blood record

Chapter 787 Thunder Boundary Mountain

Fee Chapter (12 points)

Chapter 780 The Seventh Thunder Boundary Mountain

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Yang Yixiang looked around, and saw that the entire void was in a mess, and there were traces left over from the great war everywhere. This kind of battle was the largest since the immortal emperors left. Huge once. }

This time, Yang Yi was not besieged and killed. On the contrary, he got great benefits and pointed out the path of immortal emperor for him. The Immortal Emperor's Road. [

"The law of the four elements, the one I know best is fire, but the four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind are different from the general laws, and must be deeply understood, just like the element of fire, which can be called an element, which is already It is no longer a law, but an existence higher than the law, the element of fire can be divided into the law of fire, the law of thunder, the law of electricity, and many other laws."

Yang Yi's thoughts changed sharply. Although he forcibly withdrew from that mysterious realm of enlightenment, and only realized it for a short while, it brought Yang Yi a poor heart. benefit.

To put it simply, the element of fire and the law of fire are the relationship between containing and being contained. The element of fire contains the law of fire, but it is not all the law of fire, and it also contains some other laws.

Therefore, what Yang Yi comprehends now is only the law of fire, and there is still a long way to go to comprehend the element of fire.

Fortunately, Yang Yi not only comprehended the law of fire, but also comprehended the law of thunder. These two laws are contained in the element of fire. If he can find a connection between them, he might be able to comprehend the element of fire.

Of course, there is no need to worry about this need, and it may even be hundreds or thousands of years.

"It seems that it's time to find a place and retreat."

Yang Yi stared at the void. He hadn't practiced retreat for too long, and retreat seemed very strange to him. Since he practiced, he has been fighting, fighting, and the number of quiet retreats is very small. .

Yang Yi has a plan, currently his strength is indeed stronger than Destroyer Venerable, but in the Immortal Realm, Destroyer Venerable can use the primordial primordial wheel to control the power of the Immortal Realm, at that time, I am afraid that Yang Yi will be suppressed.

Therefore, Yang Yi would not rashly go to the Immortal Realm to end his grievances with the Exorcist. He is a very steady person, and he would not leave for the Immortal Realm without absolute certainty.

Yang Yi held the Linglong Pagoda in his hands. Apart from comprehending the element of fire, he also needed a lot of energy to refine the restrictions in the Linglong Pagoda. He has already refined three floors, and there are still six floors left to be refined. Transformation, which also requires a lot of effort, and the nine-headed bird has not woken up, no matter how you look at it, Yang Yi needs to retreat.

"Since you want to comprehend the element of fire, you must go to a place related to the element of fire. I heard that there is a mountain of thunder in the outer domain. It is a natural forbidden area formed by the outer domain. Even those demons can't enter it."

Yang Yi smiled slightly, this place is the best place to retreat.


Yang Yi's figure disappeared into the void in an instant. The void here was completely annihilated, and it would not recover in a short period of time. When the space is destroyed, it is destroyed, and it is destroyed by the innate treasure, even if it is powerful outside the domain. To recover the space power, it also takes a lot of time.

This dilapidated and terrifying space will be displayed by all the masters of the outer domain to show the brutality of this battle.

The outer domain is very vast, most of the place is occupied by demons, and human monks only occupy a small part of the place.Outland is also very mysterious. Its history is relatively ancient. It is rumored that when the majesty was broken, a piece of debris flew out, thus forming Outland. , There is also the existence of a devil emperor who was born comparable to an immortal emperor.

But the good times didn't last long. With the rise of human monks and witch clan, the demon clan also weakened rapidly, until now.

Although the celestial demons were born from the Outer Domain, they are not all clear about how many secrets the Outer Domain hides. For example, there are many naturally formed forbidden places in the Outer Domain, and even the Demon Lord dare not go too deep into them. [

And Leijie Mountain is one of these mysterious forbidden places, where it is covered with exhausted thunder all the year round, the space is very large, and the void is shattered. Once any heavenly demon approaches, it will even be smashed into powder by the thunder.

Of course, there are also human monks who have gone to investigate, but there is nothing special about it.

However, the prestige of Thunder Boundary Mountain has gradually spread, no matter whether it is a human monk or a demon, they dare not go to Thunder Boundary Mountain.

Ripples gradually appeared in the space. Gradually, a man walked out of the space. He seemed to have no breath in his body, but his eyes were deeper, especially when he saw the flickering light in the distance. Lei Ting, who was watching, had a flash of light in his eyes, which made people feel frightened.

