blood record

Chapter 789 The Change of Thunder Boundary Mountain

Fee Chapter (12 points)

Chapter 780 The Change of Thunder Mountain

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In the distant void, there is a demon desperately traveling through the space, but behind it, there are three unusually strong auras, all of which seem to be at least at the level of masters, chasing this demon. [

Although this demon is also at the master level, it is obviously no match for these three human monks, so he had to run away desperately. However, when this demon saw the terrifying thunder in front of him, his eyes were full of despair.


The three figures in the back gradually appeared. They were two men and a woman. They were all powerful rulers. They seemed to have an air of arrogance in their bones. They said coldly to this demon, the Chijiao Demon, you have already escaped. It's been half a month, hmph, now that you've arrived at Leijie Mountain, where are you going to escape? "

Leijie Mountain is a forbidden place for all heavenly demons or human monks. They fled here. This Chijiao Tianma has almost reached the end of the road. He dare not take a step forward, because he understands that once he moves forward, the thunder of Leijie Mountain will be destroyed. Will blow him to pieces.

Even the Demon Lord did not dare to easily enter Leijie Mountain.

This celestial demon was hunted down by three human monks, which also reflects the division of power between humans and celestial demons in the outer domain. Now the strength of human monks is obviously stronger than that of celestial demons. A lot of powerful monks came here, as well as the appearance of many ancient venerables who were trapped in the Linglong Pagoda. Secondly, it is because the human monks in the outer domain have also greatly improved their strength, and the masters are even more powerful. There are endless.

Of course, the main reason is that the Heavenly Demon had been severely injured by the siege of Yang Yi 3000 years ago, and has not recovered until now, with heavy losses, so it had to shrink back and let the human power expand.

The great war 3000 years ago has been widely spread in Outland, and one person's name has completely resounded in Outland. That is Yang Yi. This existence seems to have been born out of nowhere. The bird even got the Linglong Pagoda. Under the siege of the Outer Domain Heavenly Demon, the Venerable Five Elements, and the most powerful person in the fairy world who controls the primordial round, the Venerable Destroyer, he beheaded the Venerable Five Elements and forced the Venerable Destroyer back. It almost wiped out all the strong ones among the demons in the outer domain.

Therefore, the name Yang Yi has far surpassed the original Five Elements Venerable, and it is almost synonymous with the number one master after the Immortal Emperor left.

However, there are very few people who have actually seen Yang Yi, and in the past 3000 years, Yang Yi has never appeared in the outer domain, and some people even wonder whether Yang Yi has fallen, or whether he was seriously injured and hid He has recovered from his injuries. After all, Yang Yi is not an immortal emperor. Under the siege of so many terrifying masters, it is really unimaginable not to be injured.

Of course, everyone has different opinions about Yang Yi, but this name, even the weakest immortal, is called the number one expert in the outer domain.

It is also because of Yang Yi's sudden rise that human monks have that confidence when facing the demons. Unlike before, in Outland, human monks are just food for some demons, and they can only be called lingering.

Even Yang Yi probably wouldn't have imagined that the battle 3000 years ago would actually affect the status of human monks in Outland.

The three master masters of human beings approached the demon step by step, and they still exuded a strong aura, as if each master possessed an acquired treasure.

This is also the reason why these three monks at the master level are not afraid of this demon in the slightest.

Chijiao Tianma is a relatively powerful Tianma in the Tianma clan, but facing these three human monks at the master level, he still seems a bit invincible, but at this time he has no choice.

"If you try hard, you might be able to break through the Thunder Boundary Mountain, but if you fall into their hands, life would be worse than death."

The Chijiao Heavenly Demon looked at the frightening and terrifying thunder, gritted his teeth, and flew directly towards the Thunder Boundary Mountain. Seeing that Chijiao actually chose to fly towards the Thunder Boundary Mountain, the three human monks felt a little shocked .

"Damn it, all the ducks I got flew away. This day the demon is very brave, but when he goes to Leijie Mountain, he is looking for death." [

"No, a few days ago, there was a dominant master who was carrying a defensive top acquired treasure, trying to enter the Thunder World Mountain, but was directly blasted to pieces by the terrifying thunder, not to mention this Chijiao Tianmo ?”

"Not only the master, but it is rumored that there was once a venerable ancient who wanted to check because the thunder in the Thunder World Mountain would gradually emit flames. He once wanted to enter, but he was directly blasted half to death by a thunder. If he hadn't had a door The tyrannical life-saving supernatural power has long been blasted to death, but even so, the loss is heavy, and the vitality of the whole body is lost, and it cannot be recovered even after ten thousand years of meditation."

