blood record

Chapter 812 The First Realm?

Chapter 810: The First Realm?

In the black hole, Yang Yi and the Twelve Ancestral Witches were on guard against each other, and no one would let down their vigilance. However, the passage seemed to be very long, and even the Twelve Ancestral Witches seemed to feel a sense of oppression.Win q coins,)

This aura is getting stronger and stronger, just like the feeling Yang Yi had when he faced those unattainable immortals before he became an immortal. He felt that he was so small. It is the supreme existence, but now, under this breath, I have to put away my arrogance, and I feel extremely uncomfortable.

It seems that this strange initial world is indeed not that simple.

Zhu Rong Zuwu stared at Yang Yi, seeing a ray of light appeared in front of him, his face became even more ferocious, and he sneered, "Hey, Yang Yi, do you think you can leave safely today? It’s simply wishful thinking, today, you are going to die and be buried, haha, without the supporting pillars, let’s see how you can escape?” [

After Zhu Rong's ancestor witch finished speaking, the other eleven ancestor witches all surrounded Yang Yi with murderous intent. Once they reached the initial realm, the twelve ancestor witches would definitely kill him.

Yang Yi didn't seem to have the slightest fear at this time, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "Twelve Ancestral Witches, we are just scheming each other, but it is too late for who is scheming whom. Don't forget, this space channel is still under Yang's control."

After Yang Yi finished speaking, the Houtu Ancestral Witch suddenly seemed to think of something, his face changed drastically, and he said loudly: "No, stop him quickly! Yang Yi, we are still traveling through space, you must act rashly. Otherwise, we will all be involved in the turbulence of time and space, where we will die and die."

The Houtu Ancestral Witch thought of Yang Yi, and his heart trembled, Yang Yi was planning to burn everything, no, or for Yang Yi, there was still a slight chance, but this kind of chance was terribly slim.

As for the Twelve Ancestral Witches, under the turbulent flow of time and space, it would be a miracle if they could reach the initial realm safely.

The light in front is getting brighter and brighter, as if it will reach the initial realm in an instant, but Yang Yi's face is still terribly calm. Suddenly, the entire passage is shaking, and a trace of space storm begins to rush into the passage Among them, Yang Yi was actually withdrawing from the Linglong Pagoda.

"Bastard, Yang Yi, you are simply a lunatic. If you do something, Yang Yi can easily remove the Linglong Pagoda, otherwise we will all die in the place of burial."

Hou Tu ancestor Wu Meng shouted loudly, and immediately, exhausted strength bombarded Yang Yi, but Yang Yi had prepared early in the morning, and the elements of earth, fire, and water fiercely blocked in front of him, even though he still couldn't bear ten times. The power of the second ancestor witch, but it can get some breathing time.

But this period of respite was enough, his eyes were full of madness, the whole space trembled violently, and bursts of holy light appeared.

It turned out that it was Yang Yi who directly removed the Linglong Pagoda, and the space collapsed directly. The eyes of the Twelve Ancestral Witches were full of disbelief, and the bursts of space storm swept them away, and they disappeared in front of Yang Yi in an instant.

But Yang Yi was also uncomfortable, he was also swept away by the space, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and it was very difficult to even support his own body.

"Linglong Pagoda, suppress!"

With great difficulty, Yang Yi supported his body in the turbulent flow of space, displayed the Linglong Pagoda, and flew towards that ray of light with all his strength, and his primordial spirit finally reached its limit, became sluggish, and instantly Lost consciousness.


Even Yang Yi didn't know that the Linglong Pagoda drifted slightly into the light...

Darkness, endless darkness, Yang Yi has never slept so deeply. This time, he was attacked by the twelve ancestor witches, and his soul was about to collapse. Fortunately, he has completely comprehended the element of water.

The element of water is the element of life, as long as there is still a trace of vitality, it can slowly recover, maybe a hundred years, or maybe a thousand years, anyway, as long as there is time, Yang Yi can slowly recover .


Suddenly, the ground shook for a while, causing people to look sideways, as if the entire earth was shaking. [

Yang Yi slowly woke up from the coma, and the moment he opened his eyes, he felt strange, because at this time his whole body was covered with grass, and he seemed to be half buried in the ground.

"Where is it? The first realm? From the looks of it, I've been in a coma for at least a hundred years."

While traveling through space, Yang Yi was attacked by the Twelve Ancestral Witches and was seriously injured. It would take at least hundreds of years to fully recover, so it would take hundreds of years for him to wake up.

"The shock just now?"

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw that in the void in the distance, there were actually several people confronting each other, one of them was covered in pure white, shining with a holy breath that Yang Yi had never seen before, With momentum like a rainbow, he ruthlessly suppressed the three people in front of him.

But these three people, Yang Yi can feel very clearly, they have the blood of the Phoenix, but they are only in the realm of the Immortal King, and the person opposite, who is shining with a holy aura, Yang Yi feels, at least also has the ancient venerable The strength, so this is an overwhelming force, these three people are basically the opponents of the person with a holy breath.

"This is the beginning?"

Yang Yi didn't know if he had come to the initial realm. After all, he tried his best to control the Linglong Pagoda and wanted to reach the initial realm, but it was all to no avail. Before that, he had already lost consciousness, so the space Where exactly the turbulent flow will bring the Linglong Pagoda, he can't be sure.

"Fellow Taoist in front, hurry up and tell Qifeng Tianzun that Oss's army is already planning to forcibly attack my Qishan Mountain. We were killed by the winged angels sent by Oss, please bring this news to us!"

The three of them looked like they were about to die together, and their voices also reached Yang Yi's ears.

Yang Yi frowned, full of doubts in his heart.

Tianzun?winged angel?He didn't know these things, but the phoenix blood in the bodies of these three people was suspicious. Yang Yi had killed so many phoenix blood, how could he not be clear?

The man exuding a holy aura should be the winged angel mentioned by the three of them. His eyes were fixed on Yang Yi, and he suddenly sneered and said, "Want to leave? Huh, it's too late, I believe Mr. Oss I will definitely be able to lead my lord's warriors to level your Qishan Mountain and capture all your practitioners from Qishan Mountain as slaves, haha."

While laughing maniacally, this man suddenly pointed towards Yang Yi, and shot out thousands of wind blades from his hand, cutting the void, and directly cutting towards Yang Yi.


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