Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 535 Want to invest again? Imprisoned for 3 days and fined 635 million Chinese dollars!


The literacy rate is only 31.2%!

In other words, seven out of ten people cannot read at all!

In the past ten years, 99% of people in the country have never attended college!

In Shanghai, which has a similar population, the number of junior high schools and high schools has increased by more than five times, and the number of universities has increased by twenty times.

Although under the promotion of Shanhai Group, the central and southern regions have begun investment and construction work in colleges and universities, if they want to see initial results, they must wait until the first batch of Shanhai college students graduate and enter the society.

What's more, there are only a handful of local legal practitioners. It is tantamount to a daydream to expect a group of illiterate people to understand the "Employees Act" and learn to use reasonable means to collect wages.

Scammers like Wang Xide are by no means an exception. Maybe most of the silent ones are just not on the verge of breaking out yet.

Once the employee's tolerance limit is exceeded, the outcome will be death or injury!

Chen Heyu sat on the main seat and took in everyone's expressions, so he shook his head and thought to himself: "It seems that Yasmini and Zhang Zhang failed to understand my intention. Although Chad is Chinese, but the "Employee Law" It’s not just a piece of paper!”

"Scott, as the director of the adjustment room of the Department of Labor, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

After pondering for a moment, he asked softly to a middle-aged man not far away.

Scotus was originally a native of South Gray, but because white people were not welcomed in South Gray, even though he was proficient in four foreign languages ​​and professional knowledge of case law, he still could not find a decent job.

Finally, he simply left and came to Lami Castle.

And successfully joined the overseas business department of Shanhai Group. After Yasmini 'defeated' Abdulka's rebellion, she immediately transformed and became a powerful director of the Labor Department.

Facing the big boss's question, Scotus frowned instantly.

If the provisions of the "Employees Law" were completely followed, Wang Xide would not only not be able to receive compensation, but would also have to pay Amar a huge amount of liquidated damages, and the Labor Department would also recover 10-20 times the illegal income.

Regarding Amal’s punishment, it is relatively simple, intentionally hurting someone, starting with half a year!

"Since Mr. Chen chose to ask me first and mentioned the Employees' Law many times, it shows that he will never trample on the authority of the Employees' Law for the sake of an ordinary Chinese profiteer."

When Scotus thought of this, his eyebrows suddenly relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at Ockham next to him, feeling even more confident.

The big boss directly skipped the person in charge of the Law and Security Department, his intention was extremely obvious!

Today’s attack must be characterized as a labor dispute, not a conflict between indigenous people and Chinese businessmen.

"Mr. Chen, I think the rules and regulations of the Employees' Law should be implemented. Wang Xide's business entity is in Fort Rami. In addition to squeezing the employees of Chad Land, it also greatly harmed the interests of Chinese employees."

Scotus elaborated seriously.

As soon as his words came to light, they immediately aroused heated discussions. Everyone in the meeting looked at him sideways. On the one hand, they were surprised by his recklessness, but on the other hand, they felt that there was a deep meaning in his words.

Because in their eyes, any normal person would not express his true opinion clearly in advance. At least he would have to understand Mr. Chen's thoughts before he could express his true opinion.

Although Wang Xide is a profiteer, he is also a Chinese.

If the big boss favors the Chinese, Scotus will definitely be punished!

"Where are the others? What do they think?"

Chen Heyu nodded slightly, his expression as usual, and his plain facial expression was unpredictable.

A group of people looked at each other and remained silent, for fear of answering the wrong question and annoying Mr. Chen.

Chen Heyu sneered and cursed secretly: "What a stick of old fritters!"

"Mr. Chen, from the perspective of the Department of Law and Security, Amar hurt people on the street. If he is not severely punished, it will definitely affect the core strategy of attracting investment. I recommend that he be sentenced to three years in prison with the maximum sentence."

Occam's face was tense as he spoke word by word.


Whispers exploded, and the senior officials of Rami Castle looked at Occam with complicated expressions.

