Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 534 Wage arrears? What the hell?

"Mr. Chen!"


Song Yang, Su Peng, Ma Fei and Xie Miaomiao saw Chen Heyu getting closer and closer, so they quickly stood up and greeted him from a distance with a embarrassed look on their faces.

"Manager Song has brought all the Lucheng team here?"

Chen Heyu stopped and joked with a smile.

After Song Yang heard this, he couldn't help but froze. The big boss's words could be good or bad. At best, he might be praising his management level and talent selection ability. At worst, he might think that he was forming a clique for personal gain and doing things within the company. small group.

If it's the former, of course it's fine; if it's the latter, it's going to be big trouble!

Not to mention running for the position of director of Super Factory No. 4, I’m afraid I won’t even be able to keep my current position by then!

The look on Song Yang's face was uncertain, and the smile slowly disappeared, mixed with a trace of fear and bitterness.

"Mr. Chen, it just so happens that tomorrow is a day off. Xie Miaomiao bought a single-family villa in Lami Fort. We are discussing helping her move..."

Song Yang explained hurriedly.

Seeing this, Chen Heyu immediately understood that he was overthinking, and then patted Song Yang on the shoulder and said: "You know how to care about the lives of your subordinates. It seems that you have indeed made some progress in the past three years, not bad!"


Song Yang was stunned after hearing this, and couldn't help but think about it over and over again. The meaning of Mr. Chen's words was very clear, it was to affirm his ability to work.

Being recognized by the big boss is undoubtedly a plus when running for office.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth gradually swelled, and he unconsciously evoked a strong smile. The upward arc was harder to suppress than Aka 47.

Chen Heyu smiled helplessly. As he holds a high position, his words and deeds are often easily over-interpreted.

He just wanted to say a few words, but it made Song Yang feel anxious and uneasy.

"Thank you for your appreciation, Mr. Chen. If you didn't remember the faults of others, there would be no chance of growth."

Song Yang bowed slightly and thanked him sincerely.

You know, when the work stoppage was organized, he was the main member. If he were replaced by a petty boss, he would never be able to gain a foothold in the industry, and he would not even have a place in the job market in Lucheng.

After all, with the size and influence of Shanhai Group, if one puts it bluntly, he may not even be able to find a decent job in Jiangnan Province or even the entire Greater China Region.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Mr. Chen not only did not pursue the case, but also promoted him two levels in a row, from an ordinary P1 operator to a P3 supervisor, which completely changed his life.

With the passage of time, Song Yang, who has matured mentally and gained a lot of experience, truly realized the kindness of his big boss to him.

"Sit down and talk without holding back."

Chen Heyu smiled lightly and said in a gentle tone.

Xie Miaomiao naturally remembered that it was Chen Heyu who pulled her out of the quagmire of her original family and gave her a brand new job and a more meaningful life.

Although she was grateful, she didn't want to interrupt the conversation between Song Yang and Mr. Chen. She just kept her lips pursed and giggled, trying to release her smile and kindness.

"Boss, please sit down first."

Song Yang still looked cautious and said with a smile on his face.

Chen Heyu shook his head secretly. The clarity and stupidity in Song Yang's eyes had long since disappeared, replaced by calmness and stability.

The reason why he did not choose to fire Song Yang in the first place was to stabilize the hearts of his employees. Tens of thousands of people participated in the work stoppage. Only by punishing some and rewarding others can the chaotic situation of Gigafactory No. 1 be quickly calmed down and restored. production capacity.

As for why Song Yang was able to rise to P4 like a rocket in a short period of three years and stand out from hundreds of P4 managers, although Chen Heyu's care was attributable to it, his own hard work was also indispensable.

Chen Heyu was not polite and sat down carelessly.

Ma Fei and Su Peng immediately changed places and sat next to Song Yang, while Xie Miaomiao sat on the sofa in the same row as Chen Heyu.

Ding Mo and Alita remained silent and walked to another empty table silently, for fear of disturbing their boss.

"Buy a house?"

Chen Heyu said warmly to Xie Miaomiao.

