blood record

Chapter 813 Strange World

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Chapter 810 Three Strange Worlds

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Wind Blade?

Yang Yi saw that the methods used by this strange man were still above the law, as if the wind between the heaven and the earth was controlled by him. [

No, it's not control, but it seems that through some kind of medium, the power of the wind between heaven and earth can help it kill itself.

The power displayed by this man is completely different from the methods Yang Yi has seen before, it is a very strange method.

But no matter how unfamiliar they are, the power of these wind blades is only at the level of ordinary ancient venerables. When the expressions of the three monks with the blood of the phoenix changed drastically, Yang Yi gently stretched out his hand to grab it.


With just a light grasp of the white jade hand, these wind blades disappeared. Everyone was surprised and felt incredible.

The face of the man exuding a holy aura sank slightly, and he said coldly: "It turns out to be a master, hmph, it's okay, I will kill you all today, I believe Lord Oss will definitely reward you heavily, the Light Slash!"

I saw the pious face of this holy man, as if he was praying to God.

"Great God of Light, please grant your loyal believers the power to kill the enemies of darkness with the power of light!"

Following the man's prayer, a long sword composed of more dazzling holy light descended from the sky and slashed at Yang Yi directly. The Five Elements Venerable is just a little weaker.

The aura on this man's body is not strong, but Yang Yi is a little surprised that he can unleash such a terrifying blow, but he doesn't care too much. This man obviously wants to kill him, and Yang Yi will naturally not let him go. Pass.

"What holy light? It's nothing more than a chicken and a dog, the element of fire, broken!"

Yang Yi casually pointed at the huge sword in the sky.


A trace of flame appeared in an instant. This flame didn't look very huge, but suddenly, raging flames burned in the void, like a purgatory of flames, and the entire sky was turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Seeing such a scene, the holy winged angel showed a look of shock on his face, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, suddenly his whole body turned into a puff of smoke, and he was about to run away.

"Hmph, it would be a joke if I let you escape!"

Yang Yi's eyes were icy cold, he directly grabbed the void with his big hand, and quietly activated the Nine Palaces Formation. Immediately, a force [-] times stronger burst out instantly, and the entire area was under Yang Yi's control for several miles. How could a mere Primordial Venerable escape from Yang Yi's grasp?

Yang Yi grasped it with one hand, and this winged angel was caught by Yang Yi in an instant. The power in his body was really unique, which aroused Yang Yi's strong interest.

At this time, the three monks were stunned, and it took a while for them to come back to their senses, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "It turned out to be a senior earthly respect, fortunately, the senior earthly respect took action and caught this winged angel." Otherwise, our Qishan will be in real trouble this time.”[

"Winged Angel?"

Yang Yi was very puzzled, but the three of them looked very familiar and experienced. Yang Yi only wanted to know where this place was for the time being, so he didn't ask any further questions in order not to arouse suspicion.

"Senior should be a master of the god dragon bloodline, but got separated in the last Sanyuan war?"

Seeing Yang Yi's appearance, the three monks immediately asked.

Yang Yi followed the three people's words and said: "That's right, Yang was indeed separated from the Sanyuan War last time, but he never wanted to come to your land. When he saw this winged angel making things difficult for the three of them, he happened to catch them in one fell swoop. Just now you Where is the said Qishan? And what about the Aussian army?"

Yang Yi wanted to insinuate and get more news about this world from these three people.

"Senior, this matter is very urgent, and we have to go back and report it quickly. How about this, Qishan of our Phoenix lineage is in front, and Qifeng Tianzun, as a master of Tianzun, will definitely be able to know where you people from the Shenlong lineage are. Why don't seniors go back with us, let Qifeng Tianzun torture this winged angel first, and then make plans."

Yang Yi is also making plans, he has come to a strange world now, and he can't easily reveal his identity, so he can only make insinuations like this, go to places with many people, and then slowly understand.

"It seems that this is the only way to go. I hope that Qifeng Tianzun can know where the people of my Shenlong lineage are."

Yang Yi asked the three of them to lead the way, and flew to the distance.

The space in this world is very stable, even Yang Yi can't travel through the space, so he can only rely on flying.

During the flight, Yang Yi sensed the world a little bit, but he suddenly discovered that the vastness of this world is beyond imagination, and there are many mysterious places full of mystery.

I don't know how many times bigger than the fairy world. This is the first time Yang Yi has encountered such a vast world, and there are many auras in it that make Yang Yi frightened. A very terrifying master sits in town.

