blood record

Chapter 766 Demon Venerable

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The twelfth floor, the pressure here is even greater, and the twelfth floor is actually empty.

After Yang Yi went through the twelve floors, he also had a little understanding of the pressure of each floor. It is okay to say that the pressure of each floor is different, but it will not increase too fast, but once the tenth floor is reached Above, the pressure of each level is almost doubled, so if you want to practice painstakingly to enter a higher level, it will take a long time to practice.

After all, no one has the perverted strength like Yang Yi, who can go straight up, but now, Yang Yi only feels a little pressure, and when his primordial spirit works slightly, this pressure disappears. [

Taking advantage of this passage, Yang Yi immersed his consciousness in the small world, because Yang Yi saw some changes in the nine-headed bird.

Nine-headed bird is Yang Yi's right-hand assistant, and he hopes to help nine-headed bird to fully mature in the future, transforming into a true ancient overlord, comparable to an immortal emperor.

But since entering the outer domain, the nine-headed bird can actually devour those outer domain demons, and it seems that these demons should be swallowed by it, which is of great benefit to it.

Nine-headed bird has been silently digesting these heavenly demons. It feels that it is getting stronger and stronger, and occasionally there will be many chaotic memories in its memory, all of which are fragments of inherited memories.

The nine-headed bird is the overlord of the ancient wild monsters, and naturally has inherited memories, but the gap between the current nine-headed bird and the real overlord nine-headed bird is too big, and it is far from it. Reaching maturity, therefore, the inheritance memory has not awakened, but with the improvement of strength, some inexplicable inheritance memory fragments will slowly appear.

It was these fragments that confused the nine-headed bird.

"Master, it seems that the heavenly demons are a great supplement to me. There are some inherited memory fragments, which seem to have been vaguely mentioned. These heavenly demons have unimaginable benefits for ancient monsters like us. If I can devour more and more powerful The heavenly demons will urge their own maturation process.”

Nine-headed bird's eyes are full of longing, although the inherited memories it has obtained are only fragments, but the information revealed in these fragments has already made Nine-headed bird fascinated.

And after it devoured many heavenly demons, its strength has indeed improved to some extent, Yang Yi can also feel this.

After pondering for a long while, Yang Yi agreed to the nine-headed bird. When he encounters a demon in the future, let it devour him. The Immortal Emperor's helper, when the time comes, will sweep the heavens, even if it is an innate treasure such as the primordial primordial wheel, there is no need to be afraid.

Of course, it is very difficult for Yang Yijiu to grow into a mature body, but now that he has some detailed memories of becoming a mature body in his memory of its inheritance, it is the best. Yang Yihui will do his best to help Jiu The head bird grows.

The No.12 floor was empty, Yang Yi regained his consciousness and walked up directly.

Fourteen, fifteen...

It wasn't until the nineteenth floor that Yang Yi finally saw people, and there was no demon, which made Yang Yi frowned.

There are people on the No.19th floor, and there is only one person. This is a middle-aged man with a red face, but his brows are full of sorrow. His whole body is as calm as water, without the slightest fluctuation of breath, just like an ordinary person.

But Yang Yi, ordinary people cannot reach the No.19 floor of Linglong Pagoda.

And those who can reach the No.19 floor are not simple people. This person is stronger than any monk Yang Yi has ever seen. The Great Sun Demon is very powerful, but he is not as mysterious as this person.

Not all the ancient venerables in Taikoo City are among them, there are still many powerful ones scattered everywhere. As soon as Yang arrived in Linglong Pagoda, he saw many ancient venerables. Tyrannical, but they have never been to Taikoo Shing.

Some people have even stayed in the Linglong Pagoda for tens of thousands of years. The speed of cultivation in the Linglong Pagoda is already very fast, and those who have stayed for tens of thousands of years have reached unimaginable levels of cultivation. [


Yang Yi shouted lightly.

But this person didn't move at all, as if the old monk had settled down, and he didn't pay attention to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi frowned. There are too many strange people in the Linglong Pagoda. Since this person ignored him, Yang Yi didn't force it. He directly stepped into the No.20 floor.

As soon as he stepped in, Yang Yi felt a completely different feeling from before. His domain seemed to be oppressed to the extreme, and the pressure was at least ten times stronger than that of the No.19 floor.

Under such pressure, it is very difficult for Yang Yi's domain to be deployed, even if it is such a powerful domain as Yang Yi's, it is compressed to the next level and cannot be deployed at all.

Under such pressure, the cultivator's strength was severely restricted, and at this time, the opposite was a pair of green eyes full of greed and desire.

This is a celestial demon, but a powerful celestial demon, he seems to come and go freely in the No.20 floor, as if walking on the ground, this may be the demon venerable that other monks said.

The demon king who is more terrifying than the ten demons

Negative emotions such as fierce, cruel, cold, bloody, violent, etc. suddenly surged towards Yang Yi like a tide, and appeared in his mind instantly, as if he wanted to vent, kill, and go crazy.