"Well, it's a two-story building. Since there is no public stall, the actual internal area is 145.3 square meters. There is also a 50-square-meter small garden outside the first floor."

Xie Miaomiao nodded in response. When she talked about the house, her eyes would inadvertently flash with bright light.

Owning a house of her own is obviously her biggest dream.

Chen Heyu felt relieved. Isn't the value of the super factory just to help ordinary people, who can get a decent salary through hard work?

As a deaf-mute girl, Xie Miaomiao can afford a house in Lamiburg, which shows that he is on the right track. If he distributes more profits to his employees, the company will not decline because of this, but will drive consumption and promote local economic prosperity. .

"You are great, keep up the good work."

Chen Heyu nodded and encouraged. As a boss, his cake-painting skills have reached an advanced level. With just a few words, he can make the atmosphere on the dining table extremely hot.

"Mr. Chen, can I take a photo with you?"

Ma Fei was thick-skinned and courageous. He grinned and asked every possible opportunity.

Song Yang secretly glanced at him and wished he could kick him under the table.

"no problem."

Chen Heyu readily agreed.

He took Ma Fei's rice phone, first took a photo with him, and then called Song Yang, Su Peng and Xie Miaomiao to take a group photo together.

"It turns out that the big boss really doesn't have any airs. He is about the same age as us. He plays basically the same games and follows the same TV series, and his chat is not awkward at all."

Su Peng was still tense at first, but it didn't take long before he discovered that Chen Heyu didn't have an aura as deep as the ocean. When talking to others, he looked gentle and calm, as if he was an old friend of several people.

He instantly let go of his uneasiness and joined in the chat.

Only Song Yang knew that Mr. Chen's communication skills were simply superb. No matter what he said, he always had a spring-like expression and simple words to convey what was in Su Peng, Ma Fei and Xie Miaomiao's mind.

Chen Heyu listened carefully and prepared to take this opportunity to gain a close understanding of the operating conditions of Gigafactory No. 4, including production planning, production efficiency, quality control, human resources management and life adaptability.

When fully staffed, Gigafactory 63 will have a total of jobs and is currently at % progress.

Compared with China, Chad's material conditions and entertainment facilities are obviously far behind. Most employees can only stay in the industrial area or hang out in nearby commercial streets during their three-day holiday per week.

The few cinemas, KTVs and basketball courts are crowded with people every weekend.

"There are indeed omissions in this area. Your suggestions are very good. I will go back and collect the daily preferences of the employees. I will send people to mark out an area in the northwest of the industrial zone and build a leisure square."

Chen Heyu thought for a while and replied solemnly.

Song Yang was relieved and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Somehow, with the boss's encouragement, he actually got excited and mentioned a few key drawbacks.

Fortunately, the big boss didn't seem to care and actually fully agreed.

"The city is a little bit behind, but it's better because it's diligent enough."

Chen Heyu looked at Song Yang and made a comment to him in his heart.

However, in his eyes, the so-called high emotional intelligence is nothing more than being glib and flattering, nothing more than doing one thing in front of others and doing another behind the scenes, nothing more than being a smooth talker who talks to others and tells ghosts.

He does not deny that in interpersonal interactions, sophisticated routines are easier to win people's hearts.

But do the leaders of the Gigafactory need this?

The answer is self-evident!

Whether it is optimizing production speed, output and yield, or strengthening personnel management, the core element is to treat employees as human beings, understand and respect their needs.

In this regard, Song Yang's immaturity seems to be extremely precious.

When he visited the Gigafactory yesterday, the receptionist selected by Lin Zhenghui was not mentioned from beginning to end.

"Good boss."

Song Yang nodded repeatedly and smiled with satisfaction.

"Remember! It's the needs of the employees, not the needs of the managers."

Chen Heyu specially emphasized it.

There is a big difference here. One represents 99% of the employees' wishes and preferences, and the other represents 1% of the management's will.

"Mr. Chen, please rest assured, I understand how to do it! Because I myself have come through P1 step by step."

Song Yang immediately stopped smiling and patted his chest in assurance.