I never expected that, as the general manager of the Fa'an Division, Occam's attitude would be so firm.

"Oh? What about Wang Xide?"

Chen Heyu smiled faintly and continued to ask.

He had no objection to Amar's treatment. Regardless of the reason, it was an indisputable fact that the other party injured someone with a knife. While sending Wang Xide to the emergency room, he was also challenging the credibility of the management.

"According to the law!"

Occam replied sonorously and forcefully that he was the top person in charge of the Faance Department and could not escape. It was better to follow his own heart and tell the truth.

When Chen Heyu heard this, his eyes showed approval, and he immediately nodded and said: "Then this matter will be handled by you and Scotus. Remember what you just said."

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

The joy in Occam's eyes flashed. Who doesn't like to live in a country where laws and rules are enforced?

If Chen Heyu takes the lead in destroying the "Employees Law", he will definitely resign!

A Chad that defeated the Cotton Country and the Hebrew Kingdom might be strong for decades, but a law-abiding and orderly Chad was destined to last for hundreds of years.

Chen Heyu smiled, said no more, and then, accompanied by Alita and Ding Mo, got into a rice Air Car and flew towards the royal city.

Ten minutes later, the flying car slowly descended.

"I'll give you two days off. By the way, help me see the actual situation in Lami Fort, and focus on the relationship between the Chinese and the indigenous people."

Chen Heyu turned around and ordered Ding Mo.

"Thank you, boss. You're welcome. I just want to visit Effit Commercial Street again and help my wife buy some specialties."

Ding Mo chuckled and agreed readily.


Chen Heyu curled his lips with a look of disdain on his face. He was a good-looking man from Yancheng, but he was cultivated by Fang Ying into a warm man from Shanghai. He never forgot to talk about his wife when he went out.

After saying that, he walked forward on his own.

Alita followed closely behind, followed by dozens of ‘Sentinel’ combat robots, distributed in a fan shape within a radius of one hundred meters, responsible for warning and security.

The afterglow before dusk shines on the arc-shaped dome. The golden light and feathery clouds merge together, making it look extremely gorgeous.

The royal city in front of you was bathed in an extremely dazzling light, exuding a sparkling brilliance.

There is a clear "creak" sound!

Chen Heyu opened the door, and a sweet fragrance hit his nostrils. He saw Yasmini sitting obediently by the bed, looking like she was ready to take whatever you wanted, with a hint of eagerness and expectation in her blue eyes.

She was wearing a loose V-neck skirt with delicate and gorgeous makeup. She was obviously dressed up carefully. She did not wear a headscarf or gauze, and her big pineapple curly hair hung freely on her shoulders.

The lips are moist and translucent, pink and weak, like a popping jelly.

A dazzling diamond earring hangs on the earlobe as white as jade.

"Want to buy shares again today?"

Chen Heyu joked with a smile, walked up to Yasmine in a few steps, and looked at her condescendingly.

"is it not OK?"

Yasmini blinked her beautiful big eyes, leaned down and said softly.

She was only in her early twenties, and with her mixed-race advantage, she was incredibly mature, like a juicy Yangshan peach.

Her skin is white and delicate, and her eyebrows are thick and slender. When she smiles, she raises her eyebrows, giving her a hint of youthfulness and liveliness.

"Did you hear what happened during the day?"

Chen Heyu opened his mouth, let out a long breath, and asked casually.

"Know something."

Yasmine bit her lip and replied ambiguously.

"The reason why Chinese businessmen like Wang Xide dare to be so arrogant in Lami Fort is because of your deliberate connivance?"

Chen Heyu asked lightly.

When Yasmini saw this, she couldn't help but panic, and quickly explained: "Chad is the property of Shanhai Group and your private property. I dare not offend the Chinese businessman."

As he spoke, tears instantly fell from his eyes, with a hint of panic.

"The Employees' Law has its own value, and it is not meant to frustrate any interested party. Remember! I don't want to see anything like this again."

