blood record

Chapter 91 Cracks

Yang Yi walked into Wu Tiangang's room, Wu Tiangang was already much better at this time, he was still struggling when he saw Yang Yi.

"Brother Yang, thank you. This time, it was Wu's matter, but Brother Yang was involved, and Brother Yang was completely offended by Zhao Yuanlong. I, Wu Tiangang, am ashamed!"

Wu Tiangang was indeed very grateful to Yang Yi.

But Yang Yi laughed loudly: "Haha, Brother Wu, why do you say that? We are suffering from life and death, since you really want to thank me, then take good care of your wounds, and it is best to cultivate to the point where the blood can transform into form, haha, Then maybe I, Yang Yi, will have to rely on Brother Wu?"

This sentence amused the three of them, and for a while the three of them chatted very happily. [

After returning to the room, Yang Yi became silent. Although he talked so easily with Liu Qingyun just now, no one knows whether Zhao Yuanlong will seek revenge on Yang Yi at all costs.

In the final analysis, the strength is still not enough. If the strength is strong, Yang Yi does not have to be afraid of Zhao Yuanlong when he has cultivated to the seventh, eighth, or even metamorphosis. He can even kill him in public. At that time, even Hualong Palace will not say what.

This is strength. When the strength is strong, no one will interfere in whatever you do.Rules are only used by the strong to trample on them, this is a universal truth!

"The strength is not enough, the strength is still not enough! If I can get through the blood in my whole body as soon as possible and strive to reach the sixth level of blood coagulation as soon as possible, the strength in my body will probably double again. By then, I don't know how powerful it is. At least if I Even if Zhao Yuanlong makes a move, he won't be able to resist at all!"

Now Yang Yi is only in the realm of the fifth level of blood coagulation with the same vein, while the sixth level of blood coagulation is the realm of transforming veins. Not only the main blood vessels, but even those hidden blood vessels must be opened up one by one. This is the realm of transforming veins.

There is no need to deliberately understand the meridians, nor does it need to be accumulated, it just takes time, basically there is no bottleneck from the fifth to the sixth level.

Of course, the time from the fifth level to the sixth level is also uncertain. If it is fast, it will only take a few months or even be promoted, while if it is slow, it will even take decades.

Yang Yi has a sense of urgency, his current strength can even kill the eighth level of blood coagulation, even Jindan masters will not be afraid, they can't break the diamond body at all.

But Yang Yi's enemies are all masters of transformation, not only Zhao Yuanlong, but also Bai Pojun who has not heard from him for a long time. He is also an existence whose bloodline is about to transform into form. Yes, he hated Yang Yi to the bone, if the transformation was successful, the first person to kill would be Yang Yi.

There are many strong enemies, so even though Yang Yizai is already much stronger than his peers, he still feels very urgent and wants to improve his strength quickly.

Ten days passed like this, and the wind was calm for ten days. Both Zhao Yuanlong and Lu Ming were punished by the law enforcement elders to sit quietly for a month, and no one was allowed to leave the elders' group for half a step.

During these ten days, Yang Yi has been attacking the bloodlines almost non-stop. Due to his strong bloodlines and fast cultivation speed, many bloodlines have been opened up. This is also a huge amount of engineering, and it needs the work of water dripping through stone.

In fact, the fifth and sixth levels of blood coagulation to unblock the meridians and transform the veins are the foundation for the seventh level of blood coagulation to condense the fine blood together to form a virtual pill. Only when it is condensed into a pill, even though it is still a virtual pill, can it be used. Unleash the power of terror.

Moreover, only by condensing into a virtual pill, is it a step closer to the transformation of blood.

"Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. If you practice honestly in Hualong Palace like this, it will take several years just from the same meridian to Huamai, and then from the sixth level of Huamai to the seventh level of condensed emptiness. The time will be even longer. Step-by-step cultivation will never be brave and refined. If you get rich without getting rich, Ma Yecao should not go out to practice and practice. Maybe you can meet the opportunity and improve your cultivation by leaps and bounds. Besides, in this Hualong Palace, if After one month has passed, Zhao Yuanlong will definitely use his means, even if he doesn't come to me directly, he will still find ways to make me feel uncomfortable, so why not leave now, and come back when I am strong enough to resist."

Yang Yi had some doubts, he did what he said, he immediately greeted the guards, then bid farewell to Liu Qingyun and others, and then left Hualong Palace alone.

The vastness of the world is unimaginable, but Yang Yi is like a fly, not knowing where to go?

"It's been a long time since I went home to take a look. With my current strength, even Bai Zhantian was killed. Hmph, what about Bailiefeng? Maybe Yang Shan came home suddenly."

Yang Yi still had the illusion that Yang Shan would return to Qingyang Mansion by herself.Moreover, Yang Yi now has a faint feeling that the drop in his body does not obey orders, and can also transform into blood, and even kill Bai Zhantian. The origin of this drop of jng blood must be related to Yang Shan, or it was there. It was related to the time when I was in a coma. [

As for Yang Shan, Yang always felt that she was still alive, but the sky and the earth were big, and he didn't know where?

Bai Liefeng from Qingyang Mansion is naturally not in Yang Yi's eyes. Even if Bai Liefeng doesn't look for him, Yang Yi has to go to Bai Liefeng. Back then, Bai Liefeng was ruthless enough to chase and kill Yang Yi. If Yang Yi was not smart, he would have run away. Hurry up, I'm afraid he will be killed by Bai Liefeng.

Even if a gentleman wants to take revenge, and Yang Yi asked himself that he is not a gentleman, this revenge is naturally to be taken.

When Yang was on his way day and night, when he passed a valley, he suddenly felt a tremor in his soul.

In the sky, it was originally a clear sky, but a big opening suddenly appeared, and a huge palm stretched out from it. This palm was almost hundreds of feet long, and there were lightning flashes on it. He slapped the valley fiercely.


Just like an earthquake, the valleys collapsed one after another, and Yang Yi hurriedly hid. Such a scene was like a catastrophe, like the end of the world, and he didn't know what was going on.


A bright ray of light shot down from the huge crack, and just as the ray of light came out, two huge palms appeared behind them, slapping the ray of light fiercely.

It can be seen that someone is chasing and killing the person in this ray of light.

But such a big momentum is simply earth-shattering, and it is not something ordinary masters of transformation can do.

That ray of light suddenly turned into a handsome man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, but there seemed to be a trace of evil spirit on his face, with a deep murderous intent.

The handsome man looked at the crack in the sky, and suddenly sneered and said: "Yuan Fa, Yuan Gang, you two brothers chased and killed the number of time and space in this San, but it was because of the fact that this San was injured by the old man Ji Daozi, hum , and now you are far away from the Ji Dao Sect, you are courting death if you come here!"

The body of the handsome man suddenly changed, and a huge dragon flew out from the top of his head. This dragon, comparable to a steed, is no different from the real body. It has been cultivated to an extremely high level, and the true source of blood has almost arrived Unbelievable situation.

"Xuantian Art, die!"

When the dragon screamed, an unimaginable force instantly acted on the huge crack.


With an exhaustive explosion, the crack was about to be blown open, and two figures emerged from it. ! ~!

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