Chapter 117 Special treatment!

The winding and narrow mountain roads and the mountain roads leading to Maxi Village are all small roads that come out of the mountains, and there are even some road sections that do not exist at all. Climbing mountains and wading is the basic operation.

The mountain road is very narrow and difficult to pass through. If the fleeing gangsters have the courage, they only need to separate out one or two people to guard the pass up the mountain. They don't need any sophisticated weapons. A clay musket can seal the pass.The huge spread of muskets, the narrow and difficult mountain pass, no matter how you think about it, it is hell.

It's a pity that the gangsters who fled in a panic have lost their courage. The main suspects of the Ma family group have been brought under control, and a few gangsters can't make much trouble.But what Lu Nan was afraid of was that they would choose to kill the net and instigate the people in the village to resist with guns. These desperadoes would choose to do so.

The Ma family has been entrenched in this place for many years. In the Kh businessman kidnapping case that caused a sensation all over the country, the gangsters got their weapons from the Ma family.

Panting, he climbed up with his waist supported, and grabbed the shrubs growing on the edge of the cliff. The roots of the shrubs were held bare by people, and it was obvious that people often used them to climb up.Climbing up the steep slope, Lu Nan picked up the mineral water bottle in the grass. The common people here can't afford mineral water, and there are still water stains on the ground.

When he saw the bloody shirt discarded in the grass, Lu Nan took out the pistol from his holster and loaded it lightly.

"Attention, we have caught up with them."

Geng Jihui also climbed up the steep slope: "Everyone is alert, search and move forward."

Everyone took off their weapons in unison, one person was responsible for observing a position, and the search formation slowly moved forward.

If someone on the other side is injured, they must not be able to run very far.

Every corner of the jungle path made Lu Nan tremble with fear, and no one knew what would happen after the detour.The hot and humid climate made the camouflage combat uniform completely soaked and uncomfortable to cling to the body, which is good news.

Someone on the opposite side was injured. In this case, if there is no timely treatment, it only takes a few hours for the body to develop high fever and fever symptoms.Having been active in the jungle for a long time, everyone in Lone Wolf Group B is full of fear of nature and knows the power of the jungle.

Lu Nan licked his chapped lips. The hot and humid environment made his body evaporate and exhausted, and the sweat fell across his cheeks like rain.Salty sweat flowed into his lips, Lu Nan stuck out his tongue and licked it, and wiped his face against his collar.

The footsteps were very light, and voices could already be heard not far away.

Lu Nan raised his hand, and everyone behind him looked forward.Hearing the sound was not far away, everyone in the Lone Wolf Group B did not speak, and they were extremely careful even taking a step forward, for fear of stepping on a branch that could make a sound.

Geng Jihui patted Lu Nan on the shoulder lightly, and then expressed information to everyone with hand gestures.

Silent combat, the behavior that has been engraved in the bone.

Lu Nan took out a shock bomb from his tactical rucksack, leaned against the corner of the cliff to secretly observe the situation on the opposite side, took a look, turned his head quickly, and stretched out four fingers.Lao Pao and Xiao Zhuang pulled the bolts to get ready, Lu Nan pulled out the latch of the shock bomb, waited for two seconds and threw it towards the detour.

'Bam—! '

Lao Pao lay on his side and leaned out, Xiao Zhuang leaned out in a half-squat, and the bullet casings were scattered on the ground.

'Boom! '

'Bang bang bang! '

After the short gunshots ended, Lu Nan rushed out with a pistol, walked to the corpse and shot again.One eyebrow, one heart.

Among the corpses, Lu Nan found a dying criminal.

At this time, Shabao was covering the wound on his abdomen, leaning against the grass by the side of the road, stroking behind with one hand.

'clatter! '

Lu Nan shot him in the shoulder, and Geng Jihui and the health worker came behind him.

"Don't move!"

"Army Special Forces, don't move!"

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at Sha Bao. Lao Pao was searching the body, and found a loaded pistol from Sha Bao's back waist with three bullets in it.The hygienist quickly took off the medical kit to stop the bleeding and give him humane treatment.