"Something happened to Leijie Mountain. 2000 years ago, someone actually started to burst into flames, and now it is getting worse. It seems that Leijie Mountain may become Fire Jieshan in the future."

"Look, Chijiao is about to be bombarded to death."

The three human monks looked around, and sure enough, not long after Chijiao had just flown into Leijie Mountain, thunderbolts hit Chijiao's body fiercely like rain, screaming again and again, Then it turned into fly ash.

The thunder is full of masculine power, it is the nemesis of these outlander demons, and the red-horned demon can't resist it at all, but these thunders are indeed mixed with flames as the three human monks said. The Thunder Boundary Mountain has never appeared before.

And the thunder all over the sky seemed to be mixed with flames, almost becoming the Fire Realm Mountain.

"Unfortunately, if this demon is beheaded by us, it will be a great achievement, and he can also get a fortune. Well, let's go quickly. This Thunder World Mountain is full of mysteries, which we can't investigate. of."

Although this Thunder Boundary Mountain is full of magic, these monks are still very afraid of it and want to leave immediately.

But at this moment, suddenly, an unparalleled flame erupted directly from Leijie Mountain, as if covering the sky, and all the land with a radius of hundreds of miles was burned to ashes by this terrifying flame , and is still twisting constantly.

It was beyond the imagination of these three human monks to cause such an earth-shattering destruction.

"This... What's the matter? I feel a strong aura. I feel as if I'm about to suffocate. This is several times stronger than the master of our ancient venerable."

These three human monks hardly dared to look at them. They saw that the thunder of Thunder Boundary Mountain had begun to shrink rapidly, or it had simply turned into a terrifying flame. This Thunder Boundary Mountain composed of thunder seemed to be about to turn into The sea of ​​fire is gone.

"Hurry up, let's go, let's inform Master as soon as possible."

The faces of the three human monks turned pale with fright. The changes in Leijie Mountain made them feel suffocated, as if there was a terrifying pressure like a mountain, pressing hard on them.

They just wanted to leave, but they were desperate. The speed of the flame was faster, almost in a flash, and the surrounding area was turned into a sea of ​​fire. Also swept up.

They were just masters, facing this terrifying and mysterious flame, they couldn't resist at all, and when they were about to die in the sea of ​​flames, suddenly, this group of terrifying flames suddenly stopped.


At this moment, a cold voice resounded in the ears of the three of them. These terrifying flames receded quickly like a tide, gathered together, and turned into a mountain of flames.

But in this mountain of flames, a figure appeared vaguely, and his body seemed to be a bottom hole, and exhausted flames entered his body one after another.

The three human monks who escaped from the dead stared dumbfounded at the figure that appeared from the Thunder Boundary Mountain. They couldn't describe it. Even the ancient venerable would never enter the Thunder Boundary Mountain. It looked as if he had stayed in Leijie Mountain for a long time.

The figure of this person is hazy and unclear, it is only about a man, and there seems to be a faint layer of flames covering his body. The flame just now was taken back by this man. He can actually control those terrifying flames. What shocked the hearts of these three people. [

The three of them didn't dare to move, because they were afraid that if they moved, it would arouse the anger of this super strong man who was neither an enemy nor a friend, and thus seek their own death. Now they can only beg to heaven.

This person seemed to be looking up at the void, and muttered in a low voice for 3000 years, it has been a full 3000 years, I didn't expect my retreat to be so long. "

This person is Yang Yi. He has just woken up from the retreat, and the reason for waking up is also because he finally comprehended the element of fire.

The element of fire, even if it is only one of the four elements, once obtained, his strength will be multiplied several times, and now he is even confident that even without using the Linglong Pagoda, he can easily kill the original Five Elements Venerable, Even the seemingly indestructible Five Elements Domain of the Five Elements Venerable, Yang Yi is now confident enough to easily destroy his Five Elements Domain.

The element of fire derived the law of numbers from it, and it was precisely because of this that Yang Yi was able to transform all the thunder in the Thunder Boundary Mountain into flames when the element of fire reached its peak.

This is precisely because thunder is also a kind of element of fire, which can be directly transformed into each other.

This is the true essence of fire. The element of fire is the origin of the universe. If you master the element of fire, you will master the tyrannical power of imagination, far surpassing the Eight Laws that Yang Yi had mastered back then.

Chapter 780 The Change of Thunder Mountain

Chapter 780 The Change of Thunder Mountain

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