Immortal Emperor, now only the Immortal Emperor can make Yang Yi feel frightened, and he must not be an ordinary Immortal Emperor. With Yang Yi's current means, if he uses all of them, even the Immortal Emperor, he will not be afraid.

Of course, this also refers to ordinary emperors. There are also three, six, and nine grades among immortal emperors. There are ordinary ones and powerful ones. Yang Yi has never seen a real immortal emperor, so he has no way of knowing what kind of immortal emperor he is. of.

But according to many legends in the fairy world, there were many immortal emperors in the fairy world, but among them, the five emperors were respected. The five emperors were the oldest immortal emperors, and they were also the most powerful immortal emperors.

Therefore, judging from these aspects, the Immortal Emperor should be of the same rank, and the Immortal Emperor is far from the end of his cultivation.

Yang Yi seemed very cautious, and his insinuations were very subtle, trying not to let the three of them know.

These three people are called Qishan, Qiya, and Qiyun. In fact, almost all the monks in Qishan have the surname Qi. This world is somewhat similar to those mortals in ancient times, and they all existed in the form of tribes.

And the supreme person in Qishan Mountain is the Qifeng Tianzun, and he is also the only Tianzun in Qishan Mountain.

Tian Zun, Di Zun, Xuan Zun, Huang Zun, and Huang Zun, Tian Di Xuan Huang, Yang got this information by knocking around, this is the cultivation realm in this world.

Yang Yi made a little comparison, and the earth venerable is almost equivalent to the ancient venerable. For example, Yang Yi, Qi Yun and the other three called Yang Yi the earth venerable, while Xuanzun was the immortal king and ruler, and Huang Zun was the immortal king. Practitioners below the king. [

From these divisions of cultivation levels, Yang Yi has already basically understood that Tian Zun must be the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor in the Immortal World is called Tian Zun here.

And there is a celestial being in Qishan, Yang Yi was shocked, but also became more interested in this world, and Yang Yi suspected that this world might be the initial realm he wanted to enter.

As for the Oss army, Oss is the name of a person, and he is also a powerful master. All the blood of the dragon, the blood of the unicorn, and the blood of the phoenix are all in the same camp, and they are basically in this world. Spent in the battle, and their main enemy is these angel legions.

The cultivation method of the angels is completely different from that of Yang Yi and others. Their weak bodies can suddenly burst out with unparalleled strength through a mysterious prayer method.

And angels are divided into winged angels and winged angels. The division of strength is much simpler. Those winged angels are divided into two-winged angels, four-winged angels, etc. Winged angels are equivalent to Tianzun.

And this Aussie is a powerful four-winged angel, leading the angel army, and wants to conquer the monks in Qishan, so Qiyun and others are so eager to return to Qishan and tell Qifeng the great news. Get ready early.

Yang learned a lot of information by knocking around, but he didn't reveal any information about himself. Fortunately, the three of them were all on their way, and they didn't ask Yang Yi's situation carefully at all.

About three hours later, the sky was already getting dark, and a rolling mountain range appeared in Yang Yi's eyes, and in the mountain range, there was a huge valley.

In this valley, although there is no chaotic energy, there is another kind of more advanced energy, which they call virtual energy. These virtual energy are also intangible, but they really exist. Rely on emptiness to practice.

Heaven and earth vitality, spirit energy, chaos energy, even primordial energy, and emptiness energy are actually energy between heaven and earth, but they have just changed their names, and they are all provided to monks for strength.

With Yang Yi's current cultivation base, he no longer needs to intentionally absorb these emptiness. He was just surprised by Qishan, because he just sensed a little bit of masters in Qishan, and one of them was a master. Its aura is as bright as a flame in the dark night.

There is no doubt that that person is the number one master in Qishan, Qifeng Tianzun!

This is also the only immortal emperor master in Qishan, Yang Yi sensed it a little, and then restrained his aura, he didn't want to fight because of misunderstanding.

Of course, he was also thinking about various thoughts, among which was the evaluation of the strength of the only immortal emperor master. He simply felt that this immortal emperor should not be too powerful, at least with the current Yang Yi. With such strength, it would be very difficult for him to kill Yang Yi.

Of course, this was a completely strange world, and Yang Yi didn't know what strange abilities the monks here possessed, so he didn't dare to show off too much, and kept a low profile, following behind Qi Yun and the others.

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