blood record

Chapter 788

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The human monks became more and more certain that the masters of the Outer Land Demons had all been killed or injured, so countless monks began to frantically kill these Outlander Demons. (www unk

These celestial demons have been in danger for many years. Because of the air flow in the outer domain, there are only a few masters who can enter the outer domain. Therefore, the celestial demons of the outer domain have always occupied an absolute advantage in the outer domain. For human monks, It has always been suppressed, so it is not as embarrassing as it is now.

As countless demons were killed, the strength of human monks became more and more tyrannical, and they had the momentum to kill all the demons in one fell swoop. However, at the last moment, an antique at the demon level suddenly appeared among the demons. After all, the Heavenly Demon was born in the outer domain. His background is very strong. Although he participated in the siege of Yang Yi and suffered heavy losses, there are still powerful beings who escaped and were not swallowed by the nine-headed bird. Now suddenly The explosion made all the monks feel the pressure. [

After this demon venerable beheaded several human monks, the ancient venerable powerhouse, he also completely disappeared. These human monks also knew that it was impossible to completely wipe out the demons, so they didn't drive them all out again, so gradually , In Outland, human monks and demons also formed a confrontation situation, and human monks still have a slight upper hand.

In Leijie Mountain, Yang Yi hadn't made any movement. Time passed by little by little, and soon it would be hundreds of years. For a monk, a hundred years of retreat, or even tens of thousands of years, was nothing.

But Yang Yi seldom retreated, and the ones that lasted more than a hundred years were even rarer. It is indeed surprising that he suddenly retreated for a hundred years without the slightest movement.

Moreover, there is no change around Yang Yi, his cultivation still hasn't broken through, and the law of thunder still hasn't changed at all, but a hundred years has allowed him to completely refine the fourth-layer restriction in the Linglong Pagoda, and he is now working on it. Refining the fifth layer with all its strength.

Although Yang Yi didn't change anything on the surface, in his mind, there were turbulent waves, and various thoughts flickered continuously, which was the element of fire among the four elements he wanted to comprehend. The most essential element is also the only means leading to the Immortal Emperor. Only by comprehending the four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind, can one have the opportunity to achieve the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

But now Yang Yi's situation is not good. He has been in Thunder Boundary Mountain for hundreds of years, but he still hasn't made any progress in the Law of Thunder. He already has a clue, but he can't make up his mind.

"If you want to comprehend the four elements, you must first dissipate all the laws and domains that you have comprehended before!"

Yang Yi has stayed here for hundreds of years, tried various methods, but failed to comprehend the element of fire, not even a trace, which gave him such an idea, only to give up all the laws and break the fire element. Domain, re-comprehension, it is possible to comprehend the four elements.

But this is just Yang Yi's conjecture, once he voluntarily gives up all the rules, if he still fails, he will shoot himself in the foot, and his strength will drop to an unimaginable level.

This is almost a dilemma, if you fail, you will succeed. Yang Yi's thoughts are getting stronger and stronger. He is confident, as long as he follows his vision, abandons the laws he has comprehended before, breaks his own domain, and starts from scratch. , then his chances of comprehending the element of fire will be greatly increased.

This kind of struggle almost made Yang Yi spend several years in vain, until now he still hasn't really made up his mind.

"The road to the Immortal Emperor is very difficult. My current strength has reached a peak, and my skills have grown further. Even if it is to refine the Linglong Pagoda to the ninth floor and completely control the Linglong Pagoda, even if it is to destroy the Zun So what if he is beheaded? After all, he will not be able to become an immortal emperor, and he will not be able to experience that wonderful and supreme state."

"Seeking the Tao is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. At this time, there should be no hesitation!"

Finally, Yang made up his mind, and a trace of firmness appeared on his calm face. Immediately, five colors of light suddenly appeared on his body, flickering continuously. It was Yang Yi who leaned on the Venerable Five Elements The five-element law comprehended by the essence of the five elements.

Now this five-color light is constantly flickering, and it seems that it will dissipate at any time.


Finally, the five-color light flashed fiercely, and then disappeared, and Yang Yi also showed a look of pain on his face. He could no longer feel any power of the five elements, and he had already actively applied the law of the five elements Shattered, the field of five elements also completely collapsed with the disappearance of the law of five elements.

"The law of thunder and the law of darkness, disappear."

Now that Yang Yi has made up his mind, he won't back down in any way. Immediately afterwards, he completely shattered his Law of Thunder and Law of Darkness. The aura of his whole body has been reduced to the extreme, and he seems to be very weak. [

This is already his fundamental law.

"The law of fire, disappear too."

The law of fire is the root of Yang Yi's foundation. At the beginning, Yang Yi was the first to comprehend the law of fire, and it was also the law Yang Yi was most familiar with. But now, Yang Yi wants to abolish his own law of fire with his own hands. Suspected to make Yang Yi abolish his cultivation base.


Finally, the flames covering Yang Yi's body also disappeared. At this moment, Yang Yi's aura has been reduced to the extreme, and there is no longer the terrifying aura that he used to harass the enemy, just like an old man at dusk who is nearing his end, lifeless.

But now, it's just the beginning, he still needs to slowly comprehend the element of fire, and whether he can comprehend the element of fire is just unknown.

Thunder Boundary Mountain is a forbidden area in the outer domain, and few people come here, so no one can know the gradual changes in Thunder Boundary Mountain.

100 years, 500 years, 1000 years...

Time is like flowing water, and 3000 years have passed in the blink of an eye. 3000 years are nothing to those who have been retreating all the year round, and their movements are ten thousand years old. For monks, it is not a short period of time.

Thousands of years are enough to change many people. Some people become immortals from mortals, some are promoted from immortals to higher realms, and some even ascend to heaven in one step and become ancient venerables in the world, etc. Many people will undergo qualitative changes.

But for Leijie Mountain, it seems that there has been no change in 3000 years.


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