This kind of negative emotion came extremely suddenly and mysteriously, Yang Yi was not on guard, and he could hardly control his soul, this was the first time he felt such a feeling.

If Yang Yixiu became the ancient venerable, his will and so on would not be so firm, and it would be even more strange that he would still have those negative emotions, and it seemed that they were not under his control.

"No, this is not right, this is someone using magic power"

Yang Yi's heart moved, his primordial power burst out suddenly, a burst of ferocious breath appeared in vain, his mind regained clarity in an instant, his eyes fixed on the demon in front of him, he, he just burst out suddenly Negative emotions must be related to this demon, because there is no one else in the entire No.20 floor, only Yang Yi and this demon.

"Hey, what a powerful force, it can actually resist my demon's seven desires supernatural powers, good, good, very good, after swallowing a strong-willed and powerful person like you, this demon's seven desires supernatural powers will become even stronger powerful."

The Heavenly Demon, who claimed to be the Great Demon Lord, let out a sharp laugh, which made Yang Yi feel restless and extremely uncomfortable.

"** Demon Lord? As expected of Demon Lord, I was almost stunned with every move. It seems that I have underestimated these heavenly demons. Every one of them is very terrifying and has unique characteristics. , ** Mozun, just right, the nine-headed bird can't wait any longer, come out"

In Yang Yi's small world, the nine-headed bird also sensed the evil demon, and became very anxious. It wanted to devour the demon.

This Demon Lord is extremely powerful, even stronger than the Great Sun Heavenly Demon. Nine-headed Bird said happily, Master, this Heavenly Demon is so powerful. After swallowing him, I will definitely be able to obtain more inheritance memories. Growing up, maybe you can get a complete inheritance memory. At that time, it will be much easier to grow into a mature body. "

The nine-headed bird seemed very excited, and Yang Yi also nodded. He didn't dare to be too big, and directly manifested his real body, which was stronger than the huge dragon's primordial body entrenched in the void. It gave Yang Yi a sense of security in his heart.

**Mozun was a little stunned. This sudden change made him feel a little unbelievable. The huge body of the nine-headed bird was extremely oppressive. Although the power of the nine-headed bird was not as strong as the current Yang Yi, it was still ancient and wild. As a descendant of a giant beast, the noble blood contained a noble aura, which even surprised Mozun Yi.


**Mozun actually knew the nine-headed bird, but in an instant, there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Hey, nine-headed bird, it turns out to be a nine-headed bird, but it's still immature, haha, God help me, as long as I catch you and train you into a mature body, haha, the five-element venerable, all of them will be killed I sweep away, even the Linglong Pagoda may be subdued by me, haha"

**Mozun's natural nine-headed bird's mature body is powerful. After all, it is comparable to the existence of an immortal emperor. In this era where there are no immortal emperors, a mature nine-headed bird can sweep the sky, Everyone is not its opponent.

Such an opportunity is almost more exciting than getting an innate treasure.

"Oh? **Mozun, you also want to get the nine-headed bird, that's simply wishful thinking"

A flash of light flashed in Yang Yi's eyes. His huge flood dragon primordial spirit suddenly exploded with shocking power. The domain that was suppressed to the point where it was almost impossible to display was now possessed by Yang Yi's primordial spirit avatar. The powerful force spread out again, and ruthlessly shrouded the evil Demon Lord.

But the **** Demon Lord didn't seem to be worried, his voice rang out in the void, everyone has the desire, don't suppress the desire, release the desire.Your heart is full of killing, full of blood, full of rage, full of arrogance, don't suppress them all, this is the desire you really need to release..."

This sound reverberated in the void, and gradually reverberated in Yang Yi's mind, as if it really entered Yang Yi's mind, and all kinds of negative emotions in his heart were restless and about to burst out.

Yang Yi's expression was a little shocked. Ever since he cultivated into the Nine Palaces Formation, he was almost the enemy, but he never thought that he would be so difficult to deal with such a demon who specialized in controlling the body, no matter how powerful Yang Yiyou was. The strength of his body is also of no help, because at the moment his negative emotions are churning, he can't exert his strength at all.

Fortunately, the nine-headed bird uttered a clear cry, like Hong Zhong Dalu, and immediately cleared all the negative emotions in Yang Yi's mind. The nine-headed bird spread its wings, and the nine heads suddenly shot out. The power of law.

The power of these laws quickly gathered together. This is the unique skill of the nine-headed bird. Under such a unique skill, Yang Yi also used the continuous display of the Nine Palaces Formation to resist such a terrifying power.

And the nine-headed bird seemed not to be affected by the voice of the demon king.

"Nine-headed bird, it's amazing, but it's useless, you can resist the seven desires of this deity, can you also resist the desolate voice of this demon?"

**Mozun's lips moved slightly, several soft voices echoed in Yang Yi's ears, Yang Yi actually felt a feeling of love, desire, and desire that he only had when his cultivation base was low, this is Mimi The sound of voice is another powerful means of provoking the Demon Lord.

