blood record

Chapter 767 Break and then stand

Chapter 760

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**Mozun's devil voice is very powerful, it can control people's desires, and all kinds of negative emotions are imposed on him, so powerful that even Yang Yi himself was suppressed.

But fortunately, Yang Yi also has a way to deal with it. Seeing that the **** Demon Lord is forcibly oppressing the nine-headed bird, Yang Yi couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted: "**** Demon Lord, do you think that Yang has nothing to do with you? ?”

Yang Yi's expression was full of resoluteness, just when the demon king felt a little surprised, a layer of faint light suddenly appeared in Yang Yi's body, this light was full of rich and powerful space power, just like this It's just another space world. [


As soon as the light flashed, it quickly enveloped the ** Demon Venerable inside. This is Yang Yi's method. He cast a small world and enveloped the ** Demon Venerable inside.

Yang Yi's small world is always carried with him, and can be displayed at any time. In the small world, Yang Yi is like a god, high above the sky, and there are fragments of pillars supporting the sky. Only then can the current small world be truly destroyed.

What's more, there are seven-color flowers that are constantly transforming the entire small world. Now Yang Yi's small world is already relatively strong. Although the power of this ** Demon Lord is strong, it is not yet comparable to the level of the Immortal Emperor.

" this small world?"

**At this time, the Demon Lord has been shrouded in the small world by Yang Yi, and Yang Yi is like a god, manifested in the small world.

"Yes, this is the small world"

Yang Yi replied lightly.

"Haha, so what if it's a small world? It's a breeze for me to destroy this small world. The small world you have worked so hard to create will soon fall apart."

** Demon Lord doesn't have the slightest fear, the small world is really nothing to him, he can easily break the small world of the Primordial Venerable with one punch.

** Demon Lord erupted with power, just like a real ancient demon god, very terrifying, fiercely blasted towards the void, in front of such a powerful force, the void was distorted and shattered one after another, even if there was something special about it The small world will also be shattered under this punch.

But at this time, a phantom of a taller tree suddenly appeared from the void, and the huge force blasted into the void, and disappeared in an instant, and the scene of the small world he was expecting burst and fell apart , did not come.

This is the pillar of support, which has been thoroughly rooted in this small world, so any force that tries to destroy the small world will be blocked by the pillar of support.

Although it is not a complete support pillar, it is more than enough for the emperor to kill the demon king.

"how is this possible?"

**Mozun felt a little unbelievable, he watched helplessly in the void, those powers had indeed disappeared, while Yang Yi's small world hadn't changed in any way.

What's even more frightening is that the space he broke through with his strength was restored instantly under Yang Yi's finger. In the small world, Yang Yi is a god-like existence, which cannot be deduced by common sense.

"bang bang bang"

** The Demon Lord is constantly bombarding the void, but no matter how powerful he exerts, it will not help. Yang Yi's small world shows no sign of breaking at all. [

"How is it? Yang's small world is strong enough."

The corner of Yang Yi's mouth smiled slightly, the current demon king can already be slaughtered by him.

"Hmph, even if this Demon Lord can't break this small world, you don't want to do anything to this Demon Lord?"

** A gleam of light flashed in Mozun's eyes, and in an instant, various negative emotions arose in Yang Yi's mind.


A cold light flashed in Yang's eyes, and in an instant, the ** Demon Lord felt the powerful force around him, and if he wanted to imprison him, he would naturally be unable to deal with Yang Yi anymore.

This is Yang Yi's method. The other party displayed his innate supernatural powers, disturbed Yang Yi's mind, and made Yang Yi almost unable to display his strength. However, in Yang Yi's small world, Yang Yi is a god-like existence, able to control everything, It's almost to the point of following the law, so I used the power of the small world to imprison the evil Demon Lord.

Even if the algorithm completely imprisoned the demon king, he would never want to use his innate supernatural powers to deal with Yang Yi.

"**Mozun, nothing is impossible, you have been taken into the small world, and your result is already doomed, the Nine Palaces Great Formation"

At this time, Yang Yi didn't need to worry about anything disturbing him, and directly cast out the Nine Palaces Formation, several phantoms appeared in the void, with a force [-] times stronger and shot out fiercely like overwhelming mountains and seas. **The Demon Venerable blasted away.

Originally, ** Mozun had already strengthened the power of the Nine Palaces Great Formation before, but Yang Yifa resisted the negative emotions in his mind, so half of the power was lost, but now, ** Mozun is a tiger without teeth. Being imprisoned, Yang Yi can truly display the power of the Nine Palaces Formation.

The huge power quickly submerged the ** Demon Lord, the power of the Nine Palaces formation, he really tried it, and under such a terrifying force, the ** Demon Lord was almost dying.

But Yang Yi didn't kill him, but called the nine-headed bird into the small world with a big move.

Looking at the dying **** demon, the nine-headed bird's eyes exuded excitement. It was so eager to swallow the ** demon, because it knew how to swallow it from some fragments of its inherited memories. These heavenly demons are very beneficial, and the more powerful the heavenly demons, once swallowed, the greater the benefits.