"Chinese businessmen have their own corresponding policies to support them, but they must also abide by Chad's laws and regulations. Do you understand?"

Chen Heyu explained in a deep voice.

"I...I see."

Yasmine raised her sleeves, wiped away a few tears, and then smiled, her small cherry-like mouth squirming slightly, like two petals in the cold wind, both charming and charming, yet pitiful.

"Mr. Chen, we can take a shower first, dinner will have to wait for a while." Yasmine, who had recovered, smiled and continued the investment process.

His little hands groped around Chen Heyu's waist and abdomen, feeling soft and warm.


at the same time.

Located on the edge of the oasis in the southeastern outskirts of Lamiburg, stands a huge Shanhai Hospital.

Wang Xide's lips turned white and he lay sickly on the hospital bed.

He cursed angrily with a dirty mouth: "You bitch! Don't even look at who Chad belongs to! If you dare to touch a Chinese businessman in Lami Fort, I won't compensate him for eight lives."

The doctor made it very clear that if the incision hadn't been relatively straight and hadn't damaged the important spleen and major blood vessels, he would probably have confessed on the spot.

"Speak less and rest more. The doctor said you shouldn't get angry."

Wang Xide's wife kindly advised.

"You're a fool! Let me tell you, I'm still too good to them. I've given them job opportunities, but they still dare to ask me for wages? Don't they need to pay for clothing, training and working meals?"

Wang Xide was so angry that his liver hurt and he cursed loudly.

In his opinion, Chad's previous monthly income was only 40-50 US dollars. He was willing to offer a high salary of 1000 Chinese dollars. What's wrong with deducting some money?

It’s a matter of course!

Just as Wang Xide was cursing intermittently, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, approaching from far away, getting closer and closer.


The door was opened from the outside, and a well-dressed Chinese man in a suit and leather shoes walked in.

There were several tall staff members behind him.

"Are you Wang Xide?"

Shang Jianian asked coldly.

He is the head of the inspection department of Fort Rami. Originally, there was no need for him to take part in such a small case.

Who let the big boss also be involved?

Mr. Chen is waiting for them to get the results and submit the report. Of course, he has to cut through the mess quickly and get things done beautifully as soon as possible in order to be able to deliver the job.

"I am, who are you?"

Wang Xide was originally a local ruffian, with an air of generosity in him. He looked askance at Shang Jianian and asked rudely.

"Inspection Department, Shang Jianian."

Shang Jianian introduced it concisely and comprehensively.

"Oh, it turns out to be Director Shang. You came just in time. You must severely punish natives like Amar who attack Chinese businessmen. Otherwise, how can we do business with peace of mind?"

"You know, without us Chinese, they wouldn't even be able to have a full meal?"

After Wang Xide learned Shang Jianian's identity, he immediately changed his face and complained with a bitter face.

Although he had not read for a few years, his mind was very active. When he spoke, he inadvertently brought Shang Jianian to the same front.

We are all Chinese, so of course we should help each other!

As for the grays in Chad, who cares whether they live or die?

"He really deserves severe punishment! Take him away!"

Shang Jianian sneered and waved back.

Two 'Sentinel' bionic robots, one on the left and one on the right, lifted Wang Xide up and were about to drag him out of the room.

"Ah?! What are you going to do?"

Wang Xide's wife reacted and blocked the door to prevent him from leaving, cursing filthy words.

"Director Shang, did you make a mistake? Why did you come to arrest me instead of arresting Amar?"

Wang Xide felt bursts of tearing pain from the incision on his belly. He tried to struggle and resist, but under the huge force of the 'sentinel', he was still held in someone's hand like a little chicken.

"Look clearly! Does the information on the arrest warrant include your name?"

Shang Jianian unhurriedly took out a document and placed it in front of the other party.

"...Wang Xide, illegally deducted employees' wages and added charges without permission... was sentenced to 63.5 days in prison and fined a total of Chinese dollars..."