"Is this the Thunder Boundary Mountain? It's really magnificent and huge, very extraordinary"

This man is Yang Yi, he traveled through the space and came directly to Leijie Mountain, but it was hundreds of miles away, but even so, he felt a huge pressure.

The huge Thunder Boundary Mountain is like a huge thunder ball, sending huge thunder power to the surroundings all the time. Once it gets a little closer, it will even attract these thunders and blow them into fly ash. There are many Heavenly demons or human monks have all suffered disasters in this way.

So Yang Yi didn't dare to get too close before he thoroughly understood the power of Thunder Boundary Mountain.

The power of thunder is the power of masculinity. For those heavenly demons, it is a devastating blow. Fortunately, Yang Yi is not a heavenly demon, and he has the law of thunder, so he has enough resistance to thunder.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi no longer hesitated, and flew directly towards Leijie Mountain. Every time he advanced, there would be exhausted thunderbolts flying towards Yang Yi, wanting to blast Yang Yi into pieces.

But Yang Yi used the Law of Thunder, and immediately, these thunders became very docile, but it was not all smooth sailing. Can no longer control the surrounding thunder.


The exhausted thunder almost enveloped Yang Yi's whole body. Although Yang Yi was surrounded, he was afraid of him. He was also a bold man of high skill, so he directly suppressed it with the Linglong Pagoda.

The Linglong Pagoda is an innate treasure, almost no power can destroy it, so under the protection of the Linglong Pagoda, Yang Yi smoothly stepped into the Thunder Realm Mountain.

In this Thunder Boundary Mountain, there are thunders everywhere, this is simply a mountain made of thunder, although Yang Yi didn't know how terrifying the core of the Thunder Boundary Mountain would be, those Demon Lords didn't dare to go too deep, It shows how dangerous it is.

What's more, Yang Yi didn't come to explore the mysteries of Leijie Mountain. He came to use the huge thunder power of Leijie Mountain to compare with his law of fire, so as to find a common point, hoping to let Yang Yi Once able to comprehend the element of fire.


At the very core of Leijie Mountain, there is a huge cave. Although this cave is also surrounded by thunder, it is rare that it has not been blown into powder. Yang Yi's cave must have a little bit of weirdness. There are some formations, which should be arranged by some extremely powerful existence, maybe it is not necessarily the master of the immortal emperor level.

After all, even the devil dare not enter such a core place, and only those extremely tyrannical emperors have the courage and means to set up caves in Leijie Mountain.

When Yang Yi entered the cave, there was nothing valuable, it was obviously just a simple and abandoned cave, but it could not have been better to use it as his retreat.

But now Yang Yi is still in the Linglong Pagoda, once he appears in the cave, even with the protection of the cave, there is no thunder flying into the cave, but it is hard to say whether Yang Yi can withstand the huge suppression at the core.


Yang flew out of the Linglong Pagoda in an instant. As soon as he flew out, he felt a strong pressure. This pressure was unmatched, like a huge mountain, pressing hard on Yang Yi's body, especially It's because there are many strong masculine breaths in it, very domineering, what Yang Yi can feel is destruction and destruction, this is the true essence of Thunder.

Yang Yi also possesses the Law of Thunder, so he has a fairly thorough understanding of the power of Thunder. It is precisely because of the Law of Thunder that Yang Yi can withstand such terrifying pressure.

"Okay, such an excellent place is a good place to concentrate on practicing and retreating. Maybe in such a place where the thunder is strong, I can really comprehend the element of fire."

Yang Yi had already made up his mind, so he directly put a small part of his mind on refining the Linglong Pagoda, while he used most of his mind to feel the law of fire and the law of thunder.

The Leijie Mountain did not change, but the battle between Yang Yi and the masters of the Heavenly Demon Clan, as well as the five-element venerable, the ruined venerable and others gradually spread, and many people saw the dilapidated space left by the battle, They all felt shocked in their hearts.

Many celestial demon masters are almost lost, and this disappearance is not rumored. In short, human monks began to feel a little bit excited, and tried a little more. As a result, many celestial demon masters did not show up. This can't help but make this rumor become true. Therefore, for the first time, the battle between human monks and demons gained the upper hand and took the initiative.

Chapter 780 The Seventh Thunder Boundary Mountain

Chapter 780 The Seventh Thunder Boundary Mountain

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