This supernatural power, the Nine-Headed Bird was also slightly affected, and Yang Yimeng shouted "Tao Treasure Hall"


A huge treasure hall suddenly flew out from the small world, and suppressed it towards the ** Demon Lord, but the ** Demon Lord sneered and pointed lightly.


The treasure hall directly flew back, and the aura was dim, it seemed that it had suffered a lot of damage, the ** Demon Venerable not only possessed such strange and strange supernatural powers, but also possessed powerful power.

Difficult to deal with, this is the most difficult demon Yang Yi has ever encountered.

The nine-headed bird seemed to be affected by the sound of the wind, its nine heads were shaking, and the law that was originally sprayed out was almost dissipated. The **** Mozun walked towards the nine-headed bird step by step , he completely suppressed his nine-headed bird.

Yang Yi's Flood Dragon Primordial Spirit roared fiercely, and then shouted "Nine Palaces Great Formation"

The surging force ruthlessly blasted towards the evil Demon Lord, like overwhelming mountains and seas. At this moment, Yang Yi almost became a god in the sky, controlling everything and punishing heretics.

"Jiugong Immortal Emperor's unique skill? Just right, I have never met Jiugong Immortal Emperor before, and now I have also experienced your Jiugong Phantom, which cannot be suppressed. ** is your inner desire, and everyone should be completely released. Out of my heart's desire..."

**Mozun displayed ** supernatural powers again, Yang Yi's mind was filled with all kinds of negative emotions in an instant, and his Nine Palaces Formation also weakened accordingly, gradually dissipating.

Under the supernatural power of the demon king, Yang Yihao could not do anything.


**Mozun came directly in front of the nine-headed bird, and its body suddenly swelled up, turning into a giant, standing upright, very fierce. **There was a look of joy in the eyes of the demon, and he said lightly, "Nine-headed bird, if you surrender to this demon, in the future, this demon will do his best to make you grow into a mature body."My Demon Lord, your Nine-headed Bird Clan used to feed on my Heavenly Demon in ancient times. Judging by your appearance, you have not yet fully awakened and passed on your memory. There must be no good way for you to grow into a mature body.Hehe, as long as you surrender to this demon, this demon will tell you all the growth methods of your nine-headed bird clan, so that you can become a mature body as soon as possible and dominate the world, how about it? "

This **** demon is extremely ancient, it seems that there are many secrets of the nine-headed bird family, and the nine-headed bird family actually used the demons as food in ancient times. some memory fragments.

Yang Yi is trying his best to suppress those negative emotions, but these negative emotions seem to be in a steady stream. As long as people, as long as they have emotions and desires, they will have a steady stream of negative emotions, and they are still under the control of the demon king , Yang Yi wanted to suppress the negative emotions, not so difficult.

The nine-headed bird is struggling violently, despite the suppression of the evil demon, and the voice of the humble demon, in ancient times, you demons are just food for my nine-headed bird family, and you still want me to be yours! Slave, this is simply impossible. "

Nine-headed bird seems to have also got more inheritance memory, directly severing the way.

**Mozun was not angry, but his face was a little stiff. At the same time, the breath on his body became stronger and stronger, and his big hand was like a hand that lifted the sky, pressing down fiercely.

Due to the interference of the melodious sound, the nine-headed bird couldn't resist at all, so it could only watch helplessly as the hand that lifted the sky pressed down hard, suppressing the nine-headed bird severely, even And the sound of bones breaking.

"Nine-headed bird, forget about your arrogance. You have recognized this human being as the master. Human beings were not counted in ancient times. Besides, the situation is stronger than humans now. It doesn't matter even if you don't recognize the master. Some, use the upper body to control your consciousness. Although it is a bit troublesome, if you insist on refusing to surrender, this Demon Venerable can only do so, and finally ask you, should I submit or not?"

**The voice of the demon was already full of murderous intent.

However, the nine-headed bird has already told him the answer with actions. The huge body of the nine-headed bird, the nine-headed bird revealed that it once again spewed out a series of laws, and ruthlessly blasted at the demon king.

But this **** Tianmo is also serious, his eyes flashed, and then his big hand was like a cattail fan, and he slammed those laws of power, smashing them to pieces. Demon Lord can't pose a threat.

"Since you don't follow, then the Demon Venerable will do it himself. But before controlling your consciousness, you have to solve your little trouble first. Hehe, you are the descendant of Immortal Emperor Jiugong, so your strength is naturally not bad. After swallowing you, this Demon Venerable's strength will be improved to a higher level. At that time, even if he meets the elder of the Five Elements Venerable, this Demon Venerable will not have to lose so badly."

** When Mo Zun mentioned the Five Elements Venerable, there was a trace of imperceptible fear in his eyes, although it disappeared soon, Yang Yi still noticed it.

The Lord of the Five Elements, this mysterious person, Yang Yi has heard too many deeds about him. At this moment, the Demon Lord of the Five Elements is actually afraid of the Lord of the Five Elements, which makes Yang Yi even more curious.

But now is not the time to explore these things, but to solve this evil Demon Lord first.

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