Thirty days in jail?

63.5 million Chinese dollars?

Wang Xide stared at the arrest warrant with a look of disbelief on his face.


"What? We are going to be fined more than 600,000 yuan! Why don't you go and rob us!"

Wang Xide's wife was a woman in her forties, dressed in heavy makeup, like a wild cat that had been stepped on, staring at Shang Jianian hatefully.

"Step aside!"

"I won't let you! Let my husband go!"

The woman straightened her waist and planned to act like a rogue. As long as Shang Jianian dared to take a step forward, she would yell at him that he was acting like a rogue.

It's not that the whole family doesn't belong to the same family, she and Wang Xide are both very quarrelsome characters.

What happened to the inspector?

If you don’t want to cause trouble, you have to let him go!

"Take her with you."

Shang Jianian didn't tolerate him, so he greeted her nonchalantly, and without waiting for her to call out, a 'Sentinel' bionic robot took out handcuffs and fastened her tightly, and sealed her mouth with a piece of tape.


The woman's eyes widened and she made an indistinct whine.

Even though I couldn't hear clearly, I knew that the scolding must be very dirty!

the other side.

The news of Wang Xide's arrest quickly spread throughout the Chinese business community in Lamiburg, including the Chinese Business Association.

"President Wan, you and Mr. Chen can talk to each other. Why don't you ask for a favor and release Wang Xide first?"

A middle-aged man with a wide face and short eyebrows said with a smile on his face.

"Boss Sun, take less money that you shouldn't take! This is Mr. Chen's intention, do you understand?"

Wan Liangpeng picked up the tea bowl, took a sip, and said calmly.

He knew that the other party had received 500,000 yuan in cash from the Wang family, so he worked actively and prepared to fish the person out.

As everyone knows, this is Mr. Chen’s instruction. Who dares to nod and let him go?

"Thank you, President Wan, I understand. Hey, isn't Mr. Chen afraid of chilling the hearts of us Chinese businessmen?"

Boss Sun looked embarrassed and felt that the five hundred thousand was not easy to make.

"It's quite interesting when two idiots get together."

Wan Liangpeng responded perfunctorily, while taunting him ruthlessly in his heart.

You don’t want to pay a fine of more than 600,000 yuan, but you are willing to pay 500,000 yuan to get people. What kind of thinking is this?

The Chinese employees were refreshed when they learned the results!

The boss owed wages and deducted money at will. Naturally, the Department of Law and Security and the Department of Labor came to support them. They not only compensated three times the salary, but also imposed a fine of 20 times the maximum amount on the unscrupulous boss.

All of a sudden, the factory bosses and shopping mall owners in Fort Rami began to conduct self-examinations, fearing that they would be caught by the Department of Labor.

For example, if a Chinese employee's salary is 8000 Chinese dollars, as long as the boss is found to have maliciously deducted the payment, even if the deduction is only 300 yuan, the boss will be punished with triple compensation, that is, 24000 Chinese dollars in compensation.

Yes, you heard that right!

It is calculated directly based on the monthly salary, not the profit part!

The rights and interests of low-level employees have been protected, and the boss's violation costs have increased dozens of times in an instant, greatly improving Chad's job market environment.


Southeast Asia, Maliba, thousands of miles away.

"Yin Zhen, a dog-like person, you have caused great harm to labor and capital!"

Liu Jiaxiang hid behind the bunker and cursed darkly.

He and Yin Zhen moved most of the electronic fraud personnel to Siam, hoping to wait until the storm had passed before restarting their business.

Who would have thought that Shanhai Group didn't even give them a chance to explain, and directly dispatched a team of 'Sentinel' robots, which first wiped out the armed organization in Maliba, and then wiped out the Yin family.

Since the Liu family's manor was built on the mountainside, with endless tropical rainforest behind it, he immediately led people into the depths of the forest after he sensed something was wrong.

Taking advantage of the terrain, he barely escaped the first round of pursuit. (End of chapter)

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