"That's good! Since today is Friday, let's talk less about work and more about food and scenery."

Chen Heyu waved his hand, signaling Song Yang to shut up, and then took the initiative to change the topic.

"Instead of cooking skills, Chad has to practice for decades. Except for some barbecue and salads, the other meals are nothing special. Just look at how popular Lao Zhou's food stall business is."

Song Yang said half-jokingly.

In fact, Gigafactory No. 4 has brought many master chefs from China with excellent cooking skills, but there will always be times when they get tired of the food, or they want to change their taste.

Zhou Kuiyi's Jianghu cuisine is heavy on oil and spicy, which may not be considered healthy, but in terms of taste, it is absolutely top-notch!

Chen Heyu tried a few bites of crayfish, which were spicy and fragrant. The chicken soup was so oily and fragrant that it was mellow and delicious.     No wonder Song Yang and the others often come here to perform tooth beating ceremonies!

Just as they were eating and chatting, a shrill scream suddenly came from outside the door, followed by a boiling noise.

Some of the guests in the room stuck their heads out and looked out curiously.

Chen Heyu frowned lightly, beckoned, and told Ding Mo to go out and check.


"Call an ambulance!"

"Brother, hold on! The flying bus from Shanhai Hospital is here. It only takes five minutes!"

"Catch him! Don't let this grandson escape!"

Before Ding Mo returned, he heard the noise on the street getting more intense, mixed with roars and curses.

There is Chinese, there is Gaulish, and there is Arabic!


Intermittent wails floated into Chen Heyu's ears!

His hearing was far beyond that of ordinary people, and he couldn't help but feel angry. The place where they were, located in the center of Effit Commercial Street, actually had someone dare to commit murder on the street.

Who gave him the courage?

"I gonna go see."

Chen Heyu stood up suddenly, without saying a word, walked straight out the door.

"Young man, don't go and join in the fun, you might hurt yourself."

Zhou Kuiyi stood behind the bar, watching the excitement, and kindly reminded Chen Heyu.

Chen Heyu smiled and didn't take it seriously, and then with a little force, he pushed aside the crowds on the three floors inside and outside.

Until he saw a pool of blood on the street, a Chinese man holding his belly, and a dark-skinned gray man holding a sharp knife, he immediately said in a concentrated voice: "Capture him!"

Alita crossed the crowd and turned a blind eye to a 60 to 70 centimeter tapered dagger. She quickly stretched out a slender white hand and squeezed the gray man's wrist.

The explosive force made the opponent's wrist bones creak, almost to the point of breaking.


The gray man felt pain and subconsciously let go of the dagger.

A ‘bang’ sound!

The sharp dagger fell to the ground and opened a coin-sized gap in the cement floor.

“Buzz buzz—!”


In the sky not far away, there were three small black spots coming quickly from far to near. After a while, the whole picture could be seen clearly. They turned out to be three "Sentinel" combat robots responsible for patrolling.

"Why kill people?"

Chen Heyu asked in a deep voice.

The Chinese businessmen, berry vendors, and local natives who gathered aside looked at it with complicated expressions. The ‘Sentinel’ inspector was right in front of them, and no one dared to move rashly.

"Go to hell! You damn liars!"

The gray man endured the huge pain and kicked Alita, cursing in his mouth.


Chen Heyu squinted his eyes and felt that the matter was not simple. He originally thought that the Chinese had occupied the living space of the locals, which would lead to extreme revenge.

Alita didn't tolerate him, so she suddenly used strength and simply removed one of his arms. A slender calf pressed heavily on the gray man's back, trampling him under her feet like stepping on an ant.

People around her couldn't help but gasp. From Alita's appearance, it was not difficult to guess that she was also a 'Sentinel' combat robot.

In Fort Rami, the person who can drive the 'Sentinel' is most likely someone they can't afford to offend.

"Why kill people?"

Chen Heyu asked again in Arabic.

It only takes a few hours for him to master a complex foreign language. The Northern Gray area where Chad is located is mostly from Arab countries. In order to better manage this area, he took the time to learn Arabic. .