Silly Leopard lay in the grass and laughed to himself: "Liar, liar! Aren't you dead?"

Lu Nan didn't want to answer this question anymore: "It's just a suspended animation, the purpose is to send out the obtained information."

"The master and the third young master are finished?"

"Shot dead."

Silly Leopard suddenly opened the hands of the hygienist, letting the blood drip from his abdomen.

"Stop him, don't let him harm himself!" Geng Jihui shouted.

Xiao Zhuang and Lao Pao pressed his shoulders, and the hygienist skillfully disinfected and sterilized his wound to stop the bleeding. After Sha Bao struggled, the blood that had just stopped flowed out again, and the wound burst open again.

"Don't save me, kill me! Do you know what I did?"

Silly Leopard yelled frantically: "I don't want to live, kill me, please kill me! Anan knows what I did, you wanted to kill me from the beginning, now I give you this chance, kill me! I."

Lu Nan knelt down and pressed the insurance: "What's the situation in Maxi Village? If you tell us now, you can get a leniency. We will apply to keep you confidential and won't let you be judged publicly. If you don't want to save face, we will Can give."


"Yes, keep your dignity as a quack."


"If you don't like it, then there is only a public trial. The Ma family is completely ruined. Everyone in the house is dead. You have no hope."

Shabao smiled and then burst into tears: "Uncle Mi's house has more than 1000 kilograms, and there are more than a dozen brothers guarding it. They have guns. You know what weapons they are. Their house is on the east side of the stockade, and the goods are stored in his granary. "

"Who is Uncle Mi?" Lu Nan asked.

"I'm done talking about the old man you used to eat at."

After finishing speaking, Sha Bao resigned to his fate and closed his eyes.

Lu Nan knew that he was not stupid. He was called a stupid leopard just because he knew how to hide himself. If he was too smart, he would be feared by Ma Yunfei, so he pretended to be stupid, so that he could be reused and get more benefits.

After getting the information, Lu Nan raised his head and looked at Geng Jihui, who was completely stunned. What is the concept of more than 1000 kilograms? When things are piled up, a hut can be built. Its value is about [-] million yuan, and the KPI of the brother unit next door is one year.

Geng Jihui was stunned, and he didn't react until Lao Pao pushed it.

"Qiangzi prepares the radio station and sends a report to the Joint Command to apply for support, the sooner the better. Report to the wolf head and let them quickly support."

Qiangzi took out the radio: "I'll prepare right away."

Everyone began to be vigilant, waiting for the arrival of the large army.The ghost knows that there are so many, if you go there rashly, those unscrupulous guys don't know what will happen. Faced with so many things, anyone who sees them wants to keep them for himself. After the Ma family is destroyed.

The closer to the critical moment, the more cautious everyone will be, and who can be careless when it comes to the door.

Sitting in front of Sha Bao, Lu Nan took out his water bottle and unscrewed it to feed him water, and then took out compressed dry food and crushed it to feed him.If Shabao asked to smoke now, Lu Nan would light one for him, wishing he could talk more.

Geng Jihui on the side saw it and didn't say anything, even Lao Pao took out half a pack of crumpled Hongtashan from his rucksack, Lu Nan took it, lit it and smoked a couple of mouthfuls, and then sent it to Sha Bao's mouth.

Smoking, the smoke rose and dissipated, and the ash fell on Shabao's chest, while he closed his eyes and enjoyed the preferential treatment.

"I never thought that Hongtashan could be so easy to smoke. I always smoke the big nine."

Lu Nan said: "We don't have as much money as you. Hongta Mountain is a good thing. You have to smoke secretly, or you will be caught and have to wash the toilet for a week."

"Hey." Silly Leopard asked curiously: "How much do you pay a month, is it worth fighting like this?"

"The conscripts' allowance is 80 yuan, plus various subsidies, there can be [-] yuan."

"Hahaha, seven or eighty yuan, I can blow a pack of cigarettes and it will be gone."

(End of this chapter)

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