily see through this demon's illusion?"

It has to be said that the phantom demon's innate supernatural powers are really powerful, even Yang Yi didn't realize it before, illusion within illusion, game within game, such means, the master of illusion is absolutely impossible to use.

"It doesn't matter who I am. As for how Yang saw through your illusion, it's all thanks to the Scarlet Blood Sky Demon."

Yang Yi opened his hand, and the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon appeared instantly. He looked at the phantom, and then respectfully shouted to Yang Yi: "Master!"

Seeing the appearance of the Scarlet Blood Demon, the Phantom Demon was astonished, but then his face turned ferocious, and he roared: "The Scarlet Blood Demon, you are also one of the top ten demons, and you actually took refuge in this weak human monk, it is really my demon The disgrace of the family”[

"Hmph, Phantom, when you fall into the hands of the master, you will know my choice."

With Yang Da's hand grabbing again, the Scarlet Blood Demon entered the small world again, only his eyes full of suspicion remained, looking at Yang Yi's body continuously, and the aura on his body became more and more cold.

"It turned out to be the Scarlet Blood Demon, hmph"

The phantom's figure changed suddenly, as if he was about to disappear into the darkness again. His illusion was already superb, and if he didn't pay attention, he would fall into the illusion. Of course, Yang had already prepared himself early and would not be delayed by him any longer. Entering the illusion, seeing that the figure of the phantom seemed to be gradually disappearing, he stepped forward sharply.


Yang Yi's hand was as big as the sky, covering all the space on the fourth floor. The phantom uttered a scream, and was immediately grabbed by Yang Yi. The fire of Zhu Rong burst out from Yang Yi's power, and the phantom was directly burned into There was a puff of smoke.

A trace of mysterious power entered Yang Yi's domain, and a trace of enlightenment began to appear in Yang Yi's heart, just like being immersed in an illusion before. It was a wonderful feeling like a dream. What I got once was the illusion of phantom.

His domain has completely integrated the illusion of phantoms. As long as he uses the domain, people will fall into the illusion, which is extremely magical.

Now every time Yang Yi enters a floor, his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes, which is really unbelievable, but this is only in the Linglong Pagoda to have such an opportunity. Different from the Arabian Nights.

At this time, on the highest floor of the Linglong Pagoda, there was a man with a face like a crown jade. He was wearing an ordinary blue shirt, and he looked very ordinary. There was no strong aura around him, and his body was spotless. An ancient pool as calm as water.

"Interesting, the Great Formation of the Nine Palaces, the Great Formation of the Nine Palaces after Dacheng, the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Palaces was still my junior at the time, unexpectedly, he took a step ahead, and I, in order to gather the five elements, evolved a domain with the power of the five principles, Too much delay..."

There was an inexplicable expression in the extension of this man, he seemed to be able to see everything in the Linglong Pagoda, appearing to be unfathomable.

At this time, Yang Yi had stepped into the fifth floor. At this time, a pressure that was stronger than the fourth floor came to his face. It was several times stronger. This fifth floor was obviously different from the first four floors. , Here, Yang Yi saw some human monks and demons.

These heavenly demons seem to be a little jealous of these human monks and have not devoured them. The Linglong Pagoda has existed for a long time. These human monks should have come to the fifth floor earlier than the heavenly demons below.

Moreover, the human monks on the fifth floor are also very powerful. They are all powerful ancient venerables, and these heavenly demons dare not be presumptuous.

"Heavenly Demon? Very good, die for me"

Yang Yi urgently needs Heavenly Demons, especially powerful Heavenly Demons, but in Outland, there are very few Heavenly Demons that can rival the Ten Great Heavenly Demons. I will let it go, his current field is still a long way from his limit.


Yang Yi's big hand slapped towards the void, and there was still a domain in his big hand, which instantly enveloped the demon in the domain. If it was Yang Yi's domain before, the demon would be able to break through it in an instant. Open the domain, but now, Yang Yi's domain possesses the illusion of phantom demon, so this demon was slightly startled, but was caught by Yang Dayi's hand, and then slapped hard.


The Heavenly Demon turned into a burst of powder, and directly merged into Yang Yi's domain, and his primordial spirit actually began to grow, and the real body of the primordial spirit had grown a lot. This Heavenly Demon, surpassed the previous phantom demon, and gave Yang Yi Very helpful.

His domain is now like a melting pot, which can melt everything. Any power in his domain will be broken down. No matter how powerful the demon power is, it will also melt into the domain and make it continuously strengthened.

In the end, even the legendary Immortal Emperor and even Yang Yi's domain were not afraid.

Of course, this is just a legend. Yang Yi still doesn't know how strong the Immortal Emperor is. He can't even suppress the primordial wheel, let alone an Immortal Emperor.


Several eyes focused on Yang Yi, and some other monks looked at Yang Yi in surprise.

