blood record

Chapter 90

Lu Ming is also a majestic master of transformation, so he is not afraid of Zhao Yuanlong, so he just sneered and said: "Zhao Yuanlong, you broke the rules of Qiankun Terrace without authorization, and tried in vain to fight a duel between the disciples of Qiankun Terrace. You can see clearly with your eyes, even if this matter is brought up to the law enforcement elders, you have nothing to say."

Zhao Yuanlong's face was terribly gloomy, and he looked at Lu Ming coldly: "Lu Ming, it seems that you are Baoding, Yang Yi. Okay, okay, I have written down this account, hmph, how can you use the Lightning Sword? took it?"

Zhao Yuanlong grabbed forward violently, and Yang Yi's vajra body quickly mobilized, and immediately became as hard as iron. Zhao Yuanlong's grasp was stronger than that of the Jindan master, but it had no effect on the vajra body. Yang Yi Yi didn't even move his body.

"Huh? Yang Yi, if you dare to take the Lightning Sword, I will kill you on the spot, and let's see how the law enforcement elders will punish me in the end?" Zhao Yuanlong's whole body flashed with a violent breath All around, let all the monks shudder and feel fear from the heart.

"Zhao Yuanlong, how dare you!" Lu Ming also stepped forward, the imprint on the center of his brow flickering constantly, as if he would release the true source to fight Zhao Yuanlong at any time. [

"Okay, Lu Ming, do you think I dare or not?" Zhao Yuanlong was furious. He was a man of one mind and decisive in killing. Zhao Yuanhu died on the Qiankun Terrace. He had no reason to kill Yang Yi, but this disease The sword is a high-grade magic weapon that he has obtained through untold hardships, and he has been with him for countless years. He can do anything for this magic weapon.

Just as Zhao Yuanlong was about to make a move, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the void. The mark between his eyebrows was far clearer than that of Lu Ming and Zhao Yuanlong, and his aura was also stronger than that of Lu Ming and Zhao Yuanlong. of.This man Yang Yi has also seen, it is Yan Benli, the law enforcement elder who holds the power of life and death in Hualong Palace.

The law enforcement elders are responsible for all the disciples of Hualong Palace. Those who break the rules will be punished by the law enforcement elders. There are even some disciples of the traitorous faction. The law enforcement elders want to catch them or completely eliminate them. .

There used to be three disciples who defected for some reason. These three disciples were not ordinary disciples, but masters of transformation, and they had all entered the elders group and became elders.This incident completely angered Yan Benli, the law enforcement elder. He chased and killed the three people for hundreds of thousands of miles, which lasted for three months, and finally blasted and killed the three masters of transformation. It can be seen how powerful the law enforcement elders themselves are.

To be able to shock these elders, the law enforcement elders naturally have high requirements on their own strength. In the faction, the law enforcement elders are super masters second only to the palace master.

As soon as Yan Benli appeared, he glanced coldly past Lu Ming and Zhao Yuanlong, and scolded: "The elders of Hualong Palace's dignified elders, is this how you set an example in front of your disciples? You are punished to go back and sit quietly for a month, and you are not allowed to leave the elders' group Half a step!"

Faced with Yan Benli's power, even Lu Ming and Zhao Yuanlong did not dare to act presumptuously, but Zhao Yuanlong looked at Yang Yi with murderous intent in his eyes.

Yan Benli looked at Yang Yi, and said indifferently: "Yang Yi, return the Lightning Sword to Elder Zhao, the Qiankun stage is only limited to the fight between disciples, but you can't take away the magic weapon Zhao Yuanhu's space ring at will. .”

Yang Yi waved his hand and threw it, and the Lightning Sword turned into a ray of light and was instantly caught by Zhao Yuanlong.

But it wasn't over yet, but Yang Yi stepped forward abruptly, and his voice resounded in everyone's ears: "Zhao Yuanlong, I, Yang Yi, swear that within ten years, I will personally take the Lightning Sword from your hands in a fair and just manner." Get it in your hand, for sure!"


Yang Yi's words were like igniting a fire barrel, and it exploded all of a sudden. This offended Zhao Yuanlong to death, and he would never stop.

"Stupid, stupid, this Yang Yi is too arrogant and domineering, too arrogant." Some disciples were heartbroken and scolded Yang Yi for being stupid and arrogant.

"It's so dignified, it's really domineering, a blood coagulation fifth-layer disciple dares to say such a heroic word to the majestic Elder Transformation, Yang Yi is really too fierce.

"Overbearing, overbearing, fierce, fierce! Yang Yi is simply a role model for my generation, haha, even Elder Transformation is ignored."

Countless disciples are talking about it, some people despise and disdain, some people have stars of admiration in their eyes, not all of them have the guts.

Zhao Yuanlong was so angry that his whole body was trembling slightly, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, controlled his emotions, and said with a sneer, "Okay, I'll wait for you and see if one day you can really take the Lightning Sword from me, But you have to be careful in the future, maybe you won't live to that day, hum!"

After Zhao Yuanlong finished speaking, he flew directly into the distance. He already hated Yang Yi to the core. Today, his majestic Elder Transformation actually lost face in front of a disciple. In the end, he even tore his face and even said threatening words come out.

Yang Yi's boldness even exceeded Lu Ming's expectations, so he shook his head slightly.Yan Benli also shook his head, this young disciple is indeed a genius, Hualong Palace is a rare genius, but he is really too bold and arrogant. [

When everyone dispersed, Liu Qingyun hurried up and said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, you have offended Zhao Yuanlong to death this time, I'm afraid you will be in a bad situation in the future."

A strange smile appeared at the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he said in a low voice: "This is exactly the result I wanted. I killed Zhao Yuanhu, and Zhao Yuanlong already hated me to death. He might use whatever means. I can't always Staying in Hualong Palace, when I go out, he will play tricks, and even deal with me personally. But if I provoke him in public, he will not do tricks anymore. So many people know that I have an irreconcilable relationship with him If I die for no apparent reason, I am afraid that everyone will think that he did it, brother Liu, do you understand?"

Yang Yi didn't do anything recklessly, he thought about Bai Zhantian's matter, if he didn't have the help of mysterious blood, he might have been killed by Bai Zhantian.

So this strategy was used to prevent Zhao Yuanlong from secretly attacking.

Liu Qingyun also suddenly realized, nodded and said: "Brother Yang is really smart. This is to advance as a retreat. It looks like you are majestic, but in fact you are leaving yourself some way out and time. It is indeed high."

Liu Qingyun couldn't help admiring Yang Yi's wit and wit. This kind of resourcefulness may seem rough, but it is also very refined. This is no longer a conspiracy, but a conspiracy. ! ~!

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