This demon king is undoubtedly very powerful. Even if he can't grow into a mature body if he is devoured, it is nothing to make great progress and get a complete inheritance memory.

Yang Yi looked at the Nine-Headed Bird whose eyes were full of anticipation, and said with a faint smile: "Okay, Nine-Headed Bird, this **** Demon Lord, I will be devoured by you. Your strength has increased, and it is also a challenge for me." great help”

The nine-headed bird was so excited that its nine heads kept shaking, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, master."

After all, the nine-headed bird opened its mouth wide, and the **** Demon Venerable showed a look of horror in his eyes, but this did not change his fate. The nine-headed bird swallowed the **** demon directly into its stomach .


After the Nine-Headed Bird swallowed the **** demon, his face showed a sense of comfort and enjoyment, but after a while, the whole body of the Nine-Headed Bird exuded a wild and ancient atmosphere, very Desolation, this aura made Yang Yi feel vast and magnificent, this is definitely not the aura that the nine-headed bird can have.

At this moment, the nine heads of the nine-headed bird looked very painful, and all kinds of splendor appeared on the nine-headed bird's body, and then its body shrank sharply, and finally it was hundreds of feet tall, completely covered by the splendor Yes, like a huge easter egg, it shines brilliantly in the small world, very mysterious.

Yang Yi frowned, devouring the evil Demon Lord, causing the nine-headed bird to undergo such a change, I don't know whether it is good or bad, after all, Yang Yi is not too clear about the nine-headed bird family. [

But within the extraordinary splendor, Yang Yi felt that the nine-headed bird was fine, so he felt a little relieved.

"Could it be that the nine-headed bird is transforming? If that's the case, we don't know how powerful it will be until it completely transforms."

Seeing such a strange scene, Yang Yi felt a faint expectation in his heart.


Yang Yi left the nine-headed bird in the small world. In the small world, there is enough chaos, and it is also very quiet, without being disturbed. It is the most suitable place for transformation.

Returning to the 20th floor, the evil demon here has been defeated by Yang Yi, so he became empty, and Yang Yi stepped into the No.[-] floor again.

The 21st floor is also empty, but every time he steps into a floor, the pressure Yang Yi bears is getting bigger and bigger. Up to now, his domain has almost been crushed.

"Linglong Pagoda is really extraordinary"

Yang Yi looked at the No.20 floor, and a thought flashed through his mind. The pressure on the No.20 floor was still the same, but when it reached the 33th floor, or even the legendary [-]rd floor, how terrifying would the pressure be?

But at this time, Yang Yi was firm, Yi Ran resolutely walked towards the higher floor, his figure flashed, and he came directly to the second floor of No.20, the pressure increased several times, and the domain was extremely suppressed It was so weak, as if it was about to be crushed to pieces at any moment.

No matter how powerful the domain is, under such huge pressure, it will help, and it seems that the law is restricted here. Yang Yi's three laws, whether it is flame, thunder, or darkness, are all helpful. , it is impossible to resist the pressure for him in the Linglong Pagoda. This is a place where the power of law is suppressed.

Yang Yi didn't know that at the third floor of No.30, that mysterious man knew everything about him like the back of his hand, and he seemed to be able to see everything that happened on the 33rd floor.

In the 33rd floor, there are secrets in the entire Linglong Pagoda, and only the third floor of No.30 will know.

"Can the **** Demon Lord stop you? Very good, I have been here for too long... Just now, in your small world, there is the aura of supporting the sky..."

The mysterious man muttered to himself, he seemed to see through everything about Yang Yi at a glance.

However, Yang Yi, who was on the 23rd floor at this time, did not know that there was a person on the third floor of No. 30 who had seen through many of his secrets. Know who is watching.

Yang Yi knew that in the upper layer, there was a gaze watching him, just like when Yang Yichu first came to the Eastern Immortal Realm, he felt that peeping gaze, but now this feeling is even stronger.

Yang Yi doesn't like the feeling of being spied on, as if his fate is in the hands of others, he likes to control everything by himself

"No matter where you are, no matter who you are, if you spy on Yang, you must pay the price."

Yang Yi showed determination in his eyes, and then he stepped into the fourth floor of No.20.

In the fourth floor of No.20, the pressure doubled, and cracks began to appear in Yang Yi's domain, and the aura also dissipated, as if it was about to burst in an instant.

In the face of this strong pressure, Yang Yidu had to take a rest, but he was thinking in his heart.

"This pressure will become more and more intense. When we reach the fifth floor of No.20, the domain will definitely be crushed by the huge pressure. However, although this is a disaster, it is also beneficial. If it is used well, it will be a blessing in disguise."

Yang Yi was planning a bold plan in his heart. His domain evolved from the fusion of the three principles of flame, thunder and darkness. Although the three principles were indeed fused, they were not yet fully Like now, Yang Yi can independently display the Law of Fire or the Law of Thunder, etc.