Yang Yi glanced slightly, and found that there was no Heavenly Demon, so he immediately wanted to step into the sixth floor again. At this moment, one of the ancient venerables suddenly said: "Friends of Daoism are super powerful, but there is a powerful one on the sixth floor." The head of the demon is the Great Sun Demon, the head of the ten demons in the outer domain. He is one of the first major demons born in the outer domain. He is very powerful. It’s just a defeat. Da Ri Tianma could have reached the tenth floor, or even the No.20 floor, but he happened to be on the sixth floor. Let me wait for the law to take another step forward. Fellow Daoists, please do what you can.”

These ancient venerables also nodded slightly. Yang Yi also looked carefully. The tenth floor is not even a big deal, but now they are all on the fifth floor, which is worth thinking about. It turns out that there is the most terrifying demon in the sixth floor.

The Great Sun Demon is the oldest and most powerful demon among the ten demons in the outer domain. At the beginning, only the Five Elements Venerable was able to defeat it, which shows how terrifying it is, but it has been staying on the sixth floor. Neither the Venerable nor the Heavenly Demon dared to take a step forward.

The Linglong Pagoda has 33 floors, but perhaps above the sixth floor, there are only a few people, and I am afraid that they are all people who came earlier than the Great Sun Heavenly Demon, otherwise, with the Great Sun Heavenly Demon in charge, no one else can reach the sixth floor. Go to the place above the layer.

"Thank you"

After pondering for a while, Yang Yi clasped his fists at the venerable venerable who spoke kindly, and then he walked directly to the sixth floor, and the eyes of the venerables below all showed bursts of splendor.

"This person is not simple. He killed Han Gui and Tianmo with one palm. It's not easy."

"Da Ri Tianmo's name, this person must have heard of it, but he doesn't seem to care much about it. Such a person is either crazy and arrogant, or he really has the peerless power to suppress everything and sweep the world."

"Perhaps, perhaps it is possible to defeat or even kill the Great Sun Heavenly Demon, then we don't have to hide on the fifth floor all the time. This will not benefit our practice at all."

"Unfortunately, this Linglong Pagoda is indeed a good place to practice, but there are entrances and exits. Every time you go up to a floor, monks can't even think about going down. Only when you reach the third floor of No. 30 can you go back to the bottom and walk out of the Linglong Pagoda. Rather than saying that we are cultivating here, it is better to say that we are trapped in the Linglong Pagoda.”

"I hope this person can succeed, then we have a glimmer of hope..."

These majestic ancient venerables each possess great power. If they appeared in the ancient city, or even in the outer domain, they would be powerful figures of the overlord, but since they entered the Linglong Pagoda, they almost Is trapped here with little hope of ever getting out.

Many people are looking forward to, hoping that this mysterious person can successfully defeat the Great Sun Demon, and even kill him.


Yang Yi stepped above the sixth floor, in fact, Yang Yi had already felt that once he entered the second floor, he could only go up all the way, because he couldn't find a way down no matter what, and he He also didn't have the ability to break a congenital treasure, so he went to the 33rd floor not only to see where the immortal emperors went through the Linglong Pagoda, but also to see the rumored Five Elements Zun Or, more importantly, he didn't want to be trapped in the Linglong Pagoda, and he would never be able to get out again.

Several people in the outer domain are revering to be able to enter the Linglong Pagoda. They think that the Linglong Pagoda is a holy place for cultivation, but how do they know that this Linglong Pagoda is actually a huge cage, and there are always people entering and leaving.

Of course, this is just talking about the ancient venerables. These heavenly demons seem to have a mysterious connection with the Linglong Pagoda. Therefore, the ancient venerables can even leave the Linglong Pagoda at any time, so the Red Blood Venerable can enter the Linglong Pagoda. Go out again.

There are also some venerables who can enter and exit the Linglong Pagoda at will, that is, they only stay on the first floor. On the first floor, the Linglong Pagoda will not restrict them, and they can enter and exit at will.

These are the common sense that Yang Yi slowly accumulated after defeating countless heavenly demons.

The sixth floor is the legendary place where the Great Sun Demon is entrenched. Yang Yi's figure appeared on the sixth floor, but he was not hit by the thunder, as if there was no difference between the sixth floor and the other floors. .

If you insist on the difference, it is that this place is very empty, so empty that people cannot believe it. There is only one fiery red demon like a sky demon in flames.

This is the Great Sun Heavenly Demon. He seemed to be unaware of Yang Yi's arrival at this time, just sitting quietly on the ground. On top of his head, there was a round of treasure like a big sun. The fiery breath came from this treasure. , Gradually entered the body of the Great Sun Demon.

Yang Yi felt it carefully, and felt that the whole body of the Great Ritian Demon seemed to be full of blazing hot breath, which made people feel unbelievable, but on the walls of the sixth floor, there were actually countless fiery treasures inlaid, as if every one of them It's the one on the top of the Great Sun Demon's head.

These treasures exude a strong hot breath, and the rolling power continuously enters the body of the Great Sun Heavenly Demon, strengthening the power of the Great Sun Heavenly Demon. Seeing all this, Yang Yi somewhat understands why the Great Sun Heavenly Demon is firmly entrenched in the first place. It's the sixth floor, and he needs the special fiery breath in the sixth floor to strengthen his cultivation.

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