The gray man lying on the ground was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that the proud Chinese could speak fluent Abraic.

After all, Chad is a country where the Chinese are in power, and even though the local Grays make up the majority of the population, they are still not taken seriously.

The Chinese have high status, high wages, and wide connections. They usually provoke the Chinese, and 99% of the people who suffer are the indigenous people.

And Queen Yasmini never favors her people.

As a result, Chinese workers and Chinese businessmen in Lamiburg basically choose to use Moss Air glasses when communicating with others.

As for learning the Abraic language?

is it necessary?

"Is it useful to say so? Even the queen will not pity her subjects. You are a Chinese and will only help your compatriots."

The gray man lowered his head and murmured with a heart filled with despair.

Chen Heyu didn't bother to waste any more words and asked Alita to take the person to the nearby inspection department. The Chinese businessman who fell to the ground after being injured also got on a rice Air Bus and flew to the nearest Shanhai Hospital. .

Looking at the back of Chen Heyu leaving in the Rice Air Car, Zhou Kuiyi finally realized that half of his fellow countryman turned out to be a big shot.

"Manager Song, who is that person?"

Zhou Kuiyi approached Song Yang and asked in a low voice.

"You didn't recognize it?"

Song Yang snorted and asked jokingly.

In normal times, Lao Zhou always likes to talk about the big boss, bragging that his daughter is excellent in studies and will definitely work in Shanhai Group in the future.

Now that the real person was close at hand, he failed to remember it.

"It looks familiar."

Zhou Kuiyi smashed his mouth and said casually.

"My boss."

Song Yang answered concisely.

"Your boss? I...I...I'll go! Boss Chen from Shanhai?"

Zhou Kuiyi slapped his thigh fiercely and asked with great regret.

Song Yang nodded and said no more.

"I'm going to choke you! If I had known that I wanted to take a group photo and put it in the store, it would be no more useful than Mr. Guan."

Zhou Kuiyi clutched his chest, wishing he could turn back time.


"Unpaid wages? What the hell?"

Half an hour later, Chen Heyu figured out the whole story and couldn't help but cursed secretly.

To put it simply, the gray man who stabbed the boss was named Amar. He was a resident of the suburbs of Lamiburg. He worked in a Chinese restaurant opened by Chinese businessman Wang Xide. It was said that he was also skilled in the skill of cooking with a spoon.

Wang Xide promised to give each of them a salary of 1000 Chinese dollars, but the simple-minded Amar could not outplay the shrewd Wang Xide. After a month of hard work, not only the salary had to be paid later, but also clothing fees, training, Meals and floor wear and tear.

In the end, the salary I got was only a pitiful 480 yuan!

A full half of it was deducted!

As a result, the honest man couldn't bear it anymore and planned to send Wang Xide to see Allah!

In addition to Amar and other Chad employees, some Chinese people who were deceived by Wang Xide also enjoyed a "salary reduction" treatment, and he had to deduct 30% of their salary income under various pretexts.

“Doesn’t the Employees’ Act promulgated by Yasmini apply to Fort Rami?”

Chen Heyu asked in a cold voice.

A white man on the opposite side nodded and bowed cautiously. He was the director of the adjustment room of the Labor Department of Fort Lamy. He looked embarrassed at this time and slowly explained:

"The local people in Chad are not very well educated, so when encountering such a problem, they often choose to solve it themselves..."

Chen Heyu was completely amused by him. No matter what the reason was, the main responsibility of the adjustment room was to ease labor disputes. If he just let it go, what was the purpose of hiring people?

The remaining senior officials of Lami Fort looked at Chen Heyu in silence, not knowing how to deal with it.

As Chad's superiors, they knew very well who was the talker in the Northern Gray area.

If they support Wang Xide's approach, it will undoubtedly be a slap in the face of Queen Yasmini; if they agree with Amal, they don't have the courage. After all, the Chinese in Chad are born with privileges.

Everyone is waiting, they need to find out Chen Heyu's true intentions! (End of chapter)

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