Moreover, there are other supernatural powers such as the realm of myriad phenomena integrated in the domain, and even the effect of illusion. Although the power is powerful and there are many supernatural powers, they are not integrated into one, so now as Yang Yi is under more and more pressure. The bigger it is, once the domain is shattered, it can be broken and then erected, allowing all the laws and supernatural powers in Yang Yi's domain to be integrated into one body, making it even more powerful and tenacious.

But this is very risky, and it doesn't mean that it can be established immediately after being broken. It is very likely that the domain will be broken, and Yang Yi will be seriously injured. It will be difficult to condense the domain in the future.

Of course, given the size of Yang Yi's Yuanshen now, he can choose not to display the domain anymore, and rely on the Yuanshen himself to withstand the pressure. Able to go at least thirty floors.

But after all, this is an opportunity to make the field stronger, and Yang Yi doesn't want to miss it.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi already had a plan in his mind, and his eyes became firm. He slowly walked towards the jade stairs, walking up step by step.


On the 25th floor, Yang Yi finally reached the 25th floor. As soon as he stepped into the 25th floor, Yang Yi felt unprecedented pressure, as if there was pressure from all directions, squeezing Yang Yi hard, the most obvious of which was the domain , Yang Yi clearly felt that the domain began to gradually shatter, unable to bear the terrifying pressure.


In the domain, cracks appeared one after another, expanding and extending rapidly. In almost a moment, Yang Yi's powerful domain was shattered and disappeared into the void, and the laws inside seemed to be disintegrated.

The law of fire, shattering, the law of thunder, shattering, the law of darkness, also shattering, and even the supernatural power of the mirror of everything, as well as the magical power of illusion, and many other magical powers in many fields, but now, they are all under this terrifying pressure In front of you, completely annihilated

Yang Yi is also suffering great pain. Once his domain is broken, his mind will also be affected. After all, the domain is the evolution of his law domain, and it is almost one with him. If the domain is broken, Yang Yi will naturally been affected.

But Yang Yi was not discouraged, he had expected this moment long ago.

"The power of fire will finally reappear, the light will fade away, and darkness will come. This is the power of eternal truth and thunder. Punish the world. Fire, darkness, thunder, the three principles, although you are annihilated, you will always exist, now , the three ** will be completely integrated, integrated into one, broken and then rebuilt, let’s reproduce it.”

Yang Yi's voice echoed in the void, the fifth floor of No.20 was empty, only Yang Yi's voice echoed all the time.

However, there seemed to be a slight change in the brow in the void, and there was only huge pressure.

Yang Yi sat cross-legged on the ground quietly, frowned, and muttered: "Did you fail?"

At this time, Yang Yi could no longer sense the power of flames, the power of darkness, and even less the power of thunder. The power of the three laws he was familiar with before seemed to disappear out of thin air, following The annihilation of the domain disappeared.

"No, break and then build, the power of my law will definitely come back"

Yang Yi's eyes were full of firmness. At this time, he suddenly manifested the real body of the primordial spirit. The gigantic dragon primordial spirit was full of domineering aura, occupying the entire 25th floor.

The real body of the primordial spirit, this is Yang Yi's real power, he unreservedly manifested the real body of the primordial spirit, in this way, he can more clearly sense the power of the law.

Primordial spirit is the easiest to sense the power of law. Yang Yi seems to have returned to the time when he comprehended the law of fire, and he seemed to think of the fusion of Zhurong's fire and heaven's pure fire.

He seemed to think of the time when he was immersed in the dark artistic conception, as if he thought of the time when he caught such a trace of lightning, these memories gradually flowed through Yang Yi's mind.


All of a sudden, Yang Yi's whole body was burning with violent flames. Yang Yi finally sensed this flame, its purity, the power of law, and the law of fire. The entire Linglong Pagoda seemed to be shaking.

The pressure from all directions seemed to suppress the pure and flawed flame, but it was useless, the flame became bigger and bigger, but in an instant, the flame turned black.

This was the first time Yang Yi saw the black flame, and since the black flame appeared, Yang Yi felt the law of darkness more clearly, as if at this moment, he really understood the true meaning of darkness.

This is a true fusion, the fusion of the law of darkness and the law of fire, because only flames appeared, but they were black flames, and two laws were contained in one flame.

In the past, Yang Yi’s domain was just a simple fusion of laws. It seemed to be a fusion, but in fact there was no real fusion. They still did their own things and did not become one. But now, a black flame has already fused the two laws. , which is truly integrated.

Not only that, but with the appearance of the black flame, there are still traces of electric light surrounding the black flame, which suddenly turns into a mass of black thunder fire. This is the law of thunder.

The Law of Fire, the Law of Darkness, and the Law of Thunder, these three laws are all embodied in a ball of flames, this is truly integrated into one body, at this moment, a knowing smile appeared on Yang Yi's face, his adventure succeeded

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